IAM1443 – Coach Helps Individuals Identify their Natural Numbers

Podcast Interview with Susan and Martin Fisher

Susan Bennett Fisher and Martin Fisher are the Co-Founders and Teachers of Body of 9. Body of 9 is an innovative, body-based personality assessment that, through your posture, body type, and how you physically express yourself, identifies your Natural Number. This gives you an experience of your innate self, taking your understanding of who you are to a whole new level.

Numbers tell the truth. Each of us has our own Natural Number, from 1 to 9, which is the key to who we are, and how we think, react, act, and interact. The Body of 9 system reveals those innate differences and helps us learn to resolve them, bringing us closer together. Once you know that Natural Number (and those of the people around you), you’ll discover how to have more awareness of yourself, your relationships, your life, and how you communicate to bridge deeper and more meaningful connections.

Susan Bennett Fisher and Martin Fisher are pioneers in the study and research of the 9 Natural Numbers. With over thirty years of combined research and experience with Body of 9, their work has led to many new discoveries and a deeper understanding of the importance, power, and impact of knowing your Natural Number and learning to consciously use this aspect of your body. Since 2012, Susan and Martin Fisher have been working together to identify over 8000 people from around the world and to build and share the understanding of how the Body of 9 shows up in so many aspects of human experience.

  • CEO Story: It was in 2002 that Susan found her natural numbers through her leadership programs and life coach, and then doing her research. Since 2012 have been doing research on knowing your natural number, over 50 countries all over the world understand the body of 9 contexts of who we really are.
  • Business Service: Natural number identification. Coaches and practitioners training program – powerful healing program. Test that is body base.
  • Secret Sauce: The ability to know your number and lock all 9, revelation of the nature of your body’s information.
  • CEO Hack: Simple exercise so the energy moves more effectively. Breathe your way. Breathe the way your body wants to breathe.
  • CEO Nugget: Understanding who you are is the fundamental step to success, the key to your life. Know your natural number.
  • CEO Defined: Being in a place where you can build an organization, changing into a better self. Growing into your cosmic self. Hold a vision and lead people into that vision and become cosmic people.





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00:23 – Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkness values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:51 – Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have two very special guests on the show today. I have Susan Bennett Fisher and Martin Fisher of Body of Nine. Susan and Martin, super excited to have you on the show.

01:02 – Martin Fisher

Great to be here.

01:03 – Gresham Harkless

Yes, yes. Super excited to have you both on. And before we jump into the interview, I want to read a little bit more about Susan and Martin so you can hear about all the awesome things that they're doing. Susan and Martin are the co-founders and teachers of Body of Nine. Body of Nine is an innovative body-based personality assessment tool that through your posture, body type, and how you physically express yourself, identifies your natural number. This gives you an experience of your innate self taking you to understand, of understanding of who you are at a whole new level. Numbers tell the truth.

Each of us has our own natural number from 1 to 9, which is the key to who we are, and how we think, react, act, and interact. The Body of Nine system reveals the innate differences and helps us to learn to resolve them, bringing us closer together. Once you know that natural number and those of the people around you, you'll discover how to have more awareness of yourself, your relationships, and your life, and how to communicate and bridge deeper and more meaningful connections. Susan Bennet Fisher and Martin Fisher are pioneers in the study and research of the nine natural numbers.

And with over 30 important, powerful, and impactful 30 years of combined research and experience with the Body of Nine. Their work has led to many new discoveries and a deeper understanding of the importance, power, and impact of knowing your natural numbers and learning to consciously use this aspect of your body. Since 2012, Susan and Martin have been working together to identify over 8,000 people from around the world and to build and share an understanding of how the body of nine shows up in so many aspects. Of the human experience. Super excited to have you both on the show. Susan and Martin, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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02:37 – Susan Fisher

We are.

02:38 – Martin Fisher


02:39 – Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Well, let's make it happen then. So to kind of kick everything off, I wanted to rewind the clock back, hear a little bit more about how you got started, what I call your CEO story.

