IAM1312 – CEO Makes an Impact to Community through Yoga

Podcast Interview with Caren Plummer

Gratitude, service, and the importance of community are the driving forces that inspire Caren of cp:yoga. Her vision was to create a welcoming space for all people to explore their physical and mental well-being through the power of movement while intentionally giving back to the community through fundraising and campaign awareness. Over the course of 2021, she and her community raised $8,000 and worked with 11 different organizations serving 11 different causes. She has grown her community and followed from 3 to 90 unique members, all motivated to make a difference and impact on the community that surrounds them.

  • CEO Story: Six years in yoga teaching. Caren realized she can do more, she brings a deeper purpose to it by making an impact on the community and that is through fundraising and campaign.
  • Business Service: Identifying organizations that resonate with the community. Raise fundraising through an event.
  • Secret Sauce: Understanding what drives you and what you’re passionate about that grounds you. The life experience, vulnerability, and authenticity.
  • CEO Hack: Blocking of time. Every month, writing goals. Mini goals forming a habit.
  • CEO Nugget: Listen to your intuition and do it. Give yourself grace.
  • CEO Defined: Being a leader and inspiring others.



LinkedIn: @caren-plummer

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00:20 – Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate Sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, start-ups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, You've come to the right place. Gresham Partners values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:47 – Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show. I have Caren Plummer of CP Yoga. Caren, it's great to have you on the show.

00:56 – Caren Plummer

Thank you. It's good to be here.

00:57 – Gresham Harkless

Yes. Super excited to have you on. Before we jump into the interview, I want to read a little bit more about Caren so you can hear about some of the awesome things that she's doing. Gratitude, service, and the importance of community are what drive and inspire Caren of DP yoga. Her vision was to create a welcoming space for all people to explore their physical and mental well-being through the power of movement while Potentially giving back to the community through fundraising and campaign awareness.

Over the course of twenty twenty-one, she and her community raised eight thousand dollars and worked with eleven different organizations serving eleven different causes. She has grown her community and following from three to ninety unique members, all motivated to Make a difference and impact on the community that surrounds around them. Caren, super excited again to have you on the show and even more excited about the work that you do. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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01:45 – Caren Plummer

I am. I'm looking forward to it.

01:47 – Gresham Harkless

Let's make it happen then. So, to kinda kick everything off, I know I touched it a little bit, but I wanted to rewind the clock, and hear a little bit more about how you got started, what I call your CEO story.

01:56 – Caren Plummer

Yeah. That's beautiful. Also, as you read my bio, it just like made me. I don't know move. It has been such an incredible journey. I, you know, have been teaching yoga in the Washington DC area for, six plus years, primarily in and out of studio spaces, and then obviously the pandemic hit which, kind of gave us all a different lens to look through. And one of the things that I immediately realized was that yoga was so much more than just a practice for myself. It was a practice that helped draw people together, as a community.

And during the pandemic early stage, the community was, like, the one thing we were all missing. We were all experiencing one and the same, but we really weren't able to come together and really share that experience together. So, I started CP yoga as a means of moving my own body, and connecting with other people, and then saw the opportunity to, use it as a platform to help us, kinda give back to the community. People wanted to be active. They were engaged. They wanted to make a difference, and, this was a good place to to start, I guess.

And then when you think about the journey and kind of community, we think about, like, CP yoga as you know, it was the journey its journey started as just giving people a place to practice and then realizing that people wanted to actually, paying me money to teach them, virtually. And I've been incredibly blessed to have been employed from a nine to five, you know, in a separate space, which is tech sales. And I didn't feel compelled to take people's money, to be able to give them the opportunity to move.

So what I did was realize that, like, there's a place here for us to fundraise for important organizations, local organizations, and a means of helping better the community that we're all gonna step back out into, once the pandemic was over, which we have, but there's still a lot of need that exists out there. So great opportunity to get people motivated to actually make, donations and become more consciously aware of some of the, you know, social issues and some of the, you know, bigger issues that plague our city and need our support.

