IAM1248 – CEO Helps Her Clients through Guided Healing Program

Podcast Interview with Annessa and Bill Morrison

Annessa and Bill Morrison have created a guided healing program based on the same techniques they used for Annessa to cure herself of lupus. They are not doctors, Annessa is an artist who is now healed from the unhealable, and Bill Morrison is an expert on getting himself through the role of caretaker. Both have been studying the best ways to immerse yourself in the right brain. Finally, their online guided healing program is live and uses fine art as a vehicle for your healing. Strap in for some mind-blowing personal mind-control techniques that you don't need a prescription for. Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Annessa and Bill are the CEO and COO of a janitorial service, an online guided healing program, and an online fine art business.

  • CEO Story: After being wary of finding a cure for lupus, accidentally found it through art. And then, they shared their healing techniques and went on to build two more companies.
  • Business Service: Healing program techniques.
  • Secret Sauce: Being positive. Love for yourself and love for others.
  • CEO Hack: Being grateful. Learning something new that has something to do with your mind.
  • CEO Nugget: Do it through the fear, and logic will pan its way up. Don’t listen to negativity.
  • CEO Defined: Being able to take that jump. Believing in others.

Website: www.healingthroughartrx.com

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00:10 – Intro

Are you ready to hear business stories and learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and level up your business from awesome CEOs, entrepreneurs, and founders without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresh values your time and is ready to share with you the valuable info you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:52 – Gresham Harkless

Hello, Hello, Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show today. Two very special guests on the show today. I have Anessa and Bill Morrison of healing through artrx. Anessa and Bill, super excited to have you on the show.

01:04 – Bill Morrison

01:05 – Annessa

Hi, lovely freaky darlings. It's so nice to see you here. It's going to be a lot of fun.

01:09 – Gresham Harkless

It's going to be a tremendous amount of fun. And I'm super excited as well too to hear about all these awesome things that Bill and Anessa are doing. So before we do that, I wanted to read a little bit more about both of them so you can hear about all those awesome things. And Anessa and Bill have created a guided healing program based on the same technique they use for anesthetic to cure herself of lupus. They're not doctors. Anessa is an artist who is now healed through the unhealable.

And Bill Morrison is an expert at getting himself through the role of caretaker. Both have been studying the best ways to immerse yourself into the right brain. And finally, their online guided healing program is live and using fine art as a vehicle for your healing. Strap in for some mind blowing personal mind control techniques that you don't need a prescription for.

Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and Nessa and Bill are CEO and CEO of a janitorial service and an online guided healing program and an online fine art business. And of course, they're here to talk about all the awesome things that you're doing. Are you both ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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02:09 – Annessa


02:12 – Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Well, let's make it happen then. So I know I touched on it a little bit, but I wanted to rewind the clock a little bit here, a little bit more on how you got started, what I like to call your CEO story.

02:21 – Annessa

I got started by going with life so hard and so fast that so many people relate to today, because it's really the only way to keep up with life is to keep hitting it, keep taking that next step forward, that next step forward. And all of the stress on my system made me sick. And it took about three years after that of diagnosis after diagnosis to find out that it was lupus.

And at that point, I was completely disabled, and I wasn't able to work at all. And the frustration of being in a point as a person who likes to do things where I can't do anything, I felt like a worthless bump on a log. And it's about that point that bill suggested we go to an art museum. And I had never been to one. I had dabbled in art since I was a small child, but I had never been to an art museum.

03:20 – Bill Morrison

And that was the beginning of the road where she is today as the CEO of I don't know how many companies now.

03:26 – Annessa

Three. Three.

03:27 – Bill Morrison

Three different companies. The process was found by accident. I wanted to get her out of the house to do something that she enjoyed. So we went to the museum, and 3 hours later, that time was so unusual for her to be able to be moving about for more than five or ten minutes at a time. So 3 hours later, we come out of that, and she is just like, I feel pretty good.

So there was the accidental find, and then we were onto that aha. Moment where, okay, we just got our brains out of the daily grind, the healing, the sickness, and got into beauty. And that's what started the whole process of her healing herself through art.

