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IAM088 – Personal Life Expert & Psychotherapist Helps People Create Extraordinary Lives

Podcast Interview with Jasmin Terrany

Jasmin Terrany LMHC is a Personal Life Expert. As a licensed psychotherapist with two master’s degrees from Columbia University, Jasmin invented Life Therapy™, a revolutionary method that combines Psychotherapy & Coaching + Mindfulness & Meditation. In private practice since 2007, Jasmin helps professionals find success in their personal lives. Whether struggling with relationships, anxiety, confidence, body image, or parenting, Jasmin has practical tools to create extraordinary lives. In addition to being a leader in her field, she is a published author, public speaker, world traveler, and most importantly a Mom. Her passion project is her book “Extraordinary Mommy: A Loving Guide to Mastering Life's Most Important Job.”

  • CEO Hack: (1) Starting each day with exercise, her (2) Top 3 and not just jumping into e-mails until the Top 3 is done, and (3) meditation
  • CEO Nugget:  If you have an emotional reason for staying stuck, you need to have an emotional reason to become unstuck. If you have your why, it's a must instead of a should.
  • CEO Defined: Being a leader and being able to have a vision and be so clear and connected that people want to get in “orbit” with you.


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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:26

Hello, hello, hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Jasmin Terrany of Jasmin, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Jasmin Terrany 0:38

Thank you so much for having me.

Gresham Harkless 0:40

No problem. I'm super excited to have you on the show. And what I want to do is just read a little bit more about Jasmin so you can hear about all the awesome things that she is doing. And Jasmin Terrany is a Personal Life Expert. As a licensed psychotherapist with two master's degrees from Columbia University, Jasmin invented Life Therapy, a revolutionary method that combines Psychotherapy & Coaching with Mindfulness & Meditation. In private practice since 2007, Jasmin helps professionals find success in their personal lives when they're struggling with relationships, anxiety, confidence, body image, or parenting, Jasmin has practical tools to create extraordinary lives.

In addition to being a leader in her field. She is a published author, public speaker, world traveler, and most importantly, a mom. Her passion project is her book “Extraordinary Mommy: A Loving Guide to Mastering Life's Most Important Job.” Jasmin, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

Jasmin Terrany 1:36

I am thank you so much.

Gresham Harkless 1:38

No problem, no problem. And the first question that I have was if we can just hear a little bit more about what led you to start your business and what your CEO story is.

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Jasmin Terrany 1:46

Well, there's kind of two chapters to the story. I graduated college and I thought I knew I wanted to get into some psychology field. And I thought that I wanted to get into industrial organizational psychology, which is really kind of the psychology of business as leadership skills and team development and things of that nature. And then once I got my first job, I realized that it was all about the bottom line and about making money. And it just didn't really align with my soul.

So I had kind of a, like a challenging first year out of college of what am I supposed to be doing. And I decided to go to Costa Rica for a few months and volunteer to kind of just get away and get clear about what my heart really wanted. I was doing all this journaling. And it just felt like I had to figure something out that I couldn't figure out with my head, I needed to kind of tap into my heart. And when I was there, what I realized was that I really enjoyed speaking with the people, more than I enjoyed thinking about the systems and the ways in which things could be improved. I really gained much more value and felt like I added more value through just talking to the people.

So that was my realization that this was going to be my journey about personal development was it really the thing that woke me up or was the conversations that I always wanted to have? And so that's the direction that I decided to go into. So fast forward a few years, I went to Columbia got my master's, and started my private practice. And you know, I've been doing that for about a decade now. And I see all my clients virtually actually a little over a decade since 2007, right?

And I see all my clients virtually, and it's lovely, and it's fulfilling. And it's beautiful to be able to help people in such profound ways and make these deep, intimate connections. But then about three years ago, I grew up in this amazing home and had this beautiful upbringing. And I have had this very special, unique mom, my dad is awesome, too. But my mom was really the foundation of my home. And about three years ago, she was coming to meet me for lunch. And, she didn't show up. And she actually died in a car accident that day.

