IAM1534 – Author and Coach Helps Agents and Salespeople to be Productive and Successful in the Business
Podcast Interview with Dan Rochon
Dan Rochon is the Head Coach and Visionary at Greetings Virginia Sales Network. He is also the author of Real Estate Evolution: The Ten Step Guide to CPI for Real Estate Agents and host of The CPI Community Podcast. Having seen hundreds of agents fail in this business, Dan is passionate about helping people stay in business and thrive in it.
- CEO Story: Dan started as a Real estate agent helping people solve their problems and achieve their goals. Fortunate enough to have the amount of success from the start, and have the opportunity to be the operating principal of Keller Williams Realty. Now helping agents to be the most productive and succeed in the business. Author of Real State Evolution, which is currently revised for salespeople, businessmen, and entrepreneurs.
- Business Service: Consistent predictable income, virtual assistant company, real state business.
- Secret Sauce: Find your God-given talent. Finding where you excel at.
- CEO Hack: Vacation time, exercise, and spiritual time – scheduled first. 11-step business activities go as the second priority. For more productivity, use Virtual Assistants.
- CEO Nugget: To be able to define what you are doing. What's important to you about that? Repeat the same dialogue until you get the answer.
- CEO Defined: Responsible for finding the right people to achieve a collected goal together and holding those people responsible for the outcome
Website: www.nobrokemonths.com
Facebook: dfrochon, TheCPICommunity
Twitter: DanRochon
Instagram: thecpicommunity
youtube: TheCPICommunity
LinkedIn: danrochon
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00:24 – Intro
Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.
00:52 – Gresham Harkless
Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a special guest back on the show today. I have Dan Roshan of Greetings Virginia Sales Network. Dan, it's great to have you on the show.
01:02 – Dan Rochon
Thank you so much, Gresh. Nice to be here.
01:04 – Gresham Harkless:
Yeah, it's always exciting to have you on and talk about all the awesome things that you're doing. And before we jump into that, I'm gonna read a little bit more about Dan so you can hear about some of the awesome things that he's doing. And Dan is the head coach and visionary at Greetings Virginia Sales Network. He's also the author of the Real Estate Evolution, the 10-step guide to CPI for real estate agents, and the host of the CPI Community Podcast. Having seen hundreds of agents fail in business, Dan is passionate about helping people stay in business and thrive while they're in it. Dan, excited to have you back on the show. You've been on episode number 694 and 103. So excited to have you back on the show. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?
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01:42 – Dan Rochon
What number is this Gresh?
01:45 – Gresham Harkless
This gonna be episode number 1534. So, it's been a little while.
01:48 – Dan Rochon
So, Let's do the lottery. Come we go.
01:53 – Gresham Harkless
That's making me happy I wanted to just see what you've been up with, you know, since the last time we've connected and spoke, what kind of things you've been working on. And tell us a little bit more about Dan and all the awesome things you're doing.
02:06 – Dan Rochon
All right, so yeah, so you mentioned the book, Real Estate Evolution. I'm actually in, I'm like about maybe 90% complete with the revision of that book. I wrote that book for real estate agents and we'll be producing it for salespeople, entrepreneurs, business owners, and it will be published, you know, right now it's mid-September when we're recording this in 2022. It'll probably be out before the end of 2022.
And that's the project I'm really, really passionate about because I know that, you know, entrepreneurs, salespeople, business owners, I know that it could be a lonely community sometimes. And, you know, and also know that that that fear of having a broke month is something that can really press on us. And so we're going to be publishing the book called No Broke Months, which is the revision of real estate evolution. I will be coming out soon.
02:55 – Gresham Harkless
Nice. Very exciting. The course of catching name. Who doesn't, it doesn't love any broke months. And I think we're going to talk a little bit more about some of those secrets that you have like later on in the book. So we can kind of get a sneak peek of what Dan's going to publish later on this year.
03:09 – Dan Rochon
All right. Sounds good.
