I AM CEO PODCASTLeadershipManagement

IAM2239 – Overcome Challenges You Face and Achieve Greater Success in Your Careers

Special Episode by Gresham Harkless Jr.

Podcast episode promotional image featuring Gresham Harkless Jr. Theme: Overcome Challenges for Career Success. Includes logos for Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and "I Am CEO" season 7 branding. Episode 2239.Gresh discusses the importance of building a media company and the eight business pillars.

Gresh asks the question, “What would you do if you couldn't fail?” This question deals with failure, fear, limitations, and requires a different approach to operating.

A can't fail mindset is powerful for entrepreneurs and business owners, as it helps break free from the fear of failure. Fear is a significant obstacle for entrepreneurs, as it can lead to failure, judgment, or even potential loss.

By adopting a can't fail mindset, individuals can break free from the fear of failure and achieve more in their lives.

By focusing on these pillars and embracing a can-fail mindset, individuals can overcome the challenges they face and achieve greater success in their careers.

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I AM CEO Handbook Volume 3 is HERE and it's FREE. Get your copy here: http://cbnation.co/iamceo3. Get the 100+ things that you can learn from 1600 business podcasts we recorded. Hear Gresh's story, learn the 16 business pillars from the podcast, find out about CBNation Architects and why you might be one and so much more. Did we mention it was FREE? Download it today!


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Intro 00:00

Hello, hello, hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I wanted to share with you one of the episodes that I was a guest on for someone else's podcast. I always talk about how important it is to build a media company.

One of the next best things you could do is be on somebody else's media company. So I had the pleasure of being a guest on this podcast and I wanted to share a little snippet with you because it would help support the eight business pillars we've really been trying to focus on with a lot more of our content and a lot more of the solo episodes that I'm doing.

So make sure, of course, that you subscribe to our podcast. But of course, you take some time out, check out the show notes and subscribe to the podcast that I've been featured on as well, too. And get to learn about some of those eight business pillars and how you can continue to kind of leverage and build that up so you can go from builder to architect to,
of course, rock star and luminary.

So this is Gresh signing out. I hope you enjoy this. I AM CEO special episode.

Gresh 00:53

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh here and I'm here to share with you a special episode and really what I want to do today is kind of ask you one of the questions that I think I heard at the very beginning of my entrepreneurial journey but honestly have not asked myself this as often.

And I think it's
one of those things that deals with failure, deals with fear, deals with limitations, and really requires us to look at how we're operating in a completely different way.

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And that question is, what would you do if you couldn't fail? So just imagine for yourself that you're operating without that fear of failure, without that what is going to happen,
or that it's raining and it's pouring, or that I failed last time, time.

So I'm gonna fail again. What would you be able to do? What would you be able to accomplish? What would you be able to do as an impact if you were able to operate in a completely different way?

And so one of the reasons that I really wanted to delve down deep into this adopting a can't fail mindset is because it's so powerful for entrepreneurs and business owners.

And as you start to go through,
especially if you're trailblazing, you're trying things that are new you're trying things that are outside of the path and maybe you're getting a lot of no's you're getting a lot of that's not a good idea of that's not going to happen.

Or you're really just setting yourself up for failure or I don't want to see you fail so that's why I'm telling you that that's not going to work so whatever you might hear one of the
things that I really want you to kind of consume and really understand and start to ask yourself is what would you do if you wouldn't fail.

If you couldn't fail, if you knew that you were not going to fail.
And one of the things that it does, and I'm going to go over five different things is it helps you to break out of this fear of failure. Fear is one of the biggest roadblocks for entrepreneurs and honestly people in general that could be failure,
failure, judgment, or even potentially losing money. And when you start to operate like you can't fail, that you won't fail, it removes that fear and opens you up to the opportunity to really take bold decisive action.

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You really know what you want to be and want to do and often I feel like you already have an idea of that. But when you start to think about like what's going to go wrong, then sometimes that puts you in that spirit and that place of being caught up in fear.

So when you want to have and take that bold action, sometimes is saying that this is what I'm going to do. You try to minimize risk, don't get me wrong, and I'll touch on that a little bit later, but you understand that that is such a big aspect of what you're trying to do.

You ultimately start taking risks that lead to true breakthroughs, stepping outside of your comfort zone. You're not going to be spending as much time going through emails,
finding out why things are working or they're not working.

