IAM038 – Nutrition Coach Overcame Depression & Eating Disorders to Help Others

Eleonora C. Bastos of The Diet Free Project

Eleonora C. Bastos is a certified Integrative Nutrition Coach who has built her business around healthy living after overcoming 8 years of depression and eating disorders. Originally from Milan, Italy Eleonora has lived in Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles and is now based in London.

  • CEO Hack: Trello, Calendly & a Coach
  • CEO Nugget: Surround yourself with like-minded people and have the same lifestyle
  • CEO Defined: Freedom and fulfillment and getting to do what you're passionate about



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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place, Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:28

Hello, hello, hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today Eleonora Bastos of THE DIET FREE PROJECT. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

Eleonora Bastos 0:40

Absolutely. Yes. Hi, everybody.

Gresham Harkless 0:42

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, what I wanted to do was read a little bit more about Eleanor, so you get the opportunity to learn a little bit more about all the awesome things that she's been able to do and accomplish. So Eleanor is a certified Integrative Nutrition practitioner who has decided to dedicate her life to helping people with their health, nutrition, and personal development. After overcoming eight years of eating disorders and depression.

She opened her practice in Miami in 2014, after completing her education at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York, and since then she has been coaching women all over the world, helping them improve their health and permanently lose weight by simply implementing a few diet and lifestyle changes. Eleanor, are you ready to speak to our community?

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Eleonora Bastos 1:23

Yes, I am.

Gresham Harkless 1:25

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, the first question I had was just to kind of learn a little bit more about your CEO story. And what led you to kind of start your business?

Eleonora Bastos 1:32

Well, I think I come from a family of Intrapreneurs. Both my parents are entrepreneurs. So I always grew up with that mentality where we used to go on vacation back in the days when everybody was at school. And we had that lifestyle, right? My parents never brought it to school, because they were sleeping in the morning, and we had a nanny that would bring us to work. So I grew up with that mentality. And I know that like financial freedom was something that I wanted to create for myself and my family in the future. So there's always been that drive, but I never really knew I have so many different talents. And I never really knew where to take them. Right?

So I think it clicked when I suffered, again, from eating disorders, and depression for many, many years growing up. And I've suffered from drug abuse and did the whole thing. And there was a very tough time in my life. And I got out of it myself. So when I was 21, I moved to the United States by myself, I'm originally from Italy. And was moving around different cities, I was first in Chicago, then when I moved to Miami, I came across this model that was creating a brand, and her brand was called models do eat, she was teaching the world that models do eat, they just make healthier choices.

And because I needed to help her build her brand, and her teachings, they're brushing up on me, and I started healing my relationship with food and I started feeling better. when I started feeling better, I had more energy, the depression was gone. And then I started, I have all this idea, I have this thing, I found the key out of depression and feeling sluggish and not feeling good in my body, I can help so many women, this seemed to be my future. So that was the moment that triggered it for me.

Gresham Harkless 3:15

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, obviously, you're awesome to be able to go through all those things and be able to come out and empower yourself and be even stronger from it. So kudos to you for being able to do that and accomplish that.

Eleonora Bastos 3:25

Thank you.

Gresham Harkless 3:26

You're welcome, You're welcome. So I wanted to drill a little bit deeper into like, what exactly you do to kind of help out the clients and people that you work with?

Eleonora Bastos 3:33

Right, so I do a customized plan because every person is different. And especially when it comes down to feeling good, or a weight loss journey, everybody has different triggers a lot of it, what I've noticed for me, in my practice is that you are what you eat, because what you eat is what makes yourself and your organs work and the whole thing, but then you eat your feelings and emotion. So if you're sad, you're gonna go for the chocolate or you can put it in lonely, and the ice cream and in the carbs, because those are gonna stimulate the feel-good hormone in your brain. And that is something that, you can't break unless you address the mind and the body.

So everybody's different. And all my challenges. I run topic challenges and 30-day challenges, but I do that personalized approach. And I think that's what makes it different. Because it's not something that you download online. It's customized to each of my clients to their lifestyle habits some are busy moms, some are busy entrepreneurs and they don't have the time. So everybody has different triggers that need to be addressed. And you cannot do a one-plan fits it doesn't work that way.

