Black Wall StreetHealthy CEOI AM CEO PODCAST

IAM439- Fertility Awareness Educator Teaches Women on Natural Birth Control

Podcast Interview with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

Lisa Hendrickson-Jack is a certified Fertility Awareness Educator and Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner who teaches women to chart their menstrual cycles for natural birth control, conception, and monitoring overall health. In her new book The Fifth Vital Sign, Lisa debunks the myth that regular ovulation is only important when you want children by recognizing the menstrual cycle as a vital sign. Drawing heavily from the current scientific literature, Lisa presents an evidence-based approach to fertility awareness and menstrual cycle optimization. She hosts the Fertility Friday Podcast, a weekly radio show devoted to helping women connect to their fifth vital sign by uncovering the connection between menstrual cycle health, fertility, and overall health.

  • CEO Hack: Sleep
  • CEO Nugget: Try stuff- you learn more by doing
  • CEO Defined: Following your vision and seeing it through

Website: https://fertilityfriday.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FertilityFridays/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/fertilityfriday/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fertilefriday
Book: http://thefifthvitalsignbook.com


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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place, Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is I Am CEO podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:29

Hello, hello, hello, this is Gresh from the I am CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Lisa Hendrickson Jack, she is the author of The Fifth Vital Sign. Lisa, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 0:39

Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Gresham Harkless 0:41

Super excited to have you on and what I wanted to do was just read a little bit more about Lisa so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. Lisa is a certified fertility awareness educator, and holistic reproductive health practitioner who teaches women to chart their menstrual cycles for natural birth control, conception, and monitoring overall health. In her new book, The Fifth Vital Sign Lisa debunks the myth that regular ovulation is only important when you want children by recognizing the menstrual cycle as a vital sign.

Drawing heavily from the current scientific literature. Lisa presents an evidence-based approach to fertility awareness and menstrual cycle optimization. She hosts the Fertility Friday podcast, a weekly radio show devoted to helping women connect their fifth vital sign by uncovering the connection between menstrual cycle health, fertility, and overall health. Lisa, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO Community?

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Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 1:27

I am.

Gresham Harkless 1:28

Awesome, let's do it. So to kick everything off, I want to hear a little bit more about what I call your CEO story.  What led you to get started with your podcasts in your book?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 1:35

Well, I mean, I have this unique background in, women's health, specifically the menstrual cycle, and fertility awareness cycle charting and connecting the menstrual cycle to overall health and for, I would say in my early 20s, that's when I first started this work, but I didn't see a career, I couldn't figure out how I would make that a reality.

So, I did the typical things that people do, I have a university degree, and I had a great job. And then when I had my first son, I was doing this on the side, like it was something that I was just constantly doing. It's always a part of my life. But it was never something I was doing for a career. So fast forward, I had my first son, and something changed when I became a mom.

So before I became a mom, I had organized my life the way I thought that it should look to be a parent. So, full-time nine to five, like that seemed like a good idea. But when you have a child, all of a sudden, the nine-to-five is hard because your child is awake during the day.  In my house, my kids go to bed pretty early. So they're in bed by like seven o'clock, eight o'clock, depending on how successful bedtime goes. So when you're out of the house that whole time, basically, you just see them for a small period of time, like it was a big shock for me when I went back to work. Then another big shock was the cost of childcare, in order for me to go to work. So that all kind of happened around the same time.

Also,  I had my first son when I was 30 years old. Around that time, I was joking that my Facebook feed was full of babies. But what that also meant was that it really occurred to me how many women and couples are struggling to conceive. When you learn, I mean, I know we're not talking about fertility today. But when you understand how to identify when in the cycle, you're fertile. When you understand that a lot of the myths that were told about our cycle aren't true. So growing up, I was taught that I was fertile all the time. I would get pregnant basically looking at a guy. But it turns out, it doesn't work like that.

So what I realized was that so many women and couples don't have this basic information that I had been taking for granted and teaching all this time. So all of those things kind of came together. It occurred to me that I should put this information out there. So I started with a podcast, and it was kind of like a test. Like, I know this stuff changed my life. It changed everything for me, I want to know if you know, the greater world at large, also wants to know. So, it'll be the fifth year of the podcast this year turns out that they did want to know. So that was basically the start of this going from more of a passion, something that I was always doing on the side to my actual career.

