IAM1365 – Creative Artist Builds a Family-Friendly Innovative Art Studio

Podcast Interview with Jaya Aiyar

Creatif is an innovative art studio brand founded by Jaya Aiyar. She envisioned this novel idea and has worked on it from concept to reality. With this talented mastermind and hard-working woman at its helm, Creatif has been able to offer a family-friendly art experience integrated with technology, to thousands. Jaya’s engineering and project management degrees have helped her redefine art studios and her creative business model has positively impacted artists of all ages.

Through the Creatif franchising program, her goal now is to expand this artistic enterprise across the country. Creative is looking for motivated entrepreneurs who can open this impressive concept in new territories.

“My vision for Créatif is to be a brand that redefines what an Art Studio is. By integrating Art with Technology, we have transformed the traditional art studio into an exciting and experiential community destination. I’m thrilled to see us become an integral part of our customer’s meaningful experiences, their artistic development, and their cherished memories.” – Jaya Aiyar

  • CEO Story: Jaya grew up in a creative household with her mom who is very artistic. Finding a niche in the art studio that is family-friendly, and integrated with technology is the key to the success of her company.
  • Business Service: Clients can come in for a birthday party, walk-in, class, corporate team buildings for companies, selling paint gifts, etc. Franchising is available.
  • Secret Sauce: Many revenue streams. Franchisees have the flexibility to cater to the customer's demands and local needs. With their technology, they can manage in an efficient way.
  • CEO Hack: Manage your time. App mention: Google Calendar ( color coding) Book mentioned: The Grit by Angela Duckworth – effort counts twice, effort goes a long way than talent.
  • CEO Nugget: Take more risk. Having a bigger vision. Taking risks is important for you to grow.
  • CEO Defined: A team player. Hands-on. Part of the team. Operating on high moral grounds, high ethics, and honesty.

Website: www.creatif.com

Linkedin: Jaya Aiyar

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00:19 – Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkness values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:47 – Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Jaya Aiyar of Create Teeth. Jaya, awesome to have you on the show.

00:57 – Jaya Aiyar

Thank you for having me, Gresh. I'm really looking forward to this.

01:01 – Gresham Harkless

Yes, I'm excited to have you on and about all the awesome things that you're doing. But of course, you know, before we jump into the interview, I want to read a little bit more about Jaya so you can hear about some of those awesome things. And Createief is an innovative art studio brand founded by Jaya. She envisioned this novel idea and has worked on it from concept to reality. With this talented mastermind and hardworking woman at its helm, Creatif has been able to offer a family-friendly art experience integrated with technology to thousands.

Jaya's engineering and project management degrees have helped her redefine art studios and her creative business model has positively impacted artists of all ages. Through the creative franchise program, her goal is now to expand this artistic enterprise across the country, and Creative is looking for motivated entrepreneurs who can open up this impressive concept into new territories. Her vision for creativity is to be a brand that redefines what an art studio is by integrating art with technology.

They have transformed the traditional art studio into an exciting and experiential community destination. And she's thrilled to see them become an integral part of their customers, meaningful experiences, artistic development, and cherished memories. Jai is super excited to have you on the show. Love all the awesome things that you're doing. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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02:21 – Jaya Aiyar

Yes, I am. So looking forward to it.

02:23 – Gresham Harkless

Yes, I'm excited as well too. So to kick everything off, I wanted to hear a little bit more about how you got started, what I call your CEO story.

02:30 – Jaya Aiyar

Sure. So, as you see, my background is not in art. I have never taken an art class in my life, but it's something that I have always passionate about. My mom was very artistic, so I grew up in a household where art was kind of important. But having done engineering and gone through the traditional corporate world that kind of became my life up until I had kids. And I realized that that wasn't the kind of life that I wanted for my family and for myself at that stage in my life. So I have 2 children, a middle schooler and an elementary school kid.

And then when I was looking at doing something creative with them, just like I grew up in a creative environment, there wasn't much for us to do outside of home. And that's how I thought that there was a need for us to do something that was relevant, that could bring family and communities together. And the traditional art studios were more about just the basic concept, whether it was kid-friendly or adult-centric, but nothing that brought everybody together. So that's how the whole vision of creativity came together. With my tech background, I thought let's put technology to it because up until now people looked at those 2 aspects as independent of each other but with creativity, we brought them together in the most logical meaningful way and provided the best experience for our customers as we do that.