So essentially, you know, that was the hardest day year experience of my life. And a year later, on the actual anniversary of her death, my daughter was born. So it was full circle, she died. And exactly that day, my daughter came into this world. And so it was a pretty profound experience for me.

And this book kind of came just came through me and I realized that this work that I've been doing my whole life and has kind of been preparing me for this new shift in my career is that this deep inner work and being able to take care of yourself from the inside out is really what is necessary for parenthood. And how we take care of ourselves essentially determines the type of love and what our children receive. And so I received this extraordinary parenting and I want to make sure that my kids get it too.

So I wrote this book, essentially putting together all these 10 nuggets of extraordinary parenting that I received from the perspective of me as a mother, as a therapist, and as a daughter of the recipient of this extraordinary upbringing, and so now I'm shifting gears into getting my book out into the world.

So I still have my private practice. But now I'm doing speaking, and conferences, and selling books, and podcasts and interviews and all these things so that I can, I guess, live on the legacy that my mom left and realize that the reason I really believe that the reason she died is so that I could find the courage to share.

Gresham Harkless 5:32

That's awesome. And I'm sure your mom is definitely looking down upon you doing all the awesome things that you're doing. She's super proud. And I, of course, know your daughter is as well, too. So I appreciate you telling us and breaking that story down to us. So we can hear exactly what led you to do what it is that you do. And I know you touched a little bit upon it, could you tell us I guess a little bit more about your private practice, but also your book and what that entails and how that helps serve the clients that you work with?

Jasmin Terrany 5:58

Well, in my private practice, I actually see people over Zoom or phone, I just switched from Skype to Zoom. So I'm feeling more tech-savvy these days. But I work with professionals, people who are usually highly achievement-oriented and who are often feeling unfulfilled in other areas of their life, they generally have a lot of focus in their work, but haven't quite been able to be as successful in whether it's finding relationship being in a relationship with their health, their body and with their confidence with their anxiety.

It's a lot of what goes on inside of us. There are kinds of doers and there are beers and I think people who are really exceptional go, go, go, do, do, do, accomplish, accomplish, often lack the skills to really feel fulfilled. It's kind of like the science of achievement versus the art of fulfillment. And people who are often figuring out that the science of achievement is lacking in the art of fulfillment.

So kind of all of that personal life softer skills is really where I excel. And that's how I support people. So we meet each week, and we work from there. And I like I mentioned integrate, I'm traditionally changing in psychotherapy, but I also have certifications and coaching kind of Tony Robbins coaching Neuro-Linguistic Programming. And my upbringing is all more Eastern and spiritual like I was meditating, and my mom was meditating with us as kids. And so we were, little. So there's meditation, and mindfulness is all integrated into there, too. So it's what I call life therapy.

Gresham Harkless 7:26

Makes perfect sense. And, now I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce, which is what you feel kind of distinguishes you or sets you apart. So do you have an example for us that you can give?

Jasmin Terrany 7:34

Yeah, I mean, I think that my secret sauce, I was actually thinking about this recently, I was at a conference and I was talking to, I had a few, I think, three different experiences where I was talking to these professional, middle aged man who had been super successful in their lives, and we're talking all of a sudden, whatever it is, that I'm saying, or however it is, that I'm interacting with them is bringing them to tears, and then getting them emotional, and it's not the type of thing that you experienced on a regular basis, and especially with these types of, men, and I realized that it's in alignment with my book, and with my practices that I give love, I love people in a way that oftentimes they weren't able to receive from their parents, this unconditioned, and when I say love, it's not like, like, it's not like, legally, it's like unconditional acceptance, it's giving people the space to be completely seen, and to be known and to be vulnerable and to be witnessed.

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And to really delve into the depths of what it is that is going on inside of them and to let it be okay, and to have someone there to support them as they go through it and process it, and uncover and take care of everything that goes on inside of them. And it's a matter of letting people transform the way that their soul needs to transform and giving them the loving space and the guidance to do so that was a long-winded answer.