Gresham Harkless 4:17

Nice, I definitely appreciate that. Because I think a lot of times, I feel like it's the beautiful part of this kind of golden age where you can kind of have your own platform, whether it be a podcast blog,  so many different ways we can kind of express ourselves. I think a lot of times, just kind of like what you spoke to where we often use it to just maybe express our vision or maybe do research or whatever that might be, and then all of a sudden you start to get that following because you're not the only one that's craving that information and looking for that information.

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 4:44

Yeah, absolutely.  I mean, at the time, it looks a lot different now in the fertility space. But at the time when I first started my podcast, there weren't a whole lot of fertility podcasts like now there are hundreds of them. Like hundreds plural But when I first started, there were not that many. There hadn't ever been a podcast about fertility awareness specifically. Yeah, there were people putting out information about fertility awareness, but it just wasn't the same. So I, remember kind of knowing that and feeling like it did have something to share.  I just did it.  It did help that I was one of the early adopters, of course. It still helps to this day, because now I've had my foot in this field in that public way for quite a while.

So my latest project is when you mentioned I wrote a book, I released it this January, so January 2019. That was, I mean, there's a lot that happened between starting the podcast and writing the book. But it was another way for me to continue spreading information. Because, of course, we all have to have a career and have a way to have a livelihood. But at the heart of what I do is my passion to share this information with women, because it's pretty basic stuff like how our body works, and how the menstrual cycle works, considering how many women are on earth, everyone's here because someone had a menstrual cycle like, case you didn't know. So it's pretty important stuff. So at the heart of what I do is this passion to bring this information to women,  I'm just I feel very fortunate that I found a way to kind of blend my passion and those strong convictions with also a way to make a living.

Gresham Harkless 6:19

Yeah, absolutely. It definitely sounds like like you said, to be the key to humanity and make everybody's lives better exist in one fell swoop. Right. So I know you touched on it a little bit, can you tell us a little bit more about your book, your podcast, just kind of everything you're doing to support the pleasure work with?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 6:34

Well, yeah, so when I first started, I did not have any background in fitness or anything. So when I first started my podcast, I just it was, it was just a place for me to kind of explore. So I was sharing information that I knew about fertility awareness. At the very beginning, when I started my podcast, though, I was doing only interviews. Of course, it was an amazing way to learn from amazing guests who specialized in fertility.

So I spent a couple of years basically interviewing amazing professionals. Even though I have a lot of knowledge to share, it took me a while to gain the confidence to put it out there, I just kind of felt like who's gonna want to listen to me all the time? It's kind of interesting because things have changed a lot. So in order to get myself to the point that I felt confident enough to put all that information out there. Yeah, I suppose I just had to kind of do it, I just had to kind of put it out there. So now the podcast looks a lot different because I do a lot of solo episodes where I share what I know and showcase my knowledge and expertise.

So that was something that I didn't initially feel comfortable with. But I mean, at the end of the day, this is my field, and I do specialize in it. So I'm happy to share about it.  I also do a lot of what I call reality series sessions with actual clients of mine, and I'll do on-air client sessions to showcase again, my skill set and what it is that we do.

So my business is a combination of because a lot of people think of podcasts as a business. A podcast is not a business, a podcast is a marketing tool for your business. A podcast is a way for you to share information and ideas connect with your audience and help them to gain some insight into who you are and what you do. But a podcast actually costs money. It is not free, a blog is freer, I'm just gonna make up that word. But a blog is freer than a podcast, a podcast requires a lot of, you know like there's production. Unless you want to spend every waking moment editing episodes, eventually you kind of have to have some support to get it out there. So I'm clear on that now. So the podcast is the way for me to connect with my audience share what I'm doing and talk about the actual business part of it, which is my one-on-one work.

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So I have,  one-on-one coaching programs, I have group programs, where I work with several women at a time taking them through what we need to know. So for the audience who has no idea what fertility awareness is, or why it might be important. You know, a lot of women have issues with birth control. So some women go on birth control, and they have a ton of side effects. They have emotional issues and sexual issues like low libido, loss of sex drive, etc.

