IAM112- Podcaster and Leader Empowers Millennials to Succeed in Work and in Life

Podcast Interview with Randall Garcia

I am the podcast host for Lead At Home (Win At Life), a podcast that helps leaders in the home reprioritize leadership and legacy at home. I am also the podcast host for The Millennial Leadership Show, helping give millennials the clarity and courage they need to succeed in work and in life. I have worked with over 500 business brands in 21 different countries in the past 7 years doing work with both small businesses and multi-billion dollar corporations. I currently lead large-scale sales and marketing campaigns in the healthcare industry, specifically in senior healthcare and have been named the #1 sales broker in South Texas by United Healthcare, which is currently ranked #4 on the Fortune 500. I am a community leader in San Antonio, TX. I serve as President on the Board of Directors for the San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness, and at 29 years old, am the youngest non-profit president for non-profits bringing in over $3 Million per year.

  • CEO Hack: Greater day formula
  • CEO Nugget: Practice gratitude, live with a balance and get started sooner
  • CEO Defined: Taking ownership, casting that vision and taking steps to accomplish the big things

Website: http://www.randallsgarcia.com/

Facebook: RandallSeanG
Other links: The Millenial Leadership Show and The Greater Day Formula

Check out one of our favorite CEO Hack’s Audible. Get your free audiobook and check out more of our favorite CEO Hacks HERE.


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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:27

Hello, hello, hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I've Randall Garcia of The Millennial Leadership Show and Lead At Home Win At Life. Randall, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Randall Garcia 0:38

Hey, man, I'm so excited. Like we're basically brothers after we did the pre-show interview. So, I'm so excited to finally be on the show with you.

Gresham Harkless 0:46

Yeah, me too, me too. We're basically twins. So, even though we're still twins, I'm still gonna read your bio. So, just so that everybody else can know all the awesome things that you're doing. And Randall is the podcast host for Lead At Home (Win At Life), a podcast that helps leaders in the home reprioritize leadership and legacy at home. He is also the podcast host for The Millennial Leadership Show, helping give millennials the clarity and courage they need to succeed in work and in life.

He has worked with over 500 Business brands in 21 Different countries in the past 7 years, doing work with both small businesses and multibillion-dollar corporations. He currently leads large-scale sales and marketing campaigns in the healthcare industry, specifically in senior healthcare, and has been named the number one sales broker in South Texas by United Healthcare, which is currently ranked number four on the fortune 500. He is a community leader in San Antonio, Texas.

He serves as the president on the board of directors for the San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness. And at 29 years old he is the youngest nonprofit president for nonprofits bringing in over $3 million per year. Randall, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

Randall Garcia 1:56

I am. I think I have a lot to share in just a short amount of time. So, let's get rolling.

Gresham Harkless 2:01

Let's do it. So, wanted to start out by hearing a little bit more about your CEO story. And what led you to start your business?

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Randall Garcia 2:05

Yeah, in college, while I was still in college, I wanted to generate income. And so I read a lot of books and I'm like, Okay, how do I start a business, all I know is I want to start one don't know where to start. So, I ended up just creating a website, throwing some things on there, I was like decent with graphic design. So, my business started as needed like logo designs, and graphic designs, then it became website designs, then it was full-scale marketing funnels.

So, it like really grew rapidly when I was helping businesses, monetize their website. And that became pretty big like you said, I worked with over 500 Business brands, and just like a 5 to 7-year span. So, it was great. And it all started in college. And I'm still doing it not as much as I am before because now I have some just really large accounts that I'm managing. And it's not helping as many businesses just a few of the key ones.

So, if I were to speak to the I AM CEO audience, it's all about getting started. Because of what I tested and adjusted and learned along the way. That was one key thing that I did, but it was also learning from the best I invested in myself. And I wanted to learn from the top digital marketers. So, in whatever space you're in, wherever your story starts, number one, learn from the best and then just get started, and be flexible to move and to roll with the punches. I think and then with persistence, you're gonna get there.