03:48 – Gresham Harkless

Nice, I absolutely love that. And I think so many times we can get caught in the, what do you do, how do you do it? Which is of course important to make sure that we understand. But what I hear coming out, I don't wanna put words in your mouth, is that why aspect of bringing those worlds together. And I feel like we're going into a world where things are not isolated. They're not stovepipes, so to speak. And it's not one or the other. It's actually both. And once we start to lean into that, that's when really phenomenal things start to happen.

04:15 – Jaya Aiyar

Yes, you're absolutely correct, because I think technology is just so important, not just for an art studio like ours, but for any business. While it can give that unique experience to the customer, it also helps keep our operations efficient and we're able to deliver consistent service every single time. So it keeps us and our operations operating really well and also be able to repeat that every single time at location 1234, and so on.

The word STEAM has become so popular now, that we used to always talk about STEM. So with science, engineering, technology, and math, but with art included in that, it just validates the point that we need to be creative, not just in the field of art, but in the field of science and math and problem-solving. And that's a skill that goes a long way. So to be able to provide that opportunity to people, not just kids, but also adults, we all have very stressful lives to have that place to go, where you could just be yourself.

05:15 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. So I'm so excited to hear a little bit more about that. So take us through a little bit more on how you're serving clients, where you're serving them, and just the franchising opportunities that are available for people.

05:27 – Jaya Aiyar

Sure, so we're corporate location is, our corporate location is in Pleasanton, California. We started this unit in late 2018. And then last year, we started franchising. Our second location is opening up in South Carolina this month, so I'm going to be there for their grand opening. So super excited about that. We have locations coming up in Southern California. We have more coming in Texas. So we're going across the country, anywhere where we have family-friendly people, environment, kids, adults. This is a business that suits everybody. We have such a big demographic.

So the way we do it is we have a different revenue stream so people can come in and try different things with us. They can have a birthday party, they can come in as a walk-in, they can take a class with us, we do summer camps during the summer months, we do corporate team building events for companies, we sell paint kits, So it's just so many different options for someone to get creative. They don't have to just think of it as one specific kind of business. And that's what allows us to be a part of the community in a meaningful way to provide somebody with what exactly they're looking for. So that's kind of our business model.

It's again tech-centric, so we have our own proprietary app. So that's our unique selling point is the app that customers use in the studio. When they come in, it has video tutorials, it has guided images, and it has all these different ideas for them to get started with. So if someone's never painted before, they're not gonna feel overwhelmed because we have the tools and resources to help them get started. And then once they get started, they're excited to come back again and again and just explore that side of themselves. So I think that was important for us to allow people to do it without any pressure. And that's kind of an important part of our business, to get creative without pressure. The reason why I thought about so many different revenue streams, when we were looking at a corporate unit, we wanted to make sure our business was not seasonal.

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We want to make sure that when we are franchising, we're able to offer revenue throughout the year for our franchisee partners because that's what makes it a successful viable business. They could be a place where maybe the workshops are kind of really big, so you have the option to do that. And somewhere else there's a big demand for birthday party venues who are able to do that. So with all the different revenue streams, the franchisee has the flexibility to cater their business to the customer's demands and the local needs at the same time, making sure that it's not seasonal and they're able to generate consistent revenue throughout the year.

And then with technology, how we support them is to be able to manage all of those things in a very effective and efficient manner because when you add revenue streams, you also need systems to make sure you manage those well. So that's why the technology piece becomes extremely important as far as our studio management software that we put together for our franchisee partners. It's kind of bringing so many different concepts under one umbrella and then just providing that opportunity for our franchisees to be able to provide all different services to their customers through the one concept. So that's kind of what's unique for us, our brand and business model as well.

08:38 – Gresham Harkless

Nice. I love that. And I like to call that, you know, the secret sauce, the thing you feel that kind of sets you apart and makes you unique. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit. And I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app, a book, or a habit that you have, but what's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

08:55 – Jaya Aiyar

So I have a few habits. I, of course, have to be organized because I have so many things that I have to manage at the same time. And I think that applies to anybody, any business owner, whether there's you or not, even if you're managing one unit, a small business, you have to manage your time really well. So Google Calendar is a good friend of mine. I color-code all my meetings based on what's happening. And I have kind of different colors that I use for certain things to prioritize my day. So that's one very, very important tool. Everything's on my calendar. So that way I know what I have to do and pay attention to.