02:47 – Susan Fisher

Well, I got started in 2002 when I found out my natural number as part of a leadership training program that I was doing as part of becoming a life coach in the very, very early days of life coaching. And it was so impactful because it explained the things about me that I love that nobody else really seemed to understand. And it really validated such a deep level. And from that day forward, I have stayed committed to researching and talking about it and getting this information out into the world, because I truly believe all humans should know their natural number. Martin and I reconnected in 2007 and we've been working side by side since then.

03:26 – Martin Fisher

Yeah, we both had a career in Silicon Valley. I mean, I was there from the mid-80s, as was Susan. We all did the normal disc and Myers Briggs and other things at various companies in an attempt to try and understand who we were and how we could better work in an organization. But the process never really felt completely authentic to me because there are a lot of answering questions to try and figure out how to put you into a bucket if you will.

And so when I started working with Susan and she already started the exploration of Body of Nine, it became clear to me that because this is body-based, it was a way to help everybody, either in relationships or at work or both, to be able to understand each other better and not only support each other better but to be able to ask for the magic that each of us has the ability to actually do what we're here to do.

04:20 – Susan Fisher

es. And so we created a body of nine in various incarnations starting in 2012, where we began our research. We did nine years of research working with 8,000 people from around the world, over 50 countries, and most races. This crosses culture, race, gender, all of those things. You have more in common with somebody of your own natural number than you do any. Anybody in your family, for example. So this is a pretty powerful system. And on some level, it's more than a system, it's also a context for us to understand who we are absolutely.

04:58 – Gresham Harkless

That's why I think it's so beautiful about everything that you all do and being able to kind of help people to see the gifts, the abilities, and superpowers, for lack of a better term, and everybody else. So I know you have different ways that you work with clients. So I wanted to drill down a little bit more, hear a little bit more about that, and of course about the books and all the awesome things that you've been kind of working on and how you serve the clients you work with.

05:19 – Susan Fisher

Well, the process starts with a natural number identification and that can be done individually on Zoom, in person here in Bozeman, or if you want to fly Martin and me out to your company, we can come there too. We work with organizations. Normally we like to work where we identify a group and then we work with them again after they've slept on it. There's something about sleeping on it that sets it into the body and then people can take in more information. So normally we do two a day events.

We also have coaches and holistic practitioners training programs to help people who are doing that powerful healing work out in the world to understand how we integrate this. And that really accelerates the impact that you can have as a coach or holistic practitioner because you understand the physiology and the spiritual nature and the way in which a person is taking information and what they're doing with it before you. So you don't have to ask a bunch of questions. You get that shortcut download of who they are. So our coaches, holistic practitioners, you know, have more impact faster.

06:26 – Gresham Harkless


06:26 – Martin Fisher

So back when, you know, when Susan and I were working in Silicon Valley, we'd do these tests and it'd be kind of fun to listen to. What was my, you know, what did my boss say they wanted to be? And I'd be like, oh, I think I should do that. Because my boss liked that instead of what I wanted to be and answering the questions, you have this quiet period and everyone's thinking, well, how do I want to?

What we do is very body-based and we love working with people people enjoy it because you can get a group of 10 people and someone will say something and we'll say, a thousand people have said, this is your reality. And everyone else in the room will go, yes, yes, that's exactly you. And so it's a great team building system because everyone gets to enjoy it and there's a little bit of movement. You're not just sitting at a desk answering questions. We try and get people out of their Heads.

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07:07 – Susan Fisher


07:07 – Martin Fisher

Because this is a very body-based system.

07:10 – Susan Fisher

It is. And then for those of you who like to read things, we have three books. Our body of nine decodes your physiology is all about everything we know about the natural numbers, their physiology, how you support them, and how you parent them. And then we have the body of nine practices for presence which is what do you do with this once you find out how do you use it to become more present and more. More giving more understanding in your life. Then we have another cool book called Sacred Redesign which as a multi-author book identifies all the natural numbers of all the authors so that you can understand their wisdom in the context of their story, in the context of their natural number.

07:54 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. That's why I love the work so much. And I think when we first connected I had the opportunity to find out that I was at three. So the smiles, the connection, just all those things really resonated with me based on. In everything that you do. But I really love that. And that's probably part of it. I call it your secret sauce. It could be the superpower, but it sounds like the thing that makes you unique is that ability to not just, I guess know your number but be able to unlock all nine that might be within you or around you. It sounds like that that's what you feel sets your bar to make sure you need.