Gresham Harkless 3:32

That makes perfect sense. And it's kind of great to hear all the awesome things, obviously, you've been rocking and rolling and accomplishing a lot. So, wanted to drill down a little bit and hear a little bit more about how you kind of helped serve the clients that you work with, whether it be for The Millennial Leadership Show or the or podcasts that you have just how do you help serve the clients?

Randall Garcia 3:48

Yeah. And so like, one of the things, one of the reasons why I started The Millennial Leadership Show, first was, I actually had a healthy anger towards the stereotypes of the millennial generation. So, I know if you've heard of like, millennial stereotypes that we're delusional, we're lazy, entitled, I had a healthy anger. And one day, I remember and the funny thing is we have a very similar story, but I had torn my Achilles playing basketball, and I was out for weeks.

And so what I did there at home was I literally created The Millennial Leadership brand web hive. And then a few months later, I started a podcast, because that whole time I was angry, like, I'm not that millennial. I'm not lazy. You're entitled. So, I said, I bet you there's a whole bunch of millennials out there too. That would agree with me, and I would probably want to be part of being a millennial leader like the top portion of millennials. So, it was good.

Gresham Harkless 4:45

Yeah, no, that's awesome. And I know we definitely offline I don't know if we bonded or cried over tears in our Achilles because that's definitely a painful energy, but it just isn't true entrepreneurial form. You have an idea or have an issue with something and then you actually create something to take tackle that issue. So, I definitely appreciate you for doing that to reframe what it means to be a millennial.

Randall Garcia 5:04

The cool thing is that he's saying we're brothers because you tore your Achilles and then started your website, right? Isn't that right?

Gresham Harkless 5:10

Exactly, I was angry as well, more at my Achilles than anything else. Awesome, awesome.

Randall Garcia 5:18

Guys taking good notes, they can, if the audience is taking notes, they can write down step number one, tear your Achilles. Step number two, start a business.

Gresham Harkless 5:29

There you go, you will not find that in any MBA courses. But that's been proven by both of us. So, now, I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce. And this is what you feel kind of distinguishes you or sets you apart.

Randall Garcia 5:42

Well, I'd actually do a lot of things that intro that you gave me in that bio, it always is kind of overwhelming. It's like people were like, Randall, what do you do, I do a lot of things I've always been self-employed. So, I go, I'm in insurance sales in the senior health care market. And I do my digital marketing agency. I'm a podcaster. And I serve my community by being one of the youngest board presidents in Texas. So, it's been great. And people get confused about what I do.

So, here's the thing, if you're an entrepreneur, or maybe you're not an entrepreneur, you're in your company, you you're basically operating like your own business inside that company that you work for.

But wherever you may be, I have a formula, it's called The Greater Day Formula. And so this is my secret sauce. And I can kind of take you through it. I don't know if we probably have enough time, this Greater Day Formula basically combines gratitude journals, affirmation journals, a regular journal, it's a goal-setting mechanism, and a whole bunch of other things. And, I don't know, I don't have time to get into this real quick.

Gresham Harkless 6:43

Yeah, absolutely. I was actually going to ask you for a CEO hack. And that might actually be a great CEO hack for us.

Randall Garcia 6:48

And you know what, I think the secret sauce and the CEO hack are kind of synonymous. So, like, they kind of do this. So, my formula, the greater day formula is really helping me live a well-balanced life with maximum impact my tagline my motto is life with balance and lead with impact. So, when we talk about balance, I think, of spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical health, like all of those things that I need for me to be successful. And to make sure that I'm doing me so that I can go and help others. So, this Greater Day Formula is a well-balanced formula that I created.

So, you can take any journal, you don't have to have a fancy journal, and you just read the word greater down your page, right? So, vertically, G stands for gratitude. So, I usually write 1 sentence to 2 sentences on thanking God for a new day or for my wife or my kids or my job. So, that's gratitude. I do some reading that's R and I write down what I read. E is exercise. So, I write down exactly what I did in the exercise, most of the time, it's physical, but on my days off, I do some mental exercises. A is affirmation. So, I keep a 1 to 2-sentence affirmation journal within this formula. T is the top three.