03:10 – Gresham Harkless
That was good. Okay. Perfect. So I know you're doing a lot of phenomenal things. You're you're I call myself, I don't know. I don't want to be, hopefully, you don't take this by the offense. I call myself a busybody, so I'm doing so many things. I think you're very much the same like-minded person where you have so many different things that you're doing or you're making an impact in so many different ways. So could you take us through a little bit more about, you know, some of the things that you're doing, how you're making that impact, what that looks like.
03:34 – Dan Rochon
Oh, goodness. I'd be pleased to. So we have a couple of different companies today. And for me, I've been a business owner since 2007. And when I started, I struggled. It took me about maybe, it didn't take me a lot of time to figure it out, but the first 6 months I was stuck and won. And so, I remember, so as a real estate agent, that's how I got into business. I had my first closing in April 2008, and that was 6 months after getting my license. And then I was able to buy the brokerage that I worked for about 12 months after that point, and then did a lot of things. So today, what we've got going on is a lot of ways to be able to help entrepreneurs specifically.
And what I've learned through my times in business is that it takes, you know, a couple of key components to be able to thrive, 1 of which is finding business. And then after you find the business, it's about building an organization around that business. And then it's about leadership. So it's really the building the organization around that business is, I think, where I sort of sucked wind at for a while. But today, because I've been able to attract some really phenomenal people in my world, we're able to provide different services for business owners such as our consistent predictable income virtual assistant company.
We also do a CPI and we sell it, we call it consistent predictable income, we call it CPI for short. We also have the CPI commission in advance. So for real estate agents who have a broke month, but they got something under contract, we would loan them the money in certain circumstances so that they can keep that flow working really well. We've got the CPI CRM, and then I've got the no-broke months coaching, which we do in the consistent predictable income community. And then I got my real estate sales business as well. So I think that's like 4 or 5 businesses.
And what I'm most proud of is the people that were able to help. You know, I mean, I have a passion for being able to show people like with the CPI-VA, for example, to show other people like here's how you can get high-quality people that are trained, that have the leadership, the mentorship, guidance, accountability, and you don't go broke. Like for entrepreneurs. And these are some of the best people on the planet, but we're able to sort of dive into other communities outside of the United States, for example, where the dollar goes so much further. You know, I have 27 virtual assistants that work for me personally right now.
That's not included in the virtual assistants that work for the people who hire us. And my payroll for those 27 people is about 3 and a half people of what I'd have to pay in Northern Virginia for the same quality of people. So it's really, I mean, you could just imagine, like these are world-class talented people and you're able to get it at a fraction of the cost. And that's what I'd like to be able to share with others.
06:32 – Gresham Harkless
But yeah, I absolutely love that. And you said a fraction of the cost, but that's a fraction of the cost here. That's a huge impact to them there, I imagine, right?
06:40 – Dan Rochon
I have people in those other countries who routinely express their gratitude for the employment that I provide to them routinely. Right. So it's a win-win all across the board, but as importantly to that, they truly are, I mean, these are people I've got people that would probably get, make $150, 000 at least in executive roles in, in, in corporate America for, you know, and for a small, small fraction of that, I'm able to employ some of the best in the world.
07:07 – Gresham Harkless
Yeah, that makes so much sense. So let me ask you this, do you feel like, you know, part of what I call your secret sauce, it could be for your businesses or yourself, the thing that sets you apart and makes you unique, do you think part of it is, I feel like you have this ability to be able to see the fra the trees, whether we're this is my core business. Business or that business kind of explain and be ab that letting somebody stu going to prohibit them fr kind of grow, expand to impact. Do you think you to see that?
07:40 – Dan Rochon
Being able to see the force through the trees, I would say that is a unique ability that I have. But that's my natural way of being. That's 1 of my God-given talents. I would say instead of aspiring to do that as a business leader, for those that are watching or listening to this, instead, I would suggest finding your God-given talent. Okay? So because for me to sit there and say, Hey, here's where I excel at. That doesn't mean that you're going to excel at the same thing. All right. And so really it's more of a game of where do I excel? Where's my superpower? Now, where do I suck it? And now instead of, it's sort of like the parent who beats up the kid over the bad grades.