08:22 – Martin Fisher

Yeah, I think part of that. Because if I'm going to talk to you about what it's like to be a natural number three, you can hear it better if I'm a natural number three as well.

08:30 – Susan Fisher

As much as you can.

08:31 – Martin Fisher

As much as I can, Right?

08:31 – Susan Fisher

It's like you're born with your natural number active and it grows. So it really is your superpower or you've been doing it all your life. It is the nature within your body. When you learn the others. It's similar to. You hear stories of people who have been blind their whole lives and then all of a sudden they become sighted. They have to learn what to do with that information. It's new information for their brain.

So the same thing when you learn to activate another area of your body, another set of bones and muscles and fascia to balance, it gives you new signals. Input comes from a different way. So the information is not the same. And you have to learn to say what is that? And it's very, very cool. And then you go like, how do you live? Like that. Like for example, three is tremendous focus. When I activate the three in my body, I get More focus.

09:25 – Martin Fisher

I can see better.

09:26 – Susan Fisher


09:27 – Martin Fisher

And we can communicate on your frequency better. It's like if I'm just broadcasting randomly, everybody can kind of hear me, but if I focus on my natural number three, you can hear me. Because we're literally talking the same language on the same frequency it makes communication so much easier and misunderstandings shrink hugely.

09:46 – Susan Fisher

Right. If we were just sitting in our 6 and 5, we can demonstrate that we're very different people.

09:52- Martin Fisher

We're not interested in the connection. We're happy to talk.

09:54 – Susan Fisher

Yeah, we're here, you know, intellectually, but we know how to turn our bodies on to create engagement.

10:00 – Martin Fisher

And it's more fun.

10:01 – Susan Fisher

It's way more fun.

10:02 – Martin Fisher

We're more energized, we speak faster, and we have more precision when we say things. It's just a different environment. We're the same body, but we're using it in a different way.

10:12 – Susan Fisher

You know, if you think about it, it's really quite mind-boggling what's possible for us.

10:15 – Gresham Harkless

Exactly. And you know, I always am reminded of this quote, is that people don't care how much you know, so they know how much you care. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit and I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app, a book, or a habit that you have, but what's something that makes you more effective and efficient? Or it could be something from your books.

10:32 – Susan Fisher

Well, we have a simple exercise for getting back present because your body moves from your movements and from your active natural number area. So when our body is aligned and lifted from our movement area, the energy flows much more effectively and you can recover more quickly. So if you get triggered in a meeting, there are so many modalities out there that teach you to breathe in a particular way. And so this is another little hack which is breathe your way.

Pay attention to it. Breathe deeply, and breathe often. Breathe consciously. Absolutely. But breathe your way. There isn't a five-seconds-in, four-seconds-out thing or breathe into your belly or breathe the way your body wants to breathe. So this idea that one thing is going to work for all nine is one of those myths out there. It's like finding your way. And that's why 19 of the modalities out there are going to work well for you because 1/9 of them will come from your natural number. A person of that natural number teaching or developing it. But this gives a context to let any modality be considered in the whole.

11:39 – Gresham Harkles

That's so powerful. And so I wanted to ask you now for what I call a CEO nugget. So you might have already a session on this, but it's a little bit more word of wisdom or a piece of advice. I like to say you might tell your favorite client, or if you happen to be a time machine, you might tell your younger business self.

11:53 – Martin Fisher

I think the ability to understand at a fundamental level that people are different because there are so many tricks and tips. Well, always make eye contact or always do this or always do that. And as soon as I said be you. Understanding who you are is a fundamental step for success, health, and mental health. It's just finding out who you are. We pretty much guarantee that anyone who gets their natural number identified is happier within six months. And nobody has yet come back in 10 years and said, no, no, I'm not. Because knowing who you are is core. It's key to your life at work and at home and everything else.

12:28 – Susan Fisher

And it's fundamental to knowing how to keep other people from knocking you off your center. The world out there is knocking you off your center all the time. And when you know your natural number, you can recover so much faster and you recognize when somebody's trying to actually knock you off.

