IAM144- Holistic Skin Health Specialist Helps Women with Acne Look Beautiful Inside and Out

Podcast Interview with Haley Ferretti

Hello! I'm Haley

I’m a Holistic Skin Health Specialist who helps women look beautiful inside and out! I’m here to help you restore your internal health, heal your skin, and regain your self-confidence!

I help women with acne heal themselves so they can have beautiful, glowing skin in a more holistic, natural way.

  • CEO Hack: Making atonic drink every morning to help me feel energetic
  • CEO Nugget: You don't have to be a perfectionist as long as you get it done.
  • CEO Defined: Creating the life you want and living on your own terms


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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:27

Hello, This is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I've Haley Ferretti of Haley, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Haley Ferretti 0:36

Thank you. Thank you so much for having me.

Gresham Harkless 0:38

No problem I'm super excited to have you on and what I want to do is just read a little bit more about Haley so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. And Haley is a holistic skin health specialist who helps women look beautiful inside and out. She's here to help you restore your internal health and your skin and regain your self-confidence. She helps women with acne heal themselves so they can have beautiful glowing skin in a more holistic and natural way. Haley, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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Haley Ferretti 1:05

Of course.

Gresham Harkless 1:06

Awesome. Let's do it. So the first question I had was just to hear a little bit more about your CEO story. What led you just start your business?

Haley Ferretti 1:13

Yeah. So like you said, I'm I work with women that have skin conditions, primarily acne. And I had acne for about seven years from the age of middle school age till the first year of college and my skin just got really bad. And I was really sick and tired of going to the dermatologist and not getting any answers. So I went I pretty much changed my degree and everything like that, and went to school to be a holistic nutritionist. And I was able to kill my skin within eight months of stopping all the dermatologist stuff and going completely natural, plant-based, and just really healing my skin internally.

Gresham Harkless 1:48

Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Haley Ferretti 1:50

So that's kind of how I started my business. Because I was able to kill my skin. I was I probably could help a lot of women that deal with this every day. They have no idea how to heal themselves.

Gresham Harkless 1:58

Yeah, that makes sense. And you know, I love the idea in a true entrepreneurial form that you have an issue yourself, and then you solve the issue yourself. And then you find out that there's probably not just you that has those problems.

Haley Ferretti 2:09


Gresham Harkless 2:09

Yeah. And then you start to create something after that. So I wanted to drill down a little bit deeper in here like exactly like, what do you do to kind of help out these women that are having issues with their skin? Could you break that down for us?

Haley Ferretti 2:20

Yeah. So typically, I'll get on a call with them. And we'll just kind of break down what exactly they are specifically dealing with. And most of them when I talk with have had acne as I did for years, it's not just they wake up one morning and have pimples it's like a, it's a whole ordeal that they're going through. And they've tried literally everything before they come to me. And then I give them all these different options on how to heal themselves.

And it's typically internal healing with herbs, detoxing, and just a lot of cleansing that they have to go through to restore certain organs, and primarily the main organ that I helped to heal is the liver and that's just in there's no reason as to why they're not a reason I know of why their liver is like this. But if you have acne or any type of skin condition, typically your acne is caused by some type of toxic liver or your liver is not functioning at a high quality.

Gresham Harkless 3:12

Really, I never knew that. So that's usually what happens with a lot of people that have acne problems.

Haley Ferretti 3:17

Yeah. So if you have eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea, it typically stems from your liver being overburdened. And I'm not saying there aren't at like multiple organs, but commonly it's the liver. But there are also many other cases where it's the colon, your kidneys, and things like that, that just needed a reboot. Just start being able to process all the toxins. And there are foods that you have to look for and like diet changes and things like that. But mostly, once you clean and heal those organs, you're good to go and your skin will start to glow again.

Gresham Harkless 3:49

Interesting. Yeah, I had acne a lot too when I was younger, and you always think that it's just your skin, but just hearing now that's more just, the product of what might be going on inside. So a lot of times the food that you're eating and your organs and stuff might actually be causing that.

Haley Ferretti 4:04

Yeah. And it's just the way your body's communicating with you. And I've come to learn that having acne was more of a blessing and it's just my body talking to me because I can't speak English to me. So it's gonna send me signals through breakouts. So it's I thought it was really cool. I think I think back now it's cool that I had asked me

Gresham Harkless 4:23

Yeah, and I love that perspective is kind of like your dog, your dog can actually talk to you, or, I should say can actually talk to me. So she'll bark or do whatever she'll jump.