04:18 – Annessa

With all this wonderful time on my hands, because I was used to living a life of being disabled, I had the time to sit and go through what was going to work. About a year later, I was feeling good. We did a big state move to be near my parents in case. In case that kind of stage. And that's when we started the first company. We didn't want to work for somebody else because their morals don't always match up with yours. And so we started the janitorial service, which was something that he chose.

04:53 – Bill Morrison

It was amazing that she believed in me before I did. That's the big key to starting your own business.

05:00 – Annessa

So we had a way to take care of ourselves while I was creating art. And I thought that creating this art that had the 15 different looking techniques in it that the program uses would be a wonderful way to get the message out to people who needed it like I needed it. And I had taken a year or two and, you know, defined what those 15 looking techniques were. Put them in a program for people who don't deal with art every day.

05:30 – Gresham Harkless

Yes. So what would you consider? And you might have already touched on this for what I like to call your secret sauce, and it could be for yourselves, personally, the business, or a combination of both. But what do you feel kind of sets you apart and makes you neek the positivity.

05:43 – Annessa

And it seems like such a terribly simple concept. When you make your intent statement, you're making it based upon how something is functioning in your body, but you're doing a completely positive. And it's one of the cornerstones and the secret sauce of us. Our relationship, 18 years now and the three companies and the success that we received is the cornerstone of just making sure that we recheck ourselves all the time on being positive.

06:14 – Bill Morrison

The other thing that I believe is a part of it is she has been, and I have been in my entire life caring about other people. As long as you care for other people, things are going to go well.

06:27 – Annessa

But if I hadn't cared enough about myself to say, I've had enough of this not living business, then maybe the program would have never happened.

06:36 – Bill Morrison

Right? So, love for yourself, balanced, and love for others.

06:40 – Gresham Harkless

No, I appreciate that. And I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app, a book, or a habit that you. But what's something that make you both more effective and efficient?

06:49 – Bill Morrison

I do what she tells me to do. Drill sergeant.

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06:51 – Gresham Harkless

There you go.

:06:55 – Bill Morrison

You know, and that's actually true. I do what she tells me to do until I can believe it, because she believes it before I do.

07:04 – Annessa

My biggest hack is the first hour of every day I spend on gratitude. Say out loud, as if the universe, the higher powers right there in front of me, I say, I am really grateful for Bill. I'm really grateful for the home I have. I'm grateful for our dogs. I am grateful for our family. I'm grateful for the life that we're able to live. And I go on for about 30 minutes with grateful, and then 30 minutes more I spend learning about something new that has to do with your mind.

07:40 – Gresham Harkless

Nice. I love both of those hacks. And especially, I think, so many times we forget that people that reach a certain level of success, sometimes there are those, quote unquote doubts that happen, but it's the people that are consistently kind of going after whatever their goal is and are doing it on a regular basis. And I think that consistency is actually what leads to success.

And I think a lot of people sometimes forget about that. It's not always like how you feel. Sometimes it's just making sure that you're continuing to kind of do what you need to do to get to what the mission and the goal ultimately is.

08:06 – Annessa

The thing that is stopping so many people from starting their own business. It's fear. Why can't we just say, oh, forget fear. That's the worst that can happen?

08:18 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah. Would you consider, because I was going to ask you for a CEO nugget, which is kind of more of a word of wisdom or piece of advice, but do you feel like feeling the fear and doing it anyway, making sure you're focusing on those courses as we kind of talked about even in the hack towards that success is really what you would consider to be a really good word of wisdom or piece of advice.

08:35 – Annessa

I'd say that my biggest CEO hack is if you feel the fear terribly the worst you have ever felt it, that's exactly what you should do. Because fear can't control it. Logic has to control it. So you do it through the fear, and the logic will pan its way out. That's mine. What's yours?

08:54 – Bill Morrison

Don't listen to the naysayers. There's no reason to listen to somebody who's negative on your thought, belief, desire.

