I AM CEO PODCASTPodCEOSocial Entrepreneurship

IAM340- Business Development Coach Helps People Thrive in Their Personal and Professional Life

Podcast Interview with Dr. Amanda Barrientez

Dr. Amanda Barrientez is a NFA – No Fucking Around – mindset, habits and business development coach who is driven to help people thrive in their personal and professional life. What makes Amanda unique is how she coaches from coupling her social sciences training with her real-life experiences of overcoming big challenges. Three years ago she was living in survival mode, on food stamps, trying to work her way through grad school as a single mama. After accessing free knowledge on podcasts and Youtube and then doing whatever it took to pay for high-level coaching, Amanda implemented what she was learning to transform her financial reality. Today, she has a growing 6-figure coaching business and is building the foundation to create a multi-million dollar global company that helps business builders implement max potential strategies so they can have the impact and income they desire.

  • CEO Hack: Organisational tools – Trello
  • CEO Nugget: (1) Not to worry especially at the beginning (2) Be driven by your why
  • CEO Defined: Bringing out the best in people- leader of leaders

Website: http://www.drbarrientez.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nfacoaching/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nfacoaching/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NFACoaching/
Podcast: http://bit.ly/MaxPotentialHabitsPodcast

Free $ Quiz & Info about the NFA Money Magnet Habits Online Course:

Full Interview



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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:29

Hello, hello, hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I've Dr. Amanda Barrientez of NFA Coaching. Dr. Amanda, it's awesome to have you on the show

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 0:41

Hey, thanks for being here. It's an honor.

Gresham Harkless 0:43

No problem. Super excited to have you on and what I wanted to do was just read a little bit more about Dr. Amanda so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. And Dr. Amanda is an NFA – No Fucking Around – mindset, habits, and business development coach who is driven to help people thrive in their personal and professional life. What makes Amanda unique is how she coaches by coupling her social sciences training with her real-life experiences of overcoming big challenges. Three years ago she was living in survival mode, on food stamps, trying to work her way through grad school as a single mama. After accessing free knowledge on podcasts and Youtube and then doing whatever it took to pay for high-level coaching, Amanda implemented what she was learning to transform her financial reality.

Today, she has a growing 6-figure coaching business and is building the foundation to create a multi-million dollar global company that helps business builders implement max potential strategies so they can have the impact and income they desire. Dr. Amanda, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO Community?

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Dr. Amanda Barrientez 1:44

I am let's do it.

Gresham Harkless 1:46

Let's do it. So to kick everything off, I wanted to hear a little bit more about what I call your CEO story. And what led you to start your business?

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 1:53

Yeah, what led me to start my business was, you just read my own personal downfall led me into personal growth and development. So I was on the track to be a professor so I was in grad school and I was teaching classes. And a huge gift of that process was that I got to learn how much I love to teach, and really awaken new parts of students and help them see new things. But what was interesting in sociology is that we often focus on a lot of the problems. And I really wanted to start redirecting toward solutions. And as I was stepping into my own personal growth transformation, I started to think I could be a coach, it just had never crossed my mind before.

And I could couple all the things that I really love to do, which was teaching and helping people with transformation. And, using my own story to share with people I'm very open and revealed about my history because I think it helps people overcome their blocks because there's a lot of shame around poverty. And there I left my relationship to have an affair. I was on food stamps, I was a struggling single mom. And so my professional world seemed like it was all together because I was in grad school earning my Ph.D. But all these other things were falling apart.

And so as I started to shape that all into understanding, this is actually laying the foundation for coaching for me to be really successful, helping other people through sharing my experience and what I've learned to transform myself. And so that was really the foundation of all of that happening. And then as I started to really shift my money mindset from poverty consciousness to building my wealth, everyone started to ask me, What are you doing what's going on? And so I created coaching around that.

Gresham Harkless 3:37

Nice. Well, I definitely appreciate that. Appreciate you doing that. Because I know that a lot of times when people are going through difficult times they feel like they're alone. And I appreciate you for telling your story and being so open and honest. Because a lot of times people are guarded about that. But when we do that we understand we're not alone. We understand sometimes that's a part of life. And then like you did take it a step further, you understand that thing. If you want a different path in life, you understand what you can do to affect that. So I appreciate you for doing that.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 4:06

Yeah, yeah. Thanks. And you're so right. it's been such a huge gift to share your mind world with people and have them go it's like this huge weight gets lifted, and people just go. Oh, I'm not the only one. Yes.

