IAM504- Coach and Podcast Host Helps Women Achieve More

Podcast Interview with Emily Brant

Emily is a passionate coach, podcast host, entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker. Through her own journey to self-love, she's become inspired to help women like you put yourself + your dreams first and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Emily has overcome much adversity in her life, being born into physical challenges including Beals Syndrome (underdeveloped muscle and bone mass + tight tendons), clubbed feet, and severe scoliosis. She believes strongly that if she can go from shy, hiding, and “victim” of circumstance… to aligned, free, and unstoppable – then ANYBODY can and she will show you how!

  • CEO Hack: Asana, Start the day with gratitude and end with an evening review
  • CEO Nugget: Have your goals straight and you will enjoy every part of the journey
  • CEO Defined: Building your own dream



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Intro  00:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview?

If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of.

This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless  00:29

Hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Emily Brant of Emily, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Emily Brant  00:38

Thanks for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.

Gresham Harkless  00:42

Pleasure is definitely all mine. What I want to do is just read a little bit more about Emily so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing.

Emily is a passionate coach, podcast host, entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker. Through her own journey to self-love, she's become inspired to help women like you put yourself + your dreams first and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Emily has overcome much adversity in her life, being born into physical challenges including Beals Syndrome (underdeveloped muscle and bone mass + tight tendons), clubbed feet, and severe scoliosis. She believes strongly that if she can go from shy, hiding, and “victim” of circumstance… to aligned, free, and unstoppable – then ANYBODY can and she will show you how.

Emily, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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Emily Brant  01:28

I'm ready, let's do it.

Gresham Harkless  01:29

Let's make it happen. I wanted to kick everything off with what I call your CEO story and hear a little bit more about what led you to get started with your business, your podcast, and all the awesome things you're working on.

Emily Brant  01:38

Yeah, sure. Prior to this business that I run now, I actually partnered with a network marketing company and I was selling essential oils. Obviously, when you dive into this world of entrepreneurship and owning your own business, you end up stumbling across the world of personal development and growing your mindset and all of that. I absolutely fell in love with that whole world of personal development. I was reading at least one book per month attending all the conferences, and all the training I could get my hands on, and just became obsessed with it.

I then started building my doTERRA business, that's the company I was partnered with so that I could have a team that I could teach about all of these mindset principles and things that were changing my life and changing my business. I realized that became my main passion and I wasn't loving talking about the oils themselves. I just wanted to talk to people about leveling their life and changing their mindset and their attitudes. So I realized quickly that I needed to shift gears here and I needed to just go straight for what I wanted. Why am I dancing around something when it's not 100% in alignment?

Just in the spring of this year, I switched everything over, I left the business that I've been building up for four years and I said, I gotta go straight fom my passion. I started a business now that supports ambitious women, and teaches the very principles as I said, that changed my attitude, changed my life, and changed my business. Since getting into alignment with what I want to do, and what my heart is calling me to do, things have moved so smoothly. I haven't been getting stuck like I used to in my old business. It's just crazy how it's all been unfolding.

So yeah, that's my journey so far. 


Gresham Harkless  01:42

Nice. I definitely appreciate that. I think so many times, just as you say, and, and correct me if I'm wrong. A lot of times, we know what we should be doing and what we want to do. But sometimes as you say, we kind of dance around it. We do something other than that. But for one that is not always apparent to us at the very beginning. Sometimes we get brought to that by doing certain things like what you were able to experience with the doTERRA.

I think for two, we also have to make that decision and make that leap and make that change and come and confront ourselves with what we should be doing and take the steps to do that. I think so many people might be listening, that might be dancing around something or ignoring something that they know that they want to do and shouldn't be doing.

I appreciate you for doing it and also helping so many people do it as well.

Emily Brant  04:04

Yeah. Also just not waiting for permission for somebody to ask you to do it or to tell you to do it. You just have to do it.

Gresham Harkless  04:13

Yeah. Sometimes we're always waiting for that perfect time and that perfect time is actually never so you should do it now and then go ahead and get the ball rolling. I know you touched on a little bit and I love the mindset piece because I think so many times when we think about a business and entrepreneurship and chasing our dreams, we forget and lose sight of that mindset and how that is something that has been developed since we were developed to some degree so can you talk a little bit more on that?