There are a lot of books that I read, not just business books, but also personal development books, and try and understand different perspectives of what makes someone successful. When you asked about the book, what came to mind was a book that I'm reading right now is part of a business book club. It's called The Grit by Angela Duckworth. I'm not sure if you read that, but there is something that really stood out to me in that book where she says that effort counts twice. What that means is that effort goes a long way than just having a talent or a desire because you need to put in the effort to be able to make that successful.

So the way she explains it is that a person may have talent, but they can only go far so far if they don't put in the effort with it because when you combine talent and effort, that's where you develop a skill. And then when you put more effort into the skill that you have developed, you achieve something. So I think that's a very important takeaway that really stood out to me. And I think that I'm gonna keep that as my focus for the next years that I'm going to be kind of working on this because it made a lot of sense.

10:38 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, I absolutely love that. You mentioned a little bit more about your calendar and being able to see ahead. What I want to ask you now is for a CEO nugget. This is a little bit more word of wisdom or a piece of advice. This might be something you would tell a client or if you have to tell a time machine, instead of going ahead, you would go backwards. What might you tell your younger business?

10:56 – Jaya Aiyar

I was told to take more risks when I was younger. I think I played a little too safe, But now I know that I mean, risk-taking is not risk-taking if you are doing it, I mean, in a sensible manner. I think people think risk is like going crazy. Risk is not going crazy. It's about having a bigger vision and going for it not you don't need to know how to do it, but you still need to know that's what you want to do. That's risk-taking. Risk-taking is not like jumping off the cliff. That's not risk-taking. I mean, it's with the right equipment maybe, but without it, No.

So I think people consider risk-taking in a very negative manner, but I think it's important. Taking risks is important for us to grow. And that's where most of our success is in terms of getting out of our comfort zone and doing things that we've never done before because that's where we're going to realize our true potential and know things that we didn't even think we were capable of doing. So I think that's something I would tell my younger self that I should have taken more risks then, but I now know better. So I have bigger goals bigger plans and a bigger vision for where I want to be.

12:02 – Gresham Harkless

Nice. I love that. I wanted to ask you now my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on the show. So Jai, what does being a CEO mean to you?

12:12 – Jaya Aiyar

To me, being a CEO is to be a team player. It's not somebody who sits high up there and makes decisions for everybody. It's to be a part of the decision-making process by knowing what's going on for which you need to make a decision. So I think being a hands-on, CEO is extremely important because that's where you can make the best decisions. If you don't know what problem you're trying to solve, then you really cannot find the most effective solution. And that's why I think that, and that's something that people forget when you think you're a CEO, You're just sitting up there in an office and you're making decisions for everybody, but that's not where the most effective decisions can be made. I go into the studio, I work with my team.

That's how I understand what their challenges are, and that's how I can use the knowledge to optimize it through systems, through processes, or to see how we can make it better for our team. And I think that's important to remember that we're part of the team. We're not just the decision-makers making decisions in silos. So yeah, for me, being a CEO is to be a part of the team, to be a team player, to be hands-on, and also to operate from a place of ethics and responsible behavior. I mean, You cannot have a strong foundation without operating from a place of high moral ground and high ethics and honesty. So you gotta give your customer what you promise. You gotta give your team what you promise. They're looking up to you as a role model. So it's important to keep those things in mind as the essence.

13:48 – Gresham Harkless

Absolutely appreciate that, Jai. And of course, I appreciate your time even more. So what I want to do now is pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know. And of course, how best people could get a hold of you, and find out about all the awesome things you and your team are working on.

14:03 – Jaya Aiyar

Sure, yeah. No, thank you very much, Gresh. This was amazing and lovely speaking with you. What I would want people to know is we are growing our franchise business. So if you think this is something that speaks to you and you want to be a part of bringing a positive business to your community, you can go to our website, which is creative-franchise.com, and complete the basic information. One of my team members will reach out to you, and we'll take you through the franchising process, answer all the questions you have, and kind of guide you step by step through that process to the point where we can identify if it's a great fit and then we can kind of bring you on board as a franchise partner.

So I would really encourage everybody to check out our website. We have 2 websites. Our studio website is creative.com. Our franchise side of the website is creative.com. And that if someone wants to reach me, I give my email addresses to everybody. So if you have any questions, you can feel free to reach out to me directly. My email is jaya at creative.com. So simple enough, Jaya at creative.com. So I would love to hear any comments or any thoughts. If you have ever been to the studio, I would love to hear your feedback. And if you are in one of the areas where we're opening our location, we would love to have you as our customer. So I'm really looking forward to that and to bringing this business to different locations across the country.

