IAM1485 – Coach Helps Individuals Turn Adversity into Victory

Podcast Interview with Angelina Rosario

Angelina Rosario’s motto is “Turn pain into purpose”. While leading the sales department in one of the top media markets in the country, she was diagnosed with a disfiguring, fast-growing tumor in her face the size of a baseball. As a result, she underwent four major surgeries, removing five teeth, a nerve, and bone from her right hip, which left her barely walking or talking. She created the 5×5 Success Habits to achieve a complete recovery, a true testimony that even extreme adversity can be turned into victory. Since then, she has influenced thousands of people by teaching them that applying this method to trials, setbacks, and fears is a secret weapon to overcoming any challenge and becoming the best version of themselves. Angelina implements these strategies throughout all her activities: As a sales leader, certified ICF coach, author, speaker, and entrepreneur.

  • CEO Story: Angelina’s turning point was when she was diagnosed with a tumor on her face. She went into major surgeries and miracles did happen as she continued to declare healing and dedicated her life to serving and helping people through her life testimony of turning adversity into victory. Coaching others to overcome challenges and use them for a purpose.
  • Business Service: 1-on-1 coaching and corporate coaching. Speaker. Mastermind program.
  • Secret Sauce: Awareness, science, ability to simplify processes from complex and execute them. Strength finder, strategic.
  • CEO Hack: Self-conversation with your employees or clients and journal your thoughts and emotions. Start asking empowering questions. Create space and intentionality.
  • CEO Nugget: Creating consistency in your life. Be very clear on your intention and your niche.
  • CEO Defined: Being multi-dimensional. Maximizing God-given talent.


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00:27 – Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harker values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:54 – Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Angelina Rosario of Angelina, super excited to have you on the show.

01:05 – Angelina Rosario

So excited to be here. Thank you for having me.

01:07 – Gresham Harkless

Yes, this should be a great time. Before we jumped into that interview, I wanted to read a little bit more about Angelina so you could hear about some of those awesome things. And Angelina's motto is to turn pain into purpose. While leading the sales department in 1 of the top media markets in the country, she was diagnosed with a disfiguring, fast-growing tumor in her face the size of a baseball. As a result, she underwent 4 major surgeries, removing 5 teeth, a nerve, and a bone from her right hip, which left her barely walking or talking.

She created the five-by-five success habits to achieve a complete recovery, a true testimony that even extreme adversity can be turned into victory. Since then, she has influenced thousands of people by teaching them that applying this method to trials, setbacks, and fears is a secret weapon to overcome any challenge in becoming the best version of themselves. Angelina implements these strategies throughout all her activities as a sales leader, certified ICF coach, author, speaker, and entrepreneur, and super excited to hear about it on the show today. Angelina, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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02:11 – Angelina Rosario

Yes, I am. Thank you. Yes, yes, yes. Wow, that bio sounds way better from your mouth.

02:17 – Gresham Harkless

There we go. It's probably even better when you're doing it. You do all the hard work. I just get to read it out. So I imagine that I got the easy end of the stick.

02:25 – Angelina Rosario

Yes, you do.

02:26 – Gresham Harkless

Awesome, awesome, awesome. So I know it's that, Shana, when I read your bio a little bit, but I wanted to rewind the clock, and hear a little bit more about your CEO's story so that you get started with all the awesome work you're doing.

02:35 – Angelina Rosario

Yeah, yeah. It was actually, I mean, going back to the bio, it really is where my story started. I was diagnosed with a tumor. It was the size of a baseball. And that left me really contemplating my entire life and my purpose, right? And why am I here? And so 1 specific day in ICU, I really didn't have anything left in me, no more energy, my positivity had dwindled, and everything just seemed to have been going backward for me. And I asked, you know, the creator of the universe, I call it God, you can call it whatever you want. I said, if you can help me do this, if I, if you can work out a miracle, I promise to devote my life and helping others do the same.

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And miracles after miracles did happen to the point that they used my case as a study. And when I created, she fixes what I've been able to, you know 5 by 5 success stories that I've learned along the way to help others really just overcome challenges and use it for a purpose. It's really just teaching others how to discover their purpose here on earth.

03:44 – Gresham Harkless

I appreciate you sharing your story and you know, all the sometimes like behind-the-scenes things. A lot of times you see people become successful. You know, they do all these things. You don't sometimes see those dark moments and I appreciate you so much for sharing that because I think we don't really sometimes hear the entire journey of somebody's success, we only see that side. We don't necessarily see the side that wasn't as much success, but it ends up being like if that didn't happen, a lot of times it propels us into where we ultimately should be.

04:13 – Angelina Rosario

Absolutely. This is why I say don't hate on anyone's path because you had no idea what kind of fire they had to go through. And usually with a lot of success because of a lot of challenges that weren't expected, it could be in any aspect of your life, right? So I am a firm believer in just, hey, you know, celebrate those wins that other people are other people are having. And yeah, because I know I wouldn't be who I am today. She fixes the crown definitely would have never been created. I've never would have been an author. None of it would have happened if it wasn't for that challenging season in my life.