Gresham Harkless 4:20

Exactly. Yeah, exactly. So I wanted to drill down a little bit deeper and hear a little bit more about what you're doing with NFA Coaching. Tell us a little bit more about how you're helping to serve your clients, and then even about your podcast and all the awesome things you're doing.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 4:32

So I think when anyone starts a business, it's a big learning curve. And you step in, especially when you're doing coaching or something where you're branding yourself, it's like, who do I want to work with and what am I the best at doing and it evolves over time. And so I'm almost a year of bringing on clients, and I've really kept reshaping and reforming, and one thing I really do realize is that I love working with business builders, not only because they have a very incredible mindset, but also because it's a really great wealth building tool.

So I think of your business as a wealth-building vehicle. And so I get to couple those things where I go, Oh, I really love working with people with personal power because it's tied to everything in life, and Win-Win relationships and Money Mastery. And so all of my content is created around those things.

So in the last year, I'm in the process of writing a book, I have created two podcasts, and I do one on one coaching, and speaking workshops. So I like to have a lot of different options for people because I know that everybody's at a different financial level. And for me, had I not had access to podcasts and free knowledge on the go, I wouldn't be where I am today.

So to me, podcasting is one of my favorite formats and mediums to help people learn new skills, because it's free. And it's just awesome. So I love podcasting. And my IG TV videos every week, bring a lot of value. And then people can step in and do different online group trainings, I have a max potential habits training, and then I have an online money course, to teach people how to overcome their money blocks so that they can be financially empowered and financially literate and build their wealth.

And then I work with business builders, and one on one coaching and all of those things, I'm helping people with their mindset and their habits, because I think that those two things coupled, I mean, your mindset is a habit. But I really love this concept of habits, because your outcomes of success are based on your habits, and anyone can relearn new habits. So to me, it's such a hopeful place to focus. Because if you have the right if you have the will, and then you have someone to help you, you can really massively change your life and create anything you desire.

Gresham Harkless 4:56

Absolutely, I definitely appreciate that and appreciate the different forums as well, too, because people also take in the content and a lot of different ways. Some people want to listen to the podcast, some people want to watch videos, or they might be on IG TV. So it's great that you're doing all those things that touch people in places they're comfortable being which is where you start to see those changes. And I think a lot of times, I always say that a lot of your environment can determine your altitude and where your altitude and where you go.

So a lot of people sometimes aren't aware of a different type of mindset. So like touched on the poverty piece. Sometimes people don't know any other way. So when you become and you get your Ph.D. and Google and YouTube, a lot of times you get to learn about so many different alternative ways to live, whether that be health, money or so many different ways.

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Dr. Amanda Barrientez 7:44

Yeah, I love your saying that I want to add that when I started on this journey, it was like I thought wealthy people were this magical breed of people that I could just never access. And so opening that door to understanding, we're all people and wealth building is a skill really changed my perspective. And I realized I had limited thinking not because I think in some ways I just need exposure, and your belief systems hold you back. And so then you look to the environment around you like you're saying to confirm what you believe is true. And so as I expanded my thinking, it expanded my belief system.

And then I was like, oh, wealthy people are incredible. There are good and bad, wealthy people. And the sky's the limit. And it's really about my perspective, and the way that I was seeing it, and then having different environments to place myself in by choice, and strategically doing that so that I could go Okay, wait, I want to expand the way I'm thinking it's not so black and white. That was a shift for me when I moved into the coaching world, it was like, oh, there's a huge spectrum of thought, and I'm choosing this one side to believe in, and it's keeping me really stuck.

Gresham Harkless 8:52

Exactly, exactly. And when you get ad exposure, you start seeing that you have a choice. And I love that you said building wealth is a habit and a skill you said. So a lot of times you can build those habits and those skills so that you can be whatever you ultimately want to be and I think that's an incredible power to have. So you might have already touched on this, but I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce, and this could be for you or your organization but what do you feel sets you apart and makes you unique?

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 9:18

I think it's being values-driven. I think it is a coach. And this is interesting because I think most coaches have an incredible story. Most people are drawn to this industry because they had some sort of transformation themselves and they want to help other people and share. I think it's interesting to combine it's interesting to have like a doctorate and a very discipline study and then have these really challenging experiences that I get to couple together and go whoa, I can show other people the way because I not only have the book knowledge I have the experiential knowledge. So I think it makes me really unique in a lot of ways to go.