Haley Ferretti 4:32


Gresham Harkless 4:32

Exactly. So Skin's doing the exact same way. It's just communicating with you what's going on inside.

Haley Ferretti 4:38

Yeah, that's pretty cool.

Gresham Harkless 4:39

Yeah, it is awesome. And now I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce. And this could be for you or your organization. But basically, what do you feel sets you or your organization apart and makes you unique and stand out?

Haley Ferretti 4:49

Yeah. So I love working with women that have acne. And there are many people that do the same thing that works with women that have skin conditions and things like that. The other part that I add to it is my help with their just being like having self-love and accepting themselves because most of them have really bad self-esteem. And they're very low mentally because I know you're not a woman, but I'm sure you can, if you have girlfriends, or a wife or anything like that, you know that women can be very self-conscious and having something on your skin, the first thing anyone sees is very hard on your self-esteem.

So I work a lot with mindset coaching and being able to heal not just only their skin, but also their mindset so that when they do it clear skin, they don't also have that negative mindset again, with them.

Gresham Harkless 4:49

Yeah, that makes sense. And it makes perfect sense, especially how you look and show up, especially on your skin is basically how you feel you're perceived by the world. So being able to make sure that you're confident whether or not, you have the most perfect skin or you're working through that or whatever is very important. It sounds like.

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Haley Ferretti 5:48

Yeah, it's very, extremely important. I would say that my mindset work is probably more important than detoxing and cleansing just so that they can actually have self-confidence back and feel beautiful without having clear skin. That's the first thing we have to work on before we can actually even dive deeper into their internal health.

Gresham Harkless 6:11

That makes sense. And that's where all the holistic part comes in. Because it's not just your skin, not just, what you're putting on your skin. It's all those things that make up who you are. Accent sounds like.

Haley Ferretti 6:21

Yes, exactly.

Gresham Harkless 6:22

Awesome. And now I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO Hack. And this might be an app or book or a habit that you have, but it's something that makes you more effective and efficient as a CEO.

Haley Ferretti 6:34

So for me, I think I mentioned this in our interview before, every morning, I make a tonic that I have. And it's just something that I have like me time with and it's like just therapeutic for me to I just make my tonic is typically always the same like chocolate, peppermint tea, or not chocolate, it's cacao, and then a bunch of different herbs and things that I put in just to help me function throughout the day. And that's pretty much all it was not so much scientific or anything like that. It's just something I do in the morning to have my time and just to get my day started.

Gresham Harkless 7:07

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. We talked offline about it. And I was definitely looking forward to hearing exactly what you put in there. Because I think a lot of times what I've seen is, you know, most entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs, successful high driven people, no matter what role you're in, you do and have the same thing. So that little quote-unquote, small things can kind of add up to having really great days, and great days become great weeks, great weeks become great months, and so on and so forth.

Haley Ferretti 7:31

Yeah, I'm very much a creature of habit. If I like something, I will do it all the time every single day. Just because it's it's easy. If I know it works and benefits me in any way I'm going to continue to do it.

Gresham Harkless 7:42

Makes sense. And so that you feel like when you have that on your tonic that helps you out as far as like, being more energetic throughout the day and everything.

Haley Ferretti 7:50

Yeah, it's not there's no coffee in it, or caffeine stimulants, or anything like that. But I definitely noticed that when I don't have my drink, or if I run out of something, or just decided to start my day without it, I'm a little more scattered. And I'm not as focused on my end goal stuff. So yeah, it's really important for me just to take at least like 20 minutes out of my morning and just make my little tonic that hasn't like I'm warming up. And yeah, it's really important for my day, I've noticed.

Gresham Harkless 8:18

There you go. Now that makes sense. Definitely a game-changer. So I appreciate you for sharing that. And now I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And this might be a word of wisdom or a piece of advice. Or if you can happen to a time machine. What would you tell your younger business self?

Haley Ferretti 8:32

Not fear perfection is? Yeah, that was fine. I was still I still struggle with it. I'm very much a perfectionist and like to have things absolutely perfect. And I have really high standards for myself and my business. So yeah, you don't have to be a perfectionist as long as you get it done. And typically, if you are a perfectionist, your standards are like light years above what other people will notice. And so they'll think it's perfect no matter what because your standards are so high.

Gresham Harkless 8:59

That's a really good perspective because I never thought about it like that. I struggled with that, myself. And I think what helped me out was I started to read about a lot of people that started businesses and they had this one successful business, but they failed like 50 times before that. You don't have to get it down perfectly. But now that's really important. Because you are holding yourself to such a high standard, you're 75% might be somebody's 130% or something like that. So it's important to kind of keep that in mind.