12:49 – Martin Fisher

It helps you live away from fear because fear is a major controlling mechanism. And the more that you know yourself and the more you can activate the others, the less fear you feel.

12:59 – Susan Fisher

I would add shame, fear, and disappointment. Those are the three emotions that really take us into a triggered state where we're not present. So if you're experiencing shame, fear, or disappointment in the moment, you're not going to be able to be in the connection, in the relationship, or at functioning at work. So this enables you to recognize those things in your body and to use your body to recover. And that's very powerful.

13:24 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, definitely. It's extremely powerful. And to be able to kind of recognize, you know, each of those, you know, aspects, but again, like, lean more into, you know, the beauty that's within all of us. I think all of us have, you know, a gift, a superpower, and an ability that is unique to us. And if we have that ability to be able to appreciate that in ourselves, but also in so many other people, I think the world would definitely be, you know, so much of a better place.

13:44 – Martin Fisher

Completely agree.

13:45 – Susan Fisher

One person at a time. AKA start with you.

13:48 – Gresham Harkless

There we go. There we go. If you want to change the world, change yourself. So I absolutely love that. So now I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. We're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on this show. So, Susan and Martin, what does being a CEO mean to you?

14:02 – Martin Fisher

Being in a place where you can build an organization that nurtures the people with you while changing the world to make it a better place.

14:10 – Susan Fisher

And for me, it's about growing into my cosmic self. So I'm much more than just being a natural number six so that I can be with everybody that's on my team and I can support them and invite them into their strengths. It's being able to hold a vision and being able to lead people on that vision and create space for them to become also cosmic people.

14:34 – Martin Fisher

As I'm sure your listeners know, a successful organization is one where the entire management team, or better still, the entire company shares a vision for the direction of the organization. And part of that, Susan said, part of setting that vision is part of the role of the CEO.

14:47 – Susan Fisher

And some of the natural numbers are more visionary. So sometimes you bring that vision in from somebody on your team. But it is that holding of the torch for the good that I think makes the difference.

15:00 – Gresham Harkless

Absolutely. Well, I truly appreciate that definition and those perspectives and of course, I appreciate your time even more. So what I wanted to do now was pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know and of course, how best people can get a hold of you. Get a copy of your books, and find out about all the awesome things you both are working on.

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15:18 – Susan Fisher

Our website is that's B O D Y O F number nine com, and our books are available on Amazon and identification options are available on the website. And then if you would like to, we're working on a corporate page that describes our programs for corporations that'll be up there shortly too. So basically everything's on the website and you can find us and contact us from there as well.

15:43 – Martin Fisher

And we're looking for partners, people that want to work with us to help bring this out in the world because we really believe it's going to transform how we do business as a race.

15:51 – Gresham Harkless

Yep, absolutely. And to make it even easier, we'll have the links and information in the show notes as well too, so that everybody can follow up with you, and find out about all the awesome things that you're working on. And I hope you have a phenomenal rest of that.

16:02 – Martin Fisher

Great. Appreciate what you're doing too. Keep it smiling. Keep inspiring us.

16:05 – Susan Fisher


16:06 – Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

00:23 - Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkness values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:51 - Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have two very special guests on the show today. I have Susan Bennett Fisher and Martin Fisher of Body of Nine. Susan and Martin, super excited to have you on the show.

01:02 - Martin Fisher

Great to be here.

01:03 - Gresham Harkless

Yes, yes. Super excited to have you both on. And before we jump into the interview, I want to read a little bit more about Susan and Martin so you can hear about all the awesome things that they're doing. Susan and Martin are the co-founders and teachers of Body of Nine. Body of Nine is an innovative body-based personality assessment tool that through your posture, body type, and how you physically express yourself, identifies your natural number. This gives you an experience of your innate self taking you to understand, of understanding of who you are at a whole new level. Numbers tell the truth.

Each of us has our own natural number from 1 to 9, which is the key to who we are, and how we think, react, act, and interact. The Body of Nine system reveals the innate differences and helps us to learn to resolve them, bringing us closer together. Once you know that natural number and those of the people around you, you'll discover how to have more awareness of yourself, your relationships, and your life, and how to communicate and bridge deeper and more meaningful connections. Susan Bennet Fisher and Martin Fisher are pioneers in the study and research of the nine natural numbers.