Gresham Harkless 9:57

Exactly, exactly. And I love that it goes down to that mindset and those habits because sometimes, we think people that are wherever you consider being successful have maybe done something magical to be there, but it gets down to those habits, those daily skills. So that mindset that they have. And I love that you break it down from that standpoint so that people can build up to that. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack. And this might be an app or book or a habit that you have, or something that makes you more effective and efficient.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 10:27

I would say I could not live without organizational tools. Because the more disciplined routine set you free, a lot of people fight against it. But the more disciplines you are actually the more freedom you have. And I love helping people get organized. And so one of the tools, I could say so many, but I'll just say I use Trello every day. And it is awesome. It's on my phone, it's on my computer, I live by it. And every morning, I write my three to five highest priority action steps that I'm going to take that day to advance myself and my business. And without that, I would be lost.

Gresham Harkless 11:03

Exactly, exactly. Yeah. I always think that I agree with you 100%. Because a lot of times you always feel like starting a business, you get so much freedom to do everything. And then you get bombarded by so many different things that you don't become free, because you have so many things to do. But you start to forget stuff. But when you are organized and you have that place where everything is, or you know where to go, or you have that plan as you mentioned at the beginning of the day, it helps you to be freer, because you don't have to worry about those things are off your mind and off your plate. And now I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And this is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice. Or if you can happen to a time machine. What would you tell your younger business self?

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 11:44

Not to worry, it's scary building a new business. It's hard. It's challenging. And I love the challenge. And sometimes it's terrifying. Sometimes you go when you're at those beginning stages, you don't know if it's going to succeed, yet you have this burning desire, you test things out, they don't always work, you fall down, you fail, you get up, sometimes you just look to the universe to give you some feedback like, Hey, am I on the right path. And it's a daily love of challenge and growth and taking that mindset of being driven by your why is so important. Because it will get you through those hard times when you're not sure what's going to pop.

Gresham Harkless 12:27

Absolutely, I definitely appreciate that too. And then going back to what we said and understanding the reality, even when you're starting a business, if you understand that it's a series of experiments, and from pricing to hiring people to this and that. And you have that mindset going in a lot of times it can let you trust that process and be driven by that why you said because if you don't expect that, and then one thing doesn't work out, you think it's the end of the world and you're not doing well. In reality. That's how everything really happens. Appreciate that perspective.

And now I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. We're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on the show. So Amanda, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 13:05

I think that it's being a leader of leaders and drawing out the inner genius of everyone you work with. So your team, your clients, all everything that you're putting out into the world, draws out the best in people. And so you get to be a leader of leaders, which means you've got to foster and cultivate your own leadership skills. And then you've got to bring on people who you trust to delegate to because you're helping them cultivate their leadership skills. I think that's when you get to really lay the foundation for a powerful team.

Gresham Harkless 13:38

Absolutely. Yeah, I definitely appreciate that as well. Because I always see that visual of the boss as the one that tells the person to charge ahead, and they're pointing at him to do XYZ, where leaders actually empower those. And I think if you have that perspective, you understand that then you start to not only impact the people that you're around, but they start to impact other people. And that's when you really start having a phenomenal influence.

Well, Amanda, I truly appreciate your time, what I wanted to do was pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional you can let our readers and listeners know and then of course, how best they can get a hold of you. Listen to your podcasts and see all the awesome things you're doing.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 14:12

I think the last wrap-up is just to say wherever you are right now and think about it. I'm sure everyone listening there's something they're struggling with right now. Stay encouraged, and stay on course. And remember that you can change your habits dramatically. You can change your outcomes dramatically very quickly when you want to so just remember that don't get stuck in this place of I can't change my life. I can't change my business. I am stuck and all I see are the obstacles focus on the solutions and start to think okay, I can actually develop any skill or habit that I want. If I redirect my focus, to remember that, then how can people get a hold of me? If you go to nfacoaching.com there's tonnes of stuff there.

I've got links to my ETV, and my podcasts I've got an incredible money course it's a 66-day money course to help you become empowered financially and overcome your money blocks, it's for anyone who has money blocks, which I've never met anyone who doesn't have money blocks. So it's an incredible course, I've got a tonne of free giveaway stuff. There are all kinds of ways to I've got a money magnet guide that's free. So go there all kinds of resources, so nfacoaching.com. And I'd say right now my favorite platform is Instagram.

