Black Wall StreetBusinessI AM CEO PODCAST

IAM354- Vice President of a Leading Supplier Helps People Change Their Career Trajectory

Podcast Interview with Linda Taliaferro

Linda Taliaferro is the Vice President of Global Quality for Meritor, Inc, which is a leading global supplier of drivetrain, mobility, braking and aftermarket solutions for commercial vehicle and industrial markets. It has more than 9,000 diverse employees in 18 countries in five continents.

Taliaferro is also very involved in the community working on programs that inspire and promote women and girls to expand their careers in STEM. She founded The TEE, (The Extra Effort), a career advisory service-based business helping people get unstuck and strengthen key interpersonal skills in order to change the trajectory of their careers and to get a seat at the table.

  • CEO Hack: Relationships- allow yourself to be known and get to know others
  • CEO Nugget: (1) Working hard is not enough (2) Don't focus on the problem (3) Know how to get ahead
  • CEO Defined: Ability to share your passion


Full Interview

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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview?

If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of.

This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:29

Hello, hello, hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Linda Taliaferro of the Extra Effort.

Linda, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Linda Taliaferro 0:39

Hey, Gresham, it's great. It's an honor, thank you so much for inviting me.

Gresham Harkless 0:43

No problem. The honor is definitely all mine. What I want to do is just read a little bit more about Linda so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing.

Linda is the Vice President of Global Quality for Meritor, Inc, which is a leading global supplier of drivetrain, mobility, braking, and aftermarket solutions for commercial vehicle and industrial markets. It has more than 9,000 diverse employees in 18 countries in five continents.

Taliaferro is also very involved in the community working on programs that inspire and promote women and girls to expand their careers in STEM. She founded The TEE, (The Extra Effort), a career advisory service-based business helping people get unstuck and strengthen key interpersonal skills in order to change the trajectory of their careers and to get a seat at the table.

Linda, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO Community?

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Linda Taliaferro 1:34

I am extremely ready.

Gresham Harkless 1:36

Awesome. Let's do it. So to kick everything off, I wanted to hear a little bit more about what I call your CEO story. What led you to start your business?

Linda Taliaferro 1:44

Do you know what led me there Gresham? Was a passion that I've had for years. So as I've gone through my career, or Bucha, spans over 30 years, I've had the great opportunity to mentor a lot of fabulous individuals in their career, either help them get unstuck is what I do in the team, or just help them make critical decisions at points in their career.

It's been a passion of mine, so a couple of years ago, I was brought along by a friend that I had helped as a mentor to do so. That's what got me there, I wanted to have a broader span of contacts and connections beyond just the four walls that stay at the company that I worked in. So hence the Extra Effort was started in May 2017.

Gresham Harkless 2:28

Nice, I definitely appreciate that. Because I think, there are a lot of people that are thinking of ideas, or maybe seeing opportunities, but they never, ever take the steps in order to do that.

So I definitely commend you for doing that. I feel like by doing that, you're also empowering others to do that as well.

Linda Taliaferro 2:43

Oh, yeah, I hope so. That's what I often share when I have the opportunity to speak, is not just about the business and how I got there. But also to your point, if there is anyone that has that burning desire that something, either the great idea, or just like I had that passion to reach out and touch a broader audience, then they should really just step out in faith and do that.

Gresham Harkless 2:47

I agree. Absolutely. I think we often forget that we have the ability to do that. We have the power within us to do that. So definitely love that and appreciate that reminder.

I wanted to hear a little bit more. Can you tell us a little bit more about what you're doing, how you're serving the clients you're working with?

Linda Taliaferro 3:23

Yeah, absolutely. So the Extra Effort is Gresham, you just shared career advisory work. Right now what I'm doing a lot of is one on one coaching, advising individuals, and helping them get unstuck whatever that seat at the table is. Some people aspire to certain positions in organizations, or just to make sure that they are considered and used for opportunities to broaden their scope into and to provide some depth to their career.

So I have several services that I offer some of which center around maximising an opportunity that you may have just entered in your first 90 days. Others where we just really do that I call lean in and get somewhere where you totally get in touch with what has gotten you into the suck position, address those, and then move you forward, remove all sollers derailleurs so that you can move forward.