Of course, like what you're doing and how you work with the clients you have?

Emily Brant  04:43

Yeah, for sure. I have my own podcast, it's called The Miracle Mindset. We talk weekly about different topics, topics related to manifestation and mindset. It's what I call my weekly dose of free coaching because it's a little like, sometimes it's just me or sometimes I have guests coming on. We just like to get on there and kind of preach and coach.

But I'm also a success strategist and a manifestation coach. I offer courses and programmes for, like I said ambitious women and just helping them. I'm in the middle of one right now. It's called step up your game. It's a group of women that I'm leading for six weeks.  We are basically helping them get the clarity they need, the courage, the confidence, the self-love, and also to break through any blocks that get in our way and hold us back from achieving our dreams. Then give them step-by-step roadmaps for how to actually get there, break it down and make it happen.

So yeah, the podcasts I do speaking, I have the courses and on my website, I've started offering mp3 downloads of hypnosis and meditation recordings. I recently got certified in hypnotherapy, that's another tool people can use to rewire their subconscious mind and their programming and just program themselves for excellence.

So yeah, that's what I love to do. 

Gresham Harkless  06:00

Nice. I definitely appreciate that. I don't know, definitely correct me if I'm wrong but do you find that with clients, or people that you work with or probably even people who listen to the podcast? Do you find that it's sometimes hard to make that shift yourself that sometimes you need somebody either, maybe not as obviously, probably not necessarily doing it for you, but maybe just making it apparent to you that you need to make that shift, or this is something that might be blocking you?

Emily Brant  06:27

Yeah, for sure. I will always pay to have a mentor or a coach like me. I'm never going to stop taking courses or hiring a coach or hiring someone.

But it's not that person like you said, they're not going to do the work for you. Because you can have the best coach in the whole world, you could have Tony Robbins as your personal coach, but if you don't go and apply the principles and do the work yourself, you're not going to see a shift.

Like the principles work if you work the principles, like I think Jack Canfield said that it's so true. 

Gresham Harkless  06:58

Yeah, absolutely. If you go to a Tony Robbins seminar, or you're coaching one-on-one with Tony seminar, or Tony Robbins, and then you sit down. You go to sleep for like a week or so, and nothing changes is probably going to be allowed because you have to actually work, you have to do those things that coaches like you are talking about. 

Emily Brant  07:16

Exactly, yeah.

Gresham Harkless  07:17

Awesome. Now I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce. So you might have already touched on this, but this is something that you feel kind of sets you or your organization apart.

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Emily Brant  07:27

 Yeah, sure. I think what makes it unique to working with me is just me, it's my personality, is my story. It's who I am. That's what also makes, I think that's everybody's secret sauce. Because there are probably 1000s, if not more of coaches doing what I'm doing. But the reason we're going to be drawn to certain people is just because of who they are. So like Gresh, that's your secret sauce. That's why people tune into your podcast and work with you. It's just who you are in the way you deliver your message.

But in terms of my programs and my offerings, what makes them special is that I like to say I combine the best of both worlds.  Unlike traditional business or marketing strategy that's only focused on numbers and strategy and different algorithms and ways to market yourself, or spiritual teachers who are only focused on the mindset, kind of woo-woo stuff we call it, I like to combine them both because I know that's what it takes.

You need the strategy in the organization, but if you don't have that mindset in place, if you can't break through those limiting beliefs and the things that are stopping you, then you cannot have that level of success that you're looking for. So I do combine those, and I think that's what makes it special. 

Gresham Harkless  08:41

Yeah, definitely. I appreciate that. You're absolutely right, you can work on your mindset all the time. If your numbers are off, your numbers off, you're not charging enough, it's not going to help. Then a lot of times, you can be charging the absolute best price, the perfect price, so to speak.

If you yourself have maybe some limiting beliefs that you haven't explored or looked at, you will always hit that wall, just as you said. I definitely appreciate you for talking about like, it's not just one or the other. Both of them work in tandem and work. Both of them can help you to be successful or help you to not be successful as well, too. 

Emily Brant  09:15

Yeah. Thanks. 

Gresham Harkless  09:18

No problem. I wanted to switch gears a little bit and I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app or book or a habit that you have, but what's something that makes you more effective and efficient? 

