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IAM1838 – Certified Health Coach Creates New Approach to Lasting Results in Health and Happiness

Podcast interview with Lindsay Hunt

Why it was selected for “CBNation Architects”:

This episode on I AM CEO Podcasts features Lindsay Hunt, a certified health coach and personal trainer who is on a mission to help people reach their health and fitness goals through nutrition, fitness, and mindset training. She has created a new approach that focuses on digging deeper to help clients achieve lasting results.

During the episode, Lindsay shares her insights and expertise on various topics related to health and wellness. She also provides valuable CEO hacks, including having a structured morning routine that involves drinking water, reading, practicing gratitude, and setting goals for the day. Her CEO nugget of wisdom encourages individuals to not stress over mistakes and failures that happen in business.

In terms of how she defines being a CEO, Lindsay describes it as being a creator, visionary, and leader.

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Lindsay Hunt Teaser 00:00

My whole life started to shift and change, which became a passion. I really think that's where a good business starts, is from passion and personal experience. So you can really create something from your heart.

That's how Walk On The Healthy Side came to be is, I started taking my experiences and my story and helping all the people out there that had similar issues they were going through.

Intro 00:22

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview?

If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of.

This is the I AM CEO podcast.

Gresham Harkless 00:47

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I appreciate you listening to this episode. If you've been listening this year, you know that we've hit 1600 episodes at the beginning of this year. We're doing something a little bit different where we're repurposing our favorite episodes around certain categories, topics, or as I like to call them, business pillars that we think are going to be extremely impactful for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners just like you, what I like to call the CB nation architects who are looking to level up their organizations.

This month we are focusing on CEO Hacks and CEO Nuggets. This is by far one of my favorite questions I asked on the show. In other words, I asked, what are the apps, books, and habits, that makes you more effective and efficient. Those were the CEO hacks. Then I asked for a word of wisdom or a piece of advice or something that you might tell your younger business self if you were to hop into a time machine. Those were the CEO nuggets. That's what we'll focus on this month and some of the top ones that can instantly impact your business.

I love all the questions, but with every episode, I felt I would walk away with something I could look at and implement right there to save the precious resources, time and money. Or I would also learn about the advice, tips and tidbits or tools of the trade on how to level up our organization. So you'll hear some of these this month. So sit back and enjoy this special episode of the I AM CEO podcast.

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Lindsay Hunt of Walk On The Healthy Side. Lindsay, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Lindsay Hunt 02:22

I am excited to be here. Thanks for having me.

Gresham Harkless 02:24

No problem. Super excited to have you on. What I want to do is just read a little bit more about Lindsay, so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing.

Lindsay Hunt is a TV-featured health expert, certified health coach, and certified personal trainer. She's on a mission to help people uplevel their health and happiness through nutrition, fitness, and mindset training. She has created a new approach that digs deeper to help her clients get real lasting results.

Lindsay, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

Lindsay Hunt 02:52

I sure am.

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Gresham Harkless 02:54

Awesome. Let's do it. So first question I had was to hear a little bit more about your CEO story and what led you to start your business.

Lindsay Hunt 03:00

Yeah. I mean, I think my own personal story launched me into starting my business. And I guess, more frankly than personal story, my personal struggles launched me into this business. I've always had an interest in health and fitness, but in college I really dealt with more health issues. I had an issue with my weight. I had horrible digestive issues. I was an avid exerciser, but really not seeing the results in my body and constantly just compared myself to other people and felt so uncomfortable in my own skin.

I was also just dissatisfied with the quality of my life. I knew there was more out there and I just felt out of alignment to what was possible for me. So I started this whole personal journey with food and nutrition and then I got into the world of personal development, learned a lot of things the hard way and it took many, many years, but finally, it all really started to click. I had my own transformational story with nutrition, fitness, feeling energized and alive again and then my whole life started to shift and change, which became a passion.

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I really think that's where a good business starts is from passion and personal experience. So you can really create something from your heart. That's how Walk On The Healthy Side came to be is, I started taking my experiences in my story and helping all the people out there that had similar issues they were going through.

Gresham Harkless 04:17

Yeah, that makes perfect sense and I definitely would echo that. It's funny that a lot of times you scratch your own itch, so to speak, and you start to create something because what you feel is not out there, you have to create yourself to get the solution that you want.

And then you start to tell your story, start to talk to more people. You realize you're not the only one, and there are so many other people that you can help out.

Lindsay Hunt 04:34

Totally. Yeah. We're really all going through it. And so when you start to have these connections and communications with people, you realize, Oh, I felt like I was going through that myself this whole time, but really like my best friend, my mom, the person on the bus next to me has gone through something similar.

Gresham Harkless 04:50

Yeah, absolutely. A lot of people say they assume that that's normal, but in reality, you can do things to change it. So it's awesome that you've been able to do that. So I wanted to hear a little bit more about what you're doing on Walk On The Healthy Side and hear a little bit more about this new approach that you have.