09:02 – Annessa

We are in a very lucky position to have two totally different personalities that complement each other very well. And as a CEO, I would say one of the best things you can do early on as you're writing a business plan is find a person who makes a great COO, because it is a little bit different in a tweak of a personality to have the person who rushes forward and jumps off the cliff, me, and the person who is there putting the net together at the bottom, hoping he makes it before you fall, and that's him. And somehow that combination makes for a really good, fun, easy time of putting a company together.

09:47 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah. And I was actually going to ask you if that's what you feel like being a CEO or even a CEO kind of means to both of you, because our goal is to really have different, quote unquote, CEO's on the show. So is that how you would define and look at what it means to be a CEO.

09:59 – Annessa

Yeah. It is my job to take the massive information and be able to boil it down into where are we going to jump, what cliff are we jumping off today? And it could be as easy a cliff as are we going to be advertising in this publication this month. It could be a huge thing like, hey, let's put together a whole online healing program where you look at our. Because it works. It's all about being able to take that jump.

10:30 – Bill Morrison

And as far as the COO goes, she has allowed me as a Coo to try different things.

10:35 – Annessa

Allowed. I counted on it.

10:39 – Bill Morrison

She allowed me a couple different areas where I fell on my face.

10:43 – Annessa

I've done that too, lots.

10:45 – Bill Morrison

But her belief in allowing me to do that is a big part of it. You have to allow people to expand their horizons, expand their experiences.

10:56 – Gresham Harkless

That makes so much sense. And I think I love how both of you are able to kind of balance each other. And I think so many times we forget about, you know, the process, of course, you know, the jumping off the cliff, but we also forget about the. There needs to be a person that's actually preparing that parachute, you know, when you're going on the way down. And I think if you have one without the other, you sometimes can't reach as much the heights that you could reach without, you know, having that desire to jump off the cliffs.

But if you don't have those operational aspects as far as, like, how is this actually going to happen? You need both of those in order to be successful. So I love, first of all, that, that metaphor, and I love even more that you two are both able to execute so many different ways. So I appreciate that, of course. And I appreciate your time even more.

What I wanted to do now was pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know. And of course, how best people can get a hold of you, find about all the awesome things you're both working on.

11:44 – Annessa

The most important statement anyone has ever said to me in my life is when you lift your head off of the pillow in the morning, you have everything you need. So if you are starting a company tomorrow and you don't have the money, it doesn't matter, you already have everything you need. If you are going to jump off the cliff tomorrow and you don't feel like you got a parachute left, remember you took your head off the pillow, you have everything that you need.

Now we are looking for beta testers still in our healing through art program. We want to get some nice testimonials. If there's some bugs, we want to work those things out too, because we are not perfect like everybody else out there is just we're taking our one step in front of the other. Anyone that would like to be part of the beta testing program of healing through Artrx can go to email healingthroughartrxmail.com dot. I will send you a survey and we will go from there and you might get two months free of our wonderful healing program.

12:45 – Bill Morrison

Then we also have abstractanessa, which you can go to www.abstractanessa.com for her fine art.

12:52 – Annessa

Oh my freaky darlings can come look at the art.

12:56 – Bill Morrison

She also has a children's book coming out in the process of being published by Austin McCauley. Bernie and Babs versus the virus that should be out hopefully January, if not next month, but probably January, sometime early next quarter.

13:13 – Annessa

Covid has kind of stopped the production on that one, but it is adventures in healing. So it's a guided visualization for children to use their body's own processes to heal their own viruses.

13:23 – Gresham Harkless

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, I truly appreciate both of you. We'll definitely have the links and information in the show notes so that everybody can get in touch with you. Get a copy of all the awesome things that you're working on. Of course, be able to better test and go through the course. Definitely. You're welcome. And appreciate you so much again, I love that last moment as well, too.

It's like so many times we're told that we lack, we don't have enough, we don't have everything we need and we can sometimes feel that way. So I think one of the big things to know, like when you get up off that pillow and you wake up and your eyes open up, that you do have everything that you need. And I think that's one of the most empowering things. So appreciate it.

13:54 – Annessa

It's hard to wrap your head around.