So my handle there is at NFA coaching. So those are two really easy ways to get a hold of me. And then I have a max potential habits group on LinkedIn. I also have LinkedIn. So check me out there and NFA coaching as well. So if you just remember NFA coaching, you're good to go. You'll find me.

Gresham Harkless 15:47

Awesome, awesome, awesome. I will also put those links in the show notes as well so that everybody can follow up with you and find you even easier. So, Amanda, I appreciate your time and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

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Dr. Amanda Barrientez 15:57

Thank you so much.

Outro 15:59

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:29

Hello, hello, hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I've Dr. Amanda Barrientez of NFA Coaching. Dr. Amanda, it's awesome to have youon the show

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 0:41

Hey, thanks for being here. It's an honour.

Gresham Harkless 0:43

No problem. Super excited to have you on and what I wanted to do was just read a little bit more about Dr. Amanda so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. And Dr. Amanda is a NFA – No Fucking Around – mindset, habits and business development coach who is driven to help people thrive in their personal and professional life. What makes Amanda unique is how she coaches from coupling her social sciences training with her real-life experiences of overcoming big challenges. Three years ago she was living in survival mode, on food stamps, trying to work her way through grad school as a single mama. After accessing free knowledge on podcasts and Youtube and then doing whatever it took to pay for high-level coaching, Amanda implemented what she was learning to transform her financial reality. Today, she has a growing 6-figure coaching business and is building the foundation to create a multi-million dollar global company that helps business builders implement max potential strategies so they can have the impact and income they desire. Dr. Amanda, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO Community?

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 1:44

I am let's do it.

Gresham Harkless 1:46

Let's do it. So to kick everything off, I wanted to hear a little bit more about what I call your CEO story. And what led you to start your business?

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 1:53

Yeah, what led me to start my business was, you just read my own personal downfall led me into personal growth and development. So I was on the track to be a professor so I was in grad school and I was teaching classes. And a huge gift of that process was that I got to learn how much I love to teach, and really awaken new parts of students and help them see new things. But what was interesting in sociology is that we often focus on a lot of the problems. And I really wanted to start redirecting towards solutions. And as I was stepping into my own personal growth transformation, I started to think I could be a coach, it just had never crossed my mind before. And I could couple all the things that I really love to do, which was teaching and helping people with transformation. And, using my own story to share with people I'm very open and revealed about my history, because I think it helps people overcome their blocks, because there's a lot of shame around poverty. And there's I left my relationship to having an affair. I was on food stamps, I was struggling single mom. And so my professional world seemed like it was all together because I was in grad school earning my PhD. But all these other things were falling apart. And so as I started to shape that all into understanding, this is actually laying the foundation for coaching for me to be really successful, helping other people through sharing my experience and what I've learned to transform myself. And so that was really the foundation of all of that happening. And then as I started to really shift my money mindset from a poverty consciousness to building my wealth, everyone started to ask me, What are you doing what's going on? And so I I created coaching around that.

Gresham Harkless 3:37

Nice. Well, I definitely appreciate that. Appreciate you doing that. Because I know that a lot of times when people are going through difficult times they feel like they're alone. And I appreciate you for telling your story and being so open and honest. Because a lot of times people are guarded about that. But when we do that we understand we're not alone. We're understand sometimes that's a part of life. And then like you did take it a step further, you understand that thing. If you want a different path in life, you understand what you can do to affect that. So I appreciate you for doing that.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 4:06

Yeah, yeah. Thanks. And you're so right. it's been such a huge gift to share your mind world with people and have them go it's like this huge weight gets lifted, and people just go. Oh, I'm not the only one. Yes.

Gresham Harkless 4:20

Exactly. Yeah, exactly. So I wanted to drill down a little bit deeper hear a little bit more about what you're doing with NFA Coaching. Tell us a little bit more how you're helping to serve your clients, and then even about your podcast and all the awesome things you're doing.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 4:32