Gresham Harkless 4:39

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. And a lot of times I always hear people say that we're all different. We all have different lifestyles, like you mentioned, we're at different points in our lives. So do you need to do this diet or do you need to do that diet that doesn't necessarily fit everybody. So to be able to have that customization is huge. And that brings me to my next question. I know that was one of the things that I felt is kind of your secret sauce so to speak, the thing that makes you unique, do you think there's anything else you can speak to that says, This is what distinguishes you?

Eleonora Bastos 5:05

Well, I think like the one-on-one and the fact that I've been through it, because I suffer, so I started suffering with anorexia, so obsession of being skinny, and then my love for food would take over. So then I will start binge eating, then I would start, going down to bulimia because I was feeling guilty because I put on so much weight, it'd be bulimic to them back anorexic, and I did that for so many years.

So I understand the struggle of having a temptation that is bigger than you, or the fact that being afraid of food and getting scared, right? So the fact that I've been through it all myself, and I'm not just someone that has read a book, I think that definitely helps, relating with my clients. And yeah, again, the fact that like, everything has to be customized, I don't believe in the crazy workout routine. I think it's unsustainable. always talk to my clients, it's like, everything that it's out there on the market, it's meant for you to fail because those lifestyles are not sustainable.

All the diets out there that promise quick results, the quicker the result, the quicker you're gonna put it back on, and sometimes with some extra, and then also, you they're all meant for you to fail because you can't sustain that lifestyle for the rest of your life. You can try whatever diet you want, like the soup diet and all. You cannot sustain it in the lifestyle because life happens, right? You're gonna be invited to a restaurant, you're gonna go to a birthday party, and then what happens, then you're gonna bring your own food for how long is that gonna last, right? And you're not going to be able to work out like, every single day for 30 days, multiple times a day, or once a day, it's just not going to happen, right?

Eventually, you're gonna fall off, and then when you fall off on that the guilt is gonna kick in, and then the guilt kick in it's like oh whatever I'm just gonna start, I'm gonna do it tomorrow, and then the procrastination kicks in, and then you're gonna start feeling a failure, and then that failure is gonna put you down, then you're gonna abandon it. And then you're just gonna continue with the yo, yo, right for the rest of your life. So for me, it's just about creating lifestyle changes that are sustainable, and they're cut, like around people's life, you know? And that's why the one-on-one approach for me, it's like, super important.

Gresham Harkless 7:16

Yeah, I would definitely agree with you. Because like you said, you know, a lot of things happen. And I'm glad you pointed that out. Because a lot of times these diets are created so that you can't actually keep up with them, you have to continue to pay them money or buy the book or do whatever you have to do so that they continue to make money and generate revenue. So you definitely pointed that out.

Eleonora Bastos 7:35

Yeah, so nobody wants a one-time consumer, right, as a business owner, that's one of the things that people don't want. But what makes me different is the fact that there are so many people in the world, they say if I help one by one, and that can be my life mission, never make like all of them. So I like resolve one on one problems. And then I go on to the next. Right?

Gresham Harkless 7:53


Eleonora Bastos 7:53

Are there enough people to just get one client? And then that's it.

Gresham Harkless 7:57

Exactly, exactly. No, that's awesome, that's awesome. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack. And then this might be an app or a book or just something that you do on a regular everyday basis that makes you more efficient and effective as a business owner.

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Eleonora Bastos 8:11

Well, so there's one app that I use on the computer for organizing for me, it's key because especially when you don't have a boss that tells you what you need to be doing and, have deadlines and you have to create your own deadlines, I think there's a couple of things.

One app that I use a lot is Trello, which is great for organizing, you can create different boards, you can trade, where are you at with the project notes, can share them with your team. So that's really great.

And then another one Calendly for scheduling appointments, because they do coaching calls. And because I have meetings that I don't have to worry about that, that makes me super efficient with my time people can book their appointment book, their coaching call, move them around, do whatever they want, and I don't have to have any involvement in the situation whatsoever.