Then I have what I consider my signature offer and that is establishing an executive presence. That's the nuance that little ID factor that a lot of people aren't aware of, and they wonder why they can't get that VTC for that senior director seat, and 9 times out of 10 It is because of that executive presence, how you handle yourself in critical situations, under stress, how you communicate and how you appear. So those are the three areas that I offer. Now I'm starting to broaden into speaking engagements, and working with corporations.

I actually have an opportunity here with a university to help young people coming out of school but these are things that aren't taught in school right and they enter into corporate America and they stumble their first three to five years. So I'm beginning to offer some programs within the university as well. So that's what the T looks like. And those things that I offer, predominantly women tend to come my way, I've also served with a couple of guys. So it's been a great experience helping people move the needle.

Gresham Harkless 5:15

Yeah, absolutely, it sounds extremely rewarding, just because you get the opportunity to help people to reach maybe even beyond sometimes what they can see. Because I know a lot of times we can get in that frustrated mode, it's like, nothing will work. But sometimes believe in, let me know, if I'm right on this, you're so close to it, that often you need somebody with that experience one, but to those fresh eyes, that give you a different perspective,

Linda Taliaferro 5:39

You hit it dead on Gresh. And because sometimes we're so close to it, that phrase, we tend to have a tendency to can't see the forest for the trees, and that's gonna be the case, right? And it just may take somebody like myself with the experience of knowing how to get there and be able to take as you just put it so nicely, that franchise approach and turn that mirror around and make you aware of some of what the opportunities are that you've missed because you are so close to it. So that's exactly what happens.

And it's been extremely rewarding for me to see how these young women, these young men, people that early in their career and people in their mid part of their careers really do the work that I give them and then be able to see tangible change in their career. I mean, when you do this, you should mean, that raises competence and allows people to understand that, yes, I knew I was worth it and valued and I felt the value. Now I actually see it, and it's coming to fruition in my career. And when you make those moves, that changes everything, not just in that person's life, but in their family structure as well. I mean, it has that domino effect, right? So it's extremely, extremely rewarding.

Gresham Harkless 6:52

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And I love that kind of focus as well, too. On those. I forgot the phrase you use, but it's not that soft skills are those things that you don't really get taught, and they don't really get taught in school, you really don't know them unless somebody has that experience or that perspective and tells you about that. So that's also great because I think a lot of times people will get frustrated because they aren't aware and maybe haven't cultivated those skills. But it's great to hear that you do that.

Linda Taliaferro 7:17

That's absolutely it Gresham, because a lot of times we are so focused on being good at the task, that work product is essential, right? And you've got to be good at what you do. But helping people understand that's not the price of entry actually. And so knowing what that nuance is that it factors what separates you from the other person that's also producing that good work product so that you can get that upgrade opportunity, that special assignment that made the ex-pat assignment over the water, broaden your skills in-depth for that next step on the rung of the corporate ladder that you've been looking for. So that's exactly what I help people understand, target, and then work.

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Gresham Harkless 8:00

Nice. So I definitely appreciate that. So now I wanted to ask you, I guess for what I would call your factor or your I like to call your secret sauce, what do you feel kind of distinguishes you and sets you apart?

Linda Taliaferro 8:11

What sets me apart is the methodologies and tools Gresh that I have lived and done. I mean, this is not something that I read in the book, I didn't go get a special certification and take a bunch of exams and have the letters behind my name, nothing wrong with that don't get me wrong, right? Nothing wrong with that at all. But these are proven methodologies of clickable methodologies that I know, in my 30 years of work, and the numerous people that I've helped in work.

And I believe that when you have that, and I live it every day I mean, I'm in a corporate environment, every day I see and have to deal with a lot of the things that my clients are dealing with. So that's what separates that these are not something that I read in the book, and I said, oh, let's go try this theoretical approach. No, these are flexible, these are things that do work. So that's the difference. And also to this one reason why I was very clear about how I named the company, is because I have had executive coaching where I've been given things to read and have had conversations.

But also what's different in the service that I provide, is I'm giving you applicable work to do and you go back into that environment based on what we talked about, and you apply it and then you come back and we massage and work to what fits your scenario, that company culture, your rent, your personality, all the things you bring, it's not a cookie cutter approach right? So they can't see if you really want to be successful. So that's what sets me apart from your, from a lot of the other very successful very good coaches and advisors, but I'd love how you put it that little secret sauce, that little extra edge. That's the difference.