Haley Ferretti 9:27

Yeah, because you could I mean, I could beat myself up every day about this doesn't look right. This is not 100 but this is not even close to like being your standard. But I know I've been told by many people that my standards are very high and that they don't like they're like you're going to be fine as long as it gets done because people aren't going to notice because your standards are so high right

Gresham Harkless 9:49

Right now that's a great reminder and especially, being an entrepreneur, the business owner is really action-oriented. So a lot of times putting it out before it's ready you can always kind of improve upon it as you except for

Haley Ferretti 10:00

Yeah, 100%

Gresham Harkless 10:01

Absolutely. And now I want to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on the show. So, Haley, I wanted to ask you, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Haley Ferretti 10:12

Being able to live my life on my terms, or creating the life that I want to create? That's like, that's about Yeah, that's my definition, probably because I had other jobs where I was somebody else's assistant to the CEO or like site assistant to like, the boss and stuff. And I didn't want to be I didn't want to help anyone else build their dream. I kind of wanted to build my own dream. So yeah, creating my life on my own terms.

Gresham Harkless 10:36

I love that. Yeah, I always look at it. Like you're, you're an artist, so to speak. So you have your paintbrush, and you're not painting anybody else's canvas. You're painting your own. So you get to pick it up or whatever colors, whatever shapes, whatever you want to do. You get to create it yourself. So I think that's a phenomenal definition.

Haley Ferretti 10:49

Yeah, that definitely resonates with me.

Gresham Harkless 10:53

Awesome. Well, Haley, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out of your schedule. What I wanted to do was pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional, you want to let our readers and our listeners know and then also how best people can get hold of you.

Haley Ferretti 11:05

Yeah, so it actually worked out really well that we had this setup because I just launched my all-natural vegan skincare line. So if you guys are interested in skincare or any type of face mask, I actually just launched that. So if you go to my website as he introduced me, it's And so I have new face masks, which are all organic and natural and have no preservatives or junky stuff in them. And if you liked listening to me today, you can also follow me on Instagram @haley_ferretti. Yeah, that's pretty much where I'm at most times you're most of the day on Instagram or through my website.

Gresham Harkless 11:42

Awesome. And we'll make sure to have those links in the show notes just so that they can find out and get in contact with you. But Haley, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out. I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Haley Ferretti 11:52

Thank you, you as well.

Outro 11:54

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at

I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Intro 0:02

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Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:27

Hello This is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I've Haley Ferretti of Haley, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Haley Ferretti 0:36

Thank you. Thank you so much for having me.

Gresham Harkless 0:38

No problem I'm super excited to have you on and what I want to do is just read a little bit more about Haley so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. And Haley is a holistic skin health specialists who helps women look beautiful inside and out. She's here to help you restore your internal health and your skin and regain your self confidence. She helps women with acne heal themselves so they can have beautiful glowing skin in a more holistic and natural way. Haley, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

Haley Ferretti 1:05

Of course.

Gresham Harkless 1:06

Awesome. Let's do it. So the first question I had was just to hear a little bit more about your CEO story. What led you just start your business?

Haley Ferretti 1:13

Yeah. So like you said, I'm I work with women that have skin conditions, primarily acne. And I had acne for about seven years from the ages about middle school age till the first year of college and my skin just got really bad. And I was really sick and tired of going to the dermatologist and not getting any answers. So I went I pretty much changed my degree and everything like that, and went to school to be a holistic nutritionist. And I was able to kill my skin within eight months of stopping all the dermatologist stuff and going completely natural, plant based and just really healing my skin internally.

Gresham Harkless 1:48


Haley Ferretti 1:50

So that's kind of how I started my business. Because I was able to kill my skin. I was I probably could help a lot of women that deal with this every day. They have no idea how to heal themselves.

Gresham Harkless 1:58

Yeah, that makes sense. And you know, I love the idea in true entrepreneurial form that you have, you know, an issue yourself, and then you solve the issue yourself. And then you find out that there's probably not just you that has those problems.

Haley Ferretti 2:09


Gresham Harkless 2:09

Yeah. And then you start to create something after that. So I wanted to drill down a little bit deeper in here like exactly like, what do you do to kind of help out these women that are having issues with their skin? Could you break that down for us?

