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IAM1500 – Do You Give Yourself the Permission to Fail?

Special Episode by Gresham Harkless Jr.

Do you have a fail wall?

In this episode, Gresh shares his CEO Nugget on why it is important to fail. That is why he created his own fail wall in his new podcast room. To remind himself and others that,

“While things happen and things are imperfect, it’s completely okay, it’s actually the path towards success”.

Just like a baby who learns to walk, falls down, and crawl but has to get up and fall again many times.

You fail forward. You fall down, but definitely you get up.

Swing big, hit big but sometimes you miss big.

You always pass failure on your way to success.

Winners are not afraid of losing, but losers are.

Failure is part of the process of success.

The phoenix must burn to emerge, so you must go through the process in order to emerge to where you are today.

Mistakes are actually proof that you are trying.

When we give ourselves the permission to fail, we give ourselves the permission to excel.

If I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that didn’t work.

Failure isn’t final, but quitting is.

Failures are the fingers pointing to success.

Sarah Blakely was encouraged by her dad to fail at a very young age. It was celebrated, It’s okay to go through the process.

“It changed my mindset at an early age that failure is not the outcome, failure is not trying” – Sarah

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Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

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