Gresham Harkless 8:56

That's a great answer. Because a lot of times, you know, people just want to be heard and accepted. So like you said, if you give that opportunity for people to, you know, have that feeling within themselves, and I definitely can understand why even the strongest among this, so to speak, would maybe be brought to tears, because that's something that everybody wants to be accepted for?

Jasmin Terrany 9:13

Yeah, and everyone wants to be seen, and we have up all these layers, and you have all these ways in regard ourselves, and we're protecting ourselves, we have to be strong. And I think that there's so much strength in our vulnerability and our ability to be comfortable with ourselves. I think that's the truth it's true strength and helping people do so isn't really a profound way to make a living.

Gresham Harkless 9:35

Yeah, absolutely. I think that's an example of a secret sauce. So I appreciate you for sharing that with us. And I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack. And this might be an app or a book or a habit that you have, but it's something that makes you more effective and efficient as an entrepreneur and business owner.

Jasmin Terrany 9:50

This is one of the good ones I've actually come up with recently, and I'm still not fully good at it. But every time I do it, I'm like, Yes, I have to because every day one is starting my day with exercise, I actually started waking up like dark in the dark and I exercise before everyone gets up. And it makes such a difference to start my day intentionally versus just kind of like get out of bed and just kind of roll into reaction mode of like, okay, go, go, go, gotta do this got to do this, it's amazing to be awake and ready and prepared for when the day starts.

And then the other one is on the same line is not just jumping into my emails and responding to things is sitting down and deciding what it is that I want to achieve that day and giving myself a top three, right because what I do is I Oh, I genuinely think that I can do more than actually can do. And then I'm just as big and jumbled, I sit down and decide what are my top three things that I'm going to achieve that day.

And I focus only on those things and don't open my emails, respond to anybody else, or get open anything else that's distracting until those are done. And I even set up a time when I'm supposed to look at my emails because otherwise you just wake up, you start responding to emails, you start doing what everybody else is requiring of you. And you're not deciding what you need to do for yourself first.

Gresham Harkless 10:11

Exactly. Now, those are two great examples, because you got to make sure that you keep your cup filled in by working out. And definitely by making sure that you're not in a reaction to what everything the world needs, you're actually you know, taking care of yourself are great examples of CEO hacks.

Jasmin Terrany 11:17

Meditation isn't another one to the starting the day of your meditation, the exercise and meditation before you do anything else.

Gresham Harkless 11:24

Exactly. And now I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And a CEO nugget could be a word of wisdom or piece of advice or something that you would tell your younger business self.

Jasmin Terrany 11:33

This, I just realized this actually recently that when you feel stuck, the reason that you feel stuck, and you can't get out of your stuckness is that if you have an emotional reason for staying stuck, you need an emotional reason for changing. And if you have a logical reason for staying stuck, you need a logical reason for changing.

So for example, I had a very emotional reason for writing this book, right? It's like it came through me it was my soul's destiny to write this book. And then all of a sudden, it's like, oh, I got to sell this book, I should sell this book, people should read this book, this is good. People should read it right. But then then there's this logical, like, I don't like sales, I don't want to do this. That seems it's not really the intention.

And it had this kind of logical reason for why I should, quote-unquote, should sell that book. And so what I realized is that I needed to have my reason for selling the book be emotional, too, because I was feeling really stuck in not wanting to sell it like logically wanting to but not soulfully wanting to and I had to find my like emotional reason, my soul reason for wanting to sell the book.

And I realized that this is why my mom died, that this is my destiny that she died so that I would have the courage to share this wisdom that I so gratefully received, and that all children deserve to be loved and seen and understood the way that my brother and I were, and that this is the ripple effect, and that her death wasn't in vain. And so all of a sudden, the selling feels much more of a soul's calling, rather than a logical thing that I'm just doing, because I think I should. That was a short, long-winded answer.