03:58 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah. Absolutely. And that's what I truly believe is, like, at the essence of entrepreneurship is being able to, you know, see a problem and create that solution and do it especially, I always say, like, in your own lane, in your own way.

04:10 – Caren Plummer

Yeah. A hundred percent. I think, you know, as a CEO or as an entrepreneur, you know, your goal is to, kind of be authentic to yourself, you know, if you're stepping out into the space and stepping into, you know, stepping onto your platform, let's say, and you're not attaching to that authentic version of yourself, you're gonna be able to be seen through it pretty quickly and chances are your community is not gonna support you. Right?

So I've had to be incredibly vulnerable and had to share a lot of really personal things about myself, to help build this community and to help, continue to, get people inspired by what it is that I'm bringing to the table each month, then I really do lean on understanding, kind of what is either happening from a current, events perspective, what is, near and dear to myself and kind of what I believe my most authentic self can be when I'm bringing these organizations to the forefront of my, of my platform.

But I think you can't you can't do what you do. You can't be an entrepreneur unless you're true to yourself. So staying in your lane is important. You know, I'm not gonna step out and try to, you know, be a videographer or, you know, be, I know, some type of, like, political force, that's not me. What I'm what I do is inspire people through movement and encourage people through, you know, intentionality. So, like, that comes directed hand in hand with yoga and, it's been a really, really incredible journey so far to be able to do that and to see people's lives, not just the organizations, but even the groups that I'm working with, people become more consciously aware of the things they're really passionate about, has been really, really, rewarding.

05:46 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah. Absolutely. And as you were saying, you kinda create that ripple effect where, you know, you by leaning into who you are and the power that you have or able to kinda empower so many other people and create, you know, such a big impact. So I absolutely love and appreciate that. So I wanted to drill down a little bit more. I know we touched a little bit On CP yoga and how you're serving your clients. Could you take us through a little bit more on what that looks like and how you're serving the clients you work with?

06:09 – Caren Plummer

Yeah. Absolutely. So today, the way that CP yoga is structured is that I identify a different organization each month that, sort of resonates with me, resonates with the community. So, you know, I'll give an example. Last month was January, the first month of the year, and I actually lost my father, to COVID in December

06:29 – Gresham Harkless

I'm sorry.

06:29 – Caren Plummer

As you know, it's a lot of families have gone through this. It's something I'm kind of processing. But he was, an avid golfer. Really, really believed that golf had the capability of teaching us a lot of lessons. So I can just tell you how many times I've been on a golf course and how many spanks I've taken and, honestly, great. I don't play golf now, But I definitely learned some etiquette and all that good stuff while I was out on the course.

But because he was such an avid golfer and because this was so personal to me and really authentic to myself, you know, we paired up with, First TDC, which is an organization that is, focused on empowering youth through the game of golf. Golf is an expensive sport. It's not something that everyone has access to, but it's something that has gained popularity and notoriety through really impressive athletes, you know, that are out there.

And this is a means of helping enable those kids to have that opportunity to, to know play the game of golf. So, again, incredibly authentic to me, having to be very vulnerable, having to share, you know, what I did. I reached out to the organization and we ended up partnering together, by way of an event that took place on the thirtieth of January. And we've raised for that event, like, five thousand dollars, and I know that that is a single event and it is very personal and I'm sure that's part of the reason why.

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But, basically, all of the money that comes from the registration fees, which I work directly with an organization called Moxie. They are here in the DMV helping kind of give a platform for instructors. I work directly with them to secure the space And then I do all the marketing, all of the, you know, social pushes, all that good stuff to draw people in.

08:07 – Gresham Harkless

Speaking of your own way, what I want to ask you now is what I like to call your secret sauce. And this could be for yourself, the organization, or a combination of both. What do you feel kinda sets you apart and makes you unique?