Emily Brant  09:29

Sure. In terms of a habit, something I do every morning always starts with gratitude and intention setting. I noticed that all of the most successful people do this. They have a morning power-up right, and then an evening review as well. I was trying to gather what all the different entrepreneurs are doing and what the most successful people are doing and it was so overwhelming because some people say move your body some people say write down 10 things. Some people say to write down three things. Some people say look at goals, look at visualizing. I decided to put together my own little PDF, which then turned into a journal that I now sell. I have a morning and evening journal and I can do it even if I only have five minutes. I can fill out my gratitude, my five big goals, intentions for the day.

There's a little self-care checklist. Then in the evening, I always go back and check. Okay, was I in alignment with who I want to be today? What's one thing I'm proud of today? What's one thing I can do better tomorrow? That daily check-in is such a game changer, it is so key in moving my manifestations and my business forward and just keeping me happy and fulfilled. But in terms of like a physical tool, or an app, I love the app called Asana. It's a s a n a and it's a task managing app. I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's fantastic. If you have a team, I just hired my first virtual assistant, you can bring them on the app as well and assign them tasks. When you click one, when you click done, you get this like a rocket ship that shoots across the screen. It's just so satisfying, to check it done. I love that app.

Gresham Harkless  11:06

Now, I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. That is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice or if you could hop into be a time machine, what would you tell your younger business self?

Emily Brant  11:16

Obviously, like I said, I spent four years building a business when my heart was really somewhere else. It's just because I was waiting for that permission or that proof, I thought I needed proven success or to prove myself first. Then I can do what I want to do and teach people what I want to teach.

If I could go back, or if I could tell somebody who's just getting started, I would say you have to go straight for what you want, and what you love. Then you will enjoy every single step of the journey, every part of it. It might feel scary, it might get busy, but it'll still feel fun and exciting if you're in alignment with what you love and if you are in alignment, then you'll be amazed how quickly you can make your dreams happen.

Gresham Harkless  12:00

I appreciate you for sharing that with us. 

Emily Brant  12:02

Yeah, thanks. 

Gresham Harkless  12:03

No problem. Now I want to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO and we're hoping to have different quote and quote, CEOs on this show.

So Emily, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Emily Brant  12:14

So to me, being a CEO means you are building your own dream instead of helping someone else build theirs. When you go and you work for corporate, and you work for a larger company, you're part of the machine that's building somebody else's dream and helping their dream happen.

Some people love that some people are born, I think, to fulfill those supportive roles, and they're fantastic in those supportive roles. But for those of us and I'm sure your listeners are probably breed of us humans, we are the dreamers. We're the visionaries. Being a CEO means you get to fulfill your vision and your dream. 

Gresham Harkless  12:55

Yeah, absolutely. I sometimes say that we have a paintbrush, and we're able to paint the picture of what we want in our life, create that, and execute that. I appreciate that definition. I appreciate your time even more. What I wanted to do was pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional, you can let our readers and listeners know. Then of course, how best they can get a hold of you, subscribe to the podcast, and find out about all the awesome things you guys working on?

Emily Brant  13:20

Sure, yeah. Thank you for that. I love your paintbrush analogy there. That's great. If I had to leave your audience with one last thought I would just say, like I said, don't be afraid to just throw yourself or immerse yourself into the life that you want. Surround yourself with the people you want to be most like. Don't be afraid to just give yourself that permission slip. You actually have to because it's not going to come along from anyone else, I waited for four years for it to come along from somebody else. Nobody's going to care about your own dream as much as you.

You have to be your own advocate, you have to be real with yourself about what you want. Then you have to be the person to just really make it happen for yourself, just go for it. Take action now not someday because life is just too short. Before you know it, a couple of years are going to fly by and you're going to wish you had started today. So start today. If you don't feel ready, just start anyway, and be willing to learn as you go and take imperfect action. Because like I said, a couple of years from now you're going to wish you started sooner and that's how you learn is just imperfect action.

As far as staying connected with me, you can find me, my favorite place to hang out is on Instagram. So I'm over there @essentiallyemm with two M's. You can go to my website, there's a new couple of free goodies that I just put up there. So it's There is a free manifestation guide and a little manifestation meditation that you can get for free and of course, you can also check out my podcast which is the Miracle Mindset.