Gresham Harkless 10:02

Yeah, I definitely love that. And I appreciate that because life is not cookie-cutter, often people's careers are not cookie-cutter. So the fact that you don't have that cookie-cutter approach, it makes perfect sense. Because a lot of times when you're trying to do what somebody else is doing it in, it doesn't work, you get frustrated, but it's just because you're not quote-unquote, running your own race. So yeah, I appreciate that perspective. And I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you what I call a CEO hack. And this might be an app or book or a habit that you have, but it's something that makes you more effective and efficient.

Linda Taliaferro 10:32

Well, my role as a whole, and I'm necessary, including my nine to five. And also in my business. I don't know if it's a hack, but it's something that people have heard that I still believe they still know that they don't truly latch on to and do. And that is relationships, I'm talking about truly getting allowing yourself to be known. And getting to know others in my business was 15, In our first two or three sessions there was some deep dive that happened, I really get to know and connect with my clients on a deep level to understand where some of the self-confidence challenges are, where the self-awareness issues are.

Gresham Harkless 11:17

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. But I think it's funny because especially in the business world, you always hear how important networking and relationships are and building those relationships. But sometimes when you're in your corporate world, or you're having a certain position, I'm just going to do my work. And that's all I'm going to do. But in very much the same way that people decide who they want to do business with. They also allow the time to decide who they want to hire, who they want to promote, and who they don't want to promote, based on that. And now when asked for what I call a CEO, nugget, and this is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice, or if you can happen to a time machine, what would you tell your younger business self?

Linda Taliaferro 11:53

The advice I would give some people right now is not to keep your head down and just focus on working hard. Working hard is not enough. And I wish there was somebody that could have pulled into teletherapy or back then Linda Brown when she graduated in 1984 and went to work at GM back then because that's all I tell you fresh and that's what I did for the better. And the earlier part of my career is good, maybe 8-10 years of it is working hard. And I did have that attitude that I didn't come to work to do the job.

So if I were to say that to anyone, do not do that, that will stall your career growth. And I know for a fact that once that light bulb came on once I had somebody whisper that in my ear. Luckily I had some people around me who gave me some advice that they gave others on the golf course you hear that? Right? A lot of things that we say are those off course, or in certain environments. So I luckily had someone whisper that in my ear. And once I really understood what that meant, it changed the trajectory of my career completely changed.

Gresham Harkless 13:13

Nice, I appreciate that. And I love that nugget. Just because a lot of times, as you mentioned, no matter what seat at the table you're trying to get you always just working hard. But missing out on that effector as you so eloquently put is a big idea and big thing that we need to understand on how we need to get ahead of wherever and however we're trying to get ahead. So now I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on this show. So Linda, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Linda Taliaferro 13:43

For me, it means the billed ability to share my passion and to see that passion come from a life that, had been the CEO of the extra effort, that's what motivates me, Gresh, when I'm up till two in the morning, or I just came from a flight on my nine to five and I've got a client scheduled coming up. It's that passion, I you know, I'm still motivated. I'm on my I'm in the verge of broadening my team. And so I'm sharing that as well as I interview people about what drives you what fuels your passion, what motivates you, and for me as a CEO, being able to bring these new team members to the extra effort, and you'll see their passions and their dreams through what we do. So that's what motivates me. That's why I love the seat that I've created for myself. And that I sit in is to be able to really do what I love and make a meaningful impact. Driven by my passion, passionate work. That's what it means

Gresham Harkless 14:49

Nice. I love that definition from that perspective. Because a lot of times when you are in that CEO role or really in any role, I think we all have passions and things we want to do to impact the world in a positive way. And I think that when you have that opportunity to do that, as you have done that, and be able to make a career change, but also personal change, and how it just gets into everywhere in a person's life, I truly appreciate that. So, Linda, thank you so much for your time. And what I wanted to do was pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional, you can let our readers and listeners know. And then of course, how best they can get a hold of you.

Linda Taliaferro 15:24

I would love it if any of you out there listening are stuck in your careers, is the question I've just talked about, and you're trying to get unstuck, you have the worst of the value, you've just missed, how too much of what we shared earlier how to obtain that secret sauce, to get to the next level or to become one of those person names on the list is considered.