My daughter, who's in the sixth grade today, I celebrate the wins, I celebrate the great grades. Now, with the bad grades, I'll say, okay, well, sweetie, How do you feel about this? What do you want to achieve with this? How can I help you? Right? So it comes from a place of love rather than a place of you suck because you got this grade, this bad grade. Now let's take those great grades and now let's put our energy into those. Okay, so the same sort of thing to answer your question, I'd say for any listener or viewers, like find your superpower, and then let's rock and roll with that. You mentioned I was gonna share with you a framework of how I teach to be able to achieve your goals. And I'd like to share that because that's really sort of the second step.
09:08 – Gresham Harkless
Yeah, I would love that.
09:11 – Dan Rochon
The first one is to be able to define why are you doing what you're doing. Now, I'm not saying this from a perspective of change in the world, though that may be valid for you. I'm saying this from the perspective of being real. I'm a business owner, so I don't have to go drive an Uber. I'm a business owner or a business leader so I can pay my mortgage. I'm a business leader so I can send my kid to private school. And so when I ask people to say, okay, why are you doing whatever it is that what you're doing? Then I asked them the next question, well, tell me what's important to you about that.
And then what's important to you about that? And I encourage them to continue. So if you're listening to this right now, ask yourself, why am I doing what I'm doing in business? What's important to me about that? And continue with that dialogue of what's important to me, or I guess as a monologue in this case, continue with that monologue of what's important to me about that until you get to an answer that sings to your heart. You'll know when you get there. So there are 5 things that I say working on in your business and 5 things I say working on your business.
And then the 11th thing that ties all that together. So the 5 activities in my business are to lead, generate, convert those leads to an appointment, attend the appointments to get hired, negotiate, and practice your subscription role play. That's where we get paid. Everything else, we're not getting paid. Working on my business is to recruit talented people to my business, select the best of those talented people to join me, to lead, to train them so that they can achieve their goals, leads them so that they can think in the way that allows for them to achieve their goals, and motivates them so that they can achieve their goals.
And so now you have 5 in your business, 5 on your business, and then you put a lasso around it, and that lasso is managed the money. Now those are the 11 steps that in my business are the priority. For me, I believe that a business purpose is to serve me, not for me to serve it. And so because of that, I put my vacation time, I put my exercise time, I put my meditation, my church, spiritual, whatever that means to you. That all goes on my schedule first. Then I pull from those 11 things that I just mentioned, that go on my schedule second.
11:32 – Gresham Harkless
Nice, I absolutely love that, especially how that has manifested in the things that you have created. And definitely, how everything kind of, you know, the foundation of those things is, first of all, that hack in terms of learning like what you're good at, the thing that you do, but then 2, I really love that first part of like understanding your why and really how you know that big one that little one how that is kind of like a better term of filter for which everything that you're doing.
So if you're going through those 5 those 11 things and you're saying like am I doing the things that I'm supposed to be doing are in alignment with what I've laid out and have in that framework to support that why? You really have to either re, I guess, evaluate the decisions that you're making or reevaluate what's on that sticky note as well too and say, Okay, well, maybe I need to really understand like this isn't actually truly making Mara sing it, but I feel like it's a really great checks and balances, for one to definitely make sure that you're doing the right things, but also too, as we talked about to make sure you don't have those broken months.
12:30 – Dan Rochon
Yeah, and I invite the viewers and listeners to visit www.nobrokemonths.com if they're interested in learning how to get a CPI virtual assistant and other resources that we have there as well as nobrokemonths.com. But, Gresh, what you're saying is, you know, looking at that sticky note lets me understand for real, am I being authentic with my values? Because if I choose not to do those 11 things, for example, then when I lived in that cramped townhome, is it really important for me to have? And I live in a beautiful, luxurious home today, right? I mean, I'm grateful for that. Like I come from a poor, poor family, right?