Gresham Harkless  15:00

Awesome. Well, thank you so much again, Emily. We will have those links and information in the show notes and I truly appreciate the reminder of taking imperfect action. I think we're always waiting for that perfect time but that perfect time is now or probably yesterday so you go ahead and get started and get caught up. So appreciate you appreciate your time and hope you have a phenomenal day.

Outro  15:21

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community.

Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at

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This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Intro 00:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 00:29

Hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Emily Brant of Emily, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Emily Brant 00:38

Thanks for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.

Gresham Harkless 00:42

Pleasure is definitely all mine. What I want to do is just read a little bit more about Emily so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. Emily is a passionate coach, podcast host, entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker! Through her own journey to self-love, she's become inspired to help women like you put yourself + your dreams first and achieve more than you ever thought possible! Emily has overcome much adversity in her life, being born into physical challenges including Beals Syndrome (underdeveloped muscle and bone mass + tight tendons), clubbed feet, and severe scoliosis. She believes strongly that if she can go from shy, hiding and “victim” of circumstance… to aligned, free, and unstoppable – then ANYBODY can and she will show you how! Emily, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

Emily Brant 01:28

I'm ready, let's do it.

Gresham Harkless 01:29

Let's make it happen. I wanted to kick everything off with what I call your CEO story and hear a little bit more about what led you to get started with your business and your podcast and all the awesome things you're working on?

Emily Brant 01:38

Yeah, sure. Prior to this business that I run now, I actually partnered with a network marketing company and I was selling essential oils. Obviously, when you dive into this world of entrepreneurship and owning your own business, you end up stumbling across the world of personal development and growing your mindset and all of that. I absolutely fell in love with that whole world of personal development. I was reading at least one book per month attending all the conferences, all the training I could get my hands on, and just became obsessed with it. I realised that I then started building my doTERRA business, that's the company I was partnered with, so that I could have a team so that I could teach them about all of these mindset principles and things that were changing my life and changing my business. I realised that became my main passion and I wasn't loving talking about the oils themselves. I just wanted to talk to people about up levelling their life and changing their mindset and their attitudes. So I realised quickly that I need to shift gears here and I need to just go straight for what I want. Why am I dancing around something when it's not 100% in alignment. Actually, just in the spring of this year, I switched everything over, I left the business that I've been building up for four years and I said, I gotta go straight from my passion. I started a business now that supports ambitious women, and teaches the very principles like I said, that changed my attitude that changed my life and changed my business. Since getting into alignment with what I actually want to do, and what my heart actually is calling me to do, things have moved so smoothly. I haven't been getting stuck like I used to in my old business. It's just crazy how, how it's all been unfolding. So yeah, that's my journey so far.

Gresham Harkless 01:42

Nice. I definitely appreciate that. I think so many times, just as you say, and, and definitely correct me if I'm wrong. A lot of times, we know what we should be doing and what we want to do. But sometimes as you say, we kind of dance around it. We do something other than that. But for one that is not always apparent to us. At the very beginning, sometimes we get brought to that by doing certain things like as you were able to experience with the doTERRA. But I think for two, we also have to make that decision and make that leap and make that change and come and confront ourselves with what we should be doing and actually take the steps in order to do that. I think there's so many people that might be listening, that might be dancing around something or ignoring something that they know that they want to do and shouldn't be doing. I appreciate you for one doing it and also helped me so many people do it as well.

Emily Brant 04:04

Yeah. Also just not waiting for permission for somebody to ask you to do it or to tell you to do it. Just you have to do it.

Gresham Harkless 04:13

Yeah. Sometimes we're always waiting for that perfect time and that perfect time is actually never so you should do it now and then go ahead and get the ball rolling. I know you touched on a little bit and and I love the mindset piece because I think so many times when we think about a business and entrepreneurship and chasing our dreams, we forget and lose sight of that mindset and how that is something that has been developed since we were developed to some degree so can you talk a little bit more on that? Of course, like what you're doing and how you work with the clients you have?