15:27 – Gresham Harkless

Yes, I absolutely love that. Definitely, you know, very exciting everything that you're doing. We're of course going to have the links and information in the show notes as well too so that everybody can follow up with you and connect with you, and your team, and of course come and visit as well if you're in one of the areas. If you're not, then of course you can start one in your area as well. So truly appreciate what you're doing, Jai. I think we sometimes forget the power that we can have, but I love that you're creating that positive environment and giving people the paintbrush, so to speak, so that they can do it in their locations as well, too. So thank you so much, my friend, and I'll be over phenomenal the rest of the day.

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15:59 – Jaya Aiyar

Thank you, Grash. This was lovely. I really enjoyed talking to you and to all your people who are on the podcast. And thank you very much for having me on the

16:08 – Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

00:19 - Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkness values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:47 - Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Jaya Aiyar of Create Teeth. Jaya, awesome to have you on the show.

00:57 - Jaya Aiyar

Thank you for having me, Gresh. I'm really looking forward to this.

01:01 - Gresham Harkless

Yes, I'm excited to have you on and about all the awesome things that you're doing. But of course, you know, before we jump into the interview, I want to read a little bit more about Jaya so you can hear about some of those awesome things. And Createief is an innovative art studio brand founded by Jaya. She envisioned this novel idea and has worked on it from concept to reality. With this talented mastermind and hardworking woman at its helm, Creatif has been able to offer a family-friendly art experience integrated with technology to thousands.

Jaya's engineering and project management degrees have helped her redefine art studios and her creative business model has positively impacted artists of all ages. Through the creative franchise program, her goal is now to expand this artistic enterprise across the country, and Creative is looking for motivated entrepreneurs who can open up this impressive concept into new territories. Her vision for creativity is to be a brand that redefines what an art studio is by integrating art with technology.

They have transformed the traditional art studio into an exciting and experiential community destination. And she's thrilled to see them become an integral part of their customers, meaningful experiences, artistic development, and cherished memories. Jai is super excited to have you on the show. Love all the awesome things that you're doing. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

02:21 - Jaya Aiyar

Yes, I am. So looking forward to it.

02:23 - Gresham Harkless

Yes, I'm excited as well too. So to kick everything off, I wanted to hear a little bit more about how you got started, what I call your CEO story.

02:30 - Jaya Aiyar

Sure. So, as you see, my background is not in art. I have never taken an art class in my life, but it's something that I have always passionate about. My mom was very artistic, so I grew up in a household where art was kind of important. But having done engineering and gone through the traditional corporate world that kind of became my life up until I had kids. And I realized that that wasn't the kind of life that I wanted for my family and for myself at that stage in my life. So I have 2 children, a middle schooler and an elementary school kid.

And then when I was looking at doing something creative with them, just like I grew up in a creative environment, there wasn't much for us to do outside of home. And that's how I thought that there was a need for us to do something that was relevant, that could bring family and communities together. And the traditional art studios were more about just the basic concept, whether it was kid-friendly or adult-centric, but nothing that brought everybody together. So that's how the whole vision of creativity came together. With my tech background, I thought let's put technology to it because up until now people looked at those 2 aspects as independent of each other but with creativity, we brought them together in the most logical meaningful way and provided the best experience for our customers as we do that.

03:48 - Gresham Harkless

Nice, I absolutely love that. And I think so many times we can get caught in the, what do you do, how do you do it? Which is of course important to make sure that we understand. But what I hear coming out, I don't wanna put words in your mouth, is that why aspect of bringing those worlds together. And I feel like we're going into a world where things are not isolated. They're not stovepipes, so to speak. And it's not one or the other. It's actually both. And once we start to lean into that, that's when really phenomenal things start to happen.

04:15 - Jaya Aiyar

Yes, you're absolutely correct, because I think technology is just so important, not just for an art studio like ours, but for any business. While it can give that unique experience to the customer, it also helps keep our operations efficient and we're able to deliver consistent service every single time. So it keeps us and our operations operating really well and also be able to repeat that every single time at location 1234, and so on.

The word STEAM has become so popular now, that we used to always talk about STEM. So with science, engineering, technology, and math, but with art included in that, it just validates the point that we need to be creative, not just in the field of art, but in the field of science and math and problem-solving. And that's a skill that goes a long way. So to be able to provide that opportunity to people, not just kids, but also adults, we all have very stressful lives to have that place to go, where you could just be yourself.

