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IAM2314 – Global Business Consultant Empowers Leaders and Businesses to Unlock their Potential

Podcast Interview with Asmâa Methqal

Podcast cover featuring two hosts, Gresham Harkless Jr. and Asmâa Methqal. Text reads: "Global business consultant empowers leaders and businesses to unlock their potential." Episode 2314.Asmâa Methqal is a renowned global business consultant and strategic leadership facilitator who empowers leaders and businesses to unlock their potential and balance wealth and gender equality.

Asmâa combines business strategy with emotional intelligence, body movement, and intuition.

She uses group coaching and community-based learning to maximize collective wisdom, pushing clients to move beyond their comfort zones and confront their ego-driven actions.

Asmâa recommends incorporating music and movement into the start of the day to connect with the body and elevate mood.

She also emphasizes the impact of personal energy on others – by amplifying their energy, leaders can create astounding outcomes and inspire those around them.

LinkedIn: Asmâa Methqal

Website: Fire and Flow with Asmâa

Instagram: iamasmaa

Previous Episode: iam612-educator-harnesses-teams-collective-strengths

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Asmâa Methqal Teaser 00:00

So that's what I started to do, is like really create this groups or this community of leaders and really help them tap into their fire, which is like action and execution are also into their flow, like trusting their intuition, trusting their inner strength, their inner genius to be able to bring that.

So everybody's creating something that is sustainable, that is also harmonious, which brings our inner duality together.

Intro 00:27

Are you ready to hear business stories and learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and level up your business from awesome CEOs, entrepreneurs, and founders without listening to a long, long, long interview?

If so, you've come to the right place. Gresh values your time and is ready to share with you the valuable info you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 00:55

Hello, hello, hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast and I have a special guest back on the show today. I have Asmâa Methqal. Asmâa, excited to have you back show.

Asmâa Methqal 01:05

Glad to be here, Gresham.

Gresham Harkless 01:06

Yes, I'm super excited to talk about all the awesome things that asthma is working on. And of course, before we do that, I want to read a little bit more about her so you can hear about some of those awesome things.

And Asmâa is a global business consultant, top marketer, and strategic leadership facilitator dedicated to empowering leaders and businesses to unlock their full potential while fostering a world where wealth and gender equality are harmoniously balanced.

She is to create tricks of fire and flow leadership, a methodology she uses to mentor and coach CEOs, founders and entrepreneurs worldwide to ignite their businesses with purpose and activate their holistic leadership so that they can lead with integrity, influence and impact.

As a delegate for the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations, Asmâa also amplifies women's voices on critical global issues.

And she was a guest on episode number 612 of our I AM CEO podcast and absolutely love her concept.

And I was listening to a little bit before we jumped into this on Fire and Flow, and I think we're going to delve down deeper a lot more into that and how that is super impactful for those business leaders.

But one of the things that really stuck out to me, I was reading and thumbing through the beginning parts of her book is she said, for this, the book was for the ones who take influential steps towards creating a life that sets their souls on fire.

So, Asmâa, excited to have you back on the show. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

Asmâa Methqal 02:27

100%. So glad to be here.

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Gresham Harkless 02:30

Let's get it started then. So to kind of kick everything off, let's hear a little bit more on what you've been working on, what I like to call your CEO story.

Asmâa Methqal 02:36

Oh, amazing. Well, since the last podcast that we had together, I think was in April 2020, right, like right in the middle, like of COVID and like completely shifting and changing our businesses.

I delved a little bit deeper into leadership because what I realized that was really big is that we lost our connection to ourselves and connection to our purpose and connection with other people because of everything that happened during and that told me or showed me that we didn't have already a strong foundation.

There was already a few things that were missing and I knew that already because we were like, okay, how can we create more collective wisdom in groups and in teams and help founders, CEOs, companies, team leaders, to really, like, really, like, maximize on their teams and really bring their purpose and have a shared vision together?

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But then with COVID where everybody ended up being alone and stripped from everything they knew, then everybody got lost and now like, it's back to that self leadership.

How can I better lead myself if another covet happened, if another external event, like starts? How can I still lead myself to not lose myself, to not lose my purpose, my fire, and where I want to be headed?

And so that just made my far-and-fro leadership methodology even stronger. Because we've always been taught to do, do, do, do, do, but there is always that missing piece of being.

Like, if you are being, you are lazy. If you are being, like, you're not like focused, you are not determined.

You don't have any drive, right? Where Covid in a way forced us to slow down, forced us to be, and people lost themselves, it's like, I don't know, who am I?

Well, you're more than what you do. You're more than your job title. You're more than just being an entrepreneur or business owner, more than a student, more than just a husband and a wife.