Emily Brant 04:43

Yeah, for sure. On top of having I have my own podcast, it's called the Miracle mindset. We talk weekly about different topics, topics related to manifestation and mindset. It's kind of like a call it my weekly dose of free coaching because it's a little like, sometimes it's just me or sometimes it's have guests coming on. We just like to get on there and kind of preach and coach. But I'm also a success strategist and a manifestation coach. I offer courses and programmes for, like I said ambitious women and just helping them. I'm in the middle of one right now. It's called step up your game. It's a group of women that I'm leading for six weeks. We are basically helping them get the clarity they need the courage, the confidence, the self love, and also to break through any blocks that get in our way and hold us back from achieving our dreams. Then giving them step by step roadmaps for how to actually get there and break it down and make it happen. So yeah, the podcasts I do speaking, I have the courses and on my website, I'm also I've started offering mp3 downloads of hypnosis and meditation recordings. I recently got certified in hypnotherapy, that's another tool people can use to rewire their subconscious mind and their programming and just programmed themselves for excellence. So yeah, that's what I love to do.

Gresham Harkless 06:00

Nice. I definitely appreciate that. I don't know, definitely correct me if I'm wrong but do you find that with clients, or people that you work with? Or probably even people that listen to the podcast? Do you find that it's sometimes hard to make that shift yourself that sometimes you need somebody either, maybe not as obviously, probably not necessarily doing it for you, but maybe just making it apparent to you that you can you need to make that shift, or this is something that might be blocking you?

Emily Brant 06:27

Yeah, for sure. I will always pay to have a mentor or a coach like me, personally, I'm never going to stop taking courses or having hiring a coach or hiring someone. But it's not that person, like you said, they're not going to do the work for you. Because you can have the best coach in the whole world, you could have Tony Robbins as your personal coach. But if you don't go and apply the principles and do the work yourself, you're not going to see a shift, like the principles work if you work the principles, like I think Jack Canfield said that it's so true.

Gresham Harkless 06:58

Yeah, absolutely. If you if you go to like a Tony Robbins seminar, or you're coaching one on one with Tony seminar, or Tony Robbins, and then you sit down and you go to sleep for like a week or so, and nothing changes is probably going to be allowed, because you have to actually work you have to do those things that coaches like you are talking about.

Emily Brant 07:16

Exactly, yeah.

Gresham Harkless 07:17

Awesome. Now I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce. So you might have already touched on this. But this is something that you feel kind of sets you or your organisation apart.

Emily Brant 07:27

Yeah, sure. I think what makes it unique to working with me is just me, it's my personality is my story. It's who I am. That's what also makes, I think that's everybody's secret sauce. Because there's probably 1000s, if not more of coaches doing what I'm doing. But the reason we're going to be drawn to certain people is just because of who they are. So like Gresh, that's your secret sauce. That's why people tune into your podcast and work with you. It's just who you are in the way you deliver your message. But in terms of my programmes and my offerings, what makes them special is that I like to say I combine the best of both worlds. Unlike traditional business or marketing strategy that's only focused on numbers and strategy and different algorithms and way to market yourself, or spiritual teachers who are only focused on the mindset, kind of woowoo stuff we call it, I like to combine them both because I know that's what it takes, you need the strategy in the organisation. But if you don't have that mindset in place, if you haven't, you know, if you can't break through those limiting beliefs and the things that are stopping you, then you cannot have that level of success that you're looking for. So I do combine those, and I think that's what makes it special.

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Gresham Harkless 08:41

Yeah, definitely. I appreciate that. You're absolutely right, you can work on your mindset all the time. If your numbers are off your numbers off, you're not charging enough, it's not going to help. Then a lot of times, you can be charging the absolute best price, the perfect price, so to speak. If you yourself have maybe some limiting beliefs that you haven't explored or looked at, you will always hit that wall, just as you said. I definitely appreciate you for talking about like, it's not just one or the other. Both of them work in tandem and work. Both of them can help you to be successful or help you to not be successful as well, too.

Emily Brant 09:15

Yeah. Thanks.

