IAM413 – Podcaster and Creator Improves Businesses’ Visibility Online

Podcast Interview with Jacklyn Thrapp

Emmy Award-Winning Journalist. Creator & executive producer of the Off-Broadway Musical Good Morning New York. “Making A Musical Podcast” host.

  • CEO Hack: Monday.com for organization
  • CEO Nugget: Pay people from what you get in sales but not from your pocket
  • CEO Defined: It's about the work and not the title

Website: https://www.goodmorningnewyorkmusical.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goodmorningnewyorkmusical/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GMNYMusical

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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place, Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:29

Hello, this is Gresh from the I am CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today Jacklyn Thrapp of making a musical podcast Jacklyn, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Jacklyn Thrapp 0:39

Hi there, nice to be on the show. I'm excited for it.

Gresham Harkless 0:43

Me too. Super excited to have you on. And I wanted to read a little bit more about Jacklyn so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. Jacklyn is an Emmy award-winning journalist, creator, and executive producer of the Off-Broadway Musical Good Morning, New York. She also is the host of The Making a Musical podcast. Jacklyn, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO Community?

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Jacklyn Thrapp 1:04

Yes, yes, I am.

Gresham Harkless 1:05

Awesome. Let's do it. So the question is, let's do it. So to kick everything off, I wanted to hear a little bit more about what I call your CEO story. What led you to get started with your podcast?

Jacklyn Thrapp 1:16

Definitely. So I think maybe with all small businesses, I know definitely. For mine, I initially was a writer, and I was trying to find a way to produce my musical or get it produced. And it's pretty hard to get yourself produced in the entertainment industry. So I just started my own company to produce my own stuff. And then once in a while, I'll produce other people's stuff.

And in the podcast, I started because I feel like I talked about musical theater so much. And a lot of my friends are not in musical theater. So I use the podcast as an outlet to find what I'm doing. And to get that excitement out of posts is like going on for two hours with friends who are not involved in musical theater, wonderful friends. I love that they listen, but they don't need you. So that's why I started the podcast.

And now we have a fun community of writers and producers all across the nation that produce their stuff, they ask the questions and our podcast basically follows the entire development of creating an Off-Broadway show. So it started a year ago, more than a year ago, where we were just like, hey, we just finished a run at a 30-seat theater. And now we want to go off-Broadway, but we don't know how to do it.

So every week, we're just gonna have a podcast and let you know what we're doing to try to get there. And over a year, we went from having, you know, scripts but no venue to getting a theater, having a theater choose us for our free space. And now we're casting. So it's been fun.

Gresham Harkless 2:41

Nice. I definitely love that. And I appreciate that. Especially, you know, one of the reasons I started a lot of the blogs and podcasts myself is because I wanted to interview some entrepreneurs and business owners and find out how to start a business.

And in much of the same way, I didn't want to flood my Facebook profile at that time with a bunch of business posts and things like that, because I knew my friends weren't necessarily doing that. So I completely understand where you're coming from.

Jacklyn Thrapp 3:04

Right? Yeah, you got it's a good outlet. And I think, yeah, I think for me, it just came to a point where I pretty much had to start a business. And I had this podcast. Well, I have a background and broadcast anyway. So I love it all. But now it's nice to finally you know, find a way to capitalize on some of that.

Gresham Harkless 3:22

Yeah, absolutely. And I love the fact that you kind of talked about, you know, trying to find a way, and when there wasn't necessarily a way you decided to create it yourself. And I think that's the beauty of this day and age where we have so many kinds of tools to create content, and then create information, create podcasts, and so on and so forth.

Jacklyn Thrapp 3:39

Right, because I think that aside from podcasts, too, even when it comes to influencer marketing, there are so many third-party platforms that connect companies to kind of smaller influencers with only a few 100 followers, not even influencers. They're just kind of people, but there are so many companies that are connected.

And pretty much anybody can follow their interests, and capitalize on them, you might make something you might not, but still, it's in our world. And in our day and age, you can completely capitalize on everything that you throw out into the world. I love it.

Gresham Harkless 4:10

Yeah, I love it too. And especially in this day and age where there's, you know, like the influencers, but now there's micro-influencers. So if you have an interest.