So I don't take anything for granted. But I have to say that's important to me. And then I had to be for real that that's important to me because I already know what I'm gonna do and I define it in 11 steps. And again, for viewers and listeners, define your 11 or whatever it may be. Basically these are the lead domino steps. It's sitting there saying, I was coaching a group of real estate agents the other day and they said, well, should we be working on our business or in our business? I said, you got any business? They said, no. I said, then only thing, there's only one thing for you to do, find business.
Until you have a business, there's nothing else for you to do. Okay, like there is one because that's the first domino. And when that domino falls, then the next domino, et cetera. So you can even look at those 5 steps of lead generation as your first domino, what happens next? You convert them to meet with you. What happens next? You get them to hire you. What happens next? You negotiate. And then it's supported by the description role play that I described earlier.
14:13 – Gresham Harkless
Then that makes so much, as I appreciate you showing that, you know, given that ability to see it as dominoes as well too, because if you really think about it, you're not going to be doing any negotiating if you don't have any business or anybody to negotiate with.
14:28 – Dan Rochon
So why am I worried about perfecting negotiation when I don't have a freaking client in the first place? There's only one thing to do.
14:32 – Gresham Harkless
Yeah. Get that client. Exactly. I know. I absolutely love that. So I'm excited about your book going live and you definitely have to have your back on as that goes live. And of course, we're going to have the links and information in the show notes. But I want to ask you now my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And our goal is to have different quote-unquote CEOs on the show. So Dan, what does that mean to you?
14:54 – Dan Rochon
You are responsible for finding the right people to be able to achieve a collective goal together. And then holding those people responsible for the outcomes and then as the CEO taking everything that could possibly be in their way and getting it out of their way for their success.
15:16 – Gresham Harkless:
I love that definition especially because it aligns with what we talked about you know we're related to leadership but Dan again for people that want to get a hold of you get a copy of your your book that's already launched the book that's coming live what's the best way for them to do that and of course if there's anything additional please definitely let us know.
15:34 – Dan Rochon
www.nobrokemonths.com is the best place to find me. That's nobrokemonths.com. Hit me up on social media as well, Dan Rochon. And I promise If you connect with me on social media, I am accessible. And to the best of my ability, I'll get back to you. Maybe not instantaneously, but I promise I'm available to be able to help you in any way that I'm capable of doing so.
15:57 – Gresham Harkless
And we'll definitely again, have the links and information in the show notes. Dan, you have a whole team and an organization and all those things. I love how those 3 legs of the stool, so to speak, have built up into so many different stools and businesses that you have, and continue to look forward to having you on the show again and again and again. So thank you so much, my friend, and I hope you have a phenomenal day.
16:16 – Outro
Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.
00:24 - Intro
Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.
00:52 - Gresham Harkless
Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a special guest back on the show today. I have Dan Roshan of Greetings Virginia Sales Network. Dan, it's great to have you on the show.
01:02 - Dan Rochon
Thank you so much, Gresh. Nice to be here.
01:04 - Gresham Harkless: Yeah, it's always exciting to have you on and talk about all the awesome things that you're doing. And before we jump into that, I'm gonna read a little bit more about Dan so you can hear about some of the awesome things that he's doing. And Dan is the head coach and visionary at Greetings Virginia Sales Network. He's also the author of the Real Estate Evolution, the 10-step guide to CPI for real estate agents, and the host of the CPI Community Podcast. Having seen hundreds of agents fail in business, Dan is passionate about helping people stay in business and thrive while they're in it. Dan, excited to have you back on the show. You've been on episode number 694 and 103. So excited to have you back on the show. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?
01:42 - Dan Rochon
What number is this Gresh?
01:45 - Gresham Harkless
This gonna be episode number 1534. So, it's been a little while.
01:48 - Dan Rochon
So, Let's do the lottery. Come we go.