Gresham Harkless 09:18

No problem. I wanted to switch gears a little bit and I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app or book or a habit that you have, but what's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

Emily Brant 09:29

Sure. In terms of a habit, something I do every morning is I always start with gratitude and intention setting. I noticed that all of the most successful people do this. They have a morning powerup right, and then an evening review as well. I was trying to gather what all the different entrepreneurs are doing what the most successful people are doing and it was so overwhelming because some people say move your body some people say write down 10 things. Some people say write down three things. Some people say look goals, look at visualising. I decided to put together my own little PDF, which then turned into a journal that I now sell. I have a morning and evening journal and I can do it even if I only have five minutes. I can fill out my gratitude, my five big goals, intentions for the day. Then there's like a little self care checklist. Then in the evening, I always go back and check. Okay, was I in alignment with who I want to be today? What's one thing I'm proud of today? What's one thing I can do better tomorrow. That daily check in is such a game changer, it is so key in moving my manifestations and my business forward and just keeping me happy and fulfilled. But in terms of like a physical tool, or an app, I'm loving the app called Asana. It's a s a n a and it's a task managing app. I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's fantastic. If you have a team, I just hired my first virtual assistant, you can bring them on the app as well and assign them tasks. When you click one, when you click done, you get this like rocket ship that shoots across the screen. It's just so satisfying, checking it done. I loving that app.

Gresham Harkless 11:06

Now, I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. That is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice. Or if you can happen to a time machine, what would you tell your younger business self?

Emily Brant 11:16

Obviously, like I said, I spent four years building a business when my heart was really somewhere else. It's just because I was waiting for that permission or that proof, I thought I needed proven success or to prove myself first. Then I can do what I really want to do and teach people what I really want to teach. If I could go back, or if I could tell somebody who's just getting started, I would say you have to go straight for what you want, and what you love. Then you will enjoy every single step of the journey, every part of it. It might feel scary, it might get busy, but it'll still feel fun and exciting if you're in alignment with what you love and if you are in alignment, then you'll be amazed how quickly you can actually make your dreams happen.

Gresham Harkless 12:00

I appreciate you for sharing that with us.

Emily Brant 12:02

Yeah, thanks.

Gresham Harkless 12:03

No problem. Now I want to ask you my absolute favourite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO and we're hoping to have different quote-unquote, CEOs on this show. So Emily, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Emily Brant 12:14

So to me, being a CEO means you are building your own dream instead of helping someone else build theirs. When you go and you work for corporate, and you work for a larger company, you're part of the machine that's building somebody else's dream and helping their dream happen. Some people love that some people are born, I think, to fulfil those supportive roles, and they're fantastic in those supportive roles. But for those of us and I'm sure your listeners are probably is breed of us humans, we are the dreamers. We're the visionaries. Being a CEO means you get to fulfil your own vision and your own dream.

Gresham Harkless 12:55

Yeah, absolutely. I sometimes say that we have a paintbrush, and you're able to paint the picture of what you want in your life, and create that and execute on that. I appreciate that definition. I appreciate your time even more. What I wanted to do was passionate that mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional, you can let our readers and listeners know. Then of course, how best they can get a hold of you, subscribe to the podcast, find out about all the awesome things you guys working on?

Emily Brant 13:20

Sure, yeah. Thank you for that. I love your your paintbrush analogy there. That's great. If I had to leave your audience with one last thought I would just say, like I said, don't be afraid to just throw yourself into immerse yourself into the life that you want. Surround yourself with the people you want to be most like. Don't be afraid to just give yourself that permission slip, you actually have to because it's not going to come along from anyone else, I waited for four years for it to come along from somebody else. Nobody's going to care about your own dream as much as you. So you have to be your own advocate, you have to be real with yourself about what you actually want. Then you have to be the person to just really make it happen for yourself, just go for it. Take action now not someday because life is just too short. Before you know it, a couple of years are going to fly by and you're going to wish you had started today. So start today. If you don't feel ready, just start anyway, and be willing to learn as you go and take imperfect action. Because like I said, a couple of years from now you're going to wish you started sooner and that's how you learn is just imperfect action. As far as staying connected with me, you can find me my favourite place to hang out is on Instagram. So I'm over there @essentiallyemm with two M's. So it's Essentially E M M. You can go to my website, there's a new couple of free goodies that I just put up there. So it's There is a free manifestation guide and a little manifestation meditation that you can get for free and of course you can also check out my podcast which is the Miracle Mindset.

Gresham Harkless 15:00

Awesome. Well, thank you so much again, Emily. We will have those links and information in the show notes and I truly appreciate the reminder of taking imperfect action. I think we're always waiting for that perfect time but that perfect time is actually now or probably yesterday so you go ahead and get started and get caught up. So appreciate you appreciate your time and hope you have a phenomenal day.

Outro 15:21

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.


Mercy - CBNation Team

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(, podcasts, ( and videos ( CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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