Jacklyn Thrapp 4:18


Gresham Harkless 4:18

Something you can definitely pursue, create a podcast, create a blog, and then there's usually on the other side, you know because there's consumers that are searching for whatever it is that you're providing, and it might be so niche that you're the only one that actually loves it and, and creates content around it. You can basically, you know, create an Empire around that, so to speak.

Jacklyn Thrapp 4:39

Right, because even what I do for my podcast, too, I did a brief documentary on influencer marketing, but that's kind of a separate thing. And I kind of learned how it works. So basically in the documentary, all I was doing was trying to figure out how it works. So I'd have companies you sign up for this third-party website, they have a company send you something and then they pay you 30 bucks if you post about it.

So that's what I did for the podcast for the end was a marketing documentary. But then I brought it to my podcast, where I started going to networking events in New York City. And I started, these are like new companies with a startup. Maybe they have an IndieGoGo page, and they're trying to get funded, or publicity.

And I say, Hey, I have a podcast that will open your business to the Off-Broadway world, are you interested in paying $30? Or I think my rate was $25. And we'll give you 1005 bucks, we'll give you an ad, we'll play it until we hit 1000. Listen. So we had a lot of companies just kind of pay me like 25 bucks here and there. And slowly, it's you know, I don't make anything I think I've made like, I don't know, less than $100 off the pot.

But that's okay. Because that's not my goal. In general,, my goal is to have it as an outlet to promote my Off-Broadway Musical that opens in January.

Gresham Harkless 5:50

Nice way, I definitely approach that. That's why I appreciate you for bringing that up. Because I think that a lot of times people also use podcasts as a way to kind of mark it in brand as well, to kind of sounds like you're doing something, you're doing two things, it sounds like because you are generating some revenue, but at the same time, you're also using it as a way to kind of promote your musical.

Jacklyn Thrapp 6:12

Right, because it first started as a way for me to just talk and get it out. Because there was so much energy and excitement around my show, I had to have something to get it out. And then it started becoming a marketing tool, where people who listen to the podcast started buying some tickets and some shirts, because I sell shirts for the show, too. So I started selling some things that way. And I mean, oh, what I did for the podcast, too. It's just a tool.

I think a lot of people get into podcasting because they think there's money out of, I don't know, I don't think there's a lot of money in it. But you know, that's just me. But I'm sure for others there are but I use that podcast as a tool to get into the Tony nomination ceremony. And to get into the OB awards. Like because a lot of these award ceremonies, don't ask your listener count.

So you say hey, I have 73 listeners, probably not the best. But if you say, Hey, I'm up to make me musical podcast. Can I get a press pass for this really prestigious event? They'll probably get one.

Gresham Harkless 7:0

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.

Jacklyn Thrapp 7:05

I use it as big. And then I brought like my mic flag for my musical Good Morning, New York. It's about news. So we kind of posed as reporters for Good Morning, New York. And we had all this publicity through that, too. So my point is, I guess I just use every resource I have. I try to capitalize on all of it. I don't, but I try.

Gresham Harkless 7:24

Yeah, go ahead.

Jacklyn Thrapp 7:28

Oh, well, I was gonna say is like, the podcast is great. The main thing that I consider myself a CEO of is just my company as a whole, which is a musical theater producer, because I had to raise $13,000 with investors, and then like in the IndieGoGo page, and then some so for me being a CEO, that it's more about my Off-Broadway company, and in the podcast, and the shirts, and all the other stuff I do is just a branch of my whole company.

Gresham Harkless 7:57

Yeah, absolutely. No, I appreciate you for breaking that down. And I think that's the beauty of podcasting. Actually, exactly what you spoke to, because I think it provides a certain level of credibility. When you do have like a podcast or a platform, it could be even like a blog or whatever to attach to, like a business. And I think that's a really big opportunity.

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So I appreciate you tremendously for breaking that down. And, I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce, and this could be for you or your organization. But what do you feel kind of sets you apart and makes you unique?

Jacklyn Thrapp 8:25

Oh, what sets the stage? Okay, a few things? Well, when it comes to me as an off-Broadway producer, I think that there are not a lot of commercial female, Off-Broadway producers in their 20s I think I'm one of the few I haven't met any others. And if I have, they're certainly not making money from it. I think. I think that's what makes me a little different. But also, I always my secret is making my team and anything I do seem much bigger than it is.