01:53 - Gresham Harkless
That's making me happy I wanted to just see what you've been up with, you know, since the last time we've connected and spoke, what kind of things you've been working on. And tell us a little bit more about Dan and all the awesome things you're doing.
02:06 - Dan Rochon
All right, so yeah, so you mentioned the book, Real Estate Evolution. I'm actually in, I'm like about maybe 90% complete with the revision of that book. I wrote that book for real estate agents and we'll be producing it for salespeople, entrepreneurs, business owners, and it will be published, you know, right now it's mid-September when we're recording this in 2022. It'll probably be out before the end of 2022.
And that's the project I'm really, really passionate about because I know that, you know, entrepreneurs, salespeople, business owners, I know that it could be a lonely community sometimes. And, you know, and also know that that that fear of having a broke month is something that can really press on us. And so we're going to be publishing the book called No Broke Months, which is the revision of real estate evolution. I will be coming out soon.
02:55 - Gresham Harkless
Nice. Very exciting. The course of catching name. Who doesn't, it doesn't love any broke months. And I think we're going to talk a little bit more about some of those secrets that you have like later on in the book. So we can kind of get a sneak peek of what Dan's going to publish later on this year.
03:09 - Dan Rochon
All right. Sounds good.
03:10 - Gresham Harkless
That was good. Okay. Perfect. So I know you're doing a lot of phenomenal things. You're you're I call myself, I don't know. I don't want to be, hopefully, you don't take this by the offense. I call myself a busybody, so I'm doing so many things. I think you're very much the same like-minded person where you have so many different things that you're doing or you're making an impact in so many different ways. So could you take us through a little bit more about, you know, some of the things that you're doing, how you're making that impact, what that looks like.
03:34 - Dan Rochon
Oh, goodness. I'd be pleased to. So we have a couple of different companies today. And for me, I've been a business owner since 2007. And when I started, I struggled. It took me about maybe, it didn't take me a lot of time to figure it out, but the first 6 months I was stuck and won. And so, I remember, so as a real estate agent, that's how I got into business. I had my first closing in April 2008, and that was 6 months after getting my license. And then I was able to buy the brokerage that I worked for about 12 months after that point, and then did a lot of things. So today, what we've got going on is a lot of ways to be able to help entrepreneurs specifically.
And what I've learned through my times in business is that it takes, you know, a couple of key components to be able to thrive, 1 of which is finding business. And then after you find the business, it's about building an organization around that business. And then it's about leadership. So it's really the building the organization around that business is, I think, where I sort of sucked wind at for a while. But today, because I've been able to attract some really phenomenal people in my world, we're able to provide different services for business owners such as our consistent predictable income virtual assistant company.
We also do a CPI and we sell it, we call it consistent predictable income, we call it CPI for short. We also have the CPI commission in advance. So for real estate agents who have a broke month, but they got something under contract, we would loan them the money in certain circumstances so that they can keep that flow working really well. We've got the CPI CRM, and then I've got the no-broke months coaching, which we do in the consistent predictable income community. And then I got my real estate sales business as well. So I think that's like 4 or 5 businesses.
And what I'm most proud of is the people that were able to help. You know, I mean, I have a passion for being able to show people like with the CPI-VA, for example, to show other people like here's how you can get high-quality people that are trained, that have the leadership, the mentorship, guidance, accountability, and you don't go broke. Like for entrepreneurs. And these are some of the best people on the planet, but we're able to sort of dive into other communities outside of the United States, for example, where the dollar goes so much further. You know, I have 27 virtual assistants that work for me personally right now.
That's not included in the virtual assistants that work for the people who hire us. And my payroll for those 27 people is about 3 and a half people of what I'd have to pay in Northern Virginia for the same quality of people. So it's really, I mean, you could just imagine, like these are world-class talented people and you're able to get it at a fraction of the cost. And that's what I'd like to be able to share with others.
06:32 - Gresham Harkless
But yeah, I absolutely love that. And you said a fraction of the cost, but that's a fraction of the cost here. That's a huge impact to them there, I imagine, right?