13:56 – Gresham Harkless

It is, it can be, but it's something that you have to learn. So I appreciate you for providing, obviously those word of wisdom, but of course, so many different ways that we can make sure that we are healed in doing that. So appreciate you both so much and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

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14:08 – Annessa

And thank you so much for having us on your program and for letting us meet all of your wonderful followers. And thank you guys for showing up for Gresh and his Imceo program, which is one of our favorites.

14:19 – Bill Morrison

Thank you, Greshe thank you.

14:20 – Gresham Harkless

You're welcome. Very welcome.

14:22 – Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

00:10 - Intro

Are you ready to hear business stories and learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and level up your business from awesome CEOs, entrepreneurs, and founders without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresh values your time and is ready to share with you the valuable info you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:52 - Gresham Harkless

Hello, Hello, Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show today. Two very special guests on the show today. I have Anessa and Bill Morrison of healing through artrx. Anessa and Bill, super excited to have you on the show.

01:04 - Bill Morrison


01:05 - Annessa

Hi, lovely freaky darlings. It's so nice to see you here. It's going to be a lot of fun.

01:09 - Gresham Harkless

It's going to be a tremendous amount of fun. And I'm super excited as well too to hear about all these awesome things that Bill and Anessa are doing. So before we do that, I wanted to read a little bit more about both of them so you can hear about all those awesome things. And Anessa and Bill have created a guided healing program based on the same technique they use for anesthetic to cure herself of lupus. They're not doctors. Anessa is an artist who is now healed through the unhealable. And Bill Morrison is an expert at getting himself through the role of caretaker. Both have been studying the best ways to immerse yourself into the right brain. And finally, their online guided healing program is live and using fine art as a vehicle for your healing. Strap in for some mind blowing personal mind control techniques that you don't need a prescription for. Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and Nessa and Bill are CEO and CEO of a janitorial service and an online guided healing program and an online fine art business. And of course, they're here to talk about all the awesome things that you're doing. Are you both ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

02:09 - Annessa


02:12 - Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Well, let's make it happen then. So I know I touched on it a little bit, but I wanted to rewind the clock a little bit here, a little bit more on how you got started, what I like to call your CEO story.

02:21 - Annessa

I got started by going with life so hard and so fast that so many people relate to today, because it's really the only way to keep up with life is to keep hitting it, keep taking that next step forward, that next step forward. And all of the stress on my system made me sick. And it took about three years after that of diagnosis after diagnosis to find out that it was lupus. And at that point, I was completely disabled, and I wasn't able to work at all. And the frustration of being in a point as a person who likes to do things where I can't do anything, I felt like a worthless bump on a log. And it's about that point that bill suggested we go to an art museum. And I had never been to one. I had dabbled in art since I was a small child, but I had never been to an art museum.

03:20 - Bill Morrison

And that was the beginning of the road where she is today as the CEO of I don't know how many companies now.

03:26 - Annessa

Three. Three.

03:27 - Bill Morrison

Three different companies. The process was found by accident. I wanted to get her out of the house to do something that she enjoyed. So we went to the museum, and 3 hours later, that time was so unusual for her to be able to be moving about for more than five or ten minutes at a time. So 3 hours later, we come out of that, and she is just like, I feel pretty good. So there was the accidental find, and then we were onto that aha. Moment where, okay, we just got our brains out of the daily grind, the healing, the sickness, and got into beauty. And that's what started the whole process of her healing herself through art.

04:18 - Annessa

With all this wonderful time on my hands, because I was used to living a life of being disabled, I had the time to sit and go through what was going to work. About a year later, I was feeling good. We did a big state move to be near my parents in case. In case that kind of stage. And that's when we started the first company. We didn't want to work for somebody else because their morals don't always match up with yours. And so we started the janitorial service, which was something that he chose.

04:53 - Bill Morrison

It was amazing that she believed in me before I did. That's the big key to starting your own business.

05:00 - Annessa

So we had a way to take care of ourselves while I was creating art. And I thought that creating this art that had the 15 different looking techniques in it that the program uses would be a wonderful way to get the message out to people who needed it like I needed it. And I had taken a year or two and, you know, defined what those 15 looking techniques were. Put them in a program for people who don't deal with art every day.