04:46 – Gresham Harkless

Absolutely. It reminds me so much of this quote, it's always darkest before dawn. And it kind of sounds like that could be like, I guess a little brother, a little sister to the 5 by 5 method, just because it's the ability to understand that those difficulties, those challenges sometimes have pearls of wisdom and maybe even opportunity with them.

05:03 – Angelina Rosario

Yeah, yeah. Well, the 5 by 5, I mean, it was again in ICU. I was left without being able to talk or walk. So I just started studying, you know, Tony Robbins and Abraham Higgs. I started studying a lot of folks who have gone Oprah Winfrey, who had had a home share of hell. And so I'm like, what makes these people overcome all these challenges and really create a path that what they've always wanted to do? And not just mediocre, like these people are living a life full out. And I just started studying them for hours of hours of hours of time. And the data that I kept getting back was the mindset and how important is the mindset. And the mindset was got, I had to shift it and it's not always easy.

And then it wasn't really articulated and very simple jargon. It just sounded out of very religious, or something way to woo and spiritual or science to scientific. I'm like, why are they complicating all of this? And then you have to go to all these types of resources to really try to put your own story together and figure out what works for you. And I'm like, I'm gonna simplify this process and I'm gonna call it a 5 by 5 success habit. And I figured out if I woke up early in the morning and I didn't prime my mind. It was a downward spiral for me because it would control my entire day.

So that's the 5 by 5 success habits. You start early in the morning, as soon as you get up, and it's really just 5 minutes of inspiration, you can call that prayer, 5 minutes of meditation, 5 minutes of visualization, 5 minutes of journaling, and 5 minutes of affirmation. And that alone just kind of kept my mind. And I realized that when I dare skip a day I figure I'll do it in the afternoon. I wasn't the nicest person. I was creating these negative narratives in my mindset of the worst scenario because doctors were saying the worst scenario was gonna happen and I had to keep my mind on what I felt could happen. Why not, right? So, it builds resiliency.

07:03 – Gresham Harkless

That makes so much sense. And I definitely, I'm envisioning it as kind of like the 5 legs of a stool, so to speak, where you need to have each of those that you are, you know, set for success. So I wanted to drill down a little bit here a little bit more on how you're working with serving your clients. Can you take us through a little bit more on what that looks like and how you're making that impact?

07:24 – Angelina Rosario

Yeah, it's either on a one-on-one basis. So that's on 1 on 1 coaching. I also speak on different platforms. So sometimes just speaking to the masses and having them, you know, we've I've had a mastermind program. I've done that. I've also just published a book where I guess I didn't just publish a book. I came up with a book about 2 years ago. Thank you for walking away. So A lot of, my methods are shared in that book. And I'm just starting to write the 5 by 5 that should be done by the end of this year, just to kind of break down each of the methods and how you can apply it and all the data that I collected that will be in the book.

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But it really is more of that one-on-one. I've done corporate coaching as well, bringing these studies and the rituals or the tools. They have different names depending on what company I'm coaching, and how to apply this because of well-being, especially during COVID, brought a lot, brought about a lot of challenges mentally that people were dealing with. And they were making these life-changing decisions just because I think it put everything COVID put everything in perspective. And so I was able to come in, have those conversations, because the well-being is a big part of any organization at this point.

08:36 – Gresham Harkless

And I almost wonder if th the secret sauce. It could be yourself or a combination of that ability and awareness you have where you talked able to kind of, you know, I want to say marry the awareness, the science aspect, along with the actual things, then simplify it so that people can understand it and be able to execute it. Do you think that your ability to be able to kind of see those, you know, separate things and bring it into something that people can kind of execute? Do you think that's actually a part of what makes you unique?

09:06 – Angelina Rosario

I think so. I mean, I've done, I don't know if everyone knows Gallup, which is your strength finder. So strategic strategy is my number 2, right? So I know how to take anything and just simplify it because I think sometimes, especially in today's world, I mean, think about how many things we're served with, how many notifications we get. And part of it is just like, you feel just so indicted with all this information versus simplifying the process. It's just, I want some people trying to make it more complex and make it sound like I'm the, you know, the it factor. And that's the reason I'm so special, but really, anyone can do it.

So I think, yeah, my strength is taking something that's very complex and simplifying the process so someone can do it for everyone. You know, I think the books, the resources, the articles, they're available to everyone. But I just feel like it's just become very complex depending on who's telling the story or whoever is, if they're more of a mathematician or a scientist, I'm like, okay, I don't even know what words you use, but I'm gonna go ahead and look for it and I'm gonna simplify this whole process. I'm like, really, you meant Apple? You could have just said Apple, right? So it's just as simple as that.