08:18 – Caren Plummer

Yeah. I mean, I think what sets me apart and makes me unique is my journey, like, how I've got to where I am today, for a little bit more context, and, of course, if you do end up on my website ever after listening to this, you'll see this all in its fullest form. But what yoga was able to do for me is able to create a space where I did feel more empowered, more in control, be able to address some of my emotions, grief, etcetera. And I think because of my attachment to it, what I knew it could do for me, I was able to two weeks into the shutdown down or locked. Two weeks into that, was able to say, oh, we're all gonna need this. Right?

And I had already been vulnerable. Well, I've been vulnerable. I believe in vulnerability as the guiding light. Right? Like, we should all just allow ourselves to feel and be, more sensitive and more available to our emotions. And, you know, I turned on my Instagram live one day and I was like, let's see. No one will come. It's fine. And what I saw is that a lot of people were coming and a lot of people were experiencing, similar feelings of stress, grief, emotional distress. And so I think it's it's understanding kind of what drives you, and understanding how this one thing, whatever it is that you're passionate about, kind of helps ground you and then understanding that it's likely that other people feel the same way.

And so I think for me, it's my life experience that kind of is my special sauce, that has allowed me to continue to show up for not just my community, but to show up for, you know, individuals and to show up in just a very authentic way. And I know I've already used the word authentic and vulnerable so many times, but if we're talking about ingredients that kinda make up that sauce, it's life experience, vulnerability, and authentic authenticity, that has kinda gotten to me where I am today. And I, you know, I don't think that there's anything else that I can kind of suggest as, like, the reason why we're here other than, that and just love and support from the community that's around me.

10:20 – Gresham Harkless

Definitely appreciate you for being able to do that and remind us of how, important that is. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit, and I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app, a book, or a habit that you have, but what's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

10:37 – Caren Plummer

Yeah. So what makes me more effective and efficient, I think, is just, blocking off time. I'm like a a time blocker, and blocking off time thoughtfully, as it relates to, some of the mini goals that I set for myself. So, I think anybody can do this. Every month I sit down and I say, okay. Here's what I wanna accomplish for myself this month, and it could be personal business, whatever. Typically, it's it's a combo of personal and business, and it's not my nine-to-five business. Right? Like, not what I do, to pay the rent in DC. But it's usually, related to how I can grow as a yoga instructor, how I can grow as somebody that's, like, continuing to run their own business. And that mini goal usually, like, feeds into that.

So, one of the things that I do is I'd spend time writing down my goals. Right, we talked about this. And I make it a sing-like, I make it a mini goal. So it's not something that's gonna, like, change the world, But it's something that is small enough that it can become a habit. And I think the mini goals that create habit-forming, behaviors our ultimately, like, what has helped me, you know, be more effective and efficient with with my time, basically.

Because that's the one thing, like, having a job, teaching, and then also, running this business. It's hard. Like, it's a lot. You know, I'm not saying anything that people don't know. If you have any hustles that all side hustles hustle one or many, like, you know, there's only so much a lot of time that you have in a day. So however you can figure out a way to really to use that in an impactful way so that you're able to achieve what should become habitual to you, that to me is key.

12:17 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah. That's huge. And I love that being able to kinda, you know, those mini goals, and those mini goals help you to align with those habits that you'll have. So, I wanted to ask you now for what I call a CEO nugget. So this is a little bit more of a word of wisdom or piece of advice. I like to say it might be something if you were to hop into a time machine that you would tell your younger business self.

12:36 – Caren Plummer

And, yeah, I would say that if you have something that is weighing on your heart, if you feel something so powerfully, you should listen to it. Right? I think oftentimes we get to a space where we create self-doubt. We kinda discredit, like, the things that come to us. Right? And the things that come to you from an intuition perspective or the things that come to you in your sleep or the visions that you have, for yourself, you know, it's very easy to dismiss them because they don't seem tangible and they don't seem real.

And, you know, what I was thinking and wanting to do. If I had not vocalized that appropriately at the right time, I might not be doing what I'm doing now. So if something was weighing on your heart and you feel as if it's something that you would be fulfilled by doing, do it. Like, don't hesitate, don't, offer yourself the ability to talk yourself out of it. Give yourself the grace to listen to it. Because oftentimes, our intuition is it is a great guide. Right?