And with over 30 important, powerful, and impactful 30 years of combined research and experience with the Body of Nine. Their work has led to many new discoveries and a deeper understanding of the importance, power, and impact of knowing your natural numbers and learning to consciously use this aspect of your body. Since 2012, Susan and Martin have been working together to identify over 8,000 people from around the world and to build and share an understanding of how the body of nine shows up in so many aspects. Of the human experience. Super excited to have you both on the show. Susan and Martin, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

02:37 - Susan Fisher

We are.

02:38 - Martin Fisher


02:39 - Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Well, let's make it happen then. So to kind of kick everything off, I wanted to rewind the clock back, hear a little bit more about how you got started, what I call your CEO story.

02:47 - Susan Fisher

Well, I got started in 2002 when I found out my natural number as part of a leadership training program that I was doing as part of becoming a life coach in the very, very early days of life coaching. And it was so impactful because it explained the things about me that I love that nobody else really seemed to understand. And it really validated such a deep level. And from that day forward, I have stayed committed to researching and talking about it and getting this information out into the world, because I truly believe all humans should know their natural number. Martin and I reconnected in 2007 and we've been working side by side since then.

03:26 - Martin Fisher

Yeah, we both had a career in Silicon Valley. I mean, I was there from the mid-80s, as was Susan. We all did the normal disc and Myers Briggs and other things at various companies in an attempt to try and understand who we were and how we could better work in an organization. But the process never really felt completely authentic to me because there are a lot of answering questions to try and figure out how to put you into a bucket if you will.

And so when I started working with Susan and she already started the exploration of Body of Nine, it became clear to me that because this is body-based, it was a way to help everybody, either in relationships or at work or both, to be able to understand each other better and not only support each other better but to be able to ask for the magic that each of us has the ability to actually do what we're here to do.

04:20 - Susan Fisher

es. And so we created a body of nine in various incarnations starting in 2012, where we began our research. We did nine years of research working with 8,000 people from around the world, over 50 countries, and most races. This crosses culture, race, gender, all of those things. You have more in common with somebody of your own natural number than you do any. Anybody in your family, for example. So this is a pretty powerful system. And on some level, it's more than a system, it's also a context for us to understand who we are absolutely.

04:58 - Gresham Harkless

That's why I think it's so beautiful about everything that you all do and being able to kind of help people to see the gifts, the abilities, and superpowers, for lack of a better term, and everybody else. So I know you have different ways that you work with clients. So I wanted to drill down a little bit more, hear a little bit more about that, and of course about the books and all the awesome things that you've been kind of working on and how you serve the clients you work with.

05:19 - Susan Fisher

Well, the process starts with a natural number identification and that can be done individually on Zoom, in person here in Bozeman, or if you want to fly Martin and me out to your company, we can come there too. We work with organizations. Normally we like to work where we identify a group and then we work with them again after they've slept on it. There's something about sleeping on it that sets it into the body and then people can take in more information. So normally we do two a day events.

We also have coaches and holistic practitioners training programs to help people who are doing that powerful healing work out in the world to understand how we integrate this. And that really accelerates the impact that you can have as a coach or holistic practitioner because you understand the physiology and the spiritual nature and the way in which a person is taking information and what they're doing with it before you. So you don't have to ask a bunch of questions. You get that shortcut download of who they are. So our coaches, holistic practitioners, you know, have more impact faster.

06:26 - Gresham Harkless


06:26 - Martin Fisher

So back when, you know, when Susan and I were working in Silicon Valley, we'd do these tests and it'd be kind of fun to listen to. What was my, you know, what did my boss say they wanted to be? And I'd be like, oh, I think I should do that. Because my boss liked that instead of what I wanted to be and answering the questions, you have this quiet period and everyone's thinking, well, how do I want to?

What we do is very body-based and we love working with people people enjoy it because you can get a group of 10 people and someone will say something and we'll say, a thousand people have said, this is your reality. And everyone else in the room will go, yes, yes, that's exactly you. And so it's a great team building system because everyone gets to enjoy it and there's a little bit of movement. You're not just sitting at a desk answering questions. We try and get people out of their Heads.