So for example, when we did the casting, like when we cast for our shows, I'd invite my aunt, and some of my friends just sit at the table with me even if it's just me and a director, I want an actor to come in and do like a panel of six people that all seem to be involved because it makes it seem big and marketing to I use them upwork.com To make graphics and artwork.

So many talented people, but I think it's all about the image so you can find somebody to if you have no money and you're starting a company you can find someone to make a logo for I know graphic designers are gonna kill me for this. But someone can make a logo for you for $25 and then you can make that they can give you a few versions, where there's one for your company then a transparent one that you can put on shirts.

And then you can go to teespring.com to create your shirt for free and then sell it and make a profit without ever having to produce it. So, my poster boy, I tried to make it start off. I tried to make things seem much much much bigger than they are with the I post all the time. And, yeah, there's no money, but I don't act like there's no money. I act like I have all the money. People get confused. They get so confused.

Like, sometimes I remember when I was casting for like, set designer and I was casting for actors, people get really confused when they see oh, wow, you have our viewers from the Daily News, the CBS New York and you have this logo, and you have all this hype, but your pay sucks. It's like yeah, that's because there's no money in this I'm just really good at blowing smoke up the media. But

Gresham Harkless 10:33

But there you go with you know, that's it's always important, because when you were talking, I was automatically thinking of like the club or, or the bar or whatever you want to go into. Nobody wants to go into or hear from the bar club that has nobody standing in line.

So it's kind of like you have to create from a psychological standpoint that audience and those have those people in and as, as Your Honor whoever to come in so that you do start to create that momentum. What I wanted to ask you, which is for SEO hack, and I know you gave us some you know within Teespring, are there any other kinds of apps, books, or habits that you have that make you more effective and efficient?

Jacklyn Thrapp 11:09

monday.com is wonderful. You can have a team basically controls your schedule that's really good for sales. It's good for the organization. So I have all my schedules because we're doing my scheduled while so we have an album that we're rehearsing for, we have the opera show, then we have like a cabaret show, we have all these things that I have to keep track of.

So monday.com lets you keep track of your entire schedule, and your team can keep track of it. Love it. It's so organized. You can export it to Excel. I love it.

Gresham Harkless 11:41

Yeah, absolutely. And, now when it asks you for what I call a CEO, nugget, and this is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice, or if you can happen to a time machine, what would you tell your younger business self?

Jacklyn Thrapp 11:51

I would tell my younger Oh, yeah, I remember one of my early productions because I know mistakes. So when it comes to theater, like I do it, and it's I do it all the time. But I also do have a day job as a journalist. So for me, theater was never about really making money. It's I like to have a budget where I can pay people enough and have those shows happen. But there's not really a profit in my pocket. I can't remember. I mean, I usually recoup or make a few 100.

More than that I don't make 1000s back, because it's usually shared with everyone on the team. So if I feel back in time, and I've said this before, on my podcast, my there on my very first shows, I wanted to pay people, right, but I didn't understand profits and losses, I just was like, hey, I can pan from my paycheck, because they're taking time out of their summer to be in my show.

So I promised I mean, I ended up paying all of these people. Some people got 200, some people got like 500, but for straight from my paycheck. And so instead of going off the profit of how much we make or ticket sales, I paid them from my paycheck and not from the actual money, we got back. And I ended up losing 1000s of dollars.

So if I went back, I would pay people what I get in sales, not just right off the bat, here's money straight from my pocket, because I was broke for a long time. And I missed out on a lot of personal opportunities for myself because I was paying other people.

Gresham Harkless 13:22

All right, that makes perfect sense. I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote unquote, CEOs on the show. So Jackie, what has been a steal?

Jacklyn Thrapp 13:33

For me, like, it's cool to have the title. And I think a lot of people dream about having that title and what it would be like to be a CEO. And I think that you know, show you can visualize it visually, visualization is great, but I don't really care. I think it's all about the work and all about what you put out in the world, not necessarily the title. My thoughts?