05:15 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. So I'm so excited to hear a little bit more about that. So take us through a little bit more on how you're serving clients, where you're serving them, and just the franchising opportunities that are available for people.

05:27 - Jaya Aiyar

Sure, so we're corporate location is, our corporate location is in Pleasanton, California. We started this unit in late 2018. And then last year, we started franchising. Our second location is opening up in South Carolina this month, so I'm going to be there for their grand opening. So super excited about that. We have locations coming up in Southern California. We have more coming in Texas. So we're going across the country, anywhere where we have family-friendly people, environment, kids, adults. This is a business that suits everybody. We have such a big demographic.

So the way we do it is we have a different revenue stream so people can come in and try different things with us. They can have a birthday party, they can come in as a walk-in, they can take a class with us, we do summer camps during the summer months, we do corporate team building events for companies, we sell paint kits, So it's just so many different options for someone to get creative. They don't have to just think of it as one specific kind of business. And that's what allows us to be a part of the community in a meaningful way to provide somebody with what exactly they're looking for. So that's kind of our business model.

It's again tech-centric, so we have our own proprietary app. So that's our unique selling point is the app that customers use in the studio. When they come in, it has video tutorials, it has guided images, and it has all these different ideas for them to get started with. So if someone's never painted before, they're not gonna feel overwhelmed because we have the tools and resources to help them get started. And then once they get started, they're excited to come back again and again and just explore that side of themselves. So I think that was important for us to allow people to do it without any pressure. And that's kind of an important part of our business, to get creative without pressure. The reason why I thought about so many different revenue streams, when we were looking at a corporate unit, we wanted to make sure our business was not seasonal.

We want to make sure that when we are franchising, we're able to offer revenue throughout the year for our franchisee partners because that's what makes it a successful viable business. They could be a place where maybe the workshops are kind of really big, so you have the option to do that. And somewhere else there's a big demand for birthday party venues who are able to do that. So with all the different revenue streams, the franchisee has the flexibility to cater their business to the customer's demands and the local needs at the same time, making sure that it's not seasonal and they're able to generate consistent revenue throughout the year.

And then with technology, how we support them is to be able to manage all of those things in a very effective and efficient manner because when you add revenue streams, you also need systems to make sure you manage those well. So that's why the technology piece becomes extremely important as far as our studio management software that we put together for our franchisee partners. It's kind of bringing so many different concepts under one umbrella and then just providing that opportunity for our franchisees to be able to provide all different services to their customers through the one concept. So that's kind of what's unique for us, our brand and business model as well.

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08:38 - Gresham Harkless

Nice. I love that. And I like to call that, you know, the secret sauce, the thing you feel that kind of sets you apart and makes you unique. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit. And I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app, a book, or a habit that you have, but what's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

08:55 - Jaya Aiyar

So I have a few habits. I, of course, have to be organized because I have so many things that I have to manage at the same time. And I think that applies to anybody, any business owner, whether there's you or not, even if you're managing one unit, a small business, you have to manage your time really well. So Google Calendar is a good friend of mine. I color-code all my meetings based on what's happening. And I have kind of different colors that I use for certain things to prioritize my day. So that's one very, very important tool. Everything's on my calendar. So that way I know what I have to do and pay attention to.

There are a lot of books that I read, not just business books, but also personal development books, and try and understand different perspectives of what makes someone successful. When you asked about the book, what came to mind was a book that I'm reading right now is part of a business book club. It's called The Grit by Angela Duckworth. I'm not sure if you read that, but there is something that really stood out to me in that book where she says that effort counts twice. What that means is that effort goes a long way than just having a talent or a desire because you need to put in the effort to be able to make that successful.

So the way she explains it is that a person may have talent, but they can only go far so far if they don't put in the effort with it because when you combine talent and effort, that's where you develop a skill. And then when you put more effort into the skill that you have developed, you achieve something. So I think that's a very important takeaway that really stood out to me. And I think that I'm gonna keep that as my focus for the next years that I'm going to be kind of working on this because it made a lot of sense.

10:38 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, I absolutely love that. You mentioned a little bit more about your calendar and being able to see ahead. What I want to ask you now is for a CEO nugget. This is a little bit more word of wisdom or a piece of advice. This might be something you would tell a client or if you have to tell a time machine, instead of going ahead, you would go backwards. What might you tell your younger business?