Gresham Harkless 13:17

That's another great answer. I love your long-winded answers. Because it's like your why is so much stronger, and your why was so much stronger, because you wanted to, remember your mom and all the great things that she's done for you, but also to pass that forward. So that was stronger than your desire, you know, maybe not to do the selling and all the aspects of you know, building and growing that book. So your why was so much stronger than that. And that emotional connection to your mom is kind of manifested itself in your kind of talking about your book and pushing your book out.

Jasmin Terrany 13:42

Yeah, exactly. And it's that understanding that all the ways in which I need to grow, to get into social media and sell things and do interviews and all these different things are all the ways in which I'm challenging myself to grow outside my comfort zone. And when I have my why, as you said, as something that is bigger than me in it, it's a must, instead of a should.

Gresham Harkless 14:03

I love it. Awesome, awesome, awesome. And now I wanted to ask you what is my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of being a CEO. And we're hoping to have different CEOs on this podcast. And I want to ask you specifically what being a CEO means to you.

Jasmin Terrany 14:16

I think that essentially it's being a leader is, is being able to have a vision and be so clear and connected to that vision that other people kind of want to get into that orbit with you. So it's kind of like you're the planet and having other people come into that orbit and wanting to be on that mission with you.

That alignment with the Mind Body Soul is kind of always what I come back to but so on the logical level of all the kinds of daily tasks and the things that need to get done and go, go, go and do, do, do right but essentially, people only do things well when their heart is in it. So, the deeper that your heart is in it, and the clearer and more aligned you are, the more you're inspiring people to get done, what needs to be done.

Gresham Harkless 15:07

Exactly that makes perfect sense. Well, Jasmin, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out of your schedule to kind of speak with us and tell us a little bit about your story and your book and your mom, and all those awesome things that you've had in your life. But I want to do is pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional, you let our readers and our listeners know how to get a copy of your book, and then also how to get in touch with you.

Jasmin Terrany 15:27

So yeah, just go to my website, You can get the hardcover copy of my book there and on Amazon, you can get the paperback on my website, you can join my weekly nuggets of love that I send to my emails, and I'm happy to take on more clients. So if you're interested in working with me individually, that's something there are a few slots available. My kids just went to school full-time. So I have a few more slots available during the day to take on some new clients as well.

Gresham Harkless 16:01

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, thank you so much again, Jasmin, for taking some time out and being so authentic and transparent with us about everything that you've gone through and everything you're doing to help out so many people in this world. So I truly appreciate you and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Jasmin Terrany 16:15

I appreciate it too. This was great.

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Outro 16:17

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at

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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:26

Hello, hello, hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Jasmin Terrany of Jasmin, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Jasmin Terrany 0:38

Thank you so much for having me.

Gresham Harkless 0:40

No problem. I'm super excited to have you on the show. And what I want to do is just read a little bit more about Jasmin so you can hear about all the awesome things that she is doing. And Jasmin Terrany is a Personal Life Expert. As a licensed psychotherapist with two master's degree from Columbia University, Jasmin invented Life Therapy, a revolutionary method that combines Psychotherapy & Coaching with Mindfulness & Meditation. In private practice since 2007, Jasmin helps professionals find success in their personal lives where they're struggling with relationships, anxiety, confidence, body image, or parenting, Jasmin has practical tools to create extraordinary lives. In addition to being a leader in her field. She is a published author, public speaker, world traveler and most importantly, a mom. Her passion project is her book “Extraordinary Mommy: A Loving Guide to Mastering Life's Most Important Job.” Jasmin, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community.

Jasmin Terrany 1:36

I am thank you so much.

Gresham Harkless 1:38

No problem, no problem. And the first question that I have was if we can just hear a little bit more about what led you to start your business and what your CEO story is?

