IAM401- CEO Provides 11-Day Process for Those Downsizing or Settling an Estate

Podcast Interview with Sushee Perumal

Sushee Perumal is the CEO of MaxSold which provides a 3-step 11-day process to sell everything for those downsizing or settling an estate. Sushee created an 8-figure customer-focused, fast-growth organization from the ground up with 500+ employees across the US and Canada. Sushee is a pilot with a Commercial and Instrument rating and holds a Master's in Business Administration and a degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering.

  • CEO Hack: (1) Reading (2) Listening to a podcast for at least 15- 30 min each day
  • CEO Nugget: There're no silver bullets, just red bullets
  • CEO Defined: Putting the puzzle pieces together to create a vision

Website: https://maxsold.com/

Check out one of our favorite CEO Hack’s Audible. Get your free audiobook and check out more of our favorite CEO Hacks HERE.


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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:29

Hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today Sushee Perumal of MaxSold. Sushee, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Sushee Perumal 0:39

Great, thanks for having me.

Gresham Harkless 0:41

No problem, super excited to have you on. And what I wanted to do is just read a little bit more about Sushee so you can hear about all the awesome things that he's doing. Sushee is the CEO of MaxSold, which provides a three-step 11-day process to sell everything for those downsizing or settling an estate.

Sushee created an eight-figure customer-focused fast-growing organization from the ground up with 500 plus employees across the United States and Canada. Sushee is a pilot with a commercial and instrument rating and holds a master's in business administration and a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering Sushee, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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Sushee Perumal 1:17

Absolutely excited to get into this.

Gresham Harkless 1:19

Let's do it. So they kick everything off wanting to hear a little bit more about what I call your background and what led you to start your business.

Sushee Perumal 1:25

Yeah, I met with the local auctioneer. And he was providing a service that was completely unique. Like he was he's a live auctioneer, and he is second generation live auctioneer like you know, those old traditional bid calling where they add upon this, I can do this, I wish I could recite the numbers really fast on what the bids are going for. I can speak fast, but not that fast.

Gresham Harkless 1:51

Right, that's a true gift, right?

Sushee Perumal 1:54

So he goes into clients' homes mostly to sell the goods that they have for sale due to a downsize or Estate Settlement. And he was getting really unhappy about telling no to every client that a live auction would not meet the requirements. Because the cost of goods is falling, the number of people downsizing and settling in a state is increasing. You know, we have about 10,000 people every single day coming till the age of 65, celebrating their 65th birthday. So as the population demographic grows, as a flood of goods, gets into the marketplace, fewer and fewer people are interested in selling the stuff that they have.

He has seen a lot of spears like fellow auctioneers get into specialty auctions, they sell really high value, unique things like point stance, original art, and other higher value items. While you couldn't have really hired an auctioneer, in the traditional sense, to sell everything that you own. So there is a big gap that is on the marketplace that keeps widening. So he wanted to come up with a mechanism that replaces a live auction. But it still gives the high touch the live auction does. So not a Craigslist, not an eBay, and not a let go like, you know, not a Facebook marketplace.

But something that provides the same level of service an auctioneer would do to provide so our paths crossed, and I was really interested in entrepreneurship and creating something that serves a need in the marketplace. And you know, the domain expertise, you know, the classic domain expertise, and you have a classic, really young, enthusiastic, like a ball of energy type guy that just wanted to execute out of the MBA program.

And they sunk my teeth into it. And here we are. This is our like, you know, we'll be completing our 10th year, next month or next year rather, grown to 20 states, three provinces, 500 employees, we do about 5000 auctions, for our 35,000 clients, like every year, and that number is only been increasing.

Gresham Harkless 4:26

Nice. Well, I definitely appreciate that. I think a lot of the beauty of technology is sometimes you have that kind of service like you mentioned the auctioneer and you're able to go there and be able to have that experience and it's always hard to kind of recreate that, you know, from a technology standpoint, but it's great to hear that you guys have been able to do that to recreate that and even sounds like the scale that I imagined to a higher level than what it could have been if it was just one person doing it.

Sushee Perumal 4:51

Right. Oh, completely.

