IAM1300 – How to Get the Most Out of SEO

A Special Episode by Gresham Harkless Jr.

Hack: Understand and paint a picture of the people who you want to target.

To check if you are doing well with your SEO:

  1. Go to your website, right-click and click on View Page Source: You can see google spiders, machines, etc.
  2. Check on Title Tag: Control F. Put your core products and services. Have your potential keywords well defined.
  3. Description – summary of what is to follow on your website.

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Gresham Harkless 00:00

This is episode number 1300 of the I AM CEO Podcast. I'm super excited to get this opportunity to talk with you about a CEO hack that I lean on, especially from a digital marketing perspective.

Intro 00:13

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, start ups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 00:40

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast and this is episode number 1300 of the I AM CEO Podcast. Like I promised, you definitely see and will see more creative posts, different types of ways that we're approaching this podcast. Been able to hit now 1300 episode, which is nothing less than a blessing. So I'm super excited to get this opportunity to talk with you about a CEO hack that I lean on, especially from a digital marketing perspective. So often, when people are thinking about SEO, they are thinking about how people can type in their company name and to show up and rank online.

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While there is definitely a time and place for that, the really big opportunity is for people that don't know who you are. And I think that most people don't look at SEO from the psychological standpoint that they could and what that basically means is not so much, how people can find you, when they know your company name, but really going deeper and deeper and deeper into that customer journey to understand what exactly that conversation is like, what exactly might be the things that people are thinking, definitely what they're searching for, and what they're actually gonna do in order to take that action.

So one of the best ways to really be top of mind is really to understand each of those aspects. And if you've checked out or you wanna check out, the You Are Media Company, you know, mindset that I talk about, the philosophy around that. It really evolves around three questions. Those three questions are essentially your budget, understanding what resources, time, and or money you have that's available to you, really understanding what success is, where you're trying to lead people to, and what you're ultimately trying to do. And the probably most important aspect are all of them are pretty important is to really understand and paint a picture of the people you wanna target. Who's your avatar? Who do you wanna see come through the door again and again and again? And so when I bring all that up, the importance of it is simply in understanding how those people are searching.

So one of my absolute favorite, sites, I'm a sports junkie, is really to go to sites like ESPN. So if you're actually looking to the video, you're gonna see that I'm gonna show you a little bit more on what you can do to make sure that you are doing really well with your SEO. So you go to a site like, one of my favorite sites that I go to very often, you'll be able to get an idea of exactly what people are searching for from a certain perspective.

So, with that being said, you go to a site like You see and know that they're all about sports. So what I usually do is I right click and I go to view page source. And when you go to view page source, you're gonna see that there is opportunity to, see exactly how, google spiders, machines, how are people quantify them or even talk about them. Essentially, this is how your page and your website is going to be understood. So you wanna make sure that you are looking at this page. And when you look at this page, you'll be able to see, okay, what's the title tag? We're gonna do Control F, and we're gonna find the title tag by doing a caret (^), and then typing title in the caret (^) and then typing title again. That's gonna give you within a certain amount of characters what's to follow on the on the site.

Now if this was an upstart potential website that didn't have the brand authority that ESPN has, I would say you should put your core products and services there. If you're gonna be all about, football news, put that on your title tag. If it's going to be about hockey news, put that on the title tag. If you're gonna talk about the little high school team that is across the street, put that in the title tag. The important part is that for search engines, they should be able to understand within the limited amount of characters what’s the follow on the page of your website. Generally speaking you’re gonna be the only one that’s gonna show up for company name. So that's not generally as competitive unless your company name is going to be and have potentials keywords.

So a lot of times talking with attorneys with legal webshop, you might not want to optimize your site for Harkless, which is my last name, law firm. You might wanna do it if your law firm's name is DC law firm, but that's a whole branding thing that we can get into in another hack. But the important part is you understand that the core services are potentially going to be, for ESPN, it's gonna be NFL news or NBA news, and you have a blend of those different characters. And then right after that, you have in your description, you have those set that summary of what exactly it is that's to follow on your website.

I think that's so important for everybody to definitely understand. And the reason is because it allows you to go a little bit deeper into what exactly is a follow on your site. So keep that in mind of really understanding the psychology of the target clients that you're trying to connect with and being able to use that content to be able to connect them to that. So with that being said, that's just a little bit of a hack that I think a lot of businesses forget about they don't understand. Also, understanding that every page of your website has a different title tag and meta description.

So if I go to Buffalo Bills page and I go to view page source and I search for that title tag, their title tag is gonna be completely different in that in that section. It's gonna talk about it should talk about exactly what's to follow on the page of the website. Again, this is something that could be optimized a lot more. So you really wanna look at that. Often, your title tag can also be in the top part of your site. So, you wanna make sure that you are optimizing your site and the content on your site for those pages that people are searching for.

So think about how people are searching, create the pages, the content, the blogs, whatever it is that's going to be optimized to rank well. And that's not the only part of SEO, but that's one of the parts that I think people forget about. To really succeed, you do the things before you actually start to optimize. It's the research, the homework, the psychology of how people are searching. So this is Gresh signing out. More information below, but definitely let us know, if there's anything that we can do to help. Super excited about 1300 episodes, and I hope you took a lot away from this CEO hack.

Outro 07:37

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by CBNation and Blue Sixteen Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase. It's a community. Get your driven CEO gear at Don't forget to schedule your complimentary digital marketing consultation at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless Junior. Thank you for listening.

