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Birch Thomas
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Guest Bio

Birch Thomas is a commercial photographer born and raised in the DC area. She picked up a camera for the first time in 2016 and in five short years she went from taking photos in her spare time to running her own photography business and making it her full-time career. After a decade of working a 9-5 in operations and finance Birch took all of the skills and lessons she learned in her business experience to grow her side hustle into her own creative business. She works with a diverse range of local and national clients and enjoys the challenge that comes with creating something truly unique for every person she collaborates with. Her passion lies in creating work that supports the businesses of other creative entrepreneurs in their pursuit.

I AM CEO Podcast Episode

Business Name
Short Business Description
Birch Thomas is a commercial photographer born and raised in the DC area. She picked up a camera for the first time in 2016 and in five short years she went from taking photos in her spare time to running her own photography business and making it her full-time career. After a decade of working a 9-5 in operations and finance Birch took all of the skills and lessons she learned in her business experience to grow her side hustle into her own creative business. She works with a diverse range of local and national clients and enjoys the challenge that comes with creating something truly unique for every person she collaborates with. Her passion lies in creating work that supports the businesses of other creative entrepreneurs in their pursuit.
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