Especially if it's something that comes to you more than one time. It's so easy just to say, no. I don't know. Why why am I thinking about that? And I go, oh, I must have, you know, ADD or no. Like, these are things that are coming to you for a reason. Listen to that. You can call it the universe speaking to you. You can call it holy spirits. You can call it whatever you want. But that thing that way it comes keeps coming to your heart, listen to it. Don't let yourself, kind of talk yourself out of your own path, your own journey.

14:11 – Gresham Harkless

Absolutely appreciate that. And I wanted to ask you now my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. We're hoping to have different quotes, and unquote CEOs on their show. So, what does being a CEO mean to you?

14:22 – Caren Plummer

Being a CEO to me means being a leader, and being an inspire like, somebody that can inspire others, for whatever purpose. Right? I don't expect, everybody to be able to do the things that I do because that's what makes me unique. But I do think it's just giving people the opportunity to be inspired and the opportunity to lead them in some way or another.

The word leader is tough because sometimes it gets, again, pulled to the wrong connotations. I'm not here to tell anybody what to do. I'm here to guide people, essentially. That's always been my nature, being able to put myself out there to guide them into a space of inspiration. So that's how I would define being a CEO. I think the yoga in me is like, I'm just I'm a voice and here to inspire. So that's all I can do.

15:13 – Gresham Harkless

Truly appreciate that. Of course, I appreciate your time even more. So what I want to do now is pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know and, of course, how best they can get a hold of you and find about all the awesome things that you're working on.

15:27 – Caren Plummer

Yeah, amazing. So, I would say the best way to understand anything that's going on in the world of sleep yoga is Instagram, primarily because it's just one of the most, accessible platforms. So you can follow, CP Yoga dot Fitness on Instagram. Or you can look at my personal page, the world of yoga teachers we cross over, unfortunately or fortunately.

Who I am as I teach is who I am as a human. So that is just care underscore plumber on Instagram. Otherwise, you can check out my website, which is c p yoga dot fitness, there are no dot coms or anything along those lines. Please just visit the website as is. If you have any organizations that you'd like us to be able to support, you know, please reach out. I'm always looking for an opportunity to, meet other folks who are passionate about what they do.

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16:16 – Gresham Harkless

Appreciate you for your work, and your time, and I hope you have a phenomenal rest day.

16:19 – Caren Plummer

Yep. You too. Thank you.

16:21 – Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

00:20 - Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate Sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, start-ups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, You've come to the right place. Gresham Partners values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:47 - Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show. I have Caren Plummer of CP Yoga. Caren, it's great to have you on the show.

00:56 - Caren Plummer

Thank you. It's good to be here.

00:57 - Gresham Harkless

Yes. Super excited to have you on. Before we jump into the interview, I want to read a little bit more about Caren so you can hear about some of the awesome things that she's doing. Gratitude, service, and the importance of community are what drive and inspire Caren of DP yoga. Her vision was to create a welcoming space for all people to explore their physical and mental well-being through the power of movement while Potentially giving back to the community through fundraising and campaign awareness.

Over the course of twenty twenty-one, she and her community raised eight thousand dollars and worked with eleven different organizations serving eleven different causes. She has grown her community and following from three to ninety unique members, all motivated to Make a difference and impact on the community that surrounds around them. Caren, super excited again to have you on the show and even more excited about the work that you do. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

01:45 - Caren Plummer

I am. I'm looking forward to it.

01:47 - Gresham Harkless

Let's make it happen then. So, to kinda kick everything off, I know I touched it a little bit, but I wanted to rewind the clock, and hear a little bit more about how you got started, what I call your CEO story.