Gresham Harkless 4:52

Nice. So I wanted to drill down a little bit deeper. I know you touched on a little bit Can you tell us a little bit more about MaxSold what exactly you guys are doing and how it works?

Sushee Perumal 5:01

Yeah, we provide a three-step 11-day process to sell everything. And by everything, I mean, the art on the wall, the fine china, the figurines, even the cleaning supplies under the sink. So we do that with our local expert help process. So as long as you know, like our minimum, we don't have a minimum volume threshold.

But it's ideal for somebody who's downsizing or settling in a state to have 20-30% of their household to clear out, we charge 30% for several $100. So that's you know, we set out to create, like the Dunkin Donuts of the auction industry or, or the McDonald's of the auction industry, if you will, all service providers, you know, they all hem and haw ask if you want, if you have sterling to sell, they ask if you have a vehicle, they ask if you have high-end artwork, because it's not worth their while to even like get in the car and come see you if you don't have those high-value things.

But with us, as long as you have as long as you're okay with our fees, we are happy to serve you. So we want to create that really nice repeatable, predictable, clearly defined process of clearing out an estate downsizing, liquidating a business, or inventory clear or whatever it is, if you have a high volume of items to sell, you know, we provide that local expert help service in 35 metros in the US and Canada. So are our buyers in our some other place. So on the seller's end, we would have that our main bread and butter is downsizing the estate sale.

But if you're 30 years old and you can operate an app like you might be using our do-it-yourself to photograph catalog, put it online, we do all the marketing, we do all the collection of payments, and you would supervise the removal of the items, you know better on the fully managed side, we look after it from start to end.

And as a buyer, you'll get access to like incredible items in your local community. So we don't ship the goods. So you would use a service to bid on the items and are supposed to wait for shipping. You just go next block or take a short drive to pick up the items at the designated pickup time, date, and location, which is which would be at the client foes. And we would supervise the removal of the items.

Gresham Harkless 7:30

Nice, I definitely appreciate you know, and knew you had a lot of different kinds of people that were you know, I guess stakeholders might be the right word that is using the site because it is essentially a place that brings so many people together to be able to sell but also people to be able to buy and people that are downsizing, as you mentioned, and so many of those life occurrences that are happening. So it's great to hear that you have that systematized process so that it makes it super easy for everybody who's involved.

Sushee Perumal 7:57

Yeah, completely, you know, easy is what we go for three steps 11 days to sell everything.

Gresham Harkless 8:02

Absolutely. So and I know, you might have already touched on this, but would you consider that to be kind of like your secret sauce, what makes you guys unique it can be for you or it can be for your organization as well.

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Sushee Perumal 8:12

Yeah, and the unique aspect is really, you know, that we don't cherry pick, like if you call a local auctioneer or go to a consignment place or call a local provider, you know, they are really interested in this, you know, the sterling silver or, the pristine China collection. What are unique selling proposition is, you know, like, we can sell everything like, you know, if you have it, we'll sell it like, you know, like, people volume of items that need to get sold. No problem, like we can do it.

So that's really unique. Everybody else seems kind of distracted by either the technology or, by the shiny objects versus like with us, like we have said, you know, we like a market is clear, like they are the the other it's a really underserved market, it's really hard to execute. Because it really requires a lot of operational discipline as well as marketing discipline, as well as a lot of logistical and operational constraints. Because we can execute a service in 35 metros with a local team of over 500 people.

So a new organization or existing organization to come in and provide that service in one market is really difficult because it's a marketplace, right? You got to have the buyers, you got to have the sellers, you got to have a team, you got to have the infrastructure. So there's a lot of things that make it kind of the secret sauce is all of those elements coming together that that really make it work and it's and it wasn't easy. It was really hard to pull to overcome that chicken and egg problem.

In order to get sellers first how do we get them buyers first. So that's really a unique selling proposition. It's really making all of that work. When a client hires us, they're really getting a $10,000 solution for that $700 plus 30%. Because as its support team, there's a dedicated marketing team, there's an operations team, that's that local expert help. You know, there are about 3.2 million users on the website. So if you have somebody with extensive data collection, we have 100, bidders just collect who collect dolls and can compete on bidding up those dolls, as supposed to, you know, putting in a garage sale and hope somebody would show up.