So those are two of the biggest tools that I use. And then a coach, you do need a coach, I am a coach and I have a coach because it is hard being self-employed, you don't have the pressure that you're gonna lose your job, you don't have the pressure of OH MY GOD, what's gonna happen, but you do have the pressure that you're not going to be able to pay your bills if you don't do the work that you're supposed to. Right? But then that keeps them overwhelmed because you have the fear of not making it to the end of the month. so sometimes you need a coach to keep you on track and like really prioritize tasks.

So, I have a coach friend of mine, and we coach each other on a weekly basis. And what do we do we just talk about the three big rocks, and every week, three things that are non-negotiable, those need to be done, no matter what and those are all things that we talked about together. We're in the same line of business. So, we can share oh I don't think you should do that and whatever. And then we hold each other accountable. That's super important.

Gresham Harkless 9:54

Yeah, that's sure. I'm glad you brought that up. Yeah, accountability is huge. And those are definitely some great apps, that keep people more organized, definitely making sure that they're coming to the meetings on time. And they have their meetings on their calendar, which is even more important. So I definitely appreciate those. And I wanted to now ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And this might be a word of wisdom or a piece of advice you might have for business owners.

Eleonora Bastos 10:14

I think the biggest one is to surround yourself with like-minded people. I think that's the hardest transition point of being employed and becoming an entrepreneur. Because a lot of people have the thinking, Oh, I'm going to become an entrepreneur with the thought that you're going to work less, no, you're going to work way more than you're watching right now being employed. it's actually, more challenging, but more fun, right? But the thing is that you have to be surrounded by people that have your same lifestyle because you're not going to be able to go out and party when everybody else is, you're gonna be tired at night and exhausted, and you're not really want to relate and, get drunk or whatever.

So you want to surround yourself with people that have the same lifestyle, and you do and also are going through the same stuff. Like one of the things that I love is that all the women that I'm surrounded with right now are entrepreneurs in their own businesses. So it becomes great because you talk about your business and you get free masterminds, right? So it's really great because it keeps you on track, it helps you, opens up your vision, it doesn't necessarily have to be people in your same industry, like the girlfriends that I have here in London, I just located in London, actually in a completely different line of businesses than me, but it's still really great to be able to have another day and night to like, share with them and get that support of like, okay, we've been there, you can do this, keep on going right? So I think that's one of the biggest wants of support, so surround yourself and support yourself with people that are on the same journey.

Gresham Harkless 11:41

Yeah, I think that's huge. Your environment will kind of determine where you go or where you don't go sometimes. So if you're not sure who you are, they always say you kind of take a look at who you're around and where you spend your time. And now determine exactly who you are and what you are able to accomplish. So I think that's awesome. And now my favorite question, which is to ask you for your definition of being a CEO, we're having a lot of different types of quote, unquote, CEOs on this podcast. So I wanted to hear from you like, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Eleonora Bastos 12:08

For me, it's freedom and fulfillment, my business is online. So I have the freedom of being able to live wherever I want to, and being able to move around the world, I am 30 years old, and I've lived in seven different cities, all the major cities in the world. So it's been really great. All right. So, that's the biggest continent's freedom, owning a business online is really the thing for me. And then the other one, I think, is quantitative.

Gresham Harkless 12:08

Yeah, absolutely.

Eleonora Bastos 12:42

So for me, it's also the fact that I get to do what I'm passionate about. So to wake up in the morning, and really, like, be happy and excited, and take on the day with a different spin. Rather than like, Oh, I'm gonna have to go to work to do what I'm told, and, work in someone else's dream. I get to wake up anymore every morning. And yeah, I'm gonna have problems these are gonna be issued. And it's not easier.

But that's what I'm passionate about. I'm happy and excited to learn more about it, right? When you go to school, and you get the teacher that tells you, Oh, you have to study this. subject, and I don't like that I don't like feeling restricted. I don't like being told what to do. I like the freedom of waking up and doing what I love. And if there's an issue, it's related to, what I do, and what I love so that it's much easier and more fun.