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So, I set my top three goals for the day. And that's basically my morning routine, which spells out the word great, and then in the evening, I can make a great day greater by adding the E, R. So, at the end of the day, I do my end-of-day wins, and I celebrate what did I do right today? What did I win? What caused me to win my day to day and it helps me go to sleep, feeling like a winner. And then I wake up, guess what? Feeling like a winner. Because of the way I ended my day, and then R is reflection.

So, this is where I asked myself, What do I learn? What did I learn today, it might be the simplest things, it might be the smallest things, but to reflect back on your day, and to try to get nuggets of wisdom, things that you might have not noticed otherwise is actually been crucial in my self-development. I think reflection is huge. So, that's The Greater Day Formula in a nutshell. And you can actually go download it at www.greaterdayformula.com. So, you can take that and print it out. And then you can go grab your journal and do whatever you want with it, but live with balance and lead with impact. That's my CEO hack/secret sauce.

Gresham Harkless 6:48

I love that and it's funny because we talked a little bit offline and then when I heard it, I was like, Wow, that's awesome. Because a lot of times you hear that you want to make sure you practice gratitude. You want to make sure that you reflect on your day and do all those things but there I haven't heard of an organized way by which to make a day great I love that acronym and I love how you break it down.

Randall Garcia 9:24

Is cool because like it's balanced like you take the gratitude to me I think God so that spiritual right and then you have emotional when you do affirmations, you have physical when you do exercise, you have intellectual when you do reading, you have the goal setting mechanism, you have the reflection where you're journaling, it's pretty much for me, I know I hype it up because I created it, but it's like an all in one solution. I've tried gratitude, journaling, affirmation, journaling, prayer, journaling, just journaling and this is kind of like my way to do all of it, but like real quick snippets, so I get to do all of it.

Gresham Harkless 9:54

Yeah, absolutely love it. It's kind of like Walmart.

Randall Garcia 9:57

Totally chance. Yep. For sure, yeah, it's totally changed my routine my day, the way I start my day, the way I end my day. And I've actually shared this with a lot of people and they say the same thing. They're like, this is amazing. Everyone has their own different solution. But this combines the best of everything that I've heard of. So, I'm like, well, great, use it, it's free. Go to greaterdayformula.com and download it. So, you can, and there's a lot of information on why all of these things are important. So, I think it would be beneficial for your audience.

Gresham Harkless 10:24

Absolutely. So, make sure I mean, we'll have the link in the show notes so that you can go through and download that. So, now I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And this is basically a word of wisdom or piece of advice. It might be anything additional on the greater day journal you want to talk about, but if you can happen to a time machine and talk to your younger business self, what would you say?

Randall Garcia 10:44

Get started sooner. Get started sooner. I think there were a couple of years there. And I think I feel like I lost some years of learning through trial and error, I would say get started sooner. So, if you haven't started, what's that saying? Or that cause? Like, when's the best state of Planetree? Or when's the second best day that the first best day like 20 years ago, the second best is today, right?

So, I feel the same way I would have started sooner if I knew what I would find new than what I knew now, I would have totally started sooner. So, that's what I would say, you can strategize too much you can be like, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, fire. But a lot of times its just contemplation. And it's really keeping you back from learning through the whole experience of being an entrepreneur or CEO. So, I would say get started ASAP, if you haven't already.

Gresham Harkless 11:30

I love that. Yeah, it's a great reminder. Because sometimes you can let fear take over you. And you think that there's a perfect time to do anything. And there's really, usually not, and you just want to go ahead and get started now. So, I think that's like an incredible CEO, nugget. And now I wanted to ask you my favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different, quote-unquote, CEOs on the show. So, Randall, I wanted to ask you, what being a CEO means to you.

Randall Garcia 11:52

To me being a CEO is you are chief, the Chief Executive Officer of your life, okay? So, you don't actually have to have the CEO title, you don't have to be a chief executive of a business. If you're an entrepreneur you don't have to call yourself a CEO, but you are a CEO, everyone is a CEO.

So, what it means to me is that someone is taking ownership. And if you're applying it to your own life, you're taking ownership of your life, and you're operating yourself kind of like a business, right? Whether you work for a corporation, every day that you show up, you know that you're a business that you have connections to make, that you have your quotas to meet that you have goals to accomplish.