Gresham Harkless 10:41

Yeah, that makes perfect sense, I definitely appreciate you for expounding upon that a little bit more. And I wanted to switch gears a little bit. And I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. This might be an app book or habit that you have, but it's something that makes you more effective and efficient.

Sushee Perumal 10:56

You know, this is my favorite part. Because I hack is really something that's really hard to sustain over time, which is continuous learning. Like, you know, I'm always reading and I'm always like listening to a podcast, and not like all day long, because then you don't get any work done. To balance it, but at least 30 minutes, like to an hour a day, like when I go running, I'm on I'm listening to a podcast, you know when I'm when it just before I get to bed like I'm reading something for 15 to 30 minutes.

Gresham Harkless 11:30

Yeah, I wanted to ask you now for what I call a CEO nugget. And this is a word of wisdom or piece of advice. Or if you could happen to be a time machine, what would you tell your younger business self?

Sushee Perumal 11:39

You know, there are no silver bullets, it's a whole bunch of lead bullets, because, like everyone is focused on, you know, that big red easy button. And then there's that elusive search for that, for that silver bullet that's going to solve all your problems. Right, and millions have been made on salespeople or technologies or silver-like consultants saying, you know, like, on selling you the dream, right?

Saying, Hey, I get your business can be a billion-dollar business. And like, and here are the things we could do, or at the secret really baked in terms, right? I get that, like, you know, but when you drill down on it, you realize, well, you know, like, can you afford this other, you know, the search for that silver bullet. And if you look at any business, there's no single channel, it's a whole bunch of different channels that work together. So really have to be focused on, you know, the like, like the big domains, right?

Gresham Harkless 12:44

I love that perspective. And now I want to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote unquote, CEOs on the show. So Sushee, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Sushee Perumal 12:54

Oh, okay, great question. Like, I don't think that say, you know, it's really like, it's like, the definition of CEO is really what the individual brings to the table, like, you know, like Steve Jobs is a different kind of CEO from, let's say, you know, Lee Iacocca, right, like the chairman of Chrysler, so they are completely different separate individuals, each with their different strengths.

And, to me, the CEO needs to continuously deliver growth by identifying gaps and resources, whether it be resources in your team or resources and what the customer needs, and being able to constantly pull that puzzle together.

So in your mind, you know, the puzzle is already solved. Like you already have a beautiful vision picture of what your company is going to look like, in the future. So you're really like putting those pieces of puzzles together, and it can vary day by day, but essentially, it comes down to using your unique skills, capabilities talents, to pull that picture together.

Gresham Harkless 14:10

Absolutely. Yeah. And I love that definition in that perspective because a lot of times you have to have that vision. And sometimes that vision doesn't necessarily always isn't always I should say clear to you, and definitely may not even be clear to your clients, but you have to be able to kind of do those things that you kind of talked on, about the hacks of making sure that you're reading staying abreast of things listen to podcasts.

And I think the image can sometimes become a lot clearer and you can provide that service to your clients not just today but you know, 5-10 years down the line. So I love that definition. Love that perspective. And I truly appreciate your time and what I wanted to do was pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional you can let our readers and listeners know and then of course how best they can get a hold of you and find out about MaxSold and all the awesome things you're doing.

Sushee Perumal 14:50

Great. Yeah, thanks so much. The company MaxSold.com is great if you're just looking to buy things if you want to sell MaxSold.com/sell or 1833 Max sold is the phone number toll-free number. And it's a really easy three-step 11-day process to sell everything. And if you mentioned this podcast name in how you heard about us, you get $100 off of a service. So yeah, I want to make that available to your listeners.

So three step 11 is the process of selling everything. And the best way to get a touch touch with me is to go to MaxSold.com/contact where you'll find all the contact details. And, yeah, like good work with the show. And I think it's, you know, CEOs, and to be want to be CEOs and CEOs currently in you know, in, in making progress need to need all the resources that they can to contribute to the world and to build their businesses. So a good show. Thank you for having me.