So a lot of women have negative experiences. They might try to go from like, different kinds of different types of brands to, throwing the shots or this or that. A lot of women still don't have success. So the challenge for women in that situation is that you want to have effective birth control, but you don't necessarily want the hormones. Some women, they're just concerned about their health, like it occurs to them after eating organic and doing all of these great things that we're doing now.

But you're still taking the hormones every day like so for a lot of women. It's just incongruent with what they're trying to do for their health. So that's a part of it. So, that's what I do with my group programs.  Then also, there are women who are trying to conceive and you have sex all day and it's not working.

So you want some specific insight into how the cycle works. So a lot of so then the podcast kind of fits in to share that information. So when women are in those situations, they kind of know that I'm out there, whereas if I didn't have the podcasts, they would have no idea that I'm out there doing this work.

Gresham Harkless 10:02

I appreciate that.  I wanted to switch gears a little bit. I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app or a book or a habit that you have. But what's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 10:15

Well, I'm gonna go with the truth, it's probably going to be really boring. So what makes me the most effective is sleep. So over the years, I've had a lot of opportunities to kind of pay attention to what works and what doesn't work.  I'm a human being. So I fall off the rails, sometimes, especially the stress of bringing a book into the world.  I actually also released a workbook to go with it. I have two books that I released this year, so it's really busier. So there were times when the fleet kind of went out the window,  I'm up late working on this or editing that or something. So for me, personally, going to bed at a decent time, which for me, is between usually 10 and 11. If I can be in my bed between 10 and 11, that's perfect. Sleeping in the dark. So actually hacking the sleep part of it and doing all those great things, not drinking coffee, a lot like all the things that are gonna help you to get a really good sleep.

Gresham Harkless 11:01

I appreciate you explaining that as well. Now when it asks you for what I call a CEO nugget, and this is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice, or if you can happen to a time machine, what would you tell your younger business?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 11:12

Well, I mean, if I could go back and talk to my younger self because I think I did, I did a lot of things, right? So if anything, I am not everything. There was lots of learning to do. But what I did, right, and what I would suggest is to try stuff you learn more by doing than by thinking. So if you have an idea, if there's something that you've always wanted to do, if there's something that you're kind of toying with, and you're not sure how it's gonna work, you haven't figured out all the steps, you don't have to figure out the steps. I didn't when I first started my podcast, I didn't realize that if someone had told me, okay, you're gonna be an author, you write a book, you're gonna do like, you're gonna have successful programming, I would have been, I would have laughed at them. So I didn't see all the steps, but I just started.

So when I started, of course, inside, I did have this vision that, you know, wow, this could be successful. This could resonate with women. So there was the hope of the seed, but I didn't know what it would look like. But I just jumped in. I was like, hey, I can start a podcast, let me do that. Let me just put my information out there. It wasn't perfect. I like it if I have something that I've shared with a lot of podcasters, who have interviewed me, especially when they're like, wow, your podcast is really successful. I've been doing it for a long time. I'll say that. When I first started, I didn't know what I was doing. I used to like, try to record the whole thing and, like, put the music on at the same time. Like, I made all kinds of mistakes, but doesn't matter. Just jump in.

Gresham Harkless 12:32

Exactly. I appreciate that. So. Now I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different, quote-unquote, CEOs on this show. So Lisa, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 12:45

What does the CEO mean to me? I guess it just means following your vision and seeing it through whatever that is.

Gresham Harkless 12:55

Absolutely, I think that makes perfect sense. I think a lot of times what we're talking to you where you kind of have a listen to yourself, as far as your health and making sure that you are taking care of yourself in the same way, when you do have that vision and that goal and that aspiration for what you want in your life, it's important to kind of tap into that and pay attention to that and listen to all the external voices that say this or that and kind of continue on with what you want.

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 13:14

Well, now, of course, I want to add something to that, but I think what I've learned along the way, too, is that you have to think about not just whatever aspect, so maybe for one person, it's success or notoriety, maybe for another person, it's money, maybe for like, who knows, however, it looks for everybody. But when you think it's really important, have a vision of what you want for the future. For me currently, it's not just about the business, it's about my life, my family, being there for my kids, having a, wonderful relationship with my husband, as well as having a successful business.

