IAM1304 – How This CEO and Media Consultant Helps Contribute to the Media by Pushing an Effective Health & Wellness Agenda

Special Throwback Podcast Interview with Dr. Alexis Moreno

Dr. Alexis Moreno is a consulting psychologist and founder of Wit & Reason. Passionate about the interplay between media, culture, and human behavior, she has decided to dedicate her consulting services to enhance media corporations and the creative workforce.

  • CEO Story: Alexis started her business as a media consulting psychologist, seeing that our media continues to struggle and how it impacts the individual and society. Special practice in media consulting did not exist and so she created one.
  • Business Service: Offering training and seminars that are customized. Workplace functional assessments to see how the workplace is functioning. Develop and review client programs.
  • Secret Sauce: Experts in the psychology of groups, leadership, cognitive functioning, emotions, and human behavior.
  • CEO Hacks: The League of Women Instagram: @theleaguewomen,  Startup Creative Instagram: @startupcreative, Freakonomics Podcast – The Secret Life of CEOs:
  • CEO Nugget: Highly respect everyone in the organization
  • CEO Defined: The foundation of the company and completely invested in the company.

Instagram @witandreason
Instagram @dr.a.moreno
Twitter @witandreason
LinkedIn: dralexismoreno
LinkedIn: witandreason

Check out one of our favorite CEO Hack’s Audible. Get your free audiobook and check out more of our favorite CEO Hacks HERE


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Intro 00:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, start ups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 00:26

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast, and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Alexis Moreno from Wit & Reason. Alexis, it's all awesome to have you on the show.

Dr. Alexis Moreno 00:43

Thank you.

Gresham Harkless 00:44

No problem. No problem. And Doctor Alexis Moreno is a Consulting Psychologist and Founder of Wit & Reason. She's passionate about the interplay between Media, Culture, and Human Behavior, and she has decided to dedicate her consulting services to enhance media corporations and the creative work workforce. So Alexis, are you ready to talk to the I AM CEO Community?

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Dr. Alexis Moreno 01:08


 Gresham Harkless 01:09

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Well, what I wanted to do was just ask you for the first question is just to introduce yourself to us. Tell us your CEO story, your background, and what led you to start your business.

 Dr. Alexis Moreno 01:19

Okay. Well, as you mentioned, I'm a Psychologist. And as a Psychologist, we see thoughts, emotions, cognitive functioning, present in everyday life. To us, psychology is invaluable to functioning, working through life's challenges and celebrating life's successes. And it still surprises me how little attention psychology is given to every aspect of our daily life. So I started my business as a Media Consulting Psychologist because our media continues to struggle. My ideas of media and media psychology goes back to me as a kid. Some of my earliest memories are, watching cartoons with my little sister that were insanely violent. And I remember wondering, why in the hell are the adults letting her watch this stuff?

And since then, I've been acutely aware of media messaging, how it impacts our individual perceptions of the world, and how it shapes our society. It distorts our perceptions sometimes and informs and enlightens us other times, and I just knew at a very young age that I wanted to help and contribute to the media in whatever way that I could. I'm a terrible actor. I am way too opinionated to be a journalist, but consulting and pushing an effective health and wellness agenda, both internally and through the media is my niche. And a specialized Media Consulting Psychology practice didn't exist, so I created it.

Gresham Harkless 02:53

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Well, no. It's very perceptive of you to be able to see that, especially at a young age and be able to not only see that, but understand that you wanted to do something to solve that. So, definitely kudos to you for that. So could you tell us, like, ask a little bit more about your services that you provide for Wit & Reason?

Dr. Alexis Moreno 03:13

Definitely. I mean, all the details for our services are available online at We offer training and seminars that are customized. We do workplace functional, assessments to see how the workplace is functioning and, how the dynamics within the workplace are doing. And those assessments inform what type of interventions we implement within the company. So if it is some kind of training or seminar, then it's customized specifically to the company's needs.

We also do development and review of whatever kind of programs they have going on or even, like, communication materials, and we offer subject matter experts on anything human related because psychology isn't everything that we do. And as far as the media is concerned, we work with organizations to help them create and promote characters that model positive functioning and psychology. And if they're looking for a little bit more drama, then we could help them create, storylines that promote what kind of everyday challenges that people experience that are relatable and how a character can then build resiliency for something like that.