So I think when anyone starts a business, it's a big learning curve. And you step in, especially when you're doing coaching or something where you're branding yourself, it's like, who do I want to work with and what am I the best at doing and it evolves over time. And so I'm almost a year of bringing on clients, and I've really keep reshaping and reforming and one thing I really do realises that I love working with business builders, not only because they have a very incredible mindset, but also because it's a really great wealth building tool. So I think of your business as a wealth building vehicle. And so I get to couple those things where I go, Oh, I really love working with people with personal power, because it's tied to everything in life, and Win Win relationships and Money Mastery. And so all of my content is created around those things. So in the last year, I'm in the process of writing a book, I have created two podcasts, and I do one on one coaching, speaking workshops. So I like to have a lot of different options for people because I know that everybody's at a different financial level. And for me, had I not had access to podcast and free knowledge on the go, I wouldn't be where I am today. So to me, podcasting is one of my favourite formats and mediums to help people learn new skills, because it's free. And it's just awesome. So I love podcasting. And my IG TV videos every week, bring a lot of value. And then people can step in and do different online group trainings, I have a max potential habits training, and then I have an online money course, to teach people how to overcome their money blocks, so that they can be financially empowered and financially literate and build their wealth. And then I work with business builders, and one on one coaching and all of those things, I'm helping people with their mindset and their habits, because I think that those two things coupled, I mean, your mindset is a habit. But I really love this concept of habits, because your outcomes of success are based on your habits, and anyone can relearn new habits. So to me, it's such a hopeful place to focus. Because if you have the right if you have the will, and then you have someone to help you, you can really massively change your life and create anything you desire.

Gresham Harkless 4:56

Absolutely, I definitely appreciate that and appreciate the different forums as well, too, because people also take in content, and a lot of different ways. Some people want to listen to the podcast, or some people want to watch videos, or they might be on IG TV. So it's great that you're doing all those things that touch people in places they're comfortable being which is where you start to see those changes. And I think a lot of times, I always say that a lot of your environment can determine your altitude and where your altitude and where you go. So a lot of people sometimes aren't aware of a different type of mindset. So like touched on the poverty piece. Sometimes people don't know any other way. So when you become and you get your PhD and Google and YouTube, a lot of times you get to learn about so many different alternative ways to live, whether that be health, money or so many different ways.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 7:44

Yeah, I love your saying that I want to add that when I started on this journey, it was like I thought wealthy people were this magical breed of people that I could just never access. And so opening that door to understanding, we're all people and wealth building is a skill really changed my perspective. And I realised I had limited thinking not because I think in some ways I just need exposure, and your belief systems hold you back. And so then you look to the environment around you, like you're saying to confirm what you believe is true. And so as I expanded my thinking, it expanded my belief system. And then I was like, oh, wealthy people are incredible. There's good and bad, wealthy people. And the sky's the limit. And it's really about my perspective, and the way that I was seeing it, and then having different environments to place myself in by choice, and strategically doing that so that I could go Okay, wait, I want to expand the way I'm thinking it's not so black and white. That was a shift for me, when I moved into coaching world, it was like, oh, there's a huge spectrum of thought, and I'm choosing this one side to believe in, and it's keeping me really stuck.

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Gresham Harkless 8:52

Exactly, exactly. And when you get ad exposure, you start seeing that you have the choice. And I love that you said building wealth is a habit and a skill you said. So a lot of times you can build those habits and those skills so that you can be whatever you ultimately want to be and I think that's an incredible power to have. So you might have already touched on this, but I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce, and this could be for you or your organisation but what do you feel sets you apart and makes you unique?

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 9:18

I think it's being values driven. I think it as a coach. And this is interesting because I think most coaches have an incredible story. Most people are drawn to this industry because they had some sort of transformation themselves and they want to help other people and share. I think it's interesting that to combine it's interesting to have like a doctorate and a very discipline study and then have these really challenging experiences that I get to couple together and go whoa, I can show other people the way because I not only have the book knowledge I have the experiential knowledge. So I think it makes me really unique in a lot of ways to go.

Gresham Harkless 9:57

Exactly, exactly. And I love that it goes down to those mindset and those habits because sometimes, we think people that are wherever you consider to be successful have, maybe done something magical to be there, but it gets down to those habits, those daily skills. So that mindset that they have. And I love that you break it down from that standpoint so that people can build up to that. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack. And this might be an app or book or a habit that you have, or something that makes you more effective and efficient.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 10:27

I would say I could not live without organisational tools. Because the more disciplined routine set you free, a lot of people fight against it. But the more disciplines you are actually the more freedom you have. And I love helping people get organised. And so one of the tools, I could say so many, but I'll just say I use Trello every day. And it is awesome. It's on my phone, it's on my computer, I live by it. And every morning, I write my three to five highest priority action steps that I'm going to take that day to advance myself and my business. And without that I would be lost.