But what does that mean, to me, it means helping as many women as possible, spreading the word, and being really aligned with that vision of spreading the information that women need to know, like, we've talked about that it gets a separate podcast, but whatever your vision is, I feel like it shouldn't just be one thing, it should include your life, your family, your health, all of those things so that when you get to wherever you are you just like what is it good to like, get to the place that you're successful, and you have money and your health is out the window and your relationship is gone.  Your kids don't remember what you look like, like is that is that what you want? So I think it's really important to have a complete vision.

Gresham Harkless 14:29

Yeah, absolutely. It's kind of like that holistic approach to not just your health, well, I guess your health, but your overall health, whether that be career, spiritually, relationships, all those things, financially, all those things are important and it's kind of hard to take one without the other. But you know, it's it's everybody's mission. So you get to decide what you want to do with your life.

So that's the important part. So, Lisa, I truly appreciate your time and appreciate all the awesome things you're doing. What I wanted to do was pass the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional. You can let our readers and listeners know and then of course how best they can get a hold of you. Download your podcasts and of course, get a copy of her book.

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 15:01

Well, thank you for that. , I feel like we covered a lot of it. I really appreciate you having the opportunity to talk about the business side because it's really not something that I talked about and for any of my followers who find this episode to be like, Oh, I never hear Lisa talking about this. Because it's really different to the world that I'm in as I joked with you initially, I'm usually talking about vaginas and vagina related. But yeah, so if anyone's interested in the topic of fertility, I know a lot of people are of course, even people you wouldn't necessarily think are really interested in it. Because of course, it's such a personal topic.

If you are into podcasts, just type Fertility Friday and your favorite podcast player and you'll find me the book. Of course, I happen to have it here. It's not a coincidence at all, is the Fifth Vital Sign. So that's available on Amazon and paperback ebook and audiobook formats.  Yeah, I've got lots of goodies, I've got some freebies, so fertility friday.com/freebies. So if you've got some listeners that are like, wow, this fertility awareness that sounds pretty cool. I've got like a free video series, you can get the first chapter of the book for free, etc, etc. on that page.

Gresham Harkless 16:00

Awesome, awesome, awesome. We'll make sure to have those links and that information in the show notes. So just in case somebody has listened to this, they're expecting to hear about fertility or vaginas, you can go down into the show notes and you can click over to actually listen to the podcast to learn a little bit more about that. Again, we'll have all those links in the show notes but appreciate your time. Appreciate all the awesome things you're doing and following your gifting your passion reminding us to do the same and I hope you have a great rest of the day.

Outro 16:22

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Intro 0:02

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Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place, Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is I am CEO podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:29

Hello, hello, hello, this is Gresh from the I am CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Lisa Hendrickson Jack, she is the author of the fifth vital sign. Lisa, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 0:39

Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Gresham Harkless 0:41

Super excited to have you on and what I wanted to do was just read a little bit more about Lisa so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. And Lisa is a certified fertility awareness educator, and holistic reproductive health practitioner who teaches women to chart their menstrual cycles for natural birth control, conception and monitoring overall health. In her new book The fifth vital sign Lisa debunks the myth that regular ovulation is only important when you want children by recognizing the menstrual cycle as a vital sign. Drawing heavily from the current scientific literature. Lisa presents a evidence based approach of to fertility awareness and menstrual cycle optimization. She hosts the fertility Friday podcast, a weekly radio show devoted to helping women connect their fifth vital sign by uncovering the connection between menstrual cycle health, fertility and overall health. Lisa, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO Community?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 1:27

I am

Gresham Harkless 1:28

Awesome, let's do it. So to kick everything off, I want to hear a little bit more about what I call your CEO story. And what led you to get started with your podcasts in your book?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 1:35