Title: Transcript - Mon, 19 Feb 2024 13:13:40 GMT

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 13:13:40 GMT, Duration: [00:08:17.57]

[00:00:00.10] - Gresham Harkless

This is episode number thirteen hundred of the I AM CEO podcast. I'm super excited to get this opportunity to talk with you, about a CEO hack that I lean on, especially from a digital marketing perspective.

[00:00:13.00] - Podcast Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, start ups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

[00:00:40.39] - Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast, and this is episode number thirteen hundred of the I AM CEO podcast. Like I promised, you definitely see and will see more creative posts, different types of ways that we're approaching, you know, this podcast. Been able to hit now thirteen hundred episode, which is nothing less than a blessing. So I'm super excited to get this opportunity to talk with you, about a CEO hack that I lean on, especially from a digital marketing perspective. So often, when people are thinking about SEO, they are thinking about how people can type in their company name and to to show up and rank online. And while there is definitely a time and place for that, the really big opportunity is for people that don't know who you are. And I think that most people don't look at SEO from the, psychological standpoint that they could. And what that basically means is not so much, how people can find you, when they know your company name, but really going deeper and deeper and deeper into that customer journey to understand what exactly that conversation is like, what exactly might be the things that people are thinking, definitely what they're searching for, and what they're actually gonna do in order to take that action. So one of the best ways to to really be top of mind is really to understand each of those aspects. And if you've checked out or you wanna check out, the You Are Media Company, you know, mindset that I talk about, the philosophy around that. It really evolves around three questions. Those three questions are essentially your budget, understanding what resources, time, and or money you have that's available to you, really understanding what success is, where you're trying to lead people to, and what you're ultimately trying to do. And the probably most important aspect or all of them are are pretty important is to really understand and paint a picture of the people you wanna target. Who's your avatar? Who do you wanna see come through the door again and again and again? And so when I bring all that up, the importance of it is simply in understanding how those people are searching. So one of my absolute favorite, sites, I'm a sports junkie, is really to go to sites like ESPN. So if you're actually looking to the video, you're gonna see that I'm gonna show you a little bit more on what you can do to kinda make sure that you are, doing really well with your SEO. So you go to a site like e s b n dot com, one of my favorite sites that I go to very often, you'll be able to kinda get an idea of exactly what people are searching for from a from a, a a certain, you know, perspective. So, with that being said, you know, you go to, a site like ESPN dot com. You see and know that they're all about sports. So what I usually do is I right click and I go to view page source. And when you go to view page source, you're gonna see that there is opportunity to, see exactly how, Google spiders, machines, how are people quantify them or even talk about them. Essentially, this is how your, page and your website is going to be understood. So you wanna make sure that you are looking at this page. And when you look at this page, you'll be able to see, okay, what's the title tag? We're gonna do control f, and we're gonna find the title tag by doing a caret, and then typing title in the caret and then typing title again. That's gonna give you within a certain amount of characters what's to follow on the on the site. Now if this was an upstart potential website that didn't have the brand authority that ESPN has, I would say you should put your core products and services there. If you're gonna be all about, football news, put that on your title tag. If it's going to be about hockey news, put that on the title tag. If you're gonna talk about the little high school team that is across the street, put that in the title tag. The important part is that for search engines, they should be able to understand within the limited amount of characters company name. So that's not generally as competitive unless your, company name is going to be and have potentials key keywords. So a lot of times talking with attorneys with legal webshop, you might not want to optimize your site for Harkless, which is my last name, law firm. You might wanna do it if your law firm's name is DC law firm, but that's a whole branding thing that we can kinda get into in another hack. But the important part is you understand that the core services are potentially going to be, for ESPN, it's gonna be NFL news or NBA news, and you have a blend of those different characters. And then right after that, you have in your description, you have those, those, that set that, that summary of what exactly it is that's to follow on your website. And I think that's so important for everybody to to definitely understand. And the reason is because it allows you to go a little bit deeper into what exactly is a follow on your site. So keeping keep that in mind of really understanding the psychology of the target clients that you're you're trying to connect with and being able to kinda use that, content to be able to kinda connect them to that. So with that being said, that's just a little bit of a a hack that I think a lot of businesses forget about. They don't understand. Also, understanding that every page of your website has a different title tag and meta description. So if I go to Buffalo Bills, page and I go to view page source and I search for that title tag, their title tag is gonna be completely different in that in that section. It's gonna talk about it should talk about exactly what's to follow on the page of the website. Again, this is something that could be optimized a lot more. So you really wanna look at that. Often, your title tag can also be in the top part of your site. So, you wanna make sure that you are optimizing your site and the content on your site for those pages that people are searching for. So think about how people are searching, create the pages, the content, the blogs, whatever it is that's going to be optimized to rank well. And that's not the only part of SEO, but that's one of the parts that I think people forget about. To really succeed, you do the things before you actually start to optimize. It's the research, the homework, the psychology of how people are searching. So this is Gresh signing out. More information below, but definitely let us know, if there's anything that you we can do to help. Super excited about thirteen hundred episodes, and I hope you took a lot away from this CEO hack.

[00:07:37.30] - Podcast Intro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO podcast powered by CB Nation and Blue sixteen Media. Tune in next time and visit us at ia m ceo dot co. I AM CEO is not just a phrase. It's a community. Get your driven CEO gear at CEO gear dot c o. Don't forget to schedule your complimentary digital marketing consultation at blue sixteen media dot com. This has been the I AM CEO podcast with Gresham Harkless Junior. Thank you for listening.


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Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(, podcasts, ( and videos ( CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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