Gresham Harkless 13:40

Yeah, I would definitely agree with that. It's like, going back to kind of what you said about freedom, you are sometimes in a box, so to speak, and you feel like you want to try to get outside that box. But being an entrepreneur running your own business, you have the opportunity to do that. So I definitely echo all those things. I think that's a great definition that you had to so Eleanor, I truly appreciate you taking some time out of your schedule to kind of speak with us about what I want to do, which is like pass you to Mike, so to speak one more time to see if there's anything additional, you want to let our readers and our listeners know and then how people can get a hold of you.

Eleonora Bastos 14:09

Okay, so yeah, that was one thing. And I think that's a big one. Because I have a lot of clients that are entrepreneurs as well, a lot of the time as an entrepreneur because you get so wrapped in what you're doing because you're passionate about it. It's your business and your life depends on it. You forget to take care of yourself. And that is something super important if you're trying to start your business, if I can recommend you something, find things that ground you, relax you, things that make you feel better, and create a routine. And that has to be non-negotiable. It has to be like the appointment that you make on your calendar, whether it's a workout routine, whether it's yoga or meditation, it doesn't matter. Whatever works for you, everybody's different. Some people cannot meditate, but prefer running whatever of the spine, which relaxes you and makes you feel at home.

So then you can always go back to it and make a non-negotiable appointment with yourself to make sure to do it and continue You have to do it no matter what's going to happen with your business continues to do it, because that's going to keep you sane, it's going to keep you motivated. It's going to keep you on track. And yeah, it really can save your business.

Gresham Harkless 15:09

I definitely agree with that. I definitely agree with that. So Eleonora if people want to get a hold of you. What's the best way for them to do that?

Eleonora Bastos 15:15

So on my website is, Instagram, @thedietfreeproject, and then the same on Facebook @thedietfreeproject.

Gresham Harkless 15:23

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, what we'll do is we'll have those links in the show notes just in case anybody wants to check it out. But I truly appreciate you for your story and everything you've been able to kind of work through and how you're definitely helping yourself out but also helping out so many others. So I truly appreciate you and all the awesome things that you're doing.

Eleonora Bastos 15:38

Thank you so much. Thank you so much for having me. This was great.

Gresham Harkless 15:41

No problem. Have a good rest of the day.

Eleonora Bastos 15:43

Thank you you too.

Outro 15:45

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at  I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless Thank you for listening.

Intro 0:02

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Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place,Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:28

Hello, hello. hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today Eleonora Bastos of THE DIET FREE PROJECT. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

Eleonora Bastos 0:40

Absolutely. Yes. Hi, everybody.

Gresham Harkless 0:42

Awesome,awesome,awesome. Well, what I wanted to do was read a little bit more about Eleanor, so you get the opportunity to learn a little bit more about all the awesome things that she's been able to do and accomplish. So Eleanor is a certified Integrative Nutrition practitioner who has decided to dedicate her life to helping people with their health, nutrition and personal development. After overcoming eight years of eating disorders and depression. She opened her practice in Miami in 2014, after completing her education at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York, and since then she has been coaching women all over the world, helping them improve their health and permanently lose weight by simply implementing a few diet and lifestyle changes. Eleanor, are you ready to speak to our community?

Eleonora Bastos 1:23

Yes, I am.

Gresham Harkless 1:25

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, the first question I had was just to kind of learn a little bit more about your CEO story. And what led you to kind of start your business?

Eleonora Bastos 1:32

Well, I think I come from a family of Intrapreneurs. Both my parents are entrepreneurs. So I always grew up with that mentality where we used to go on vacation back in the days when everybody was at school. And we had that lifestyle, right. My parents never brought it to school, because they were sleeping in in the morning, and we had the nanny that would bring us at work. So I grew up with that mentality. And I know that like financial freedom was something that I wanted to create for myself and my family in the future. So there's always been that drive, but I never really knew I have so many different talents. And I never really knew where to take them. Right. So I think it clicked when I suffered, again, of eating disorders, and depression for many, many years growing up. And I've suffered with drug abuse and did the whole thing. And there was a very tough time in my life. And I got out of it myself. So when I was 21, I moved to United States by myself, I'm originally from Italy. And it was moving around different city, I was first in Chicago, then when I moved to Miami, I came across this model that was creating a brand and her brand was called models do eat, she was teaching the world that models do eat, they just make healthier choices. And because I needed to help her build her brand, her teachings, they're brushing up on me, and I started healing my relationship with food and I started feeling better. when I started feeling better, I had more energy, the depression was gone. And then I started, I have all this idea, I have this thing, I found the key out of depression and feeling sluggish and not feeling good in my body, I can help so many women, this seemed to be my future. So that was the moment that triggered it for me.