01:56 - Caren Plummer

Yeah. That's beautiful. Also, as you read my bio, it just like made me. I don't know move. It has been such an incredible journey. I, you know, have been teaching yoga in the Washington DC area for, six plus years, primarily in and out of studio spaces, and then obviously the pandemic hit which, kind of gave us all a different lens to look through. And one of the things that I immediately realized was that yoga was so much more than just a practice for myself. It was a practice that helped draw people together, as a community.

And during the pandemic early stage, the community was, like, the one thing we were all missing. We were all experiencing one and the same, but we really weren't able to come together and really share that experience together. So, I started CP yoga as a means of moving my own body, and connecting with other people, and then saw the opportunity to, use it as a platform to help us, kinda give back to the community. People wanted to be active. They were engaged. They wanted to make a difference, and, this was a good place to to start, I guess.

And then when you think about the journey and kind of community, we think about, like, CP yoga as you know, it was the journey its journey started as just giving people a place to practice and then realizing that people wanted to actually, paying me money to teach them, virtually. And I've been incredibly blessed to have been employed from a nine to five, you know, in a separate space, which is tech sales. And I didn't feel compelled to take people's money, to be able to give them the opportunity to move.

So what I did was realize that, like, there's a place here for us to fundraise for important organizations, local organizations, and a means of helping better the community that we're all gonna step back out into, once the pandemic was over, which we have, but there's still a lot of need that exists out there. So great opportunity to get people motivated to actually make, donations and become more consciously aware of some of the, you know, social issues and some of the, you know, bigger issues that plague our city and need our support.

03:58 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah. Absolutely. And that's what I truly believe is, like, at the essence of entrepreneurship is being able to, you know, see a problem and create that solution and do it especially, I always say, like, in your own lane, in your own way.

04:10 - Caren Plummer

Yeah. A hundred percent. I think, you know, as a CEO or as an entrepreneur, you know, your goal is to, kind of be authentic to yourself, you know, if you're stepping out into the space and stepping into, you know, stepping onto your platform, let's say, and you're not attaching to that authentic version of yourself, you're gonna be able to be seen through it pretty quickly and chances are your community is not gonna support you. Right?

So I've had to be incredibly vulnerable and had to share a lot of really personal things about myself, to help build this community and to help, continue to, get people inspired by what it is that I'm bringing to the table each month, then I really do lean on understanding, kind of what is either happening from a current, events perspective, what is, near and dear to myself and kind of what I believe my most authentic self can be when I'm bringing these organizations to the forefront of my, of my platform.

But I think you can't you can't do what you do. You can't be an entrepreneur unless you're true to yourself. So staying in your lane is important. You know, I'm not gonna step out and try to, you know, be a videographer or, you know, be, I know, some type of, like, political force, that's not me. What I'm what I do is inspire people through movement and encourage people through, you know, intentionality. So, like, that comes directed hand in hand with yoga and, it's been a really, really incredible journey so far to be able to do that and to see people's lives, not just the organizations, but even the groups that I'm working with, people become more consciously aware of the things they're really passionate about, has been really, really, rewarding.

05:46 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah. Absolutely. And as you were saying, you kinda create that ripple effect where, you know, you by leaning into who you are and the power that you have or able to kinda empower so many other people and create, you know, such a big impact. So I absolutely love and appreciate that. So I wanted to drill down a little bit more. I know we touched a little bit On CP yoga and how you're serving your clients. Could you take us through a little bit more on what that looks like and how you're serving the clients you work with?

06:09 - Caren Plummer

Yeah. Absolutely. So today, the way that CP yoga is structured is that I identify a different organization each month that, sort of resonates with me, resonates with the community. So, you know, I'll give an example. Last month was January, the first month of the year, and I actually lost my father, to COVID in December

06:29 - Gresham Harkless

I'm sorry.

06:29 - Caren Plummer

As you know, it's a lot of families have gone through this. It's something I'm kind of processing. But he was, an avid golfer. Really, really believed that golf had the capability of teaching us a lot of lessons. So I can just tell you how many times I've been on a golf course and how many spanks I've taken and, honestly, great. I don't play golf now, But I definitely learned some etiquette and all that good stuff while I was out on the course.

