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Ginny Scales Medeiros
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Scales Medeiros
Guest Bio

Ginny is an entrepreneur with multiple patents/trademarks. Ginny's product widely sold in World Class spa resorts and on QVC, made appearances on NBC, CBS, FOX News and written about in many national magazines. Ginny’s first novel. “What Is Normal?” made the top 40 most inspirational list in Gladys Magazine. She has been on radio and TV, talking about her book, most recently on ABC’s morning show, “Believe in Yourself.” Currently, Ginny’s focus is on landing a movie deal for the screenplay, “WIN”, based on her novel, “What Is Normal?” an edgy,feature length drama,based on her life.

Business Name
Short Business Description
Ginny is an entrepreneur with multiple patents/trademarks. Ginny's product widely sold in World Class spa resorts and on QVC, made appearances on NBC, CBS, FOX News and written about in many national magazines. Ginny’s first novel. “What Is Normal?” made the top 40 most inspirational list in Gladys Magazine. She has been on radio and TV, talking about her book, most recently on ABC’s morning show, “Believe in Yourself.” Currently, Ginny’s focus is on landing a movie deal for the screenplay, “WIN”, based on her novel, “What Is Normal?” an edgy,feature length drama,based on her life.
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