And if you operate your life, like a CEO you're going to have you're going to cast vision on where you're going to go kind of like businesses to do, right, they have that vision statement that shows where the business is going. If you're a CEO, and you're acting like it for your own life, you're going to cast that vision on your life, and then take those steps in order to reach your biggest goals in life. So, I feel like being a CEO is just taking ownership of your life, casting that vision, and then taking steps to accomplish those big things. So, that's what it means to me.

Gresham Harkless 13:01

Absolutely. And I love that definition. And that reminder that whether you're running a company, or you're just getting up every day doing your thing you are in charge of like how you want your vision to be for your life. So, you are in fact a CEO. So, I think that's a great reminder.

Randall Garcia 13:14

Exactly, yeah. And I kind of say something different. I tell myself it's the same concept with different words. I have 10 people on one of my teams, and I tell them, when I encourage them, I say you are your own brand. So, same difference, right? Like saying, you are the CEO of your own life, you are your own brand. So, it's a great thing to encourage people to take ownership, right? It's what it means to me.

Gresham Harkless 13:39

Absolutely. So, Randall, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out of your schedule. What I wanted to do was pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional, we want to let our readers and our listeners know how they can listen to your podcasts, and get a hold of you. And then just any additional information you might have.

Randall Garcia 13:53

Yeah, definitely. You can search for me on Google Play iTunes, or pretty much any of the podcast apps, The Millennial Leadership Show is where I'm a host and I also have another podcast called Lead At Home Win At Life and they're both different audiences. The Millennial Leadership Show is basically for obviously millennial leaders and then Lead At Home this what I do, at Lead At Home, I help parents really parents or married couples, I help them think about leadership in the home first before they start leading thinking about leading organizations because everything starts within the person themselves.

And then the next layer of that is your family. Like what happens at home who you're leading at home to me is much more important than who you're leading at work. So, it's not necessarily that work is not important. Oh, it is right, but make sure that those priorities align.

So, you can search The Millennial Leadership Show or Lead At Home Win At Life on iTunes, you can connect with me at randallsgarcia.com. Or you can download that Greater Day Formula at greaterdayformula.com. Either way, you're going to be pointed right back to my page. You can follow me on social media, RandallSGarcia. So, I think you're going to put that in their show notes so people can click our add-on over.

Gresham Harkless 15:02

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, you can search for it or you can definitely go in the show notes and you can click right through. So, Randall again, I appreciate you for being awesome and all the great things that you're doing rocking and rolling. So, I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

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Randall Garcia 15:13

Awesome. Thank you, man. Appreciate it.

Outro 15:15

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co

I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:27

Hello, hello, hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I've Randall Garcia of The Millennial Leadership Show, and Lead At Home Win At Life. Randall, it's awesome to have you on the show.

Randall Garcia 0:38

Hey, man, I'm so excited. Like we're basically brothers after we did the pre show interview. So, I'm so excited to finally be on the show with you.

Gresham Harkless 0:46

Yeah, me too, me too. We're basically twins. So, but even though we're still twins, I'm still gonna read your bio. So, just so that everybody else can know all the awesome things that you're doing. And Randall is the podcast host for Lead At Home (Win At Life), a podcast that helps leaders in the home reprioritize leadership and legacy at home. He is also the podcast host for The Millennial Leadership Show, helping give millennials a clarity and courage they need to succeed in work and in life. He has worked with over 500 Business brands in 21 Different countries in the past 7 years, doing work with both small businesses and multibillion dollar corporations. He currently leads large-scale sales and marketing campaigns in the healthcare industry, specifically in senior health care and has been named the number one sales broker in South Texas by United Healthcare, which is currently ranked number four on the fortune 500. He is a community leader in San Antonio, Texas. He serves as the president on the board of directors for the San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness. And at 29 years old he is the youngest nonprofit president for nonprofits bringing in over $3 million per year. Randall, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

Randall Garcia 1:56

I am. I think I have a lot to share in just a short amount of time. So, let's get rolling.

Gresham Harkless 2:01

Let's do it. So, wanted to start out by hearing a little bit more about your CEO story. And what led you to start your business?