Gresham Harkless 04:30

That's awesome. That's awesome. Yeah. I mean, I can't think we've learned definitely over the last couple years just how important or how big the the media plays in our lives, in our everyday lives. Sometimes we don't even know how much they play. So, again, that's that's super awesome that you're able to see that. But, again, like any entrepreneur or any CEO does, create something to actually help out with that. So what I wanted to ask is what do you feel are the things or maybe one thing that makes your, business and organization unique?

Dr. Alexis Moreno 05:02

Well, we are experts in psychology of groups, leadership, cognitive functioning, emotions, and human behavior, and we're super humble about it. Our company culture is incredibly important to what makes our organization unique. We're both left and right brained, analytical and creative, which is an exceptionally rare blend of characteristics defined in a workforce, and Wit & Reasons got it. Our team were fun, quirky, brilliant, passionate, compassionate, and articulate. Not only do we have the knowledge and the insight into what will make other organizations holistically successful, we are each sincerely invested in our clients' success.

Our philosophy at one reason is that each person in an organization is an expert in their own experience, and each person can provide useful information and critiques about how an organization is functioning. So the challenge is that people within the organization, however, may not be as forthcoming about their knowledge because they may fear impressions or it's just extra work upon what they already have going on in the company. So a benefit for us as an outside consulting company is that we get to come into an organization and just really actively listen to, everyone involved in a company, learn from the individuals within the organization, and dissect what's going well, what needs work, how can things be resolved, and who's the best person to lead the change.

We don't go into companies as some consultants do and just expect, like, we know everything, every little functioning detail about a company and then implement all these changes without asking anybody, we definitely do assessments first and interview the people who would that change would be affecting. Additionally, other consulting services are based on a limited scope of psychology. Our experiences are different than other consulting firms.

We not only understand how a person is functioning in the work environment, but who each employee is as a person, what might be going on at home, in their community, or on the news that could very well be impacting how they're functioning at work. So we don't just implement, like, a standard package. We take extra evidence based efforts to make our interventions, sound and effective within an organization. We incorporate different levels of learning and engagement into everything we do, and we tailor our interventions specific to people involved in the company and for the company culture as a whole.

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Gresham Harkless 07:44

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. You guys do, obviously, a huge amount of stuff to kinda help out people. But I love the fact that you mentioned on that you don't actually do something that is kind of like a paintbrush effect, so to speak. Actually have an individual where you look and see exactly, like, what the issue or how you can help solve the whatever might be a pain point for the organization, and you figure out how to do that.

So it's not that you come there with a agenda already. So, one of the big questions that we always try ask here at on I AM CEO Podcast is just kind of like a CEO hack, which might be like a resource or a book or something or it might be even an app that you feel helps you out as an entrepreneur or business owner. Could you kind of pinpoint maybe one of those things that kind of help you out?

Dr. Alexis Moreno 08:30

Just one? Because I have a couple.

Gresham Harkless 08:31

Let's let's do a few then.

Dr. Alexis Moreno 08:33

Okay. So I'm frequently on Instagram. So while I'm on there, it's really nice to get, like, CEO motivation or especially, like, entrepreneur motivation. And as a woman owned company, a League of Extraordinary Women is really helpful. They have great branding, and they just sent out a bunch of, like, positive messages about doing the job and staying committed and just realizing, like, it's not gonna be smooth sailing all the way through. So it's a very realistic yet optimistic kind of Instagram feed. Another one on Instagram is, startup creative, and their reminders are really cute. The latest one was Beyonce wasn't born in a day.

Gresham Harkless 09:17

There you go.

Dr. Alexis Moreno 09:18

Very helpful as well. And, like, stop saying yes to shit you hate. So also very helpful stuff. They also have a magazine, mentoring program, and, a podcast too. It's a company from Australia. Okay. And then the last one.

Gresham Harkless 09:34

Last one.

Dr. Alexis Moreno 09:35

I highly recommend is Freakonomics Radio. Have you heard it?

Gresham Harkless 09:39

I've heard of the book. I have.

Dr. Alexis Moreno 09:41

Okay, so they have a podcast, The Secret Life of CEOs.