Gresham Harkless 16:03

No problem I see you I am super excited about this show. We're super excited about everything you're doing. And I appreciate you and all the awesome things that you're doing. We will have those links in the show notes as well so that everybody can follow up with you and take advantage of those offers you gave to us as well. Especially thank you so much again for your time and I hope you have a phenomenal rest today.

Sushee Perumal 16:20

Great. Thanks so much.

Outro 16:22

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Intro 0:02

See also  IAM1883 - CEO Specializes in Acquiring and Developing Companies with Disruptive Business Models

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:29

Hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today as Sushee Perumal of MaxSold Sushee. It's awesome to have you on the show.

Sushee Perumal 0:39

Great, thanks for having me.

Gresham Harkless 0:41

No problem super excited to have you on. And what I wanted to do is just read a little bit more about Sushee so you can hear about all the awesome things that he's doing. And Sushee is the CEO of MaxSold, which provides a three step 11 day process to sell everything for those downsizing or settling an estate. Sushee created an eight figure customer focus fast growth organization from the ground up with 500 plus employees across the United States and Canada. Sushee is a pilot with a commercial and instrument rating and holds a master's in business administration and a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering Sushee, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

Sushee Perumal 1:17

Absolutely excited to get into this.

Gresham Harkless 1:19

Let's do it. So they kick everything off wanting to hear a little bit more about what I call your background and what led you to start your business.

Sushee Perumal 1:25

Yeah, I met with the local auctioneer. And he was providing a service that was completely unique. Like he was he's a live auctioneer, and he is second generation live auctioneer like you know, those old the traditional bid calling where they add upon this, I can do this, I wish I could recite the numbers really fast on what the bids are going for. I can speak fast, but not that fast.

Gresham Harkless 1:51

Right, that's a true gift, right?

Sushee Perumal 1:54

So he goes into client's homes to mostly to sell the goods that they have for sale due to a downsize or Estate Settlement. And he was getting really unhappy about telling no to every client that a live auction would not meet the requirements. Because the cost of goods are are falling, the number of people downsizing and settling in a state that's increasing. You know, we have about 10,000 people every single day becoming till the age of 65, celebrating their 65th birthday. So as the population demographic grows, as a flood of goods, get into the marketplace, less and less people are interested in selling the stuff that they have. He has seen a lot of spears, like fellow auctioneers get into specialty auctions, they sell really high value, unique things like point stance, original art, and other higher value items. While you couldn't have really hired an auctioneer, in the traditional sense, to sell everything that you own. So there is a big gap that is on the marketplace that kept widening. So he wanted to come up with a mechanism that replaces a live auction. But it still gives the high touch the live auction does. So not a Craigslist, not an eBay and not a let go like, you know, not a Facebook marketplace. But something that provides the same level of service an auctioneer would do to provide so our paths crossed, and I was really interested in entrepreneurship and creating something that serves a need in the marketplace. And you know, the domain expertise, you know, the classic domain expertise, and you have a classic, really young, enthusiastic, like a ball of energy type guy that just wanted to execute out of the MBA program. And they sunk my teeth into it. And here we are. This is our like, you know, we'll be completing our 10th year, next next month or next year rather, grown to 20 states, three provinces, 500 employees, we do about 5000 auctions, for our 35,000 clients, like every year, and that number is only been increasing.

Gresham Harkless 4:26

Nice. Well, I definitely appreciate that. I think a lot of the the beauty of technology is sometimes you have those kind of services, like you mentioned the auctioneer and you're able to go there and be able to have that experience and it's always hard to kind of recreate that, you know, from a technology standpoint, but it's great to hear that you guys have been able to do that to recreate that and even sounds like scale that I imagined to a higher level than what it could have been if it was just one person doing it.

Sushee Perumal 4:51

Right. Oh, completely.

Gresham Harkless 4:52

Nice. So I wanted to drill down a little bit deeper. I know you touched on a little bit Can you tell us a little bit more about MaxSold what exactly you guys are doing and how it works.