You're going to start operating in a very, very different place. You're going to start doing the things that are sometimes uncomfortable. Sometimes they are scary, but they're going to help you move the things forward.

So when fear isn't holding you back, you start to move faster, trying things you wouldn't normally do, and that's truly where that transformation ultimately happens.

So number one, you're going to break free of failure. Number two, you're going to start expanding your vision of what is ultimately possible. Without that fear, your vision expands beyond limits, beyond the limits that sometimes you even think that they could be.

You don't think small as much. You start focusing on what you really want to create. It's not so much about thinking limitless, but it's really thinking about what do I want to accomplish? And then you start to kind of put the pen to the pad.

You start to roll up your sleeves and do the thing that you ultimately want to do. You start to focus more on creating rather than on your limits. And that's really where that transformation happens. That could be within an industry. It could be within your organization organization or company that you're building.

It could be global. But the ultimate thing I think that it ends up doing is you start to create a lasting legacy, something that lives beyond, you know, who we are and what we see.

And that's when really phenomenal things start to happen. And so big visions often lead to action. And that action is usually big and bold. When failure isn't a possibility, you're willing to go all in,
you're putting of the chips to the table and you're making that happen.

And one of the things that I want to kind of hammer home and I'm going to go a little bit more into this a little bit later on number five is it doesn't necessarily mean that going all in is literally putting everything up.

It doesn't mean that you're putting the house, the kids, the dog, all the things up at the poker table per se. It means that you're actually fully bought into what this looks like and what that vision is.

And sometimes we get more attached to the how than the why. We know why we want to do the thing and we say we have to do it this way, but when you're going all in, you're starting to understand that maybe you're just putting one poker chip there to test it out.

And then if it works, you're going to put two. I think going all in doesn't necessarily mean that you are pushing everything in on one thing. It means that you're really set up for the journey of what you're going to do.

So by thinking that you can't fail, you allow yourself to pursue opportunities that seem unreachable and that leads to ultimately incredible growth. And that's one of the biggest things.

Number three, you start to unlock innovation. Innovation thrives when failure isn't a concern. You're free to ultimately experiment and push boundaries. And that's why I said sometimes you put that poker chip there and it's just a one poker chip because what you're going to do is you're going to start to experiment more.

You're going to have that levity with with everything that you're doing, you're gonna be okay with quote unquote failing, making mistakes, things not going well because you're fully bought in on this vision that you have, the why that you have.

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And without fear of getting it wrong, you're more willing to try new products or services and even business models. Doesn't mean that you're gonna hit on everything, but it means that even if you don't hit, you know you're going to succeed.

So you're okay with pivoting, you're okay with going to the next thing. You're okay with those learning lessons. This ultimate mindset can lead you to true breakthroughs that not only grow your business but also disrupt entire industries if you allow it to.

So I want you to imagine that you can create what you can create if every risk you took moved you closer to success. And I really want to hammer that home because I listened to a book or watched and read a book.
I believe I watched a summary of that book.

I talked a lot around understanding like what it takes to reach success. So let's just picture that you have to do a hundred calls to get one sale.
So when you start to have that understanding of what that looks like, you're more than welcome to understand that you're going to try to get as quickly through these hundred calls so that you can get to that one sale.

So that also means that that one sale, if it's worth $100, is not necessarily hundred dollars. Every no, every experiment, everything that doesn't go the way that you wanted to go is worth a dollar.

So when you start to add it up, when you do that first call and the person says, no, I'm not interested. That's one dollar. The second person hangs up before you even get the chance to get anything out. That's two dollars.

You start to add that up and that equals the hundred dollars. So we start to really think that that happens because you do the one thing, you make the one sale. But in reality, it's the hundred of experiments,
the thing that you did over and over again that actually adds up to that success.

So it's definitely a change in mindset, but once you start to operate from that level, it allows you to be open to experimentation and to trying things out and to getting closer and closer to ultimately where you wanna be.

And you ultimately get to build a fearless culture. As a leader, your mindset affects your team, but it also affects your environment, Whether you're showing up as a dad, a mom, a brother, a sister,
whatever that might be as a teacher, whatever that might be.

When you're starting to do that, it allows you to create that fearless culture of people trying things, of people taking leaps and steps and not asking for permission all the time to do all those things.