07:07 - Susan Fisher


07:07 - Martin Fisher

Because this is a very body-based system.

07:10 - Susan Fisher

It is. And then for those of you who like to read things, we have three books. Our body of nine decodes your physiology is all about everything we know about the natural numbers, their physiology, how you support them, and how you parent them. And then we have the body of nine practices for presence which is what do you do with this once you find out how do you use it to become more present and more. More giving more understanding in your life. Then we have another cool book called Sacred Redesign which as a multi-author book identifies all the natural numbers of all the authors so that you can understand their wisdom in the context of their story, in the context of their natural number.

07:54 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. That's why I love the work so much. And I think when we first connected I had the opportunity to find out that I was at three. So the smiles, the connection, just all those things really resonated with me based on. In everything that you do. But I really love that. And that's probably part of it. I call it your secret sauce. It could be the superpower, but it sounds like the thing that makes you unique is that ability to not just, I guess know your number but be able to unlock all nine that might be within you or around you. It sounds like that that's what you feel sets your bar to make sure you need.

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08:22 - Martin Fisher

Yeah, I think part of that. Because if I'm going to talk to you about what it's like to be a natural number three, you can hear it better if I'm a natural number three as well.

08:30 - Susan Fisher

As much as you can.

08:31 - Martin Fisher

As much as I can, Right?

08:31 - Susan Fisher

It's like you're born with your natural number active and it grows. So it really is your superpower or you've been doing it all your life. It is the nature within your body. When you learn the others. It's similar to. You hear stories of people who have been blind their whole lives and then all of a sudden they become sighted. They have to learn what to do with that information. It's new information for their brain.

So the same thing when you learn to activate another area of your body, another set of bones and muscles and fascia to balance, it gives you new signals. Input comes from a different way. So the information is not the same. And you have to learn to say what is that? And it's very, very cool. And then you go like, how do you live? Like that. Like for example, three is tremendous focus. When I activate the three in my body, I get More focus.

09:25 - Martin Fisher

I can see better.

09:26 - Susan Fisher


09:27 - Martin Fisher

And we can communicate on your frequency better. It's like if I'm just broadcasting randomly, everybody can kind of hear me, but if I focus on my natural number three, you can hear me. Because we're literally talking the same language on the same frequency it makes communication so much easier and misunderstandings shrink hugely.

09:46 - Susan Fisher

Right. If we were just sitting in our 6 and 5, we can demonstrate that we're very different people.

09:52- Martin Fisher

We're not interested in the connection. We're happy to talk.

09:54 - Susan Fisher

Yeah, we're here, you know, intellectually, but we know how to turn our bodies on to create engagement.

10:00 - Martin Fisher

And it's more fun.

10:01 - Susan Fisher

It's way more fun.

10:02 - Martin Fisher

We're more energized, we speak faster, and we have more precision when we say things. It's just a different environment. We're the same body, but we're using it in a different way.

10:12 - Susan Fisher

You know, if you think about it, it's really quite mind-boggling what's possible for us.

10:15 - Gresham Harkless

Exactly. And you know, I always am reminded of this quote, is that people don't care how much you know, so they know how much you care. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit and I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app, a book, or a habit that you have, but what's something that makes you more effective and efficient? Or it could be something from your books.

10:32 - Susan Fisher

Well, we have a simple exercise for getting back present because your body moves from your movements and from your active natural number area. So when our body is aligned and lifted from our movement area, the energy flows much more effectively and you can recover more quickly. So if you get triggered in a meeting, there are so many modalities out there that teach you to breathe in a particular way. And so this is another little hack which is breathe your way.

Pay attention to it. Breathe deeply, and breathe often. Breathe consciously. Absolutely. But breathe your way. There isn't a five-seconds-in, four-seconds-out thing or breathe into your belly or breathe the way your body wants to breathe. So this idea that one thing is going to work for all nine is one of those myths out there. It's like finding your way. And that's why 19 of the modalities out there are going to work well for you because 1/9 of them will come from your natural number. A person of that natural number teaching or developing it. But this gives a context to let any modality be considered in the whole.