Like, there's more to you that it was that connection to the being, I think that was really hard to grasp and just made this work for me on fire for like even stronger.

So that's what I started to do is like really create this groups or this community of leaders and really help them tap into their fire, which is like action and execution are also into their flow. Like trusting their intuition, trusting their inner strength, their inner genius to be able to bring that.

So everybody's creating something that is sustainable, that is also harmonious, which brings our inner duality together.

Gresham Harkless 05:25

Nice. I absolutely love that. So I wanted to drill down a little bit more. I know you touched a little bit upon, like, how you work with your clients and how that process goes.

Can you take us through a little bit more on what that looks like and what you feel is like what I like to call your secret sauce or your superpower. What sets you apart and makes you unique?

Asmâa Methqal 05:40

Well, I already mentioned some of my secret sauce, which is like bringing some of the dance and the movement into my coaching and into my programs.

And then again, I always gauge it depending on the cohorts and who are the people that I have. But most of people, like, they understand, like, there will be like some movement because I do believe that our body has something to tell us.

And again, like I stated earlier, I want you to hear the whisper because I don't want any of my clients to feel the flap. Right?

And so there's that element of like reconnecting to the body and then moving our body and then starting to release those tensions.

Be able, like to develop our like, emotional intelligence and emotional maturity as well. And that is fully blended with strategic execution business frameworks. Right?

Because I'm very business, I'm very fire. I worked with global companies, like taking them to the next level in terms of like brands in my marketing agency. Right.

But I also love the entrepreneurs or the founders that just like, hey, I need to get to this next level, I need to build this thing. I need to go to where I need to go in order to create that. Right.

And so one of the elements that I do, so I have group coaching because I believe in the, of collective wisdom.

And I want to also realize working with clients 101 and working with cohorts. When you are in a cohort and in a community based, everybody moves along.

But when you are 101, like, as soon as things start to get harder, people start to pull away, right?

So I have ways to like, be like, no, no, no. If you cancel on me twice, like, this is it, right? So that way I keep pushing, getting them to where they need to go.

But I also want them to be, because we understand this in coaching or in business consulting, like, you need to let things to marinate a little bit because then like I tell my client, I have a very strong BS meter.

And I know that your ego gets really strong at some point that you think you're doing the thing because of the thing, but this is not the thing. The thing is this thing Here that you don't want to look at.

And this is where I come in. I'm like, no, no, when I get away. So it's on here. This is where we need to go, and this is what we need to work on.

And so for some of them, this is a slap in the face, but it's like, hey, this is a small slap. The universe is going to slap you. This is going to be very different, right?

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So let's get you to the right track. And it's like a plane. And you're just like changing a little bit. Like, like if a plane goes like really one inch further, like, it completely goes a completely different direction.

But here it's like how I can align fully to your wisdom. And so I have my community. I used to be a paid community, but I decided to make it a free community because I feel like the world needs to know more about this.

And then within it, there is a cohorts that people can join to launch their dream business, like with their own fire and flow.

So I like to help people launch or scale their business from their inner genius, right? So that's bring this element of fire and flow.

And I don't talk about balance. I talk about harmony. Because everybody is said differently, right? There are people that are really naturally driven into action, but those people need still to bring some element of being.

And then you have people that are being a lot, but there's lacking of action. And so let's create a harmony there where you blend in both where basically you're blending your own inner duality, right?

And so what's very different from when we started talking to you before is like, now my intuition is very strong.

I will be literally talking to clients. I will tell them things like, how do you know? I'm like, I don't know.

How do I know? I guess I'm channeling something. I don't even consider myself a healer or energetic healer. It just happened, right?

And then I connect their message. I can know someone's zone of genius within like one hour. Where them it will take them six months to figure out on their own, right?

It just becomes intuitively easy for me because I'm allowing myself to be a vessel to serve my client, to transform. My genius zone is transformation.

So it's like, great, you're ready to transform. You're ready to get to the next level. You want me to help you unlock your full potential? Let's go. And I love to do it with fun.

I don't want when we talk about heavy things, I don't want them to keep us heavy and keep us down.

There is a way we can acknowledge things, appreciate the lesson from it, allowing our body and our emotion to move.

But also how can we take that and alchemize that in a way that it will bring us into taking an aligned action that brings us joy and happiness and alignment.

And that's what I do. So this is, I guess, my unique sauce that I just create with every client or every group that I work with.

Gresham Harkless 10:43

Yeah, that's so powerful. And so I wanted to switch gears a little bit and I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO hack.

You might have already touched on this, but it could be like an app, a book, or even a habit that you have. But what's something you lean on that makes you more effective and efficient?