Gresham Harkless 09:45

Ah, okay. Yes. Okay.

Dr. Alexis Moreno 09:47

And so they interview a bunch of, really famous CEOs, and they really get to talk about, like, their process and some of the challenges from a wide range of perspectives. With a wide range of CEOs. So it's also helpful to kinda learn from other people.

Gresham Harkless 10:04

Yeah. Definitely. Definitely. And now that's gonna segway to my next question, which I love the fact that you're able to take whether it be motivation or insight from various successful entrepreneurs and business owners. So what would you give us as a CEO nugget, I call it, which is maybe a word of wisdom that you would give to any entrepreneur business owner?

Dr. Alexis Moreno 10:22

As a Psychologist, I have tons of nuggets. I'll try to just just limit it to one that I think is just so truly crucial.

Gresham Harkless 10:30

Give us the best of the best.

Dr. Alexis Moreno 10:32

Yeah. I think this one just kind of, like, encompasses everything. Just highly respect everyone in your organization because it's the humane and healthy way to coexist, and it would just be far more difficult to do anything without them.

Gresham Harkless 10:49

I love it. I love it. It's kind of like an extension of the golden rule, so to speak. Treat them as how you wanna be treated.

Dr. Alexis Moreno 10:54

Right. Or how they wanna be treated.

Gresham Harkless 10:56

How they wanna be treated. Exactly. Exactly. You said it better. Now, because we have a range of different entrepreneurs and business owners and CEOs, whether someone that might start a nonprofit organization or someone that might be a CEO of a fortune five hundred company or someone that's starting an organization maybe in their parents garage. We have different types of CEOs and we're looking to kinda definitely redefine that. So how would you define being CEO? What does that mean to you?

Dr. Alexis Moreno 11:21

Yeah. When you first, asked me to if I would be interested to join this podcast, I haven't really seen myself as a CEO quite yet because I think like a lot of people, I have that stereotype in my head that it's just some older white male running, like, a huge corporation and has to, like, respond to the board of directors and deal with, like billion dollar negotiations or something like that. So I appreciate that you're reaching out to CEOs at every level. And so for me, when I started thinking about it more as a CEO, I was just really reflecting on my experience. And as a CEO, we set the foundation.

We actually kind of become the foundation of our company, especially as an entrepreneur who builds it from nothing. The company's successes and challenges are truly on our shoulders. We are constantly actively creating and maintaining a functioning system all at the same time. So, therefore, I believe or value that it's important for us as CEO to know how every aspect of the company functions. So every area that needs improvement and why, all of its strengths, just the entire ins and outs of the company is important for us as CEO to understand.

And the only way to do this is to be completely invested. So not detached and just focused on the big picture, but knowledgeable and curious and mindful of our employees' well-being and functioning, the operational practices of the corporation, the management practices, and the big picture. And it's not a job for everyone. Not everyone cares about or notices the beautiful intricacies of a functioning organization.

For those who do, it's that fascination and respect for the system that makes them crazy enough to do the job, to take on endless late nights and all of the stress ever. Because at the end of the day, being a CEO means deeply understanding that you're not just making decisions for a company. You're making decisions for the people who work alongside you and for the people who trust and rely on your services.

Gresham Harkless 13:32

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. I love that definition. It definitely encompasses everything that, you know, all of your decisions make and everything that you do. So, Doctor Alexis, I'm super grateful that you were able to take some time out of your schedule to kinda speak with us, tell us a little bit about your business and your background. What I wanted to do was just kinda give you the floor to see if there's anything additional you wanted to let us know, and then also kinda let us know how best to get a hold of you.

Dr. Alexis Moreno 13:55

Yeah. So at Wit & Reason, obviously, I am and we are very passionate about the business world and wellness and health and how people are functioning and how they're doing. And we offer both wellness and executive coaching. So if people are out there looking to figure out ways to find more balance in their life or incorporate more ways that they can take care of themselves so that way they can help care of others, then that's definitely something that we like to connect with people on as well. And we have multiple trainings, like, not just in corporations, but also out in the community too. We like to do a lot of community outreach to make psychological information, and practices accessible to everybody. So we have a few events coming up, so they could go ahead and and check out our website to stay posted on everything that's going on.