Gresham Harkless 13:55

Absolutely. No, I definitely agree with that. So I appreciate that perspective. Because a lot of times, you get caught up in those three letters in that title and exactly what that quote-unquote, is symbolic of, but really, a lot of times you just get the opportunity to kind of work in your zone of genius, so to speak.

So I appreciate that definition in that perspective. And Jack, I appreciate your time even more. I wanted to pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional you can let our readers and listeners know and then of course how best they can get a hold of you and subscribe to your podcast.

Jacklyn Thrapp 14:24

Totally. Well. I'd like to say just one note from the two questions. I'm not cheap. I'm realistic about money because it seems like I just want to say that because like Project Marriott's nonunion. So I do want to say I pay people I have a pretty good reputation for paying people more than what people and union shows off on a usually make and I'm pretty realistic about it.

So I just want to say that so people don't think that I'm cheap because I'm definitely not. I'm just not going to go broke for you know, I'm not going to lose $7,000 again like to you years ago. Besides that, what else I want to say is that I have an Off-Broadway musical coming up. And it's great. It's what I'm talking about. So basically, it opens on January 9, 2020. That's in previews again. And we open that Saturday, January 11.

We also have an album launch concert, that's October 4, all of these are in New York City, you can go to goodmorningnewyorkmusical.com, to find out more. And also, if you want to follow the journey, I do have a podcast and make a musical podcast. It's a weekly podcast, every theater Thursday.

And if you want to just listen and see how we're developing the show, I'd love to have you on because I think being an operative producer, a lot of people want to produce but it's hard to do. And it's hard to break into. And it's hard to figure it out. So I love sharing my knowledge as I go because I'm still learning. There are a lot of things that I don't I'm sure that things that I said today. I will disagree with it in six months, I'll be like not, I learned that idea. Let's see.

Gresham Harkless 15:57

There you go. It's definitely a process. But I appreciate you for taking some time with us. I think that one of the beautiful things about you know, your podcasts and everything that you're building is that you get the opportunity to document the process, which I think hasn't really been done as much in the past as it is knowing now so I appreciate you for doing that.

And we will have those links in the show notes as well too so that everybody can follow up with you. But I appreciate you appreciate your time. And I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Outro 16:22
Thank you for listening to the I am CEO podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at imceo.co, I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, And leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO podcast with Gresham Harkless Thank you for listening

Intro 0:02

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Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place, Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is I am CEO podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:29

Hello, this is Gresh from the I am CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today of Jacklyn Thrapp of making a musical podcast Jacklyn, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Jacklyn Thrapp 0:39

Hi, there nice to be on the show. I'm excited for it.

Gresham Harkless 0:43

Me too. Super excited to have you on. And I wanted to read a little bit more about Jacklyn so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. And Jacklyn is an Emmy award winning journalist, creator and executive producer of the Off-Broadway Musical Good Morning, New York. She also is the host of The Making a musical podcast. Jacklyn, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO Community?

Jacklyn Thrapp 1:04

Yes, yes, I am.

Gresham Harkless 1:05

Awesome. Let's do it. So the question, let's do it. So to kick everything off, I wanted to hear a little bit more about what I call your CEO story. What led you to get started with your podcast?

Jacklyn Thrapp 1:16

Definitely. So I think maybe with all small businesses, I know definitely. For mine, I initially was a writer, and I was trying to find a way to produce my musical or get it produced. And it's pretty hard to get yourself produced in the entertainment industry. So I just started my own company to produce my own stuff. And then once in a while I'll produce other people's stuff. And in the podcast, I started because I feel like I talked about musical theater so much. And a lot of my friends are not in musical theater. So I use the podcast as an outlet to find what I'm doing. And to get that excitement out of posts are like going on for two hours with friends that are not involved in musical theater, wonderful friends. I love that they listen, but they don't need you. So that's why I started the podcast. And now we have a fun community of writers and producers all across the nation that they produce their stuff, they ask the questions and our podcast basically follows the entire development of creating an Off Broadway show. So it started a year ago, more than a year ago, where we were just like, hey, we just finished a run at a 30 seat theater. And now we want to go off Broadway, but we don't know how to do it. So every week, we're just gonna have a podcast and let you know what we're doing to try to get there. And over a year, we went from having, you know, a scripts but no venue to getting a theater, having a theater choose us for our free space. And now we're casting. So it's been fun.