Well, I mean, I have this unique background in, women's health, specifically the menstrual cycle, and fertility awareness cycle charting and connecting the menstrual cycle to overall health. And for you know, I would say in my early 20s, that's when I first started this work, but I didn't see a career, I couldn't figure out how I would make that a reality. And so, you know, I did the typical things that people do, I have a university degree, I had a great job. And then when I had my first son, so I was doing this on the side, like it was something that I was just constantly doing. It's always a part of my life. But it was never something I was doing for a career. And so fast forward, I had my first son, and something changed when I became a mom. So before I became a mom, I had organized my life the way I thought that it should look to be a parent. So you know, full time nine to five, like that seemed like a good idea. But when you have a child, all of a sudden, the nine to five is hard because your child is awake during the day. And, you know, in my house, my kids go to bed pretty early. So they're in bed by like seven o'clock, eight o'clock, you know, depending on how successful bedtime goes. And so when you're out of the house that whole time, basically, and you just see them for the small period of time, like it was a big shock for me when I went back to work. And then you know, another big shock was the cost of childcare, in order for me to go to work. So that all kind of happened around the same time. Also, as you know, I had my first son when I was 30 years old. And around that time, I was joke that my Facebook feed was full of babies. But what that also meant was that it really occurred to me how many women and couples are struggling to conceive. And when you learn, I mean, I know we're not talking about fertility today. But when you understand how to identify when in the cycle, you're fertile. And when you understand that a lot of the myths that were told about our cycle aren't true. So growing up, I was taught that I was fertile all the time. And you know, I would get pregnant basically looking at a guy. But it turns out, it doesn't work like that. So what I realized was that so many women and couples don't have this basic information that I had been taking for granted and teaching all this time. And so all of those things kind of came together. And it occurred to me that I should put this information out there. So I started with a podcast, and it was kind of like a test. Like, I know this stuff changed my life. And it changed everything for me, I want to know if you know, the greater world at large, also wants to know. And so it'll be the fifth year of the podcast this year turns out that they did want to know. So that was basically the start of this going from more of a passion, something that I was always doing on the side to my actual career.

Gresham Harkless 4:17

Nice, I definitely appreciate that. Because I think a lot of times, and I feel like it's the beautiful part of this kind of golden age where you know, you can kind of have your own platform, whether it be a podcast blog, you know, so many different ways we can kind of express ourselves. And I think a lot of times, just kind of like what you spoke to where we often use it to just maybe express our vision or maybe do research or whatever that might be and then all of a sudden you start to get that following because you're not the only one that's craving that information and looking for that information.

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 4:44

Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, at the time, so it looks a lot different now in the fertility space. But at the time when I first started my podcast, there weren't a whole lot of fertility podcasts like now there's hundreds of them. Like hundreds plural But when I first started, there was not that many. And there hadn't ever been a podcast about fertility awareness specifically. And yeah, there were people putting out information about fertility awareness, but it just wasn't the same. So I, remember kind of knowing that and feeling like it did have something to share. And I just, did it. And it did help that I was one of the early adopters, of course. And it still helps to this day, because now I've had my foot in this field in that public way for quite a while. And so my latest project is you mentioned I wrote a book, and I released it this January, so January 2019. And that was, I mean, there's a lot that happened in between starting the podcast and writing the book. But it was another way for me to continue spreading information. Because, of course, we all have to have a career and have a way to you know, have a livelihood. But at the heart of what I do is my passion to share this information with women, because it's pretty basic stuff like how our body works, and how the menstrual cycle works, considering how many women are on earth, and everyone's here because someone had menstrual cycle like, case you didn't know. So it's pretty important stuff. So at the heart of what I do is this passion to bring this information to women, and I'm just I feel very fortunate that I found a way to kind of blend my passion and those strong convictions with also a way to make a living.

Gresham Harkless 6:19

Yeah, absolutely. It definitely sounds like like you said, you know, to be the key to humanity and make everybody's lives better and exist in one fell swoop. Right. So I know you touched on it a little bit, can you tell us a little bit more about your book, your podcast, and just kind of everything you're doing to support the pleasure work with?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 6:34