You want to really create an empowered culture for your organization, for the people that are within the organization so that they can take risks, they can innovate, and they can think creatively about how they want things to happen.

This allows you to lead them to faster problem -solving,
higher engagement in a company that's constantly growing and improving. They start to realize that, “Hey, we can let you do anything and everything, and that is a phenomenal place to be.”

So when your team knows that they won't be penalized for mistakes,
they become more innovative, and that's where the ultimate magic happens. And the last thing that you want to try to keep in mind is taking massive action does include taking calculated risks.

That's number five. The mindset is not ultimately about being reckless. It's about taking calculated risk with confidence. The idea of what you would do if because you know you won't fail doesn't mean that you are not going to make mistakes.

It doesn't mean that you put it all on a red or you put it all on black. What it means is that I know that I'm going to succeed. So even as I go through this journey, each step along this journey may not go the way that I wanted to go,
but I know how it's going to end.

And when you have that confidence, and when you take that calculated risk and that calculated action, you know that step by step by step is going to get you closer and closer to where you want to be.

You know that you're not going to literally throw everything recklessly against whatever your vision or your goal is or it shouldn't even be that it's really your how you're not going to put everything into your how that what that how is without understanding if it's going to help you to get closer to what your vision is.

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So those two things kind of go hand -in -hand and you are able to Take calculated risk in such a way that allows you to increase your likelihood of success because you know you're going to succeed.

So, why not be open to the experimentation and to making the mistakes and how things could ultimately go.
So, when you start making bold decisions, which could be everything from entering new markets, new products and services, investing in growth, hiring key players, it allows you to open up the decks to what that can ultimately look like.

And as you take that calculated action, you start to understand that when you enter into new markets. It doesn't necessarily mean that you get rid of all the markets you're in.

It means that maybe you test that out within a certain percentage of the time that you're putting into that or maybe you're investing in some type of growth or you're hiring this person and you put them on a project rather than on the entire most important aspect of your business.

So you just start to look strategically at how that happens, how you can continue to take those steps because you know you're ultimately going to succeed.

But you just may not know necessarily how you're going to succeed and that's why you want to take those Calculated bets because if you hire that person and that person is not the key person well,
you don't want to Be so attached to the wrong person for wherever it is that's going to take your organization to another level.

You want to make sure that you are open to the how changing but you're why the success you're going to have is not going to change So these decisions are ultimately those that drive real growth,
but they may feel or often make us feel intimidated because we have fear along the way.

And one of the big things is that those that achieve success and achieve ultimately where we want to be are not without fear.
They have the fear. They just do a lot of these things. They operate in a different way so that they can achieve that success, but it's not as if they don't feel fear.

They just have the confidence, the supreme confidence often,
that they're going to reach that success. So when failure is not an option, you're free to take these actions knowing that they will bring you closer and closer to success. That's one of the biggest things. So just to close everything out,
operating like you can't fail, removes fear, expands your vision, unlocks innovation, builds a fearless culture and leads you to bold action. Even though failure is part of the journey.

Adopting this mindset creates momentum that is truly truly truly unstoppable. So if you want to take your business to the next level, stop operating like failure isn't an option because that's where true transformation happens.

And of course, if you want to listen to more and more of these snippets, check out our Netflix for business. We're going to be taking snippets from all of our content, the 6000 blog post the 1500,
1600 podcast interviews, the 600 plus video interviews, and we're starting to make them bite-sized so that you can get nuggets like this that can help you go to an entirely different level.

So I'm super excited about this. I'm so excited about the massive action that you're going to take in your business and in your life. And if you need anything, definitely let me know. This is Gresh signing out. I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Outro 13:17

Hello, hello. This is Gresh again, and I hope you enjoyed that special episode of the I AM CEO podcast of just like I mentioned in the beginning, we're really trying to laser focus on these eight pillars to show you as a builder how you can leverage these eight pillars and really level up there so it helps to level up your business and organization.

So hope you enjoyed this episode and definitely please check out the show notes so you can learn more about the pillar, learn more about the person that I guessed it on on their episode and of course learn a little bit more about us as well too.
This is Gresh Signing Out. I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.


Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(CEOBlogNation.com), podcasts, (CEOPodcasts.com) and videos (CBNation.tv). CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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