Gresham Harkless 3:15

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, obviously, you're awesome to be able to go through all those things and be able to come out and empower yourself and be even stronger from it. So kudos to you for being able to do that and accomplish that.

Eleonora Bastos 3:25

Thank you.

Gresham Harkless 3:26

You're welcome. You're welcome. So I wanted to drill a little bit deeper into like, what exactly you do to kind of help out the clients and people that you work with,

Eleonora Bastos 3:33

right, so I do a customized plan, because every person is different. And especially when it comes down to feeling good, or weight loss journey, everybody has different triggers a lot of it, what I've noticed for me, in my practice that you are what you eat, because what you eat is what makes yourself and your organs work and the whole thing, but then you eat your feelings and emotion. So if you're sad, you're gonna go for the chocolate or you can put it in lonely, and the ice cream and in the carbs, because those are gonna stimulate the feel good hormone in your brain. And that is something that, you can't break unless you address the mind and the body. So everybody's different. And all my challenges. I run like topic challenges, 30 day challenges, but I do that personalized approach. And I think like that's what makes it different. Because it's not something that you download online. It's customized to each of my client to their lifestyle habit, like some are busy moms, some are busy entrepreneurs and they don't have the time. So everybody has different triggers that needs to be addressed. And you cannot do a one plan fits all it's doesn't work that way.

Gresham Harkless 4:39

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. And a lot of times I always hear people say that, we're all different. We all have different lifestyles, like you mentioned, we're in different points in our lives. So to have you need to do this diet or you need to do that diet doesn't necessarily fit for everybody. So to be able to have that customization is huge. And that brings me to my next question. I know that was one of the things that I felt is kind of your secret sauce so to speak, the thing that makes you unique, do you think there's anything else you can speak to that says, This is what distinguishes you?

Eleonora Bastos 5:05

Well, I think like the one on one and the fact that I've been through it, because I suffer, so I started suffering with anorexia, so obsession of being skinny, and then my love for food would take over. So then I will start binge eating, then I would start, going down to bulimia because I was feeling guilty because I put on so much weight, it'd be bulimic to them back anorexic, and I did that for so many years. So I understand the struggle of having a temptation that is bigger than you, or the fact that being afraid of food and getting scared, right. So the fact that I've been through it all myself, and I'm not just someone that has read a book, I think that definitely helps, relating with my clients. And yeah, again, the fact that like, everything has to be customized, I don't believe in the crazy workout routine. I think it's unsustainable. always talk to my clients, it's like, everything that it's out there on the market, it's meant for you to fail, because those lifestyle are not sustainable. All the diets out there that promise quick results, the quicker the result, the quicker you're gonna put it back on, and sometimes with some extra, and then also, you they're all meant for you to fail, because you can't sustain that lifestyle for the rest of your life. You can try whatever diet you want, like the soup diet and all. You cannot sustain it in the lifestyle because life happens, right? You're gonna be invited to a restaurant, you're gonna go to a birthday party, and then what happens, then you're gonna bring your own food for how long is that gonna last, right? And you're not going to be able to work out like, every single day for 30 days, multiple times a day, or once a day, it's just not going to happen, right? Eventually, you're gonna fall off, and then when you fall off on that the guilt is gonna kick in, and then the guilt kick in it's like oh whatever I'm just gonna start, I'm gonna do it tomorrow, and then the procrastination kicks in, and then you're gonna start feeling a failure, and then that failure is gonna put you down, then you're gonna abandon it. And then you're just gonna continue with the yo, yo, right for the rest of your life. So for me, it's just about creating lifestyle changes that are sustainable, and they're cut, like around people's life, you know? And that's why the one on one approach for me, it's like, super important.