Lindsay Hunt 05:02

Yeah, definitely. So with Walk On The Healthy Side, I am a coach for nutrition, fitness, and mindset, and I work a lot one one-on-one with clients. I actually coach everybody remotely, which is really cool because I have clients right now in D.C. L.A and actually all over the world. My client is in New Zealand right now and Spain. So it's great because I have a variety of people that I'm helping and working with and also lots of different people coming to me for different things.

One thing that's interesting is I never really subscribed to taking like a niche market, which everyone said, you have to have a niche, you have to have a niche. I did the opposite. I just wanted to work with a variety because that's, what's exciting to me to connect with different people and to learn different things and constantly be challenged and just keep myself interested in the work that I'm doing.

So now I have a really wide variety of clients. An age range of 15 to 75 with tons of different areas that they're working on with me. Something exciting that I'm watching is actually an eight-week program that will be an online course where it's going to help people with the basic principles I teach in nutrition, fitness, and mindset, but they can go at their own pace. And it's an easier way to work with me.

Gresham Harkless 06:11

Yeah, I love that. I love how you have both sides of the coin because there are some people who want to maybe go about it themselves. But then at the same time, you're able to provide that expertise and guidance and of course, are also on that one-to-one coaching sounds like.

Lindsay Hunt 06:23

Yeah, absolutely. It's good to have as an entrepreneur different ways for you to work with people and to connect with people. So I think having an online program and one on one is a good resource for people to work in a way that they're comfortable with.

Gresham Harkless 06:35

Exactly, exactly, that makes perfect sense. Now I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce. This is like your differentiator for you and or your organization. But what do you feel sets you guys apart?

Lindsay Hunt 06:45

Yeah, that's a good question. I think the big thing I've noticed is when it comes to the zillions of nutrition programs that are out there and fitness workouts that are out there, nobody really takes time to combine that with the mindset piece of the puzzle.

The mindset is really where the magic happens and where real transformation can occur. And so I've found this market for why are people not successful, right? Like, why do people do all these diets and get short-term results and then end up starting another diet, right? Or another trend. I realized it's the missing piece, the mindset. So that's really my secret sauce is combining the three nutrition, fitness, and mindset to actually help people get real results.

Gresham Harkless 07:26

I love that and I think that and I actually just read and posted something earlier today talking about how important mindset is that a lot of times people think you can just drive through sometimes to reach your goals, whether that be fitness or whatever it is.

But if you don't really take care of your mindset and understand that you can actually hit that goal and you can believe it, sometimes you will block yourself without even knowing it.

Lindsay Hunt 07:46

Yeah. It's all like wiring in our brains is the way that I explain it. Your brain's just wired a certain way. And if you really want a lasting transformation, you have to go through the hard work of rewiring your brain to be in alignment with the new version of yourself or the goals that you want to achieve everything in your thoughts and your mind and your beliefs need to align with that. So it sticks.

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Gresham Harkless 08:07

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. And I imagine that being in heaven and you having clients and being able to be a coach to them, you probably can also notice those things too, because I think sometimes people are so close to whatever it is and whatever they might be going through that they may either block it out on purpose or maybe just not even know that they're blocking it out.

But having a coach and having somebody to help you out can give you that perspective.

Lindsay Hunt 08:28

Yep. I do think there are so many different lenses that you can view situations, right? Like we can look at things one way, but there are really 100 ways you can look at a certain situation. So having somebody else who isn't in your personal story or your personal saga, as I call it, to look in and say, Hey have you ever thought about it like this? Or what if you looked at it like this or you did it differently like this?

It just gives you more ideas to open yourself up to a new way of doing things. And like the saying goes, you can't always do the same thing and expect different results, right? So you need a new lens and a new perspective to be able to step into a new way of doing things to get a whole new reality.

Gresham Harkless 09:06

Absolutely. Yeah. Doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity. So definitely appreciate you for helping us out and helping people out and doing that.

Now I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack. This might be an app, a book or a habit that you have, but it's something that you feel like makes you more effective and efficient.

Lindsay Hunt 09:24

Yeah, definitely. I love this question because I'm obsessed with hacks. The biggest thing that's been really helpful for me in my business is having a structured morning routine. I know like morning routines, are really a buzzword now, and you read these morning routines that are just ridiculous. People are meditating for an hour and reading and writing 100 things they're thankful for. That's great if you can do that, like more power to you and I wish I could do that.

But I found if you can create a routine that you can be consistent with and that's more your style, it's something that will really support you and having a successful and efficient day. So my morning routine is super simple. It's 30 minutes. I just wake up, I drink a glass of water. I don't really worry about warming it up and putting water and lemon and all those things into it. Just hydrate, first thing in the morning.

So hydrate myself with water. Then I read a little bit before looking at my computer. So 10 minutes of just reading, browsing a book, something of that sort. I write down five things I'm grateful for to ground me and just get my head in the right space. So I'm not negative Nelly in the morning. Then I come up with three goals of the day. So my top three things I need to get done. I always have a personal goal, a work goal, and a fitness and health goal. That way you know, I need to get my laundry done that day. That's my personal goal. My work goal is to make sure that I email all my clients that day. Then my health and fitness goal might be making sure I get my workout done that I promised myself I'd do that afternoon.

