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Iva Ursano
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Iva traded in her 25+ year hairstyling career in 2015 and became a freelance writer so she could have more freedom in her life and work on building her own dreams, not someone else's. She left Canada over 4 years ago and moved to Guatemala to help the poor and try to put a dent in malnutrition while building her business. She now runs two successful websites, Facebook pages and Pinterest accounts having accumulated almost 1 million followers. Her goal is to inspire people around the world to change their lives for the better.

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Iva traded in her 25+ year hairstyling career in 2015 and became a freelance writer so she could have more freedom in her life and work on building her own dreams, not someone else's. She left Canada over 4 years ago and moved to Guatemala to help the poor and try to put a dent in malnutrition while building her business. She now runs two successful websites, Facebook pages and Pinterest accounts having accumulated almost 1 million followers. Her goal is to inspire people around the world to change their lives for the better.
Isabella Silverio
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Isabella founded Guava Empowerment to create programs
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and courses to help women to fully embody their CEO."

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Isabella Silverio is a Cuban-American and Miami native entrepreneur, leader, and Cuban Millionaria. Her passion lies in helping women think entrepreneurially in their career and daily lives.
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