Gresham Harkless 14:45

Sounds good. And we'll make sure to have a link to your website, in the show notes just in case anybody wants to check it out. But, again, Doctor Alexis, I'm truly, appreciative of you taking your time out, and thank you so much.

Dr. Alexis Moreno 14:57

Thank you.

Outro 15:00

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue Sixteen Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Subscribe and leave us a five star rating. Grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Title: Transcript - Mon, 19 Feb 2024 11:03:59 GMT

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Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 11:03:59 GMT, Duration: [00:15:37.14]

[00:00:02.20] - Podcast Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, start ups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast. H

[00:00:26.00] - Gresham Harkless

podcast. H Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast, and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Alexis Moreno from Wit and Reason. Alexis, it's all awesome to have you on the show.

[00:00:43.70] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Thank you.

[00:00:44.89] - Gresham Harkless

No problem. No problem. And Doctor Alexis Moreno is a consulting psychologist and founder of Wit and Reason. She's passionate about the interplay between media, culture, and human behavior, and she has decided to dedicate her consulting services to enhance media corporations and the creative work workforce. So Alexis, are you ready to talk to the IAM CEO community?

[00:01:08.50] - Dr. Alexis Moreno


[00:01:09.70] - Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Well, what I wanted to do was just ask you for the first question is just to kinda introduce yourself to us. Tell us your CEO story, your background, and what led you to kinda start your business.

[00:01:19.90] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Okay. Well, as you mentioned, I'm a psychologist. And as a psychologist, we see thoughts, emotions, cognitive functioning, present in everyday life. To us, psychology is invaluable to functioning, working through life's challenges and celebrating life's successes. And it still surprises me how little attention psychology is given to every aspect of our daily life. So I started my business as a media consulting psychologist because our media continues to struggle. My ideas of media and media psychology goes back to me as a kid. Some of my earliest memories are, watching cartoons with my little sister that were insanely violent. And I remember wondering, why in the hell are the adults letting her watch this stuff? And since then, I just I've been acutely aware of media messaging, how it impacts our individual perceptions of the world, and how it shapes our society. It distorts our perceptions sometimes and informs and enlightens us other times, and I just knew at a very young age that I wanted to help and contribute to the media in whatever way that I could. I'm a terrible actor. I am way too opinionated to be a journalist, but consulting and pushing an effective health and wellness agenda, both internally and through the media is my niche. And a specialized media consulting psychology practice didn't exist, so I created it.

[00:02:53.90] - Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Well, no. It's very perceptive of you to be able to see that, especially at a young age and be able to not only see that, but understand that you wanted to do something to solve that. So, definitely kudos to you for that. So could you tell us, like, ask a little bit more about your services that you provide for wit and reason?

[00:03:13.00] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Definitely. I mean, all the details for our services are available online at w w w dot wit and reason dot com. We offer training and seminars that are customized. We do workplace functional, assessments to see how the workplace is functioning and, how the dynamics within the workplace are doing. And those assessments inform what type of interventions we implement within the company. So if it is some kind of training or seminar, then it's customized specifically to the company's needs. We also do development and review of whatever kind of programs they have going on or even, like, communication materials, and we offer subject matter experts on anything human related because psychology isn't everything that we do. And as far as the media is concerned, we work with organizations to help them create and promote characters that model positive functioning and psychology. And if they're looking for a little bit more drama, then we could help them create, storylines that promote what kind of everyday challenges that people experience that are relatable and how a character can then build resiliency for something like that.

[00:04:30.60] - Gresham Harkless

That's awesome. That's awesome. Yeah. I mean, I can't I I think we've learned definitely over the last couple years just how important or how big a, the the media plays in our lives, in our everyday lives. Sometimes we don't even know how much they play. So, again, you know, that's that's super awesome that you're able to kinda see that. But, again, like any entrepreneur or any CEO does, create something to actually help out with that. So what I wanted to ask is, you know, what kinda do you feel are the things or maybe one thing that kinda makes your, business and organization unique?