Well, yeah, so when I first started, I did not have any background in fitness or anything. So when I first started my podcast, I just it was, it was just a place for me to kind of explore. So I was sharing information that I knew about fertility awareness. At the very beginning, when I started my podcast, though, I was doing only interviews. And of course, it was an amazing way to learn from amazing guests who specialized in fertility. So I spent a couple of years basically interviewing amazing professionals. And even though I have a lot of knowledge to share, it took me a while to gain the confidence to put it out there, I just kind of felt like who's gonna want to listen to me all the time. And it's kind of interesting, because things have changed a lot. So in order to get myself to the point that I felt confident enough to put all that information out there. Yeah, I suppose I just had to kind of do it, I just had to kind of put it out there. So now the podcast looks a lot different because I do a lot of solo episodes where I share what I know and showcase my knowledge and expertise. So that was something that I didn't initially feel comfortable with. But I mean, at the end of the day, this is my field, and I do specialize in it. So I'm happy to share about it. And I also do a lot of what I call reality series sessions with actual clients of mine, and I'll do on air client sessions to showcase again, my skill set and what it is that we do. So my business is a combination of because a lot of people think of podcasts as a business. A podcast is not a business, a podcast is a marketing tool for your business. A podcast is a way for you to share information and ideas and connect with your audience and help them to gain some insight into who you are and what you do. But a podcast actually costs money. It is not free, a blog is freer, I'm just gonna make up that word. But a blog is freer than a podcast, a podcast requires a lot of, you know, like there's production. And unless you want to spend every waking moment editing episodes, eventually you kind of have to have some support to get it out there. So I'm clear on that now. And so the podcast is the way for me to connect with my audience and share about what I'm doing and talk about the actual business part of it, which is my one on one work. So I have, you know, one on one coaching programs, I have group programs, where I work with several women at a time taking them through what we need to know. So for the audience who has no idea what fertility awareness is, or why it might be important. You know, a lot of women have issues with birth control. And so some women go on birth control, and they have a ton of side effects. And they have emotional issues and sexual issues like low libido, loss of sex drive, etc. And so a lot of women have negative experiences. And they might try to go from like, you know, different kinds of different types of brands to, you know, throwing the shots or this or that. And a lot of women still don't have success. So the challenge for women in that situation is that you want to have effective birth control, but you don't necessarily want the hormones. And for some women, they're just concerned about their health, like it occurs to them after eating organic and doing all of these great things that we're doing now. But you're still taking the hormones everyday like so for a lot of women. It's just incongruent with what they're trying to do for their health. So that's a part of it. So you know, that's what I do with my group programs. And then also, there's women who are trying to conceive and you have sex and all the days and it's not working. So you want some specific insight into how the cycle works. So a lot of so then the podcast kind of fits in to share that information. So when women are in those situations, they kind of know that I'm out there, whereas if I didn't have the podcasts, they would have no idea that I'm out there doing this work.

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Gresham Harkless 10:02

I appreciate that. And I wanted to switch gears a little bit. And I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app or a book or a habit that you have. But what's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 10:15

Well, I'm gonna go with the truth, and it's probably going to be really boring. So what makes me the most effective is sleep. So over the years, I've had a lot of opportunity to kind of pay attention to what works and what doesn't work. And you know, I'm a human being. So I fall off the rails, sometimes, especially the stress of bringing a book into the world. And I actually also released like a workbook to go with it. So two books that I released this year, so it's really busier. So there were times when the fleet kind of went out the window, and I'm up late working on this or editing that or something. So for me, personally, going to bed at a decent time, which for me, is between usually 10 and 11. If I can be in my bed between 10 and 11, that's perfect. Sleeping in the dark. So actually hacking the sleep part of it and doing all those great things, not drinking coffee, a lot like you know, all the things that are gonna help you to get a really good sleep.

Gresham Harkless 11:01

I appreciate you explaining that as well. And now when it asks you for what I call a CEO nugget, and this is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice, or if you can happen to a time machine, what would you tell your younger business ?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 11:12

Well, I mean, if I could go back and talk to my younger self, because I think I did, I did a lot of things, right. So if anything, I not everything. There were lots of learning to do. But what I did, right, and what I would suggest is to try stuff you learn more by doing then by thinking. So if you have an idea, if there's something that you've always wanted to do, if there's something that you're kind of toying with, and you're not sure how it's gonna work, you haven't figured out all the steps, you don't have to figure out the steps. I didn't, when I first started my podcast, I didn't realize that if someone had told me, okay, you're gonna be an author, you write a book, you're gonna do like, you're gonna have successful programming, I would have been, I would have laughed at them. So I didn't see all the steps, but I just started. So when I started, of course, inside, I did have this vision that, you know, wow, this could be successful. This could resonate with women. So there was the hope the seed, but I didn't know what it would look like. But I just jumped in. I was like, hey, I can start a podcast, let me do that. Let me just put my information out there. It wasn't perfect. I like if I something that I've shared with a lot of podcasters, who have interviewed me, especially when they're like, wow, your podcast is really successful. I've been doing it for a long time. I'll say that. When I first started, I didn't know what I was doing. I used to like, tried to record the whole thing and, like, put the music on at the same time. And like, you know, I made all kinds of mistakes, but doesn't matter. Just jump in.