11:39 - Gresham Harkles

That's so powerful. And so I wanted to ask you now for what I call a CEO nugget. So you might have already a session on this, but it's a little bit more word of wisdom or a piece of advice. I like to say you might tell your favorite client, or if you happen to be a time machine, you might tell your younger business self.

11:53 - Martin Fisher

I think the ability to understand at a fundamental level that people are different because there are so many tricks and tips. Well, always make eye contact or always do this or always do that. And as soon as I said be you. Understanding who you are is a fundamental step for success, health, and mental health. It's just finding out who you are. We pretty much guarantee that anyone who gets their natural number identified is happier within six months. And nobody has yet come back in 10 years and said, no, no, I'm not. Because knowing who you are is core. It's key to your life at work and at home and everything else.

12:28 - Susan Fisher

And it's fundamental to knowing how to keep other people from knocking you off your center. The world out there is knocking you off your center all the time. And when you know your natural number, you can recover so much faster and you recognize when somebody's trying to actually knock you off.

12:49 - Martin Fisher

It helps you live away from fear because fear is a major controlling mechanism. And the more that you know yourself and the more you can activate the others, the less fear you feel.

12:59 - Susan Fisher

I would add shame, fear, and disappointment. Those are the three emotions that really take us into a triggered state where we're not present. So if you're experiencing shame, fear, or disappointment in the moment, you're not going to be able to be in the connection, in the relationship, or at functioning at work. So this enables you to recognize those things in your body and to use your body to recover. And that's very powerful.

13:24 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, definitely. It's extremely powerful. And to be able to kind of recognize, you know, each of those, you know, aspects, but again, like, lean more into, you know, the beauty that's within all of us. I think all of us have, you know, a gift, a superpower, and an ability that is unique to us. And if we have that ability to be able to appreciate that in ourselves, but also in so many other people, I think the world would definitely be, you know, so much of a better place.

13:44 - Martin Fisher

Completely agree.

13:45 - Susan Fisher

One person at a time. AKA start with you.

13:48 - Gresham Harkless

There we go. There we go. If you want to change the world, change yourself. So I absolutely love that. So now I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. We're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on this show. So, Susan and Martin, what does being a CEO mean to you?

14:02 - Martin Fisher

Being in a place where you can build an organization that nurtures the people with you while changing the world to make it a better place.

14:10 - Susan Fisher

And for me, it's about growing into my cosmic self. So I'm much more than just being a natural number six so that I can be with everybody that's on my team and I can support them and invite them into their strengths. It's being able to hold a vision and being able to lead people on that vision and create space for them to become also cosmic people.

14:34 - Martin Fisher

As I'm sure your listeners know, a successful organization is one where the entire management team, or better still, the entire company shares a vision for the direction of the organization. And part of that, Susan said, part of setting that vision is part of the role of the CEO.

14:47 - Susan Fisher

And some of the natural numbers are more visionary. So sometimes you bring that vision in from somebody on your team. But it is that holding of the torch for the good that I think makes the difference.

15:00 - Gresham Harkless

Absolutely. Well, I truly appreciate that definition and those perspectives and of course, I appreciate your time even more. So what I wanted to do now was pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know and of course, how best people can get a hold of you. Get a copy of your books, and find out about all the awesome things you both are working on.

15:18 - Susan Fisher

Our website is that's B O D Y O F number nine com, and our books are available on Amazon and identification options are available on the website. And then if you would like to, we're working on a corporate page that describes our programs for corporations that'll be up there shortly too. So basically everything's on the website and you can find us and contact us from there as well.

15:43 - Martin Fisher

And we're looking for partners, people that want to work with us to help bring this out in the world because we really believe it's going to transform how we do business as a race.

15:51 - Gresham Harkless

Yep, absolutely. And to make it even easier, we'll have the links and information in the show notes as well too, so that everybody can follow up with you, and find out about all the awesome things that you're working on. And I hope you have a phenomenal rest of that.

16:02 - Martin Fisher

Great. Appreciate what you're doing too. Keep it smiling. Keep inspiring us.

16:05 - Susan Fisher


16:06 - Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.


Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(, podcasts, ( and videos ( CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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