Feel free to reach out to me, on my website And then also you can follow me on Instagram and on Facebook with extra effort and find me on LinkedIn as well. We can send what I shared there. And I would be excited and honored to help you in any way.

Gresham Harkless 16:10

Well, thank you so much again, Linda. I truly appreciate your time again, we'll have those links in the show notes and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Linda Taliaferro 16:17

Thank you. You too Gresham. Take care.

Outro 16:20

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community.

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This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:29

Hello, hello, hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Linda Taliaferro of the Extra Effort. Linda, it's awesome have you on the show.

Linda Taliaferro 0:39

Hey, Gresham, it's great. It's an honour, thank you so much for inviting me.

Gresham Harkless 0:43

No problem. The honour is definitely all mine. And what I want to do is just read a little bit more about Linda so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. And Linda is the Vice President of Global Quality for Meritor, Inc, which is a leading global supplier of drivetrain, mobility, braking and aftermarket solutions for commercial vehicle and industrial markets. It has more than 9,000 diverse employees in 18 countries in five continents. Taliaferro is also very involved in the community working on programs that inspire and promote women and girls to expand their careers in STEM. She founded The TEE, (The Extra Effort), a career advisory service-based business helping people get unstuck and strengthen key interpersonal skills in order to change the trajectory of their careers and to get a seat at the table. Linda, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO Community?

Linda Taliaferro 1:34

I am extremely ready.

Gresham Harkless 1:36

Awesome. Let's do it. So to kick everything off, I wanted to hear a little bit more about what I call your CEO story. What led you to start your business?

Linda Taliaferro 1:44

You know what led me there? Gresham, was a passion that I've had for years. So as I've gone through my career, or Bucha, spans over 30 years, I've had the great opportunity to mentor a lot of fabulous individuals in their career, either help them get unstuck is what I do in the team, or just help them make critical decisions at points in their career. It's been a passion of mine, so a couple of years ago, and I was brought along by a friend that I had helped as a mentor to do so. And that's what got me there, I wanted to have a broader span of contacts and connections beyond just the the four walls that stay at the company that I worked in. So hence the Extra Effort was started in May 2017.

Gresham Harkless 2:28

Nice, I definitely appreciate that. Because I think, there's a lot of people that are thinking of ideas, or maybe seeing opportunities, but they never, ever take the steps in order to do that. So I definitely commend you for doing that. And I feel like by doing that, you're also empowering others to do that as well.

Linda Taliaferro 2:43

Oh, yeah, I hope so. And that's what I often share, when I have the opportunity to speak is not just about the business and how I got there. But also to your point, if there is anyone that has that burning desire that something, either the great idea, or just like I had that passion to reach out and touch a broader audience, than they should really just step out in faith and do that.

Gresham Harkless 2:47

I agree. Absolutely. And I think we often forget that we have the ability to do that. And we have the power within us to do that. So definitely love that and appreciate that reminder. So I wanted to hear a little bit more. Can you tell us a little bit more about what you're doing, how you're serving the clients you're working with?

Linda Taliaferro 3:23

Yeah, absolutely. So the Extra Effort is Gresham, you just shared career advisory work. Right now what I'm doing a lot of is one on one coaching, advising with individuals, helping them get unstuck whatever that seat at the table is, some people aspire to certain positions in organisations, or just to make sure that they are considered and used for opportunities to broaden their scope into and to provide some depth to their career. So I have several services that I offer some of which centre around maximising an opportunity that you may have just entered in your first 90 days. Others where we just really do that I call lean in and get somewhere where you totally get in touch with what has gotten you into the suck position, address those and then move you forward, remove all sollers derailleurs so that you can move forward. And then I have what I consider my signature offer. And that is establishing executive presence. That's the nuance that little ID factor that a lot of people aren't aware of, and they wonder why they can't get that VTC for that senior director seat and nine times out of 10 It is because of that executive presence, how you handle yourself in critical situations, under stress, how you communicate and how you appear. So those are the three areas that I offer. And now I'm starting to broaden into speaking engagements, working with corporations. I actually have an opportunity here with a university to help young people coming out of school but these are things that aren't taught in school right and they enter into corporate America and they stumble their first three to five years. So I'm beginning to offer some programmes within the university as well. So that's what the T looks like. And those things that I offer, predominantly women tend to be to come my way, I've also served with a couple of guys. So it's been a great experience and helping people move the needle.