Jasmin Terrany 1:46

Well, there's kind of two chapters to the story. I graduated college and I thought I knew I wanted to get into some psychology field. And I thought that I wanted to get into industrial organizational psychology, which is really kind of the psychology of business as leadership skills and team development and things of that nature. And then once I got my first job, I realized that it was all about the bottom line and all about making money. And it just didn't really align with my soul. So I had kind of a, like a challenging first year out of college of what am I supposed to be doing. And I decided to go to Costa Rica for a few months and volunteer to kind of just get away and get clear about what my heart really wanted. I was doing all this journaling. And it just felt like I had to figure something out that I couldn't figure out with my head, I needed to kind of tap into my heart. And when I was there, what I realized was that I really enjoyed speaking with the people, more than I enjoyed thinking about the systems and the ways in which things could be improved. I really gained much more value and felt like I added more value through just talking to the people. So that was my realization that this was going to be my journey about personal development was really the thing that woke me up or were the conversations that I always wanted to have. And so that's the direction that I decided to go into. So fast forward a few years, I went to Columbia got my master's, I started my private practice. And you know, I've been doing that for about a decade now. And I see all my clients virtually actually a little over a decade since 2007, right. And I see all my clients virtually, and it's lovely, and it's fulfilling. And it's beautiful to be able to help people in such profound ways and make these deep, intimate connections. But then about three years ago, my I grew up in this amazing home and had this beautiful upbringing. And I have had this very special, unique mom, my dad is awesome, too. But my mom was really the foundation of my home. And about three years ago, she was coming to meet me for lunch. And, and she didn't show up. And she actually died in a car accident that day. So essentially, you know, that was the hardest day year experience of my life. And a year later, on the actual anniversary of her death, my daughter was born. So it was full circle, she died. And exactly that day, my daughter came into this world. And so it was a pretty profound experience for me. And this book kind of came just came through me and I realized that, this work that I've been doing my whole life and has kind of been preparing me for this new shift in my career is that this deep inner work and being able to take care of yourself from the inside out is really what is necessary in parenthood. And how we take care of ourselves essentially determines the type of love and what our children receive. And so I received this extraordinary parenting and I want to make sure that my kids get it too. So I wrote this book, essentially putting together all these 10 nuggets of extraordinary parenting that I received from the perspective of me as a mother, and as a therapist, and as a daughter of the recipient of this extraordinary upbringing, and so now I'm shifting gears into getting my book out into the world. So I still have my private practice. But now I'm doing speaking, and conferences, and selling books, and podcasts and interviews and all these things so that I can, I guess, live on the legacy that my mom left and realize that the reason I really believe that the reason she died is so that I could find the courage to share.

Gresham Harkless 5:32

That's awesome. And I'm sure your mom is definitely looking down upon you doing all the awesome things that you're doing. She's super proud. And I of course, I know your daughter is as well, too. So I appreciate you telling us and breaking that story down to us. So we can hear exactly like what led you to do what it is that you do. And I know you touched a little bit upon it, could you tell us I guess a little bit more about your private practice, but also your book and what that entails and how that helps serve the clients that you work with.

Jasmin Terrany 5:58

Well, my private practice, I actually see people over Zoom or phone, I just switched from Skype to Zoom. So I'm feeling more tech savvy these days. But I work with professionals, people who are usually highly achievement oriented and who are often feeling unfulfilled in other areas of their life, they generally have a lot of focus in their work, but haven't quite been able to be as successful in whether it's finding relationship being in a relationship with their health, their body and with their confidence with their anxiety. It's a lot of what goes on inside of us. There's kind of doers and there's beers and I think people who are really exceptional go, go, go, do, do, do, accomplish, accomplish, often lack the skills to really feel fulfilled. It's kind of like the science of achievement versus the art of fulfillment. And people who are often figuring out that science of achievement are lacking in the art of fulfillment. So kind of all of those personal life softer skills is really where I excel. And that's how I support people. So we meet each week, and and we work from there. And I like I mentioned I integrate, I'm traditionally change in psychotherapy, but I also have certifications and coaching kind of Tony Robbins coaching Neuro Linguistic Programming. And my upbringing is all a more Eastern and spiritual, like I was meditating, my mom was meditating with us as kids. And so we were, little. So there's meditation, and mindfulness is all integrated in there, too. So it's what I call life therapy.