Sushee Perumal 5:01

Yeah, we provide a three step 11 Day process to sell everything. And by everything, I mean the, the art on the wall, the fine china, the figurines, even the cleaning supplies under the sink. So we do that with our local expert help process. So as long as you know, like our minimum, we don't have a minimum volume threshold. But it's ideal for somebody who's downsizing or settling in a state have 20-30% of their household to clear out, we charge 30% for several $100. So that's a you know, we set out to create, like the Dunkin Donuts of the auction industry or, or the McDonald's of the auction industry, if you will, all service providers, you know, they all hem and haw ask if you want, if you have sterling to sell, they ask if you have a vehicle, they ask if you have high end artwork, because it's not worth their while to even like get in the car and come see you if you don't have those high value things. But with us, as long as you have as long as you're okay with our fees, we are happy to serve you. So we want to create that really nice repeatable, predictable, clearly defining process of clearing out an estate downsizing, liquidating a business, or inventory clear or whatever it is, if you have a high volume of items to sell, you know, we provide that local expert help service in 35 metros in the US and Canada. So are our buyers in our some other place. So on the seller end, we would have that our main bread and butter is downsizing the estate sale. But if you're 30 year old and you can operate an app, like you might be using our do it yourself to photograph catalog, put it online, we do all the marketing, we do all the collection of payments, and you would supervise the removal of the items, you know better on the fully managed side, we look after it from start to end. And as a buyer, you'll get access to like incredible items in your local community. So we don't ship the goods. So you would you would use a service to bid on the items and supposed to waiting for shipping. You just go next block or or like a short drive to pick up the items at the designated pickup time, date and location, which is which would be at the client foes. And we would supervise the removal of the items.

Gresham Harkless 7:30

Nice, I definitely appreciate you know, and knew you had a lot of different kinds of people that were you know, I guess stakeholders might be the right word that are using the site because it is essentially a place that brings so many people together to be able to sell but also people to be able to buy and people that are downsizing, as you mentioned, and so many of those life occurrences that are happening. So it's great to hear that you have that systematized process so that it makes it super easy for everybody that's involved.

Sushee Perumal 7:57

Yeah, completely, you know, easy is what we go for three step 11 days to sell everything.

Gresham Harkless 8:02

Absolutely. So and I know, you might have already touched on this, but would you consider that to be kind of like your secret sauce, what makes you guys unique or it can be for you or it can be for your organization as well.

Sushee Perumal 8:12

Yeah, and the unique aspect is really, you know, that we don't cherry pick, like if you call a local auctioneer or go to a consignment place or call a local provider, you know, they are really interested in this, you know, the sterling silver or, the pristine China collection. What are unique selling proposition is, you know, like, we can sell everything like, you know, if you have it, we'll sell it like, you know, like, people volume of items that need to get sold. No problem, like we can do it. So that's really unique. Everybody else seems kind of distracted by either the technology or, by the shiny objects were versus like with us, like we have said, you know, we like a market is clear, like they are the the other it's a really underserved market, it's really hard to execute. Because it really it requires a lot of a lot of operational discipline as well as marketing discipline, as well as a lot of logistical and operational constraints. Because we can execute a service in 35 metros with a local team of over 500 people. So a new organization or existing organization to come in and provide that service in one market is really difficult, because it's a marketplace, right? You got to have the buyers, you got to have the sellers, you got to have a team, you got to have the infrastructure. So there's a lot of things that make it kind of the secret sauce is all of those elements coming together that that really make it work and it's and it wasn't easy. It was really hard to pull to overcome that chicken and egg problem. Like in order to get sellers first how do we get them buyers first. So that's really a unique selling proposition. It's really making all of that work. When a client hires us, they're really getting a $10,000 solution for that $700 plus 30%. Because as its support team, there's a dedicated marketing team, there's an operations team, that's that local expert help. You know, there's about 3.2 million users on the website. So if you have somebody with an extensive data collection, we have 100, bidders just collect who collect dolls and can compete on on bidding up those dolls, as supposed to, you know, putting in a garage sale and hope somebody would show up.

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Gresham Harkless 10:41

Yeah, that makes perfect sense, I definitely appreciate you for expounding upon that a little bit more. And I wanted to switch gears a little bit. And I want to ask you for what I call a SEO hack. And this might be an app or book or habit that you have, but it's something that makes you more effective and efficient.