Gresham Harkless 12:32

Exactly. I appreciate that. So. And now I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different, quote unquote, CEOs on this show. So Lisa, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 12:45

Um, what does the CEO mean to me? I guess it just means following your vision, and seeing it through whatever that is.

Gresham Harkless 12:55

Absolutely, I think that makes perfect sense. And I think a lot of times what we're talking to you where you kind of have a listen to yourself, as far as your health and making sure that you are taking care of yourself in the same way, when you do have that vision and that goal and that aspiration for what you want in your life, it's important to kind of tap into that and pay attention to that and listen to all the external voices that say this or that and kind of continue on with what you want.

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 13:14

Well, now, of course, I want to add something to that, but But I think what I've learned along the way, too, is that you have to think about not just whatever aspect, so maybe for one person, it's success or notoriety, maybe for another person, it's money, maybe for like, who knows, however, it looks for everybody. But when you think it's really important, have a vision of what you want for the future. And, you know, for me currently, you know, it's not just about the business, it's about my life, my family, being there for my kids, having a, you know, wonderful relationship with my husband, as well as having a successful business. But what does that mean, to me, it means helping as many women as possible, spreading the word and being really aligned with that vision of spreading the information that women need to know, like, we've talked about that it gets a separate podcast, but whatever your vision is, I feel like it shouldn't just be one thing, it should include your life, your family, your health, all of those things so that when you get to wherever you are you just like what is it good to like, get to the place that you're successful, and you have money and your health is out the window and your relationship is gone. And you know, your kids don't remember what you look like, like is that is that what you want? So I think it's really important have a complete vision.

Gresham Harkless 14:29

Yeah, absolutely. It's kind of like that holistic approach to not just your health, well, I guess your health, but your overall health, whether that be career, spiritually, relationships, all those things, financially, all those things are important and it's kind of hard to take one without the other. But you know, it's it's everybody's mission. So you get to decide what you want to do with your life. So that's the important part. So, Lisa, I truly appreciate your time and appreciate all the awesome things you're doing. What I wanted to do was passing the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional. You can let our readers and listeners know and then of course how best they can get a hold of you. Download your podcasts and of course get a copy of her book.

Lisa-Hendrickson Jack 15:01

Well, thank you for that. Um, I feel like we covered a lot of it. I really appreciate you having the opportunity to talk about the business side because it's really not something that I talked about and for any of like my followers who find this episode to be like, Oh, I never hear Lisa talking about this. Because it's really different to the world that I'm in as I joked with you initially, I'm usually talking about vaginas and vagina related. But yeah, so if anyone's interested in the topic of fertility, I know a lot of people are of course, even people you wouldn't necessarily think are really interested in it. Because of course, it's such a personal topic. If you are into podcast, just type fertility Friday and your favorite podcast player and you'll find me the book. Of course, I happen to have it here. It's not coincidence at all, is the Fifth Vital Sign. And so that's available on Amazon and paperback ebook and audiobook formats. And, and yeah, I've got lots of goodies, I've got some freebies, so fertility friday.com/freebies. So if you've got some listeners that are like, wow, this fertility awareness that sounds pretty cool. I've got like a free video series, and you can get the first chapter of the book for free, etc, etc. on that page.

Gresham Harkless 16:00

Awesome, awesome, awesome. We'll make sure to have those links and that information in the show notes. So just in case somebody has listened to this, they're expecting to hear about fertility or vaginas, you can go down into the show notes and you can click over to actually listen to the podcast to learn a little bit more about that. But again, we'll have all those links in the show notes, but appreciate your time. Appreciate all the awesome things you're doing and following your gifting your passion and reminding us to do the same and I hope you have a great rest of the day.

Outro 16:22

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


Mercy - CBNation Team

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(CEOBlogNation.com), podcasts, (CEOPodcasts.com) and videos (CBNation.tv). CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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