Gresham Harkless 2:41

Nice. I definitely love that. And I appreciate that. Especially, you know, I one of the reasons I started a lot of the blogs and podcasts myself is because I wanted to interview some entrepreneurs and business owners and find out like how to start a business. And in much of the same way, I didn't want to flood like my Facebook profile at that time with a bunch of business posts and things like that, because I know my friends weren't necessarily doing that. So I completely understand where you're coming from.

Jacklyn Thrapp 3:04

Right? Yeah, you got it's a good outlet. And I think, yeah, I think for me, it just came to a point where I pretty much had to start a business. And I had this podcast. Well, I have a background and broadcast anyway. So I love it all. But now it's nice to finally you know, find a way to capitalize on some of that.

Gresham Harkless 3:22

Yeah, absolutely. And I love the fact that you kind of talked about, you know, trying to find a way, and when there wasn't necessarily a way you decided to create it yourself. And I think that's the beauty of this day and age where we have so many kinds of tools to create content, and then create information, create podcasts, and so on and so forth.

Jacklyn Thrapp 3:39

Right, because I think that aside from podcast, too, even when it comes to like influencer marketing, there's so many third party platforms that connect companies to kind of smaller influencers with only a few 100 followers, not even influencers. They're just kind of people, but there's so many companies that connected. And pretty much anybody can follow their interests, and capitalize on it, you might make something you might not, but still the it's in our world. And in our day and age, you can completely capitalize on everything that you throw out into the world. I love it.

Gresham Harkless 4:10

Yeah, I love it too. And especially in this day and age where there's, you know, like the influencers, but now there's micro influencers. So if you have an interest.

Jacklyn Thrapp 4:18


Gresham Harkless 4:18

Something you can definitely pursue, create a podcast, create a blog, and then there's usually on the other side, you know, because there's consumers that are searching for whatever it is that you're providing, and it might be so niche that you're the only one that actually loves it and, and creates content around it. You can basically, you know, create a Empire around that, so to speak.

Jacklyn Thrapp 4:39

Right, because even what I do for my podcast, too, I did a brief documentary on influencer marketing, but that's kind of a separate thing. And I kind of learned how it works. So basically it in the documentary, all I was doing was trying to figure out how it works. So I'd have companies you sign up for this third party website, they have a company send you something and then they pay you 30 bucks if you post about it. So that's what I did for the podcast for the end was a marketing documentary. But then I brought it to my podcast, where I started going to networking events in New York City. And I started, these are like new companies with a startup. Maybe they have an IndieGoGo page, and they're trying to get funded, or publicity. And I say, Hey, I have a podcast that will open your business to the Off Broadway world, are you interested in paying $30? Or I think my rate was $25. And we'll give you 1005 bucks, we'll give you an ad, we'll play it until we hit 1000. Listen. So we had a lot of companies just kind of pay me like 25 bucks here and there. And slowly, it's you know, I don't make anything I think I've made like, I don't know, less than $100 off the pot. But that's okay. Because that's not my goal. In general, my, my goal is to have it as an outlet to promote my Off-Broadway Musical that opens in January.

Gresham Harkless 5:50

Nice way, I definitely approach that. And that's what I appreciate you for bringing that up. Because I think that a lot of times people also use podcasts as a way to kind of mark it in brand as well, to kind of sounds like you're doing something, you're doing two things, it sounds like because you are generating some revenue, but at the same time, you're also using it as a way to kind of promote your musical.

Jacklyn Thrapp 6:12

Right, because it first started as a way for me to just talk and get it out. Because there was so much energy and excitement around my show, I had to have something to get it out. And then it started becoming a marketing tool, where people who listen to the podcast started buying some tickets and some shirts, because I sell shirts for the show, too. So that I started selling some things that way. And I mean, oh, what I did for the podcast, too. It's just a tool. I think a lot of people get into podcasting because they think there's money out of, I don't know, I don't think there's a lot of money in it. But you know, that's just me. But I'm sure for others there are but I use that podcast as a tool to get into the Tony nomination ceremony. And to get into the OB awards. Like because a lot of these award ceremonies, don't ask your listener count. So you say hey, I have 73 listeners, probably not the best. But if you say, Hey, I'm up to make me musical podcast. Can I get a press pass for this really prestigious event? They'll probably get one.