Sushee Perumal 10:56

You know, this is my favorite part. Because I hack is really something that's really hard to sustain over time, which is continuous learning. Like, you know, I'm always reading and I'm always like listening to a podcast, and not like all day long, because then you don't get any work done. To balance it, but at least 30 minutes, like to an hour a day, like when I go running, I'm on I'm listening to a podcast, you know, when I'm when it just before I get to bed, like I'm reading something for 15 to 30 minutes.

Gresham Harkless 11:30

Yeah, I wanted to ask you now for what I call a CEO nugget. And this is a word of wisdom or piece of advice. Or if you can happen to a time machine, what would you tell your younger business self?

Sushee Perumal 11:39

You know, there are no silver bullets, it's a whole bunch of lead bullets, because, like everyone is focused on, you know, that big red easy button. And then there's that elusive search for that, for that silver bullet that's going to solve all your problems. Right, and millions have been made on on salespeople or technologies or silver like consultants saying, you know, like, on selling you the dream, right? Saying, Hey, I get your business can be a billion dollar business. And like, and here are the things we could do, or at the secret really baked in terms, right? I get that, like, you know, but when you drill down on it, you realize, well, you know, like, can you afford the, this other, you know, the search for that silver bullet. And if you look at any business, there's no single channel, it's a whole bunch of different channels that work together. So really have to be focused on, you know, the like, like the big domains, right.

Gresham Harkless 12:44

I love that perspective. And now I want to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote unquote, CEOs on the show. So Sushee, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Sushee Perumal 12:54

Oh, okay, great question. Like, I don't think that say, you know, it's really like, it's like, the definition of CEO is really what the individual brings to the table, like, you know, like Steve Jobs is a different kind of CEO from, let's say, you know, Lee Iacocca, right, like the chairman of Chrysler, so they are completely different separate individuals, each with their different strengths. And, to me, the CEO needs to continuously deliver growth by identifying gaps and resources, whether it be resources in your team or resources and what the customer needs, and being able to constantly pull that puzzle together. So in your mind, you know, the, the puzzle is already solved. Like you already have a beautiful vision picture of what your company is going to look like, in the future. So you're really like putting those pieces of puzzles together, and it can vary day by day, but essentially, it comes down to using your unique skills, capabilities talents, to pull that picture together.

Gresham Harkless 14:10

Absolutely. Yeah. And I love that definition in that perspective, because a lot of times you have to have that vision. And sometimes that vision doesn't necessarily always isn't always I should say clear to you, and definitely may not even be clear to your clients, but you have to be able to kind of do those things that you kind of talked on, about the hacks of making sure that you're reading staying abreast of things listen to podcasts. And I think the the image can sometimes become a lot clearer and you can provide that service to your clients not just today but you know, 5-10 years down the line. So I love that definition. Love that perspective. And I truly appreciate your time and what I wanted to do was pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional you can let our readers and listeners know and then of course how best they can get a hold of you and find out about MaxSold and all the awesome things you're doing.

Sushee Perumal 14:50

Great. Yeah, thanks so much. The so the company MaxSold.com is great if you're just looking to buy things if you want to sell MaxSold.com/sell or 1833 Max sold is the phone number toll free number. And it's a really easy three step 11 day process to sell everything. And if you mentioned this podcast name in how you heard about us, you get $100 off of a service. So yeah, I want to make that available to your listeners. So three step 11 the process to sell everything. And the best way to get a touch touch with me is to go to MaxSold.com/contact where you'll find all the contact details. And, and yeah, like good work with the show. And I think it's, you know, CEOs, and to be want to be CEOs and CEOs currently in you know, in, in making progress need to need all the resources that they can to contribute to the world and to build their businesses. So good show. Thank you for having me.

Gresham Harkless 16:03

No problem I see for your I am super excited about this show. We're super excited about everything you're doing. And I appreciate you and all the awesome things that you're doing. We will have those links in the show notes as well so that everybody can follow up with you and take advantage of those offers you gave to us as well. Especially thank you so much again for your time and I hope you have a phenomenal rest today.

Sushee Perumal 16:20

Great. Thanks so much.

Outro 16:22

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

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Mercy - CBNation Team

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(CEOBlogNation.com), podcasts, (CEOPodcasts.com) and videos (CBNation.tv). CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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