Gresham Harkless 7:26

Makes perfect sense. And, and now I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce, which is what you feel kind of distinguishes you or sets you apart. So do you have an example for us that you can give.

Jasmin Terrany 7:34

Yeah, I mean, I think that my secret sauce, I was actually thinking about this recently, I was at a conference and I was talking to, I had a few, I think, three different experiences where I was talking to these professional, middle aged man who had been super successful in their lives, and we're talking all of a sudden, whatever it is, that I'm saying, or however it is, that I'm interacting with them is bringing them to tears, and then getting them emotional, and it's not the type of thing that you experienced on a regular basis, and especially with these types of, men, and I realized that it's in alignment with my book, and with my practices that I give love, I love people in a way that oftentimes they weren't able to receive from their parents, this unconditioned, and when I say love, it's not like, like, it's not like, legally, it's like unconditional acceptance, it's giving people the space to be completely seen, and to be known and to be vulnerable and to be witnessed. And to really delve into the depths of what it is that is going on inside of them and to let it be okay, and to have someone there to support them as they go through it and process it, and uncover and take care of everything that goes on inside of them. And it's a matter of letting people transform the way that their soul needs to transform and giving them the loving space and the guidance to do so that was a long winded answer.

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Gresham Harkless 8:56

That's a great answer. Because a lot of times, you know, people just want to be heard and accepted. So like you said, if you giving that opportunity for people to, you know, have that feeling within themselves, and I definitely can understand why even the strongest among this, so to speak, would, maybe be brought to tears, because that's something that everybody wants to be accepted for?

Jasmin Terrany 9:13

Yeah, and everyone wants to be seen, and we have up all these layers, and you have all these ways in regard ourselves, and we're protecting ourselves, we have to be strong. And I think that there's so much strength in our vulnerability and our ability to to be comfortable with ourselves. I think that's the true it's true strength and helping people do so isn't really a profound way to make a living.

Gresham Harkless 9:35

Yeah, absolutely. I think that's an example of a secret sauce. So I appreciate you for sharing that with us. And I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack. And this might be an app or a book or a habit that you have, but it's something that makes you more effective and efficient as an entrepreneur business owner.

Jasmin Terrany 9:50

This one of the good one I've actually come up with recently, and I'm still not fully good at it. But every time I do it, I'm like, Yes, I have to because every day one is starting my day with exercise, I actually started waking up like dark in the dark and I exercise before everyone gets up. And it makes such a difference to start my day intentionally versus just kind of like get out of bed and just kind of roll into reaction mode of like, okay, go, go, go gotta do this got to do this, it's amazing to be awake and ready and prepared for when the day starts. And then the other one is on the same line is not just jumping into my emails and responding to things is sitting down deciding what it is that I want to achieve that day giving myself a top three, right, because what I do is I Oh, I genuinely think that I can do more than actually can do. And then I'm just as big and jumbled, I sit down and decide what are my top three things that I'm going to achieve that day. And I focus only on those things and don't open my emails, or respond to anybody else, or get open anything else that's distracting until those are done. And I even set up a time when I'm supposed to look at my emails, because otherwise you just wake up, you start responding to email, you start doing what everybody else is requiring of you. And you're not deciding what you need to do for you first.

Gresham Harkless 10:11

Exactly. Now, those are two great examples, because you got to make sure that you keep your cup filled in by working out. And definitely by making sure that you're not in a reaction to what everything the world needs, you're actually you know, taking care of yourself are great examples of CEO hacks.

Jasmin Terrany 11:17

Meditation isn't as another one to the starting the day of your meditation, the exercise and meditation before you do anything else.

Gresham Harkless 11:24

Exactly. And now I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And a CEO nugget could be like a word of wisdom or piece of advice or something that you would tell your younger business self.