Haley Ferretti 2:20

Yeah. So typically, I'll get on a call with them. And we'll just kind of break down what exactly they are specifically dealing with. And most of them when I talk with have had acne like I did for years, it's not just they wake up one morning and have pimples it's like a, it's a whole ordeal that they're going through. And they've tried literally everything before they come to me. And then I give them all these different options on how to heal themselves. And it's typically internal healing with herbs, detoxing, and just a lot of cleansing that they have to go through to restore certain organs and primarily the main organ that I helped to heal is the liver and that's just in there's no reason as to why they're not not a reason I know of why their liver is like this. But if you have acne or any type of skin condition, typically your acne is caused from a some type of toxic liver or your liver is not functioning at a high quality.

Gresham Harkless 3:12

Really, I never knew that. So that's usually what happens with a lot of people that have acne problems.

Haley Ferretti 3:17

Yeah. So if you have eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, it typically stems from your liver being overburdened. And I'm not saying there isn't at like multiple organs, but commonly it's the liver. But there's also many other cases where it's the colon, your kidneys and things like that, that just needed like a reboot. Just start being able to process all the toxins. And there's foods that you have to look for, and like diet changes and things like that. But mostly, once you clean and heal those organs, you're good to go and your skin will start to glow again.

Gresham Harkless 3:49

Interesting. Yeah, I had acne a lot too when I was younger, and you always think that it's just your skin, but just hearing now that's more just, the product of what might be going on inside. So a lot of times the food that you're eating and your organs and stuff might actually be causing that.

Haley Ferretti 4:04

Yeah. And it's just the way your body's communicating with you. And I've come to learn that having acne was more of a blessing and it's just my body talking to me because I can't speak English to me. So it's gonna send me signals through breakouts. So it's I thought it was really cool. I think I think back now it's cool that I had asked me

Gresham Harkless 4:23

Yeah,and I love that perspective is kind of like your dog, your dog can actually talk to you, or, I should say can actually talk to me. So she'll bark or do whatever she'll jump.

Haley Ferretti 4:32


Gresham Harkless 4:32

Exactly. So skin's doing the exact same way. It's just communicating with you what's going on inside.

Haley Ferretti 4:38

Yeah, that's pretty cool.

Gresham Harkless 4:39

Yeah, it is awesome. And now I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce. And this could be for you or your organization. But basically, what do you feel set you or your organization apart makes you unique and stand out?

Haley Ferretti 4:49

Yeah. So I love working with women that have acne. And there's many people that do the same thing that work with women that have skin conditions and things like that. The other part that I add to it is my help with their just being like having self love and accepting themselves because most of them have really bad self esteem. And they're very low mentally, because I know you're not a woman, but I'm sure you can, if you have girlfriends, or a wife or anything like that, you know that women can be very self conscious and having something on your skin, the first thing anyone sees is very hard on your self esteem. So I work a lot with mindset coaching and being able to heal not just only their skin, but also their mindset so that when they do it clear skin, they don't also have that negative mindset again, with them.

Gresham Harkless 4:49

Yeah, that makes sense. And it makes perfect sense, especially how you look and show up, especially on your skin is basically how you feel you're perceived from the world. So being able to make sure that you're confident whether or not, you have the most perfect skin or you're working through that or whatever is very important. It sounds like.

Haley Ferretti 5:48

Yeah, it's very, extremely important. I would say that my mindset work is probably more important than the detoxing and cleansing just so that they can actually have the self confidence back and feel beautiful without having clear skin. Like that's like the first thing we have to work on before we can actually even dive deeper into their internal health.

Gresham Harkless 6:11

That makes sense. And that's where all the holistic part comes in. Because it's not just your skin, not just, what you're putting on your skin. It's all those things that make up who you are. Accent sounds like.

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Haley Ferretti 6:21

Yes, exactly.

Gresham Harkless 6:22

Awesome. And now I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO Hack. And this might be an app or book or a habit that you have, but it's something that makes you more effective and efficient as a CEO.

Haley Ferretti 6:34

So for me, I think I mentioned this in our interview before, every morning, I make a tonic that I have. And it's just something that I have like me time with and it's like just therapeutic for me to I just make my tonic is typically always the same like chocolate, peppermint tea, or not chocolate, it's cacao, and then a bunch of different herbs and things that I put in just to help me function throughout the day. And that's pretty much all it was not so much scientific or anything like that. It's just something I do in the morning to have me time and just to get my day started.

Gresham Harkless 7:07

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. We talked offline about it. And I was definitely looking forward to hearing exactly what you put in there. Because I think a lot of times what I've seen is, you know, most entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs, successful high driven people, no matter what role you're in, you do and have the same thing. So those little quote unquote, small things can kind of add up to having a really great days and great days become great weeks, great weeks become great months, so on and so forth.