Asmâa Methqal 10:58

More effective and efficient. I dance every day.

Gresham Harkless 11:02

There you go.

Asmâa Methqal 11:04

I like, because when I talk to a lot of clients, they're like, I don't know how to meditate, or I don't know how to stand still, or I don't know how to do okay, then you have a beautiful body. Use it.

Put some music on, put a mantra on, like, put whatever like that really vibrate your body into higher frequency of joy and play. And then just move with that music or that song.

And so if you can just play one song when you wake up in the morning, whatever you feel, that doesn't matter, if you feel angry, then put some hard rock if you want and just like start smashing your pillow. I don't care, but just do the thing that makes you feel you.

And I feel like when you start from that inner again, I'm reconnecting to my body first before I go and do the things that the world wants me to do. Right.

Instead of going into my to-do list, let's start with my being list. Right? And so that could be as simple as just like putting a song, just being in your bed and just like listening to it and just rocking with it, or like standing up, closing your eyes and just moving your body freely and just move.

And when I tell people to dance, there are two ways. So there's the dancing where I'm like in a club, where I'm like in a club and I'm just like, like in the dance school or dance course, whatever, and I'm dancing.

But here I talk about moving your body so it's not you from your mind trying to create some movements, but it's just you allowing your body to stand still and when it's ready to move, just let it move.

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There's so much healing that happen in that moment when you allow your body to move the way it wants to move.

Gresham Harkless 12:44

Yeah, I love that. And so I almost wonder, is that part of what you would consider to be a little bit more CEO nugget?

So that's word of wisdom or piece of advice you, you might have already touched on this, but it's something you might tell your favorite client or if you happen to a time machine, is something you might tell your younger business self.

Asmâa Methqal 12:59

It's basically what summarizing everything that we said in, in one sentence is. Go within and uncover your true essence, which is very different than your values.

And then lead from that place because that's the only place that will bring you joy and for fulfillment in any success that you're going to create.

Because you don't want to be the multimillionaire sitting in your mansion and then having a depression just because you don't feel fulfilled.

And I'm sure depression can happen for many, many, many reasons. But if it's related to you not feeling fulfilled, like okay, then why don't you be the millionaire in a mansion and fully fulfilled, right?

Creating the purpose that you're supposed to be creating. And so all of that starts again about going within to go further out, you know?

Gresham Harkless 13:51

Yeah, absolutely. So I want to ask you now my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO.

And our goal is to have different quote-unquote CEOs on this show. So Asmâa, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Asmâa Methqal 14:03

It's like Chief Energy Orchestrator, let's say that like right, I remember before I did say Chief Movement Officer, but this now like it's back to energy because your energy speaks very loudly about who you are and then it really connects with everybody around you.

So you influence and you amplify everything that is around you. Right. And so when you do go from it, from this place, then you are able to create something just amazing.

Because then when you have this intention again about how my being, how am I choosing to show up today, then you are self leading yourself, right. And then you are able like to really bring that energy and amplification all around you.

Gresham Harkless 14:52

Absolutely. Well, Asmâa, truly appreciate that definition. Of course I appreciate your time even more.

So what I want to do now is pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you plan or read and listeners know and of course, how best people can get a hold of you.

Find about the community, everything you're building, get a copy of your book and find about all the awesome things you're working on.

Asmâa Methqal 15:09

Thank you so much, Gresham. Well, the best way to connect with me is definitely through my community.

It's called Fire and Flow Leaders and it is on skool. S-K-O-O-L then just go on skool and then go there. And I'm sure, Gresham, you're going to be putting the link.

I'm also, like, active on social media, Instagram and LinkedIn, and I also have, like a course inside of the community

And so anybody who joins the community and then just DM me that they listen to me through your podcast, I'll be happy to offer them like a free access to that course.

And then in that community, I have like weekly and monthly meetings because I want to build that community and just like, really grow it.

And for people that really believe that, yes, I want to become a farm for leader. I want to be able to harmonize this inner duality and just create that and then inspire others to be able to do that. Right.

And then bring that in. Everything that you do, whether it's in your business or it's in your life of every day, or it's in your relationships as well.

Gresham Harkless 16:14

Absolutely. And of course, to make it even easier, as Asmâa mentioned, we're going to have the links and information in the show notes as well, too.

So that everybody can follow up, connect, find out about the courses and all the awesome things that you have, you've been working on. I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Asmâa Methqal 16:26

Thank you so much, Gresham. Thank you for seeing me and hearing me.

Outro 16:30

Thank you for listening to The I AM CEO Podcast, powered by CBNation and Blue16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Don't forget to schedule your complimentary digital marketing consultation at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless Jr. Thank you for listening.


Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

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