Randall Garcia 2:05


Yeah, in college, while I was still in college, I wanted to generate income. And so I read a lot of books and I'm like, Okay, how do I start a business, all I know is I want to start one don't know where to start. So, I ended up just creating a website, throwing some things on there, I was like decent with graphic design. So, my business started as needed doing like logo designs, graphic designs, then it became website designs, then it was full scale marketing funnels. So, it like really grew rapidly where I was helping businesses, monetize their website. And that became pretty big I like you said, I worked with over 500 Business brands, and just like a 5 to 7 year span. So, it was great. And it all started in college. And I'm still doing it not as much as I am before because now I have some just really large accounts that I'm managing. And it's not helping as many businesses just a few of the key one. So, if I were to speak to the I AM CEO audience, it's all about getting started. Because what I tested and adjusted and learned along the way. That was one key thing that I did, but it was also learning from the best I invested in myself. And I wanted to learn from the top digital marketers. So, in whatever space you're in, wherever your story starts, number one, learn from the best and then just get started, and be flexible to move and to roll with the punches. I think and then with persistence, you're gonna get there.

Gresham Harkless 3:32

That makes perfect sense. And it's kind of great to hear like all the awesome things, obviously, you've been rocking and rolling and accomplishing a lot. So, wanted to drill down a little bit and hear a little bit more about how you kind of helped serve the clients that you work with, whether it be for The Millennial Leadership Show or the or the podcasts that you have just how do you help serve the clients?

Randall Garcia 3:48

Yeah. And so like, one of the things, one of the reasons why I started The Millennial Leadership Show, first was, I actually had a healthy anger towards the stereotypes of the millennial generation. So, I know if you've heard of like, millennial stereotypes that like we're delusional, we're lazy, entitled, I had a healthy anger. And one day, I remember and the funny thing is we have a very similar story, but I had torn my Achilles playing basketball, and I was out for weeks. And so what I did there at home was I literally created The Millennial Leadership brand web hive. And then a few months later, I started a podcast, because that whole time I was angry, like, I'm not that millennial. I'm not lazy. You're entitled. So, I said, I bet you there's a whole bunch of millennials out there too. That would agree with me, and that would probably want to be part of being a millennial leader like the top portion of millennials. So, it was good.

Gresham Harkless 4:45

Yeah, no, that's awesome. And I know we definitely offline I don't know if we bonded or cried over tear in our Achilles because that's definitely a painful energy, but it just isn't true entrepreneurial form. You have an idea or have an issue with something and then you actually create something to take tackle that issue. So, I definitely appreciate you for doing that to reframe what it means to be a millennial.

Randall Garcia 5:04

The cool thing is why he's saying we're brothers is because you tore your Achilles and then started your website, right? Isn't that right?

Gresham Harkless 5:10

Exactly, I was angry as well, more at my Achilles than anything else. Awesome, awesome.

Randall Garcia 5:18

Guys taking good notes, they can, if the audience is taking notes, they can write down step number one, tear your Achilles. Step number two, start a business.

Gresham Harkless 5:29

There you go, you will not find that in any MBA courses. But that's been proven by both of us. So, now, I wanted to ask you for what I call your secret sauce. And this is what you feel kind of distinguishes you or sets you apart.

Randall Garcia 5:42

Well, I'd actually do a lot of things that intro that you gave me that bio, it always is kind of overwhelming. It's like people were like, Randall, what do you do, and I do a lot of things I've always been self employed. So, I go, I'm in insurance sales in the senior health care market. And I do my digital marketing agency. I'm a podcaster. And I serve my community by being one of the youngest board presidents in Texas. So, it's been great. And people get confused on what I do. So, here's the thing, if you're an entrepreneur, or maybe you're not an entrepreneur, you're in your company, you you're basically operating like your own business inside that company that you work for. But wherever you may be, I have a formula, it's called The Greater Day Formula. And so this is my secret sauce. And I can kind of take you through it. I don't know if we probably have enough time, this Greater Day Formula basically combines like gratitude journals, affirmation journals, a regular journal, it's a goal setting mechanism and a whole bunch of other things. And, I don't know, I don't have time to get into this real quick.

