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Adam Hempenstall
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Adam Hempenstall is the CEO and Founder of Better Proposals, simple yet quite powerful proposal software for creating beautiful, high-impact proposals in minutes. With more than 20 years of experience, having helped his customers at Better Proposals win $120,000,000+ in one year only, he has launched the first Proposal Writing University where he shares business proposal best practices.

He’s also a goalkeeper and huge fan of music festivals and traveling.

I AM CEO Podcast Episode

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Adam Hempenstall is the CEO and Founder of Better Proposals, simple yet quite powerful proposal software for creating beautiful, high-impact proposals in minutes. With more than 20 years of experience, having helped his customers at Better Proposals win $120,000,000+ in one year only, he has launched the first Proposal Writing University where he shares business proposal best practices.

He’s also a goalkeeper and huge fan of music festivals and traveling.
Fred Coon
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CEO, Stewart, Cooper & Coon, a Human Capital Strategies and Resource Company. Nationally published best-selling author: Ready Aim Hired, Leveraging LinkedIn for Job Search Success, and the behavioral competency hit, Hire The EQ, Not The IQ. Publisher and Host of article and podcast series, The US At Work. On senior team at two companies that made the Inc. Magazine, Top 500 Fastest Growing Companies in the U.S., multiple times each. Has worked in both the private and public sectors. An old time clawhammer banjo player.

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CEO, Stewart, Cooper & Coon, a Human Capital Strategies and Resource Company. Nationally published best-selling author: Ready Aim Hired, Leveraging LinkedIn for Job Search Success, and the behavioral competency hit, Hire The EQ, Not The IQ. Publisher and Host of article and podcast series, The US At Work. On senior team at two companies that made the Inc. Magazine, Top 500 Fastest Growing Companies in the U.S., multiple times each. Has worked in both the private and public sectors. An old time clawhammer banjo player.
Tiffiney Cornish
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Tiffiney Cornish is a brand expert with over 10 years of marketing and business development experience. She worked as an Industrial Engineer for Estee Lauder helping to streamline production processes to increase revenue and accuracy of output projections. She also spent 8 years in the fashion industry as a model and creative director. In 2014, she started TC Creatives: Branding and Design Studio which focused on developing brands for small corporations and individuals.

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Tiffiney Cornish is a brand expert with over 10 years of marketing and business development experience. She worked as an Industrial Engineer for Estee Lauder helping to streamline production processes to increase revenue and accuracy of output projections. She also spent 8 years in the fashion industry as a model and creative director. In 2014, she started TC Creatives: Branding and Design Studio which focused on developing brands for small corporations and individuals.
Karen Bate
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With more than 25 years experience in nonprofit and corporate communications, Karen Bate, Founder and CEO of KB Concepts P.R., rebrands companies and nonprofits; positions organizations to achieve their objectives; garners key media placements; and harnesses digital marketing and social media tools to tell her clients’ stories and inspire others to support them. Great Ideas for Good Causes is not just her company tagline; it is the guiding philosophy of her work.

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With more than 25 years experience in nonprofit and corporate communications, Karen Bate, Founder and CEO of KB Concepts P.R., rebrands companies and nonprofits; positions organizations to achieve their objectives; garners key media placements; and harnesses digital marketing and social media tools to tell her clients’ stories and inspire others to support them. Great Ideas for Good Causes is not just her company tagline; it is the guiding philosophy of her work.
Rodolfo Carrillo
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Rodolfo has a very interesting and unique combination of business skills
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experience and spiritual wisdom that triggers profound transformation through his work
Guest Bio

which is motivated by his purpose to raise consciousness in the World so all beings can live in harmony and greater wellbeing."

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Rodolfo Carrillo – as Conscious Leadership Shaman, Rodolfo has developed the powerful SER model for achieving leadership of the fullest potential as well as, deep-sustainable personal mastery and organizational growth.
David Leonhardt
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David Leonhardt runs THGM Writing services from rural Eastern Ontario. He spent many years in public relations and policy development learning how not to write. Now he leads a team of writers across North America, who serve primarily individuals and small businesses.

I AM CEO Podcast Episode

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David Leonhardt runs THGM Writing services from rural Eastern Ontario. He spent many years in public relations and policy development learning how not to write. Now he leads a team of writers across North America, who serve primarily individuals and small businesses.
Maddie Watkins
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Maddie Watkins is the owner and founder of 202strong, a local fitness studio in the DMV that specializes in making strength training, specifically with the barbell accessible to those who might feel they "can't" lift or aren't strong enough to lift a barbell. Maddie left her background in genetics and microbiology to pursue a personal training certification after she graduated college in early 2010 after discovering the barbell herself and how feeling strong completely changed herself and her life. 202strong opened in 2015 and today there are 2 locations plus a newly added virtual program, StrongLine.

