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Caroline Kalentzos
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Guest Bio

Caroline Kalentzos is the CEO + Head Doll at POSH PR® and Brand Influencer at @thecarolinedoll on Instagram. She has been recognized as a social media expert by Forbes, is an international speaker, and has worked with clients like Tiffany & Co. and Saks Fifth Avenue. Caroline started POSH PR® with the intention of working with fashion, beauty and lifestyle entrepreneurs to elevate their brands in order to create the life they had always dreamed of—just like she did when starting her company. Now, she’s running a full-service agency with services that range from Branding, PR, Social Media Management, and Content Creation.

I AM CEO Podcast Episode

Business Name
Short Business Description
Caroline Kalentzos is the CEO + Head Doll at POSH PR® and Brand Influencer at @thecarolinedoll on Instagram. She has been recognized as a social media expert by Forbes, is an international speaker, and has worked with clients like Tiffany & Co. and Saks Fifth Avenue. Caroline started POSH PR® with the intention of working with fashion, beauty and lifestyle entrepreneurs to elevate their brands in order to create the life they had always dreamed of—just like she did when starting her company. Now, she’s running a full-service agency with services that range from Branding, PR, Social Media Management, and Content Creation.
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