Gresham Harkless 6:43

Yeah, absolutely. I was actually going to ask you for a CEO hack. And that might actually be a great CEO hack for us.

Randall Garcia 6:48

And you know what, I think the secret sauce and the CEO hack are kind of synonymous. So, like, they kind of do this. So, my formula, the greater day formula is really helps me live a well balanced life and with with maximum impact that my tagline my motto is live with balance and lead with impact. So, when we talk about balance, I think, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical health, like all of those things that I need for me to be successful. And to make sure that I'm doing me so that I can go and help others. So, this Greater Day Formula is a well balanced formula that I created. So, you can take any journal, you don't have to have a fancy journal, and you just read the word greater down your page, right? So, vertically, G stands for gratitude. So, I usually write 1 sentence to 2 sentences on thanking God for a new day or for my wife or my kids my job. So, that's gratitude. I do some reading that's R and I write down what I read. E is exercise. So, I write down exactly what I did the exercise, most of the time, it's physical, but on my days off, I do some like mental exercises. A is affirmation. So, I keep a 1 to 2 sentence affirmation journal within this formula. T is top three. So, I set my top three goals for the day. And that's basically my morning routine, which spells out the word of great, and then the evening, I can make a great day greater by adding the E, R. So, at the end of the day, I do my end of day wins, and I celebrate what did I do right today? What did I win? What caused me to win my day to day and it helps me go to sleep, feeling like a winner. And then I wake up, guess what? Feeling like a winner. Because of the way I ended my day, and then R is reflection. So, this is where I asked myself, What do I learn? What did I learn today, and it might be the simplest things, it might be the smallest things, but to reflect back on your day, and to try to get nuggets of wisdom, things that you might have not noticed otherwise is actually been crucial in my self development. I think reflection is huge. So, that's The Greater Day Formula in a nutshell. And you can actually go download it at www.greaterdayformula.com. So, you can take that and print it out. And then you can go grab your journal and do whatever you want with it, but to live with balance and lead with impact. That's my CEO hack/secret sauce.

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Gresham Harkless 6:48

I love that and it's funny because we talked a little bit offline and then when I heard it, I was like, Wow, that's awesome. Because a lot of times you hear that you want to make sure you practice gratitude. You want to make sure that you reflect on your day and do all those things but there I haven't heard like a organized way by which to make a day great but I love that acronym and I love how you break it down.

Randall Garcia 9:24

Is cool because like it's balanced like you take the gratitude to me I think God so that spiritual right and then you have emotional when you do affirmations, you have physical when you do exercise, you have intellectual when you do reading, you have the goal setting mechanism, you have the reflection where you're journaling, it's pretty much for me, I know I hype it up because I created it, but it's like an all in one solution. I've tried gratitude, journaling, affirmation, journaling, prayer, journaling, just journaling and this is kind of like my way to do all of it, but like real quick snippets, so I get to do all of it.

Gresham Harkless 9:54

Yeah, absolutely love. It's kind of like the Walmart.

Randall Garcia 9:57

Totally chance. Yep. For sure, yeah, it's totally changed my routine my day, the way I start my day, the way I end my day. And I've actually shared this with a lot of people and they say the same thing. They're like, this is amazing. Everyone has their own different solution. But this combines the best of everything that I've heard of. So, I'm like, well, great, use it, it's free. Go to greaterdayformula.com and download it. So, you can, and there's a lot of information on why all of these things are important. So, I think it would be beneficial for your audience.

Gresham Harkless 10:24

Absolutely. So, make sure I mean, we'll have the link in the show notes so that you can go through and download that. So, now I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And this is basically a word of wisdom or piece of advice. It might be anything additional on the greater day journal you want to talk about, but if you can happen to a time machine and talk to your younger business self, what would you say.