06:40 - Dan Rochon
I have people in those other countries who routinely express their gratitude for the employment that I provide to them routinely. Right. So it's a win-win all across the board, but as importantly to that, they truly are, I mean, these are people I've got people that would probably get, make $150, 000 at least in executive roles in, in, in corporate America for, you know, and for a small, small fraction of that, I'm able to employ some of the best in the world.
07:07 - Gresham Harkless
Yeah, that makes so much sense. So let me ask you this, do you feel like, you know, part of what I call your secret sauce, it could be for your businesses or yourself, the thing that sets you apart and makes you unique, do you think part of it is, I feel like you have this ability to be able to see the fra the trees, whether we're this is my core business. Business or that business kind of explain and be ab that letting somebody stu going to prohibit them fr kind of grow, expand to impact. Do you think you to see that?
07:40 - Dan Rochon
Being able to see the force through the trees, I would say that is a unique ability that I have. But that's my natural way of being. That's 1 of my God-given talents. I would say instead of aspiring to do that as a business leader, for those that are watching or listening to this, instead, I would suggest finding your God-given talent. Okay? So because for me to sit there and say, Hey, here's where I excel at. That doesn't mean that you're going to excel at the same thing. All right. And so really it's more of a game of where do I excel? Where's my superpower? Now, where do I suck it? And now instead of, it's sort of like the parent who beats up the kid over the bad grades.
My daughter, who's in the sixth grade today, I celebrate the wins, I celebrate the great grades. Now, with the bad grades, I'll say, okay, well, sweetie, How do you feel about this? What do you want to achieve with this? How can I help you? Right? So it comes from a place of love rather than a place of you suck because you got this grade, this bad grade. Now let's take those great grades and now let's put our energy into those. Okay, so the same sort of thing to answer your question, I'd say for any listener or viewers, like find your superpower, and then let's rock and roll with that. You mentioned I was gonna share with you a framework of how I teach to be able to achieve your goals. And I'd like to share that because that's really sort of the second step.
09:08 - Gresham Harkless
Yeah, I would love that.
09:11 - Dan Rochon
The first one is to be able to define why are you doing what you're doing. Now, I'm not saying this from a perspective of change in the world, though that may be valid for you. I'm saying this from the perspective of being real. I'm a business owner, so I don't have to go drive an Uber. I'm a business owner or a business leader so I can pay my mortgage. I'm a business leader so I can send my kid to private school. And so when I ask people to say, okay, why are you doing whatever it is that what you're doing? Then I asked them the next question, well, tell me what's important to you about that.
And then what's important to you about that? And I encourage them to continue. So if you're listening to this right now, ask yourself, why am I doing what I'm doing in business? What's important to me about that? And continue with that dialogue of what's important to me, or I guess as a monologue in this case, continue with that monologue of what's important to me about that until you get to an answer that sings to your heart. You'll know when you get there. So there are 5 things that I say working on in your business and 5 things I say working on your business.
And then the 11th thing that ties all that together. So the 5 activities in my business are to lead, generate, convert those leads to an appointment, attend the appointments to get hired, negotiate, and practice your subscription role play. That's where we get paid. Everything else, we're not getting paid. Working on my business is to recruit talented people to my business, select the best of those talented people to join me, to lead, to train them so that they can achieve their goals, leads them so that they can think in the way that allows for them to achieve their goals, and motivates them so that they can achieve their goals.
And so now you have 5 in your business, 5 on your business, and then you put a lasso around it, and that lasso is managed the money. Now those are the 11 steps that in my business are the priority. For me, I believe that a business purpose is to serve me, not for me to serve it. And so because of that, I put my vacation time, I put my exercise time, I put my meditation, my church, spiritual, whatever that means to you. That all goes on my schedule first. Then I pull from those 11 things that I just mentioned, that go on my schedule second.