Jasmin Terrany 11:33

This, I just realized this actually recently is that when you feel stuck, the reason that you feel stuck, and you can't get out of your stuckness is because if you have an emotional reason for staying stuck, you need an emotional reason for changing. And if you have a logical reason for staying stuck, you need a logical reason for changing. So for example, I had a very emotional reason for writing this book, right? It's like it came through me it was my soul's destiny to write this book. And then all of a sudden, it's like, oh, I got to sell this book, I should sell this book, people should read this book, this is good. People should read it right. But then then there's this logical, like, I don't like sales, I don't want to do this. That seems it's not really the intention. And it had this kind of logical reason for why I should, quote-unquote, should sell that book. And so what I realized is that I needed to have my reason for selling the book be emotional, too, because I was feeling really stuck from in not wanting to sell it like logically wanting to but not soulfully wanting to and I had to find my like emotional reason, my soul reason for wanting to sell the book. And I realized that this is why my mom died, that this is my destiny that she died so that I would have the courage to share this wisdom that I so gratefully received, and that all children deserve to be loved and seen and understood the way that my brother and I were, and that this is the ripple effect, and that her death wasn't in vain. And so all of a sudden, the selling feels much more of a soul's calling, rather than a logical thing that I'm just doing, because I think I should. That was a short, long winded answer.

Gresham Harkless 13:17

That's another great answer. I love your long winded answers. Because it's like your why is so much stronger, and your why was so much stronger, because you wanted to, remember your mom and all the great things that she's done for you, but also to pass that forward. So that was stronger than your desire, you know, maybe not to do the selling and all the aspects of you know, building and growing that book. So your why was so much stronger than that. And that emotional connection to your mom is kind of manifested itself in you kind of talking about your book and pushing your book out.

Jasmin Terrany 13:42

Yeah, exactly. And it's that understanding that all the ways in which I need to grow, to get into social media and sell things and do interviews and all these different things are all the ways in which I'm challenging myself to grow outside my comfort zone. And when I have my why, like you said, as something that is bigger than me in it, it's a must, instead of a should.

Gresham Harkless 14:03

I love it. Awesome, awesome, awesome. And now I wanted to ask you for what is my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of being a CEO. And we're hoping to have different CEOs on this podcast. And I want to ask you specifically what does being a CEO mean to you?

Jasmin Terrany 14:16

I think that essentially it's being a leader is, is being able to have a vision and be so clear and connected to that vision that other people kind of want to get into that orbit with you. So it's kind of like you're the planet and having other people come into that orbit and wanting to be on that mission with you. That alignment with the Mind Body Soul is kind of always what I come back to but so on the logical level of all the kinds of daily tasks and the things that need to get done and go, go, go and do, do, do right but essentially, people only do things well when their heart is in it. So, the deeper that your heart is in it, and the clearer and more aligned you are, the more you're inspiring people to get done, what needs to be done.

Gresham Harkless 15:07

Exactly that makes perfect sense. Well, Jasmin, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out of your schedule to kind of speak with us and tell us a little bit about your story and your book and your mom and all those awesome things that you've had in your life. But I want to do is pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional, you let our readers and our listeners know how to get a copy of your book, and then also how to get in touch with you.

Jasmin Terrany 15:27

So yeah, just go to my website, You can get the hardcover copy of my book there and on Amazon, you can get the paperback and on my website, you can join my weekly nuggets of love that I send to my emails, and I'm happy to take on more clients. So if you're interested in working with me individually, that's something there's a few slots available. My kids just went to school full time. So I have a few more slots available during the day to take on some new clients as well.

Gresham Harkless 16:01

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, thank you so much again, Jasmin for taking some time out and being so authentic and transparent with us about everything that you've gone through and everything you're doing to help out so many people in this world. So I truly appreciate you and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Jasmin Terrany 16:15

I appreciate it too. This was great.

Outro 16:17

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

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