10:56 - Jaya Aiyar

I was told to take more risks when I was younger. I think I played a little too safe, But now I know that I mean, risk-taking is not risk-taking if you are doing it, I mean, in a sensible manner. I think people think risk is like going crazy. Risk is not going crazy. It's about having a bigger vision and going for it not you don't need to know how to do it, but you still need to know that's what you want to do. That's risk-taking. Risk-taking is not like jumping off the cliff. That's not risk-taking. I mean, it's with the right equipment maybe, but without it, No.

So I think people consider risk-taking in a very negative manner, but I think it's important. Taking risks is important for us to grow. And that's where most of our success is in terms of getting out of our comfort zone and doing things that we've never done before because that's where we're going to realize our true potential and know things that we didn't even think we were capable of doing. So I think that's something I would tell my younger self that I should have taken more risks then, but I now know better. So I have bigger goals bigger plans and a bigger vision for where I want to be.

12:02 - Gresham Harkless

Nice. I love that. I wanted to ask you now my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on the show. So Jai, what does being a CEO mean to you?

12:12 - Jaya Aiyar

To me, being a CEO is to be a team player. It's not somebody who sits high up there and makes decisions for everybody. It's to be a part of the decision-making process by knowing what's going on for which you need to make a decision. So I think being a hands-on, CEO is extremely important because that's where you can make the best decisions. If you don't know what problem you're trying to solve, then you really cannot find the most effective solution. And that's why I think that, and that's something that people forget when you think you're a CEO, You're just sitting up there in an office and you're making decisions for everybody, but that's not where the most effective decisions can be made. I go into the studio, I work with my team.

That's how I understand what their challenges are, and that's how I can use the knowledge to optimize it through systems, through processes, or to see how we can make it better for our team. And I think that's important to remember that we're part of the team. We're not just the decision-makers making decisions in silos. So yeah, for me, being a CEO is to be a part of the team, to be a team player, to be hands-on, and also to operate from a place of ethics and responsible behavior. I mean, You cannot have a strong foundation without operating from a place of high moral ground and high ethics and honesty. So you gotta give your customer what you promise. You gotta give your team what you promise. They're looking up to you as a role model. So it's important to keep those things in mind as the essence.

13:48 - Gresham Harkless

Absolutely appreciate that, Jai. And of course, I appreciate your time even more. So what I want to do now is pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know. And of course, how best people could get a hold of you, and find out about all the awesome things you and your team are working on.

14:03 - Jaya Aiyar

Sure, yeah. No, thank you very much, Gresh. This was amazing and lovely speaking with you. What I would want people to know is we are growing our franchise business. So if you think this is something that speaks to you and you want to be a part of bringing a positive business to your community, you can go to our website, which is creative-franchise.com, and complete the basic information. One of my team members will reach out to you, and we'll take you through the franchising process, answer all the questions you have, and kind of guide you step by step through that process to the point where we can identify if it's a great fit and then we can kind of bring you on board as a franchise partner.

So I would really encourage everybody to check out our website. We have 2 websites. Our studio website is creative.com. Our franchise side of the website is creative.com. And that if someone wants to reach me, I give my email addresses to everybody. So if you have any questions, you can feel free to reach out to me directly. My email is jaya at creative.com. So simple enough, Jaya at creative.com. So I would love to hear any comments or any thoughts. If you have ever been to the studio, I would love to hear your feedback. And if you are in one of the areas where we're opening our location, we would love to have you as our customer. So I'm really looking forward to that and to bringing this business to different locations across the country.

15:27 - Gresham Harkless

Yes, I absolutely love that. Definitely, you know, very exciting everything that you're doing. We're of course going to have the links and information in the show notes as well too so that everybody can follow up with you and connect with you, and your team, and of course come and visit as well if you're in one of the areas. If you're not, then of course you can start one in your area as well. So truly appreciate what you're doing, Jai. I think we sometimes forget the power that we can have, but I love that you're creating that positive environment and giving people the paintbrush, so to speak, so that they can do it in their locations as well, too. So thank you so much, my friend, and I'll be over phenomenal the rest of the day.

15:59 - Jaya Aiyar

Thank you, Grash. This was lovely. I really enjoyed talking to you and to all your people who are on the podcast. And thank you very much for having me on the

16:08 - Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.


Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(CEOBlogNation.com), podcasts, (CEOPodcasts.com) and videos (CBNation.tv). CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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