05:30 - Gresham Harkless

Yes. So what would you consider? And you might have already touched on this for what I like to call your secret sauce, and it could be for yourselves, personally, the business, or a combination of both. But what do you feel kind of sets you apart and makes you neek the positivity.

05:43 - Annessa

And it seems like such a terribly simple concept. When you make your intent statement, you're making it based upon how something is functioning in your body, but you're doing a completely positive. And it's one of the cornerstones and the secret sauce of us. Our relationship, 18 years now and the three companies and the success that we received is the cornerstone of just making sure that we recheck ourselves all the time on being positive.

06:14 - Bill Morrison

The other thing that I believe is a part of it is she has been, and I have been in my entire life caring about other people. As long as you care for other people, things are going to go well.

06:27 - Annessa

But if I hadn't cared enough about myself to say, I've had enough of this not living business, then maybe the program would have never happened.

06:36 - Bill Morrison

Right? So, love for yourself, balanced, and love for others.

06:40 - Gresham Harkless

No, I appreciate that. And I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app, a book, or a habit that you. But what's something that make you both more effective and efficient?

06:49 - Bill Morrison

I do what she tells me to do. Drill sergeant.

06:51 - Gresham Harkless

There you go.

:06:55 - Bill Morrison

You know, and that's actually true. I do what she tells me to do until I can believe it, because she believes it before I do.

07:04 - Annessa

My biggest hack is the first hour of every day I spend on gratitude. Say out loud, as if the universe, the higher powers right there in front of me, I say, I am really grateful for Bill. I'm really grateful for the home I have. I'm grateful for our dogs. I am grateful for our family. I'm grateful for the life that we're able to live. And I go on for about 30 minutes with grateful, and then 30 minutes more I spend learning about something new that has to do with your mind.

07:40 - Gresham Harkless

Nice. I love both of those hacks. And especially, I think, so many times we forget that people that reach a certain level of success, sometimes there are those, quote unquote doubts that happen, but it's the people that are consistently kind of going after whatever their goal is and are doing it on a regular basis. And I think that consistency is actually what leads to success. And I think a lot of people sometimes forget about that. It's not always like how you feel. Sometimes it's just making sure that you're continuing to kind of do what you need to do to get to what the mission and the goal ultimately is.

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08:06 - Annessa

The thing that is stopping so many people from starting their own business. It's fear. Why can't we just say, oh, forget fear. That's the worst that can happen?

08:18 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah. Would you consider, because I was going to ask you for a CEO nugget, which is kind of more of a word of wisdom or piece of advice, but do you feel like feeling the fear and doing it anyway, making sure you're focusing on those courses as we kind of talked about even in the hack towards that success is really what you would consider to be a really good word of wisdom or piece of advice.

08:35 - Annessa

I'd say that my biggest CEO hack is if you feel the fear terribly the worst you have ever felt it, that's exactly what you should do. Because fear can't control it. Logic has to control it. So you do it through the fear, and the logic will pan its way out. That's mine. What's yours?

08:54 - Bill Morrison

Don't listen to the naysayers. There's no reason to listen to somebody who's negative on your thought, belief, desire.

09:02 - Annessa

We are in a very lucky position to have two totally different personalities that complement each other very well. And as a CEO, I would say one of the best things you can do early on as you're writing a business plan is find a person who makes a great COO, because it is a little bit different in a tweak of a personality to have the person who rushes forward and jumps off the cliff, me, and the person who is there putting the net together at the bottom, hoping he makes it before you fall, and that's him. And somehow that combination makes for a really good, fun, easy time of putting a company together.

09:47 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah. And I was actually going to ask you if that's what you feel like being a CEO or even a CEO kind of means to both of you, because our goal is to really have different, quote unquote, CEO's on the show. So is that how you would define and look at what it means to be a CEO.