Gresham Harkless 7:03

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.

Jacklyn Thrapp 7:05

I use it as big. And then I brought like my mic flag for my musical Good morning, New York. It's about news. So we kind of posed as reporters for Good morning, New York. And we had all this publicity through that, too. So And my point is, I guess I just use every resource I have. I try to capitalize on all of it. I don't, but I try.

Gresham Harkless 7:24

Yeah, go ahead.

Jacklyn Thrapp 7:28

Oh, well, I was gonna say is like, the podcast is great. The main thing that I consider myself a CEO of is just my company as a whole, which is a musical theater producer, because that I had to raise $13,000 with investors, and then like in the IndieGoGo page, and then some so for me being a CEO, that it's more about my Off-Broadway company, and in the podcast, and the shirts, and all the other stuff I do is just a branch of my whole company.

Gresham Harkless 7:57

Yeah, absolutely. No, I appreciate you for breaking that down. And I think that's the beauty of podcasting. Actually, exactly what you spoke to, because I think it provides a certain level of credibility. When you do have like a podcast or a platform, it could be even like a blog or whatever to attach to, like a business. And I think that's a really big opportunity. So I appreciate you tremendously for breaking that down. And, and I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce, and this could be for you or your organization. But what do you feel kind of sets you apart and makes you unique?

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Jacklyn Thrapp 8:25

Oh, what sets the stage? Okay, a few things? Well, when it comes to me as a off Broadway producer, I think that there are not a lot of commercial female, Off-Broadway producers in their 20s I think I'm one of the few I haven't met any others. And if I have, they're certainly not making money from it. I think. I think that's what makes me a little different. But also, I always my secret is making my team and anything I do seem much bigger than it is. So for example, when we did casting, like when we cast for our shows, I'll invite my aunt, some of my friends just sit at the table with me even if it's just me and a director, I want an actor to come in and do like a panel of six people that all seem to be involved because it makes it seem big and marketing to I use them upwork.com To make graphics and artwork so many talented people, but I think it's all about image so you can find somebody to if you have no money and you're starting a company you can find someone to make a logo for I know graphic designers are gonna kill me for this. But someone can make a logo for you for $25 and then you can make that they can give you a few versions, where there's one for your company than a transparent one that you can put on shirts. And then you can go to teespring.com to create your shirt for free and then sell it and make a profit without ever having to produce it. So my poster boy, I tried to make I starting off. I tried to make the things seem much much much bigger than they are with with the I post all the time. And, yeah, there's no money, but I don't act like there's no money. I act like I have all the money. People get confused. They get so confused. Like, sometimes I remember when I was casting for like, set designer and I was casting for actors, people get really confused when they see oh, wow, you have our viewers from the Daily News, the CBS New York and you have this logo, and you have all this hype, but your pay sucks. It's like yeah, that's because there's no money in this I'm just really good at like blowing smoke up the media. But

Gresham Harkless 10:33

there you go with you know, that's it's always important, because when you were talking, I was automatically thinking of like the club or, or the bar or whatever you want to go into. Nobody wants to go into or hear from the bar club that has nobody standing in line. So it's kind of like you have to create from a psychological standpoint that audience and those have those people in and and as, as Your Honor whoever to come in so that you do start to create that momentum. What I wanted to ask you, which is for SEO hack, and I know you gave us some you know with in Teespring, are there any other kind of apps, books or habits that you have that make you more effective and efficient?

Jacklyn Thrapp 11:09

monday.com is wonderful. You can you can have a team basically controls your schedule that's really good for sales. It's good for organization. So I have all my schedules because we're doing my scheduled while so we have an album that we're rehearsing for, we have the opera show, then we have like a cabaret show, we have all these things that I have to keep track of. So monday.com lets you keep track of your entire schedule, and your team can keep track of it. Love it. It's so organized. And you can export it to Excel. I love it.

Gresham Harkless 11:41

Yeah, absolutely. And, and now when it asks you for what I call a CEO, nugget, and this is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice, or if you can happen to a time machine, what would you tell your younger business self?