But because he was such an avid golfer and because this was so personal to me and really authentic to myself, you know, we paired up with, First TDC, which is an organization that is, focused on empowering youth through the game of golf. Golf is an expensive sport. It's not something that everyone has access to, but it's something that has gained popularity and notoriety through really impressive athletes, you know, that are out there.

And this is a means of helping enable those kids to have that opportunity to, to know play the game of golf. So, again, incredibly authentic to me, having to be very vulnerable, having to share, you know, what I did. I reached out to the organization and we ended up partnering together, by way of an event that took place on the thirtieth of January. And we've raised for that event, like, five thousand dollars, and I know that that is a single event and it is very personal and I'm sure that's part of the reason why.

But, basically, all of the money that comes from the registration fees, which I work directly with an organization called Moxie. They are here in the DMV helping kind of give a platform for instructors. I work directly with them to secure the space And then I do all the marketing, all of the, you know, social pushes, all that good stuff to draw people in.

08:07 - Gresham Harkless

Speaking of your own way, what I want to ask you now is what I like to call your secret sauce. And this could be for yourself, the organization, or a combination of both. What do you feel kinda sets you apart and makes you unique?

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08:18 - Caren Plummer

Yeah. I mean, I think what sets me apart and makes me unique is my journey, like, how I've got to where I am today, for a little bit more context, and, of course, if you do end up on my website ever after listening to this, you'll see this all in its fullest form. But what yoga was able to do for me is able to create a space where I did feel more empowered, more in control, be able to address some of my emotions, grief, etcetera. And I think because of my attachment to it, what I knew it could do for me, I was able to two weeks into the shutdown down or locked. Two weeks into that, was able to say, oh, we're all gonna need this. Right?

And I had already been vulnerable. Well, I've been vulnerable. I believe in vulnerability as the guiding light. Right? Like, we should all just allow ourselves to feel and be, more sensitive and more available to our emotions. And, you know, I turned on my Instagram live one day and I was like, let's see. No one will come. It's fine. And what I saw is that a lot of people were coming and a lot of people were experiencing, similar feelings of stress, grief, emotional distress. And so I think it's it's understanding kind of what drives you, and understanding how this one thing, whatever it is that you're passionate about, kind of helps ground you and then understanding that it's likely that other people feel the same way.

And so I think for me, it's my life experience that kind of is my special sauce, that has allowed me to continue to show up for not just my community, but to show up for, you know, individuals and to show up in just a very authentic way. And I know I've already used the word authentic and vulnerable so many times, but if we're talking about ingredients that kinda make up that sauce, it's life experience, vulnerability, and authentic authenticity, that has kinda gotten to me where I am today. And I, you know, I don't think that there's anything else that I can kind of suggest as, like, the reason why we're here other than, that and just love and support from the community that's around me.

10:20 - Gresham Harkless

Definitely appreciate you for being able to do that and remind us of how, important that is. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit, and I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app, a book, or a habit that you have, but what's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

10:37 - Caren Plummer

Yeah. So what makes me more effective and efficient, I think, is just, blocking off time. I'm like a a time blocker, and blocking off time thoughtfully, as it relates to, some of the mini goals that I set for myself. So, I think anybody can do this. Every month I sit down and I say, okay. Here's what I wanna accomplish for myself this month, and it could be personal business, whatever. Typically, it's it's a combo of personal and business, and it's not my nine-to-five business. Right? Like, not what I do, to pay the rent in DC. But it's usually, related to how I can grow as a yoga instructor, how I can grow as somebody that's, like, continuing to run their own business. And that mini goal usually, like, feeds into that.

So, one of the things that I do is I'd spend time writing down my goals. Right, we talked about this. And I make it a sing-like, I make it a mini goal. So it's not something that's gonna, like, change the world, But it's something that is small enough that it can become a habit. And I think the mini goals that create habit-forming, behaviors our ultimately, like, what has helped me, you know, be more effective and efficient with with my time, basically.