11:32 - Gresham Harkless
Nice, I absolutely love that, especially how that has manifested in the things that you have created. And definitely, how everything kind of, you know, the foundation of those things is, first of all, that hack in terms of learning like what you're good at, the thing that you do, but then 2, I really love that first part of like understanding your why and really how you know that big one that little one how that is kind of like a better term of filter for which everything that you're doing.
So if you're going through those 5 those 11 things and you're saying like am I doing the things that I'm supposed to be doing are in alignment with what I've laid out and have in that framework to support that why? You really have to either re, I guess, evaluate the decisions that you're making or reevaluate what's on that sticky note as well too and say, Okay, well, maybe I need to really understand like this isn't actually truly making Mara sing it, but I feel like it's a really great checks and balances, for one to definitely make sure that you're doing the right things, but also too, as we talked about to make sure you don't have those broken months.
12:30 - Dan Rochon
Yeah, and I invite the viewers and listeners to visit www.nobrokemonths.com if they're interested in learning how to get a CPI virtual assistant and other resources that we have there as well as nobrokemonths.com. But, Gresh, what you're saying is, you know, looking at that sticky note lets me understand for real, am I being authentic with my values? Because if I choose not to do those 11 things, for example, then when I lived in that cramped townhome, is it really important for me to have? And I live in a beautiful, luxurious home today, right? I mean, I'm grateful for that. Like I come from a poor, poor family, right?
So I don't take anything for granted. But I have to say that's important to me. And then I had to be for real that that's important to me because I already know what I'm gonna do and I define it in 11 steps. And again, for viewers and listeners, define your 11 or whatever it may be. Basically these are the lead domino steps. It's sitting there saying, I was coaching a group of real estate agents the other day and they said, well, should we be working on our business or in our business? I said, you got any business? They said, no. I said, then only thing, there's only one thing for you to do, find business.
Until you have a business, there's nothing else for you to do. Okay, like there is one because that's the first domino. And when that domino falls, then the next domino, et cetera. So you can even look at those 5 steps of lead generation as your first domino, what happens next? You convert them to meet with you. What happens next? You get them to hire you. What happens next? You negotiate. And then it's supported by the description role play that I described earlier.
14:13 - Gresham Harkless
Then that makes so much, as I appreciate you showing that, you know, given that ability to see it as dominoes as well too, because if you really think about it, you're not going to be doing any negotiating if you don't have any business or anybody to negotiate with.
14:28 - Dan Rochon
So why am I worried about perfecting negotiation when I don't have a freaking client in the first place? There's only one thing to do.
14:32 - Gresham Harkless
Yeah. Get that client. Exactly. I know. I absolutely love that. So I'm excited about your book going live and you definitely have to have your back on as that goes live. And of course, we're going to have the links and information in the show notes. But I want to ask you now my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And our goal is to have different quote-unquote CEOs on the show. So Dan, what does that mean to you?
14:54 - Dan Rochon
You are responsible for finding the right people to be able to achieve a collective goal together. And then holding those people responsible for the outcomes and then as the CEO taking everything that could possibly be in their way and getting it out of their way for their success.
15:16 - Gresham Harkless: I love that definition especially because it aligns with what we talked about you know we're related to leadership but Dan again for people that want to get a hold of you get a copy of your your book that's already launched the book that's coming live what's the best way for them to do that and of course if there's anything additional please definitely let us know.
15:34 - Dan Rochon
www.nobrokemonths.com is the best place to find me. That's nobrokemonths.com. Hit me up on social media as well, Dan Rochon. And I promise If you connect with me on social media, I am accessible. And to the best of my ability, I'll get back to you. Maybe not instantaneously, but I promise I'm available to be able to help you in any way that I'm capable of doing so.
15:57 - Gresham Harkless
And we'll definitely again, have the links and information in the show notes. Dan, you have a whole team and an organization and all those things. I love how those 3 legs of the stool, so to speak, have built up into so many different stools and businesses that you have, and continue to look forward to having you on the show again and again and again. So thank you so much, my friend, and I hope you have a phenomenal day.
16:16 - Outro
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