Jacklyn Thrapp 11:51

I would tell my younger Oh, yeah, I remember one of my early production, because I know mistakes. So when it comes to theater, like I do it, and it's I do it all the time. But I also do have a day job as a journalist. So for me, theater was never about really making money. It's I like to have a budget where I can pay people enough and have those show happen. But there's not really like a profit in my pocket. I can't remember. I mean, I usually recoup or make a few 100. More than that I don't make 1000s back, because it's usually shared with everyone on the team. So if I feel back in time, and I've said this before, on my podcast, my there on my very first shows, I wanted to pay people, right, but I didn't understand profits and losses, I just was like, hey, I can pan from my paycheck, because they're taking time out of their summer to be in my show. So I promised I mean, I ended up paying all of these people. Some people got 200, some people got like 500, but for straight from my paycheck. And so instead of going off the profit that how much we make or ticket sales, I paid them from my paycheck and not from the actual money, we got back. And I ended up losing 1000s of dollars. So if I went back, I would pay people what I get in sales, not just right off the bat, here's money straight from my pocket, because I was broke for a long time. And I missed out on a lot of personal opportunities for myself, because I was paying other people.

Gresham Harkless 13:22

All right, that makes perfect sense. I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote unquote, CEOs on the show. So Jackie, what has been a steal?

Jacklyn Thrapp 13:33

For me, like, it's cool to have the title. And I think a lot of people dream about having that title and what it would be like to be a CEO. And I think that, you know, show you can visualize it visually, visualization is great, but I don't really care. I think it's all about the work and all about what you put out in the world, not necessarily the title. My thoughts?

Gresham Harkless 13:55

Absolutely. No, I definitely agree with that. So I appreciate that perspective. Because a lot of times, you get caught up in those three letters in that title and exactly what that quote unquote, is symbolic of, but really, a lot of times you just get the opportunity to kind of work in your zone of genius, so to speak. So I appreciate that definition in that perspective. And Jack, I appreciate your time even more. I wanted to pass you the mic so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional you can let our readers and listeners know and then of course how best they can get a hold of you and subscribe to your podcast.

Jacklyn Thrapp 14:24

Totally. Well. I'd like to say just on one note from the two questions go. I'm not cheap. I'm realistic about money, because it seems like I just want to say that because like Project Marriott's non union. So I do want to say I pay people I have a pretty good reputation for paying people more than what people and non union shows off on a usually make and I'm pretty realistic about it. So I just want to say that so people don't think that I'm cheap because I'm definitely not. I'm just not going to go broke for you know, I'm not going to lose $7,000 again like to you years ago. Besides that, what else I want to say is that I have an Off-Broadway musical coming up. And it's great. It's what I'm talking about. So we basically, it opens January 9 2020. That's in previews again. And we open that Saturday on January 11. We also have an album launch concert, that's October 4, all of these are New York City, you can go to goodmorningnewyorkmusical.com, to find out more. And also, if you want to follow the journey, I do have a podcast and making a musical podcast. It's a weekly podcast, every theater Thursday. And if you want to just listen and see how we're developing the show, I'd love to have you on because I think being an operative producer, a lot of people want to produce but it's hard to do. And it's hard to break into. And it's hard to figure it out. So I love sharing my knowledge as I go because I'm still learning. There's a lot of things that I don't I'm sure that things that I said today. I will disagree with in six months, I'll be like not not, I learned that idea. Let's see.

Gresham Harkless 15:57

There you go. It's definitely a process. But I appreciate you for for taking some time with us. I think that one of the beautiful things about you know, your podcasts and everything that you're building is that you get the opportunity to document the process, which I think hasn't really been done as much in the past as it is knowing now so I appreciate you for doing that. And we will have those links in the show notes as well too so that everybody can follow up with you. But I appreciate you appreciate your time. And I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Outro 16:22

Thank you for listening to the I am CEO podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at RT m CEO Doug CEO, I am CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE And leave us a five star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO podcast with Gresham Harkless Thank you for listening


Mercy - CBNation Team

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(CEOBlogNation.com), podcasts, (CEOPodcasts.com) and videos (CBNation.tv). CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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