Because that's the one thing, like, having a job, teaching, and then also, running this business. It's hard. Like, it's a lot. You know, I'm not saying anything that people don't know. If you have any hustles that all side hustles hustle one or many, like, you know, there's only so much a lot of time that you have in a day. So however you can figure out a way to really to use that in an impactful way so that you're able to achieve what should become habitual to you, that to me is key.

12:17 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah. That's huge. And I love that being able to kinda, you know, those mini goals, and those mini goals help you to align with those habits that you'll have. So, I wanted to ask you now for what I call a CEO nugget. So this is a little bit more of a word of wisdom or piece of advice. I like to say it might be something if you were to hop into a time machine that you would tell your younger business self.

12:36 - Caren Plummer

And, yeah, I would say that if you have something that is weighing on your heart, if you feel something so powerfully, you should listen to it. Right? I think oftentimes we get to a space where we create self-doubt. We kinda discredit, like, the things that come to us. Right? And the things that come to you from an intuition perspective or the things that come to you in your sleep or the visions that you have, for yourself, you know, it's very easy to dismiss them because they don't seem tangible and they don't seem real.

And, you know, what I was thinking and wanting to do. If I had not vocalized that appropriately at the right time, I might not be doing what I'm doing now. So if something was weighing on your heart and you feel as if it's something that you would be fulfilled by doing, do it. Like, don't hesitate, don't, offer yourself the ability to talk yourself out of it. Give yourself the grace to listen to it. Because oftentimes, our intuition is it is a great guide. Right?

Especially if it's something that comes to you more than one time. It's so easy just to say, no. I don't know. Why why am I thinking about that? And I go, oh, I must have, you know, ADD or no. Like, these are things that are coming to you for a reason. Listen to that. You can call it the universe speaking to you. You can call it holy spirits. You can call it whatever you want. But that thing that way it comes keeps coming to your heart, listen to it. Don't let yourself, kind of talk yourself out of your own path, your own journey.

14:11 - Gresham Harkless

Absolutely appreciate that. And I wanted to ask you now my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. We're hoping to have different quotes, and unquote CEOs on their show. So, what does being a CEO mean to you?

14:22 - Caren Plummer

Being a CEO to me means being a leader, and being an inspire like, somebody that can inspire others, for whatever purpose. Right? I don't expect, everybody to be able to do the things that I do because that's what makes me unique. But I do think it's just giving people the opportunity to be inspired and the opportunity to lead them in some way or another.

The word leader is tough because sometimes it gets, again, pulled to the wrong connotations. I'm not here to tell anybody what to do. I'm here to guide people, essentially. That's always been my nature, being able to put myself out there to guide them into a space of inspiration. So that's how I would define being a CEO. I think the yoga in me is like, I'm just I'm a voice and here to inspire. So that's all I can do.

15:13 - Gresham Harkless

Truly appreciate that. Of course, I appreciate your time even more. So what I want to do now is pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know and, of course, how best they can get a hold of you and find about all the awesome things that you're working on.

15:27 - Caren Plummer

Yeah, amazing. So, I would say the best way to understand anything that's going on in the world of sleep yoga is Instagram, primarily because it's just one of the most, accessible platforms. So you can follow, CP Yoga dot Fitness on Instagram. Or you can look at my personal page, the world of yoga teachers we cross over, unfortunately or fortunately.

Who I am as I teach is who I am as a human. So that is just care underscore plumber on Instagram. Otherwise, you can check out my website, which is c p yoga dot fitness, there are no dot coms or anything along those lines. Please just visit the website as is. If you have any organizations that you'd like us to be able to support, you know, please reach out. I'm always looking for an opportunity to, meet other folks that are passionate about what they do.

16:16 - Gresham Harkless

Appreciate you for your work, and your time, and I hope you have a phenomenal rest day.

16:19 - Caren Plummer

Yep. You too. Thank you.

16:21 - Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.


Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(, podcasts, ( and videos ( CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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