Gresham Harkless 11:03

Exactly, exactly. Yeah. I always think that, I agree with you in 100%. Because a lot of times you always feel like starting a business, you get so much freedom to do everything. And then you get bombarded by so many different things that you don't become free, because you have so many things to do. But you start to forget stuff. But when you are organised and you have that place where everything is, or you know where to go, or you have that plan, like you mentioned at the beginning of the day, it helps you to be more free, because you don't have to worry about those things are off your mind and off your plate. And now I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And this is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice. Or if you can happen to a time machine. What would you tell your younger business self?

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 11:44

Not to worry, it's scary building a new business. It's hard. It's challenging. And I love the challenge. And sometimes it's terrifying. Sometimes you go when you're at those beginning stages, you don't know if it's going to succeed, yet you have this burning desire, you test things out, they don't always work, you fall down, you fail, you get up, sometimes you just look to the universe to give you some feedback like, Hey, am I on the right path. And it's a daily love of challenge and growth and taking that mindset of being driven by your why is so important. Because it will get you through those hard times when you're not sure what's going to pop?

Gresham Harkless 12:27

Absolutely, I definitely appreciate that too. And then going back to what we said and understanding the reality, even when you're starting a business, if you understand that it's a series of experiments, andfrom pricing to hiring people to this and that. And you have that mindset going in a lot of times it can let you trust that process and be driven by that why you said, because if you don't expect that, and then one thing doesn't work out, you think it's the end of the world and you're not doing well. In reality. That's how everything really happens. Appreciate that perspective. And now I wanted to ask you my absolute favourite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. We're hoping to have different quote unquote CEOs on the show. So Amanda, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 13:05

I think that it's being a leader of leaders and drawing out the inner genius of everyone you work with. So your team, your clients, all everything that you're putting out into the world, draws out the best in people. And so you get to be a leader of leaders, which means you've got to foster and cultivate your own leadership skills. And then you've got to bring on people who you trust to delegate to because you're helping them cultivate their leadership skills. I think that's when you get to really lay the foundation for a powerful team.

Gresham Harkless 13:38

Absolutely. Yeah, I definitely appreciate that as well. Because I always see that visual of the boss is the one that tells the person to charge ahead, and they're pointing at him to do XYZ, where leaders actually empowering those. And I think if you have that perspective, you understand that, then you start to not only impact your people that you're around, but they start to impact other people. And that's when you really start having a phenomenal influence. Well, Amanda, I truly appreciate your time, what I wanted to do was pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional you can let our readers and listeners know and then of course, how best they can get a hold of you. Listen to your podcasts and see all the awesome things you're doing.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 14:12

I think last wrap up is just to say wherever you are right now and think about it. I'm sure everyone listening there's something they're struggling with right now. Stay encouraged, stay on course. And remember that you can change your habits dramatically. You can change your outcomes dramatically very quickly when you want to so just remember that don't get stuck in this place of I can't change my life. I can't change my business. I am stuck and all you see are the obstacles focus on the solutions and start to think okay, I can actually develop any skill or habit that I want. If I redirect my focus, so remember that and then how can people get a hold of me? If you go to nfacoaching.com there's tonnes of stuff there. I've got links to my ETV, my podcasts I've got a an incredible money course it's a 66 day money course to help you become empowered financially overcome your money blocks, it's for anyone who has money blocks, which I've never met anyone who doesn't have money blocks. So it's incredible course, I've got a tonne of free giveaway stuff. There's all kinds of ways to I've got a money magnet guide that's free. So go there all kinds of resources, so nfacoaching.com. And I'd say right now my favourite platform is Instagram. So my handle there is at NFA coaching. So those are two really easy ways to get a hold of me. And then I have a max potential habits group on LinkedIn. I also have LinkedIn. So check me out there and NFA coaching as well. So if you just remember NFA coaching, you're good to go. You'll find me.

Gresham Harkless 15:47

Awesome, awesome, awesome. I will also put those links in the show notes as well so that everybody can follow up with you and find you even easier. So, Amanda, I appreciate your time and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez 15:57

Thank you so much.

Outro 15:59

Thank you for listening to the IBM CEO podcast powered by blue 16 media tune in next time and visit us at I am ceo.co I am CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE And leave us a five star rating grab CEO gear at WWW dot sceeto gear.co This has been the I am CEO podcast with Gresham Harkless Thank you for listening

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Mercy - CBNation Team

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(CEOBlogNation.com), podcasts, (CEOPodcasts.com) and videos (CBNation.tv). CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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