So yeah, I agree. Everyone has gifts. I actually tell all my clients and even my employees that we do the strength finder. And it is great because if you can just really focus on your strengths. So part of finding your purpose is knowing your strengths and it guides you. It gives you your top, I say top 5. You can buy the whole, it's 34 talents that they give you. No 1, and automatically as human beings we're gravitating to number 34 and debating that that's not true, that no, I'm not that. However, you should be focusing on your top 5.

10:59 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, that makes so much sense and it almost feels like that's the CEO hack that you feel makes you more effective and efficient. And I appreciate you drilling out more because I see it less so much as legs of a stool now to like tools in a toolbox where you have those opportunities. If you only have 5 minutes like you mentioned, you can pull that tool out and be able to use and execute on that to make sure that you start your day and start your week or whatever off on the right foot.

11:24 – Angelina Rosario

Yeah. I mean, you have to have tough conversations with your employees or your vendors or whoever that you're or your clients. And 1 of the things you don't want to come across as a jerk, right? So it's just like, you want to be able to be straightforward, address the facts, how do you address it? And I find myself doing that a lot. Like, I'm like, all right, how am I supposed to address this? I usually have a journal, which I do have a free journal on my website as well. So they can go, I mean, I really journaling is really important, just your thoughts. Cause I, when you internalize a lot of those emotions, it's just, that you may not even know how to deal with it. It may have come across in different factors.

Like I see people just like, you know, cursing someone out for no reason. I'm like, all right, something's wrong. I don't know which part of your life, but in that isolated space where you're able to journal your thoughts or emotions and just really feel yourself through and how you're feeling, it brings up things like, where are these emotions coming from? This person triggered something in me. I feel disrespected. Why do I feel disrespected? So you start asking yourself empowering questions because you're a leader. You don't want to start your day at cranky. Your employees, your clients, and everyone is counting on you to lead the team.

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So you have to lead by example and you can lead by example if you wake up with no, you know, with no clear plan on how that day looks like for you, what success looks like for you and your team this week or that day.

12:48 – Gresham Harkless

Absolutely. So would you consider that to be what I like to call a CEO nugget? That could be a little bit more words of wisdom or a piece of advice. I usually say it might be something that might be in your previous book, your upcoming book, or something you might tell your younger business self.

13:03 – Angelina Rosario

Basically creating consistency in your life. I don't have a quote right now, but I would tell you that for me with this world that seems to be changing your algorithm on social media, YouTube is this, finding out if we're talking about running your business, it really is finding out your niche and staying consistent with it and not making sure that you're not constantly following the trend because that will make you inconsistent. You jump would you become very consistent and OK, I learned that on LinkedIn. I should be posting once a week.

And this is the content that I should be posting. However, now you get another article or something else, someone else saying, TikTok is where is that? So this is where I say my nugget is to be very clear about what you're trying to accomplish know your niche and stay consistent because if you jump around you're just going to get frustrated and not really accomplish anything and lose your audience along the way.

So in a world that can be very noisy and telling you this is the way, this is the way I have a book or I have a program, I have this, I have that. Figure out what it is that you are doing, the audience that you wanna go after, or the audience that you're in, and just stay there no matter what's happening, stay there.

14:16 – Gresham Harkless

Very powerful. So I was asking you now my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO, we're open to having different quote-unquote CEOs on this show. So Angelina, what does being a CEO mean to you?

14:25 – Angelina Rosario

Okay, so for me, I think a CEO, it really is about being multi-dimensional for me, because I don't, I don't, the way that I'm driven, the way that I think, I feel like I touch all aspects of every business. Not only does she fix crowns, I also touch them at my broadcast, the broadcasting company I work for, for the stages that I'm on. And what I think my sole purpose to me, my CEO is making, you know, maximizing God-given talents. So when I see someone who is emotionally stuck or feels that they don't have any purpose. I feel like I have been called, that's my CEO role, to step in and really shift that energy so they can see their God-given gifts, so they can live the remainder of their life and their purpose.

15:14 – Gresham Harkless

Angelina, truly appreciate that definition. Of course, I appreciate your time even more. So what I want to do now is pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know. And of course, how best people can get out of you, get a copy of your books, and your forthcoming book, and find out about all the awesome things that you're working on.

15:31 – Angelina Rosario

Absolutely, no. Well, thank you for having me. I hope that the 5 b is something that they go away. If you want to go into my website, she f I don't know if you will have it anywhere on the screen so they can see it. Perfect. And also check me out on Instagram or Facebook again, she fixes crowns.

15:54 – Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. We'll definitely be eagerly awaiting, you know, that launch and you know, all the awesome things, just like Angelina spoke about, we will have the links and information the show knows as well too so that everybody can get a copy of the book, follow up, follow you find out about all the awesome things that you're working on and you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

16:08 – Angelina Rosario

All right, you too.

16:09 – Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.


Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

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