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Maddie Watkins is the owner and founder of 202strong, a local fitness studio in the DMV that specializes in making strength training, specifically with the barbell accessible to those who might feel they "can't" lift or aren't strong enough to lift a barbell. Maddie left her background in genetics and microbiology to pursue a personal training certification after she graduated college in early 2010 after discovering the barbell herself and how feeling strong completely changed herself and her life. 202strong opened in 2015 and today there are 2 locations plus a newly added virtual program, StrongLine.
Boni Satani
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Boni Satani is a T Shaped Marketer with a Huge Interest in SEO & Link Building. He is currently the Director of Marketing at Zestard Technologies, overseeing multiple digital marketing campaigns for clients.

I AM CEO Podcast Episode

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Boni Satani is a T Shaped Marketer with a Huge Interest in SEO & Link Building. He is currently the Director of Marketing at Zestard Technologies, overseeing multiple digital marketing campaigns for clients.
Bimal Shah
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Bimal is the Founder of Rajparth Group of Companies that provide unique and customized consulting to executives and teams of companies to positively impact their bottom line.

Bimal is on a mission to make pioneers out of entrepreneurs by helping them achieve their three-year goal in one-year and have the government pay for it through Grants. Bimal Shah is well-known in South Florida and in business community for the last 21 years. He has been feautured on Today's Honoree, Thrive Global, Authority Magazine, Laws of Life, True Oldies Radio, David Meltzer Podcast, adn Diversified Game. He is a recognized speaker with presentations at several professional business associations, conferences, and meetings like Goldman Sachs Cohorts, ABWA, BNI, NPI, BRIC, Vistage, SFHHA, SFHNG, Lab Miami, AANGFL, SFTA, and Religious organizations like JAINA and SFHT.

He is married for 21 years to his wife Ami and dedicated father to his two daughters after which he named his company. He has been successfully training and coaching entrepreneurs, executives, and employees to take their life and work to a whole new level. Bimal's organization helps bring control and charge in the lives of entrepreneurs by making their teams happily engaged, striking a balance between Work and Life, adding security from the Seven enemies of Wealth, and making their business very unique.

Bimal Shah is the author of several books. His first book- “The Daily Happiness Multiplier” teaches 52 different systems that can transform people’s lives. His second books are series of 13 books. The series is titled, “The Breakthrough Accelerator”- Part 1 and 2 of 13 have been published and the others are being worked upon. He loves horse-riding, reading, writing, and traveling many places around the world.

I AM CEO Podcast Episode

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Short Business Description
Bimal is the Founder of Rajparth Group of Companies that provide unique and customized consulting to executives and teams of companies to positively impact their bottom line.

Bimal is on a mission to make pioneers out of entrepreneurs by helping them achieve their three-year goal in one-year and have the government pay for it through Grants. Bimal Shah is well-known in South Florida and in business community for the last 21 years. He has been feautured on Today's Honoree, Thrive Global, Authority Magazine, Laws of Life, True Oldies Radio, David Meltzer Podcast, adn Diversified Game. He is a recognized speaker with presentations at several professional business associations, conferences, and meetings like Goldman Sachs Cohorts, ABWA, BNI, NPI, BRIC, Vistage, SFHHA, SFHNG, Lab Miami, AANGFL, SFTA, and Religious organizations like JAINA and SFHT.

He is married for 21 years to his wife Ami and dedicated father to his two daughters after which he named his company. He has been successfully training and coaching entrepreneurs, executives, and employees to take their life and work to a whole new level. Bimal's organization helps bring control and charge in the lives of entrepreneurs by making their teams happily engaged, striking a balance between Work and Life, adding security from the Seven enemies of Wealth, and making their business very unique.

Bimal Shah is the author of several books. His first book- “The Daily Happiness Multiplier” teaches 52 different systems that can transform people’s lives. His second books are series of 13 books. The series is titled, “The Breakthrough Accelerator”- Part 1 and 2 of 13 have been published and the others are being worked upon. He loves horse-riding, reading, writing, and traveling many places around the world.
wanda duncan
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Wanda is an superfan of Black women travelers. To that end she's created a Facebook group, a podcast, a conference, and a creative services agency that all center and empower Black women travelers. Wanda tried and failed to leave the States in 2010 to work and travel online as a digital nomad, and for the past five years have been doing that and much more.

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Wanda is an superfan of Black women travelers. To that end she's created a Facebook group, a podcast, a conference, and a creative services agency that all center and empower Black women travelers. Wanda tried and failed to leave the States in 2010 to work and travel online as a digital nomad, and for the past five years have been doing that and much more.
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