[00:05:02.19] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Well, we are experts in psychology of groups, leadership, cognitive functioning, emotions, and human behavior, and we're super humble about it. Our company culture is incredibly important to what makes our organization unique. We're both left and right brained, analytical and creative, which is an exceptionally rare blend of characteristics defined in a workforce, and Linton Reasons got it. Our team were fun, quirky, brilliant, passionate, compassionate, and articulate. Not only do we have the knowledge and the insight into what will make other organizations holistically successful, we are each sincerely invested in our clients' success. Our philosophy at one reason is that each person in an organization is an expert in their own experience, and each person can provide useful information and critiques about how an organization is functioning. So the challenge the challenge is that people within the organization, however, may not be as forthcoming about their knowledge because they may fear impressions or it's just extra work upon what they already have going on in the company. So a benefit for us as an outside consulting company is that we get to come into an organization and just really actively listen to, everyone involved in a company, learn from the individuals within the organization, and dissect what's going well, what needs work, how can things be resolved, and who's the best person to lead the change. We don't we don't go into companies as some consultants do and just expect, like, we know everything, every little functioning detail about a company and then implement all these changes without asking anybody, we definitely do assessments first and interview the people who would who that change would be affecting. Additionally, other consulting services are based on a limited scope of psychology. Our experiences are different than other consulting firms. We not only understand how a person is functioning in the work environment, but who each employee is as a person, what might be going on at home, in their community, or on the news that could very well be impacting how they're functioning at work. So we don't just implement, like, a standard package. We take extra evidence based efforts to make our interventions, sound and effective within an organization. We incorporate different levels of learning and engagement into everything we do, and we tailor our interventions specific to people involved in the company and for the company culture as a whole.

[00:07:44.50] - Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. You guys do, obviously, a a a a huge amount of stuff to kinda help out people. But I I love the fact that you, you know, you mentioned on the that you don't actually do something that is kind of like a paintbrush effect, so to speak. Actually have an individual where you look and see exactly, like, what the the issue or how you can help solve the the whatever might be a pain point for the organization, and you figure out how to do that. So it's not that you come there with a agenda already. So, one of the the the big questions that we always try ask here at on on I AM CEO podcast is just kind of like a CEO hack, which might be like a resource or a book or something or it might be even an app that you feel helps you out as an entrepreneur or business owner. Could you kind of pinpoint maybe one of those things that kind of help you out?

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[00:08:30.10] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Just one? Because I have a couple.

[00:08:31.80] - Gresham Harkless

Let's let's do a few then.

[00:08:33.50] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Okay. So I'm frequently on Instagram. So while I'm on there, it's really nice to get, like, CEO motivation or especially, like, entrepreneur motivation. And as a woman owned company, a League of Extraordinary Women is really helpful. They have great branding, and they just sent out a bunch of, like, positive messages about doing the job and staying committed and just realizing, like, it's not gonna be smooth sailing all the way through. So it's a very realistic yet optimistic kind of Instagram feed. Another one on Instagram is, startup creative, and their reminders are really cute. The latest one was Beyonce wasn't born in a day.

[00:09:17.79] - Gresham Harkless

There you go.

[00:09:18.50] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Very helpful as well. And, like, stop saying yes to shit you hate. So also very helpful stuff. They also have a magazine, mentoring program, and, a podcast too. It's a company from Australia. Okay. And then the last one

[00:09:34.29] - Gresham Harkless

Last one.

[00:09:35.00] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Which I highly recommend is Freakonomics Radio. Have you heard it?

[00:09:39.39] - Gresham Harkless

I've heard of the book. I have. Okay.

[00:09:41.39] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

So they have a podcast, The Secret Life of CEOs.

[00:09:45.70] - Gresham Harkless

Ah, okay. Yes. Okay. And

[00:09:47.10] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

so they interview a bunch of, really famous CEOs, and they really get to talk about, like, their process and some of the challenges from a wide range of perspectives. With a wide range of CEOs. So it's also helpful to kinda learn from other people.

[00:10:04.20] - Gresham Harkless

Yeah. Definitely. Definitely. And and now that's gonna segue to my next question, which, which I love the fact that you're able to kinda take whether it be motivation or insight from various successful entrepreneurs and business owners. So what would you give us as a CEO nugget, I call it, which is maybe a word of wisdom that you would give to any entrepreneur business owner?