It's just a simple, easy thing I do each morning, which sets me up for success and clears my mind and puts me in alignment for a good day.

Gresham Harkless 10:58

Yeah, that makes perfect sense and I love that kind of routine. Like you mentioned the simplicity and the consistency of it because that can propel you towards having consistent days. I always say, in order to win the day, sometimes the best way is to win the morning.

And if you can find simple ways to win the morning, then that can help you to have a great day.

Lindsay Hunt 11:13

It doesn't have to be this. I think we always bite off more than we can chew. Like I've tried doing lemon water every day and meditating and like I just didn't stick with it. Like it wasn't really a reality for me to do it. I didn't like it or have fun with it. So I realized that if you want to stick with something, you have to enjoy it and it has to be simple and easy for you.

Gresham Harkless 11:32

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Yeah, a lot of times that's what happens even with health and fitness is because you have these quote and quote diets or things that you do and they're not sustainable because you don't really like them. You don't want to do them, but you try to create long-lasting changes so that you can continue to do that for forever.

Lindsay Hunt 11:48

Don't force it. Just find something that flows more naturally for you.

Gresham Harkless 11:52

Absolutely. Now I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. This is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice. Or if you can op into a time machine, what would you tell your younger business self?

Lindsay Hunt 12:03

That would be cool. I think the big thing that comes up for me with this question is it's supposed to sometimes feel like everything's going wrong and crumbling and nothing's working like that's actually normal. There are ebbs and flows in business. I think when I started my business, I expected like a linear trajectory of success and I expected to hit milestones at certain times. And it just seemed like it was going to be progressively better and better. It is in so many ways, but there are a lot of struggles and stalemates where things feel slow or sticky or hard, or they don't work out that well.

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I finally come to terms that like, this is reality. This is what's supposed to happen. It's super normal. And now that I know that when something goes wrong or something isn't working, I can breathe into it a little bit without so much stress and anxiety and just trust that this is what owning a business is, this is what being a CEO and entrepreneur is, is going through the good times and having a good time and going through the bad times and not letting it deter you or slow you down.

Gresham Harkless 13:02

Yeah, that makes sense. And a lot of times that gives me peace at least to know that because, I read the biographies of these quote and quote successful because that's all relative, but successful business owners and people that have reached certain levels and you realize that it wasn't a straight line of your path. Like you mentioned, it was like the wildest spaghetti noodle ever as far as how they went and became successful.

Lindsay Hunt 13:21

Yes, spaghetti noodle is a great analogy. And I feel like sometimes my life and my business is a bowl of noodles. The good part is when you start to hear those stories, you realize that the big takeaway is just don't give up.

It's so simple, but that's, a lot of people that were in the same course as I were with nutrition, starting business at the same time, they just stopped before it got hard and they just threw in the towel a little bit earlier than they needed to. The big takeaway for anybody who's starting a business is you can't give up. You have to expect it to be hard and you have to expect any obstacles, but push through it, keep going, and it will work itself out.

Gresham Harkless 13:57

Absolutely, that makes perfect sense. Sometimes remember that it's always darkest before dawn. So sometimes, those difficult periods are actually right on the edge of you, reaching your biggest success. So I definitely would echo that. I think that's a great reminder and CEO nugget.

Now I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. We're hoping to have different quote and quote CEOs on this show and Lindsay, I wanted to ask you what does being a CEO mean to you?

Lindsay Hunt 14:20

Yeah, a CEO to me means being a creator, a visionary and a leader. So you have to be somebody who doesn't sit back and relax. You really need to be able to think big to fall and fail and get back up again and again and show the world literally who's boss and you just have to be ready to get your hands dirty and dirty and create and envision things and then lead it, lead it into existence, right?

Create that vision for what you want to happen in the world and then be the leader that puts it into the world and makes it happen.

Gresham Harkless 14:52

Absolutely. I definitely agree with that. That's a great definition of what it means to be a CEO. Lindsay, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out. What I wanted to do was pass you the mic just to see if there's anything additional you want to let our readers and our listeners know and how best they can get ahold of you and in touch with you.

Lindsay Hunt 15:07

Yeah, I think a good little thing to leave a positive note on is I know the new year 2019 is here and there's this cheesiness that comes with resolutions a little bit and our feelings about setting goals and intentions. But there's such an energy right now that's just there for all of us to take advantage of a fresh start. So I'm taking advantage of it anywhere that you need to reinvent yourself or refurbish some things in your life or your business.

Now is the time to make a game plan and really jump on that. Whether it's your nutrition, fitness, mindset, business, whatever you're working on. Capitalize on the energy of 2019 to make it the year where things really come together. In terms of where to reach me, is my website or you can connect with me on social media. Just do a search for Instagram or Facebook for Walk On The Healthy Side and I'd be happy to connect there.

Gresham Harkless 16:01

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Thank you so much again Lindsay. What we'll do is we'll have those links in the show notes just so that anybody can follow up with you. But again, I truly appreciate you and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Lindsay Hunt 16:11

You too. It's been a blast.

Outro 16:13

Thank you for listening to the I am CEO podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community.

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Grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.


Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

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