Gresham Harkless 5:15

Yeah, absolutely, it sounds extremely rewarding, just because you get the opportunity to help people to reach maybe even beyond sometimes what they can see. Because I know a lot of times we can get in that frustrated mode, it's like, nothing will work. But sometimes believe in, let me know, if I'm right on this, you're so close to it, that often you need somebody with that experience one, but to those fresh eyes, that give you a different perspective,

Linda Taliaferro 5:39

You hit it dead on Gresh. And because sometimes we're so close to it, that phrase, we tend to have a tendency to can't see the forest for the trees, and that's gonna be the case, right. And it just may take somebody like myself with the experience of knowing how to get there, and be able to take as you just put it so nicely, that franchise approach and turn that mirror around and make you aware of some of what the opportunities are that you've missed, because you are so close to it. So that's exactly what happens. And it's been extremely rewarding for me to see how these young women, these young men, people that early in their career and people in their mid part of their careers really do the work that I give them and then be able to see tangible change in their career. I mean, when you do this, you should mean, that raises competence, and allows people to understand that, yes, I knew I was worth it and valued and I felt the value. Now I actually see it, and it's coming to fruition in my career. And when you make those moves, that changes everything, not just in that person's life, but in their family structure as well. I mean, it has that domino effect, right. So it's extremely, extremely rewarding.

Gresham Harkless 6:52

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And I love that kind of focus as well, too. On those. I forgot the phrase you use, but it's not the soft skills are those things that you don't really get taught, and they don't really get taught in school, you really don't know them unless somebody has that experience or that perspective and tell you about that. So that's also great, because I think a lot of times people will get frustrated because they aren't aware and maybe haven't cultivated those skills. But it's great to hear that you do that.

Linda Taliaferro 7:17

That's absolutely it Gresham, because a lot of times we are so focused on being good at the task, that work product is important, right. And you've got to be good at what you do. But helping people understand that's not the price of entry actually. And so knowing what that nuance is that it factor what separates you from the other person that's also producing that good work product, so that you can get that upgrade opportunity, that special assignment that made the expat assignment over the water, broaden your skills in depth for that next step on the rung of the corporate ladder that you've been looking for. So that's exactly what I help people understand, target, and then work.

Gresham Harkless 8:00

Nice. So I definitely appreciate that. So now I wanted to ask you, I guess for what I would call your factor or your I like to call your secret sauce, what do you feel kind of distinguishes you and sets you apart?

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Linda Taliaferro 8:11

What sets me apart are methodologies and tools Gresh that I have lived and done. I mean, this is not something that I read in the book, I didn't go get a special certification and take a bunch of exams and have the letters behind my name, nothing wrong with that don't get me wrong, right? Nothing wrong with that at all. But these are proven methodologies of flickable methodologies that I know, in my 30 years work, and the numerous people that I've helped in work. And I believe that when you have that, and I live it every day to I mean, I'm in a corporate environment, every day I see and have to deal with a lot of the things that my clients are dealing with. So that's what separates that these are not something that I read in the book, and I said, oh, let's go try this theoretical approach. No, these are flexible, these are things that do work. So that's the difference. And also to this one reason why I was very clear about what how I named the company, because I have had executive coaching where I've been given things to read and have had conversations, but also what's different in my service that I provide, is I'm giving you applicable work to do and you go back into that environment based on what we talked about, and you apply it and then you come back and we massage and work to what fits your scenario, that company culture, your rent, your personality, all the things you bring, it's not a cookie cutter approach right? So they can't see if you really want to be successful. So that's what sets me apart from your, from a lot of the other very successful very good coaches and advisors, but I'd love how you put it that little secret sauce, that little extra edge. That's the difference.

Gresham Harkless 10:02

Yeah, I definitely love that. And I appreciate that because life is not cookie cutter, often people's careers are not cookie cutter. So the fact that you don't have that cookie cutter approach, it makes perfect sense. Because a lot of times when you're trying to do what somebody else is doing it in, it doesn't work, you get frustrated, but it's just because you're not quote unquote, running your own race. So yeah, I appreciate that perspective. And I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you what I call a CEO hack. And this might be an app or book or a habit that you have, but it's something that makes you more effective and efficient.