Haley Ferretti 7:31

Yeah, I'm very much a creature of habit. If I like something, I will do it all the time every single day. Just because it's it's easy. If I know it works and benefits me in any way I'm going to continue to do it.

Gresham Harkless 7:42

Makes sense. And so that you feel like when you when you have that on your tonic that helps you out as far as like, being more energetic throughout the day and everything.

Haley Ferretti 7:50

Yeah, it's not there's no coffee in it, or like caffeine stimulants or anything like that. But I definitely noticed that when I don't have my drink, or if I run out of something, or just decided to start my day without it, I'm a little more scattered. And I'm not as focused on my end goal stuff. So yeah, it's really important for me just to take at least like 20 minutes out of my morning and just make my little tonic that haven't like I'm warming up. And yeah, it's really important for my day, I've noticed.

Gresham Harkless 8:18

There you go. Now that makes sense. Definitely a game changer. So I appreciate you for sharing that. And now I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And this might be a word of wisdom or piece of advice. Or if you can happen to a time machine. What would you tell your younger business self?

Haley Ferretti 8:32

Not fear perfection is? Yeah, that was fine. I was still I still struggle with it. I'm very much a perfectionist and like to have things absolutely perfect. And I have really high standards for myself and my business. So yeah, you don't have to be a perfectionist as long as you get it done. And typically, if you are a perfectionist, your standards are like light years above what other people will notice. And so they'll think it's perfect no matter what, because your standards are so high.

Gresham Harkless 8:59

That's a really good perspective, because I never thought about like that. I struggled with that, myself. And I think what helped me out was I started to read about a lot of people that started businesses and they had this one successful business, but they failed like 50 times before that. You don't have to get it down perfectly. But now that's really important. Because because you are holding yourself to such a high standard, you're 75% might be somebody's 130% or something like that. So it's important to kind of keep that in mind.

Haley Ferretti 9:27

Yeah, because you could I mean, I could beat myself up every day about this doesn't look right. This is not 100 but this is not even close to like being your standard. But I know I've been told by many people that my standards are very high and that they don't like they're like you're going to be fine as long as it gets done because people aren't going to notice because your standards are so high right

Gresham Harkless 9:49

Right now that's a that's a great reminder and especially, being an entrepreneur, business owner is really action oriented. So a lot of times putting it out before it's ready you can always kind of improve upon it as you except for

Haley Ferretti 10:00

Yeah, 100%

Gresham Harkless 10:01

Absolutely. And now I want to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition for what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote unquote CEOs on the show. So Haley, I wanted to ask you, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Haley Ferretti 10:12

Being able to live my life on my terms, or creating the life that I want to create? That's like, that's about Yeah, that's my definition, probably because I had other jobs where I was somebody else's assistant to the CEO or like site assistant to like, the boss and stuff. And I didn't want to be I didn't want to help anyone else build their dream. I kind of wanted to build my own dream. So yeah, creating my life on my own terms.

Gresham Harkless 10:36

I love that. Yeah, I always look at it. Like you're, you're an artist, so to speak. So you have you have your paintbrush, and you're not painting anybody else's canvas. You're painting your own. So you get to pick it up or whatever colors, whatever shapes, whatever you want to do. You get to create it yourself. So I think that's a phenomenal definition.

Haley Ferretti 10:49

Yeah, that definitely resonates with me.

Gresham Harkless 10:53

Awesome. Well, Haley, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out of your schedule. What I wanted to do was pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional, you want to let our readers and our listeners know and then also how best people can get hold of you.

Haley Ferretti 11:05

Yeah, so it actually worked out really well that we had this setup because I just launched my all natural vegan skincare line. So if you guys are interested in like skincare or any type of like face masks, I actually just launched that. So if you go to my website like he introduced me, it's And so I have new face masks, which are all organic and natural and have no preservatives or junky stuff in them. And if you liked listening to me today, you can also follow me on Instagram @haley_ferretti. Yeah, that's pretty much where I'm at most time you're most of the day is on Instagram or through my website.

Gresham Harkless 11:42

Awesome. And we'll make sure to have those links in the show notes just so that they can find out and get in contact with you. But Haley, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out. I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Haley Ferretti 11:52

Thank you, you as well.

Outro 11:54

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Transcribed by



Mercy - CBNation Team

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(, podcasts, ( and videos ( CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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