Gresham Harkless 7:16

Yeah, I would definitely agree with you. Because like you said that, you know, a lot of things happen. And I'm glad you pointed that out. Because a lot of times these diets that are created that you can't actually keep up with them, you have to continue to pay them money or buy the book or do whatever you have to do so that they continue to make money and generate revenue. So you definitely pointed that out.

Eleonora Bastos 7:35

Yeah, so nobody wants a one time consumer, right, as a business owner, like that's one of the things that people don't want. But what makes me different is that the fact that there's so many people in the world, they say if I help one by one, and that can be my life mission, never make like all of them. So I like resolve one on one problem. And then I go on to the next. Right,

Gresham Harkless 7:53


Eleonora Bastos 7:53

There enough people to just get one client? And then that's it.

Gresham Harkless 7:57

Exactly, exactly. No, that's awesome, that's awesome. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack. And then this might be an app or a book or just something that you do on a regular everyday basis that makes you more efficient and effective as a business owner.

Eleonora Bastos 8:11

Well, so there's one app that I use on the computer for organizing for me, it's key, because especially when you don't have a boss that tells you what you need to be doing and, have deadlines and you have to create your own deadlines, I think there's a couple of things. One app that I use a lot is Trello, And that is great for organizing, you can create different boards, you can trade, where are you at with the project notes, you can share it with your team. So that's really great. And then another one Calendly for scheduling appointments, because they do coaching calls. And because I have meetings that I don't have to worry about that, that makes me super efficient with my time people can book their appointment book, their coaching call, move them around, do whatever they want, and I don't have to have any involvement in the situation whatsoever. So those are two of the biggest tools that I use. And then a coach, you do need a coach, I am a coach and I have a coach because it is hard being self employed, you don't have the pressure that you're gonna lose your job, you don't have the pressure of OH MY GOD, what's gonna happen, but you do have the pressure that you're not going to be able to pay your bills, if you don't do the work that you're supposed to.Right? But then that keeps them overwhelm because you have the fear of not making it to the end of the month. so sometimes you need a coach to keep you on track and like really prioritize tasks. So, I have a coach friend of mine, and we coach each other on a weekly basis. And what we do we just talk about the three big rocks, and every week, three things that are non negotiable, those needs to be done, no matter what and those are all things that we talked about together. We're in the same line of business. So, we can share oh I don't think you should do that and whatever. And then we hold each other accountable. That's super important.

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Gresham Harkless 9:54

Yeah, that's sure. I'm glad you brought that up. Yeah, accountability is huge. And those are definitely some great apps, that keeps people more organizing, definitely making sure that they're coming to the meetings on time. And they have their meetings on their calendar, which is even more important. So I definitely appreciate those. And I wanted to now ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And this might be a word of wisdom or a piece of advice you might have for business owners,

Eleonora Bastos 10:14

I think the biggest one is surround yourself with like minded people. I think that's the hardest transition point of being employed and becoming an entrepreneur. Because a lot of people have the thinking, Oh, I'm going to become an entrepreneur with the thought that you're going to work less, no, you're going to work way more than you're watching right now being employed. it's actually, like more challenging, but more fun, right? But the thing is that you have to be surrounded with people that have your same lifestyle, because you're not going to be able to go out and party when everybody else is, you're gonna be tired at night and exhausted, and you're not really want to relate and, get drunk or whatever. So you want to surround yourself with people that have the same lifestyle, and you do and also are going through the same stuff. Like one of the things that I love is that, all the women that I'm surrounded with right now are entrapreneurs on their own businesses. So it becomes great, because you talk about your business and you get free masterminds, right. So it's really great, because it keeps you on track, it helps you , open up your vision, it doesn't necessarily have to be people in your same industry, like the girlfriends that I have here in London, I just located in London, actually in completely different line of businesses than me, but it's still really great to be able to having another day and night to like, share with them and get that support of like, okay, we've been there, you can do this, keep on going right? So I think like that's one of the biggest wanted support,so surround yourself and support yourself with people that are in the same journey.