Linda Taliaferro 10:32

Well, my role as a whole, and I'm necessary, including my nine to five. And also in my business. I don't know if it's a hack, but it's something that people have heard that I still believe they still know that they don't truly latch on to and do. And that is relationships, I'm talking about truly getting allowing yourself to be known. And getting to know others in my business was 15, our first two or three sessions is there's some deep dive that happened, I really get to know and connect with my clients in a deep level to understand where some of the self confidence challenges are, where the self awareness issues are.

Gresham Harkless 11:17

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. But I think it's funny because especially in the business world, you always hear how important networking and relationships are and building those relationships. But sometimes when you're in your corporate world, or you're having a certain position, I'm just going to do my work. And that's all I'm going to do. But in very much the same way where people decide who they want to do business with. They also allow the time to decide who they want to hire, who they want to promote, who they don't want to promote, based off of that. And now when asked you for what I call a CEO, nugget, and this is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice, or if you can happen to a time machine, what would you tell your younger business self?

Linda Taliaferro 11:53

The advice I would give some people right now is do not keep your head down and just focus on working hard. Working hard is not enough. And I wish there was somebody that could have pulled into teletherapy or back then Linda Brown that when she graduated in 1984, and went to work at GM back then because that's all I tell you fresh and that's what I did for the better. And the earlier part of my career good, maybe 8-10 years of it is working hard. And I did have that attitude that I didn't come to work to do the job. So if I were to say that to anyone, do not do that, that will stall your career growth. And I know for a fact that once that light bulb came on once I had somebody whisper that in my ear. Luckily I had some people around me who gave me some advice that they gave others on the golf course you hear that? Right? A lot of things that we say are those off course, or in certain environments. So I luckily had someone whisper that in my ear. And once I really understood what that meant, it changed the trajectory of my career completely changed.

Gresham Harkless 13:13

Nice, I appreciate that. And I love that nugget. Just because a lot of times, like you mentioned, no matter what seat at the table you're trying to get you always just working hard. But missing out on that effector as you so eloquently put is a big idea and big thing that we need to understand on how we need to get ahead of wherever and however we're trying to get ahead. So now I wanted to ask you my absolute favourite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote unquote CEOs on this show. So Linda, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Linda Taliaferro 13:43

For me, it means the bill ability to share my passion, and to see that passion come from life that, had been the CEO of the extra effort, that's what motivates me Gresh on when I'm up till two in the morning, or I just came from a flight on my nine to five and I've got a client scheduled coming up. It's that passion, I you know, I'm still motivated. I'm on my I'm in the verge of broadening my team. And so I'm sharing that as well as I interview people what drives you what fuels your passion, what motivates you, and for me as a CEO, being able to bring these new team members to the extra effort, and you'll see their passions and their dreams through what we do. So that's what motivates me. That's why I love the seat that I've created for myself. And that I sit in is to be able to really do what I love and make meaningful impact. Driven by my passion, passionate work. That's what it means

Gresham Harkless 14:49

Nice. I love that definition in that perspective. Because a lot of times when you are in that CEO role or really in any role, I think we all have passions and things we want to do to impact the world in a positive way. And I think that when you have that opportunity to do that, as you done that, and been able to make career change, but also personal change, and how it just gets into everywhere in a person's life, I truly appreciate that. So, Linda, thank you so much for your time. And what I wanted to do was pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional, you can let our readers and listeners know. And then of course, how best they can get a hold of you.

Linda Taliaferro 15:24

I would love if any of you out there listening are stuck in your careers is the question I've just talked about, and you're trying to get unstuck, you have the worst of the value, you've just missed, how too much of what we shared earlier how to obtain that secret sauce, to get to the next level or to become one of those persons names on the list is considered. Feel free to reach out to me, my website And then also you can follow me on Instagram and on Facebook at extra effort and find me on LinkedIn as well. We can send that I shared there. And I would be excited and honoured to help you in any way.

Gresham Harkless 16:10

Well, thank you so much again, Linda. I truly appreciate your time again, we'll have those links in the show notes and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Linda Taliaferro 16:17

Thank you. You too Gresham. Take care.

Outro 16:20

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Transcribed by


Mercy - CBNation Team

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