[00:10:22.89] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

As a psychologist, I have tons of nuggets. I'll try to just just limit it to one that I think is just so truly crucial.

[00:10:30.89] - Gresham Harkless

Give us the best of the best.

[00:10:32.60] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Yeah. I think this one just kind of, like, encompasses everything. Just highly respect everyone in your organization because it's the humane and healthy way to coexist, and it would just be far more difficult to do anything without them.

[00:10:49.60] - Gresham Harkless

I love it. I love it. It's kind of like an extension of the golden rule, so to speak. Treat them as how you wanna be treated.

[00:10:54.70] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Right. Or how they wanna be treated.

[00:10:56.29] - Gresham Harkless

How they wanna be treated. Exactly. Exactly. You said it better. Now, what is you know, because we have a range of different entrepreneurs and business owners and CEOs, whether someone that might start a nonprofit organization or someone that might be a CEO of a Fortune five hundred company or someone that's starting an organization maybe in their parents garage. We have different types of CEOs and we're looking to kinda definitely redefine that. So how would you define being CEO? What does that mean to you?

[00:11:21.00] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Yeah. When you first, asked me to if I would be interested to to join this podcast, I haven't really seen myself as a CEO quite yet because I think like a lot of people, I have that stereotype in my head that, you know, it's just some older white male running, like, a huge corporation and has to, like, respond to the board of directors and, like, has to, like, deal with, like, billion dollar negotiations or something like that. So I appreciate that you're you're reaching out to CEOs at every level. And so for me, when I started thinking about it more as a CEO, I was just really reflecting on my experience. And as a CEO, we set the foundation. We actually kind of become the foundation of our company, especially as an entrepreneur who builds it from nothing. The company's successes and challenges are truly on our shoulders. We are constantly actively creating and maintaining a functioning system all at the same time. So, therefore, I I believe or value that it's important for us as CEO to know how to how how every aspect of the company functions. So every area that needs improvement and why, all of its strengths, just the entire ins and outs of the company is important for us as CEO to to understand. And the only way to do this is to be completely invested. So not detached and just focused on the big picture, but knowledgeable and curious and mindful of our employees' well-being and functioning, the operational practices of the corporation, the management practices, and the big picture. And it's not a job for everyone. Not everyone cares about or notices the beautiful intricacies of a functioning organization. For those who do, it's that fascination and respect for the system that makes them crazy enough to do the job, to take on endless late nights and all of the stress ever. Because at the end of the day, being a CEO means deeply understanding that you're not just making decisions for a company. You're making decisions for the people who work alongside you and for the people who trust and rely on your services.

[00:13:32.10] - Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. I love that definition. It definitely encompasses everything that, you know, all of your decisions make and everything that you do. So, doctor Alexis, I'm super grateful that you were able to take some time out of your schedule to kinda speak with us, tell us a little bit about your your business and your background. What I wanted to do was just kinda give you the floor to see if there's anything additional you wanted to let us know, and then also kinda let us know how best to get a hold of you.

[00:13:55.79] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Yeah. So at at Whitt and Reason, obviously, I am and we are very passionate about the business world and wellness and health and how people are functioning and how they're doing. And we offer both wellness and executive coaching. So if people are out there looking to figure out ways to find more balance in their life or incorporate more ways that they can take care of themselves so that way they can help care of others, then that's definitely something that that we like to connect with people on as well. And we have multiple trainings, like, not just in corporations, but also out in the community too. We like to do a lot of community outreach to make psychological information, and practices accessible to everybody. So we have a few events coming up, so they could go ahead and and check out our website to stay posted on everything that's going on.

[00:14:45.60] - Gresham Harkless

Sounds good. And we'll make sure to have a link to your website, in the show notes just in case anybody wants to check it out. But, again, doctor Alexis, I'm truly, appreciative of you taking your time out, and thank you so much.

[00:14:57.79] - Dr. Alexis Moreno

Thank you.

[00:15:00.29] - Podcast Intro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO podcast powered by Blue sixteen Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO dot c o. I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Subscribe and leave us a five star rating. Grab CEO gear at w w w dot CEO gear dot c o. This has been the I AM CEO podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.


Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(, podcasts, ( and videos ( CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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