Gresham Harkless 11:41

Yeah, I think that's huge. Your environment will kind of determine where you go or where he don't go sometimes. So if you're not sure who you are, they always say you kind of take a look at who you're around and where you spend your time. And now determine exactly who you are and what you are able to accomplish. So I think that's awesome. And now my favorite question, which is to ask you for your definition of being a CEO, we're having a lot of different types of quote, unquote, CEOs on this podcast. So I wanted to hear from you like, what does being a CEO mean to you?

Eleonora Bastos 12:08

For me, it's freedom and fulfillment, my business is online. So I have the freedom of being able to live wherever I want to, and being able to move around the world, I am 30 years old, and I've lived in seven different city, all the major cities in the world. So it's been really great. All right. So, that's the biggest continents freedom, owning a business online is really the thing for me. And then the other one, I think, is quantitative.

Gresham Harkless 12:08

Yeah, absolutely.

Eleonora Bastos 12:42

So for me, it's also the fact that I get to do what I'm passionate about. So to wake up in the morning, and really, like, be happy and excited, and take on the day with a different spin. Rather than like, Oh, I'm gonna have to go to work to do what I'm told, and , work in someone else's dream, , I get to wake up anymore every morning. And yeah, I'm gonna have problems these are gonna be issued. And it's not easier. But that's what I'm passionate about. I'm happy and excited to learn more about it, right? When you go to school, and you get the teacher that tells you , Oh, you have to study this. subject , and I don't like that I don't like feeling restricted. I don't like been told what to do. I like the freedom of waking up and doing what I love. And if there's an issue, it's related to the, to what I do, and that I love so that it's much easier and more fun.

Gresham Harkless 13:40

Yeah, I would definitely agree with that. It's like, going back to kind of what you said about freedom, you are sometimes in a box, so to speak, and you feel like you want to try to get outside that box. But being an entrepreneur running your own business, you have the opportunity to do that. So I definitely echo all those things. I think that's a great definition that you had to so Eleanor, I truly appreciate you taking some time out of your schedule to kind of speak with us what I want to do, which is like pass you to Mike, so to speak one more time to see if there's anything additional, you want to let our readers and our listeners know and then how people can get a hold of you.

Eleonora Bastos 14:09

Okay, so yeah, that was one thing. And I think that's a big one. Because I have a lot of clients that are entrepreneurs as well, a lot of the time as an entrepreneur because you get so wrapped into what you're doing because you're passionate about it. It's your business and your life depends on it. You forget to take care of yourself. And that is something super important that if you're trying to start your business, if I can recommend you something, find things that ground you , relax you, things that make you feel better and create a routine. And that has to be non negotiable. It has to be like the appointment that you make on your calendar, whether it's a workout routine, whether it's yoga, meditation, it doesn't matter. Whatever works for you, everybody's different. Some people cannot meditate, but prefer running whatever of spine, what relaxes you and makes you feel home. So then you can always go back to it and make a non negotiable appointment with yourself to make sure to do it and continue You have to do it no matter what's going to happen with your business continues to do it, because that's going to keep you sane, it's going to keep you motivated. It's going to keep you on track. And yeah, it really can save your business.

Gresham Harkless 15:09

I definitely agree with that. I definitely agree with that. So Eleonora if people wants to get a hold of you. What's the best way for them to do that?

Eleonora Bastos 15:15

So on my website is the, Instagram, @the dietfreeproject, and then the same on Facebook thedietfreeproject.

Gresham Harkless 15:23

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Well, what we'll do is we'll have those links in the show notes just in case anybody wants to check it out. But I truly appreciate you for your story and everything you've been able to kind of work through and how you're definitely helping yourself out but also helping out so many others. So I truly appreciate you and all the awesome things that you're doing.

Eleonora Bastos 15:38

Thank you so much. Thank you so much for having me. This was great.

Gresham Harkless 15:41

No problem. You have a good rest of the day.

Eleonora Bastos 15:43

Thank you you too.

Outro 15:45

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless Thank you for listening

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