09:59 - Annessa

Yeah. It is my job to take the massive information and be able to boil it down into where are we going to jump, what cliff are we jumping off today? And it could be as easy a cliff as are we going to be advertising in this publication this month. It could be a huge thing like, hey, let's put together a whole online healing program where you look at our. Because it works. It's all about being able to take that jump.

10:30 - Bill Morrison

And as far as the COO goes, she has allowed me as a Coo to try different things.

10:35 - Annessa

Allowed. I counted on it.

10:39 - Bill Morrison

She allowed me a couple different areas where I fell on my face.

10:43 - Annessa

I've done that too, lots.

10:45 - Bill Morrison

But her belief in allowing me to do that is a big part of it. You have to allow people to expand their horizons, expand their experiences.

10:56 - Gresham Harkless

That makes so much sense. And I think I love how both of you are able to kind of balance each other. And I think so many times we forget about, you know, the process, of course, you know, the jumping off the cliff, but we also forget about the. There needs to be a person that's actually preparing that parachute, you know, when you're going on the way down. And I think if you have one without the other, you sometimes can't reach as much the heights that you could reach without, you know, having that desire to jump off the cliffs. But if you don't have those operational aspects as far as, like, how is this actually going to happen? You need both of those in order to be successful. So I love, first of all, that, that metaphor, and I love even more that you two are both able to execute so many different ways. So I appreciate that, of course. And I appreciate your time even more. What I wanted to do now was pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know. And of course, how best people can get a hold of you, find about all the awesome things you're both working on.

11:44 - Annessa

The most important statement anyone has ever said to me in my life is when you lift your head off of the pillow in the morning, you have everything you need. So if you are starting a company tomorrow and you don't have the money, it doesn't matter, you already have everything you need. If you are going to jump off the cliff tomorrow and you don't feel like you got a parachute left, remember you took your head off the pillow, you have everything that you need. Now we are looking for beta testers still in our healing through art program. We want to get some nice testimonials. If there's some bugs, we want to work those things out too, because we are not perfect like everybody else out there is just we're taking our one step in front of the other. Anyone that would like to be part of the beta testing program of healing through Artrx can go to email healingthroughartrxmail.com dot. I will send you a survey and we will go from there and you might get two months free of our wonderful healing program.

12:45 - Bill Morrison

Then we also have abstractanessa, which you can go to www.abstractanessa.com for her fine art.

12:52 - Annessa

Oh my freaky darlings can come look at the art.

12:56 - Bill Morrison

She also has a children's book coming out in the process of being published by Austin McCauley. Bernie and Babs versus the virus that should be out hopefully January, if not next month, but probably January, sometime early next quarter.

13:13 - Annessa

Covid has kind of stopped the production on that one, but it is adventures in healing. So it's a guided visualization for children to use their body's own processes to heal their own viruses.

13:23 - Gresham Harkless

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, I truly appreciate both of you. We'll definitely have the links and information in the show notes so that everybody can get in touch with you. Get a copy of all the awesome things that you're working on. Of course, be able to better test and go through the course. Definitely. You're welcome. And appreciate you so much again, I love that last moment as well, too. It's like so many times we're told that we lack, we don't have enough, we don't have everything we need and we can sometimes feel that way. So I think one of the big things to know, like when you get up off that pillow and you wake up and your eyes open up, that you do have everything that you need. And I think that's one of the most empowering things. So appreciate it.

13:54 - Annessa

It's hard to wrap your head around.

13:56 - Gresham Harkless

It is, it can be, but it's something that you have to learn. So I appreciate you for providing, obviously those word of wisdom, but of course, so many different ways that we can make sure that we are healed in doing that. So appreciate you both so much and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

14:08 - Annessa

And thank you so much for having us on your program and for letting us meet all of your wonderful followers. And thank you guys for showing up for Gresh and his Imceo program, which is one of our favorites.

14:19 - Bill Morrison

Thank you, Greshe thank you.

14:20 - Gresham Harkless

You're welcome. Very welcome.

14:22 - Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.


Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(CEOBlogNation.com), podcasts, (CEOPodcasts.com) and videos (CBNation.tv). CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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