Randall Garcia 10:44

Get started sooner. Get started sooner. I think there was a couple of years there. And I think I feel like I lost some years of learning through trial and error, I would say get started sooner. So, if you haven't started, what's that saying? Or that cause? Like, when's the best state of Planetree? Or when's the second best day that the first best days like 20 years ago, the second best is today, right? So, I feel the same way I would have started sooner if I knew what I would find new than what I knew now, I would have totally started sooner. So, that's what I would say, you can strategize too much you can be like, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, fire. But a lot of times it's just contemplation. And it's really keeping you back from learning through the whole experience of being an entrepreneur or CEO. So, I would say get started ASAP, if you haven't already.

Gresham Harkless 11:30

I love that. Yeah, it's a great reminder. Because sometimes you can let fear take over you. And you think that there's a perfect time to do anything. And there's really, usually not, and you just want to go ahead and get started now. So, I think that's like an incredible CEO, nugget. And now I wanted to ask you for my favorite question, which is the definition for what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different, quote-unquote, CEOs on the show. So Randall, I wanted to ask you, what does being a CEO mean to you.

Randall Garcia 11:52

To me being a CEO is you are the chief, the Chief Executive Officer of your life, okay. So, you don't actually have to have the CEO title, you don't have to be a chief executive of a business. If you're an entrepreneur you don't have to call yourself a CEO, but you are a CEO, everyone is a CEO. So, what it means to me is that someone is taking ownership. And if you're applying it to your own life, you're taking ownership of your life, and you're operating yourself kind of like a business, right? Like whether you work for a corporation, every day that you show up, you know that you're a business that you have connections to make, that you have your quotas to meet that you have goals to accomplish. And if you operate your life, like a CEO you're going to have a you're going to cast vision on where you're going to go kind of like businesses to do, right, they have that vision statement that shows where the business is going. If you're a CEO, and you're acting like it for your own life, you're going to cast that vision on your life, and then take those steps in order to reach your biggest goals in life. So, I feel like being a CEO is just taking ownership of your life, casting that vision and then taking steps to accomplish those big things. So, that's what it means to me.

Gresham Harkless 13:01

Absolutely. And I love that definition. And that reminder that whether you're running a company, or you're just getting up every day doing your thing you are in charge of like how you want your vision to be for your life. So, you are in fact a CEO. So, I think that's a great reminder.

Randall Garcia 13:14

Exactly, yeah. And I kind of say something different. I tell my it's the same concept with different words. I have 10 people on one of my teams, and I tell them, when I encourage them, I say you are your own brand. So, same difference, right? Like saying, you are the CEO of your own life, you are your own brand. So, it's a great thing to encourage people to take ownership, right. It's what it means to me.

Gresham Harkless 13:39

Absolutely. So, Randall, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out of your schedule. What I wanted to do was pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional, we want to let our readers and our listeners know how they can listen to your podcasts, get a hold of you. And then just any additional information you might have.

Randall Garcia 13:53

Yeah, definitely. You can search me on Google Play iTunes, pretty much any of the podcast apps, The Millennial Leadership Show is where I'm a host and I also have another podcast called Lead At Home Win At Life and they're both different audiences. The Millennial Leadership Show is basically for obviously millennial leaders and then Lead At Home this what I do, at Lead At Home is I help parents really parents or married couples, I help them think leadership in the home first before they start leading thinking about leading organizations because everything starts within the person themselves. And then the next layer of that is your family. Like what happens at home who you're leading at home to me is much more important than who you're leading at work. So, it's not necessarily that work is not important. It Oh, it is right, but making sure that those priorities align. So, you can search The Millennial Leadership Show or Lead At Home Win At Life on iTunes, you can connect with me at randallsgarcia.com. Or you can download that Greater Day Formula at greaterdayformula.com. Either way, you're going to be pointed right back to my page. You can follow me on social media, RandallSGarcia. So, I think you're going to put that in there show notes so people can click our add on over.

Gresham Harkless 15:02

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, you can search for it or you can definitely go in the show notes and you can click right through. So, Randall again, I appreciate you for being awesome and all the great things that you're doing rocking and rolling. So, I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Randall Garcia 15:13

Awesome. Thank you man. Appreciate it.

Outro 15:15

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

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Mercy - CBNation Team

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(CEOBlogNation.com), podcasts, (CEOPodcasts.com) and videos (CBNation.tv). CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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