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Alan Heymann
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Alan Heymann, JD, PCC specializes in coaching through transitions — such as the transition from individual contributor to leader, the transition into a larger and more complex role, or the transition into a different career. He brings a warm, open and energetic presence to his coaching clients. To date, Alan has coached leaders who were born in 16 countries and work on 5 continents.

An expert communicator and engaging speaker, Alan spent more than two decades in public, government and nonprofit communications — leading teams from 2 to more than 100 people who use words and images to inspire positive change in society. Inspired by a career transformation he brought about with the support of an executive coach, Alan decided to become a coach himself. He founded Peaceful Direction in April 2019.

I AM CEO Podcast Episode

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Alan Heymann, JD, PCC specializes in coaching through transitions — such as the transition from individual contributor to leader, the transition into a larger and more complex role, or the transition into a different career. He brings a warm, open and energetic presence to his coaching clients. To date, Alan has coached leaders who were born in 16 countries and work on 5 continents.

An expert communicator and engaging speaker, Alan spent more than two decades in public, government and nonprofit communications — leading teams from 2 to more than 100 people who use words and images to inspire positive change in society. Inspired by a career transformation he brought about with the support of an executive coach, Alan decided to become a coach himself. He founded Peaceful Direction in April 2019.
Adam Mutschler
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As a coach and partner at The Kedar Group Adam works with individuals, teams, and organizations to break through the barriers that slow them down and develop strategies, tactics, and practices to scale themselves as they scale their businesses.

I AM CEO Podcast Episode

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As a coach and partner at The Kedar Group Adam works with individuals, teams, and organizations to break through the barriers that slow them down and develop strategies, tactics, and practices to scale themselves as they scale their businesses.
Albert Ho
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Sandy and Albert are a married couple from Toronto, who are both authors and keynote speakers. In this podcast couples can learn how to support each other to help them achieve their dreams and goals. Sandy’s award-winning newly published book is called The Money Master: Inside Secrets On How To Make Your Money Grow and Stay Safe which focuses on helping female millennials create wealth through investing. Albert helps healthcare sales professionals generate $1 million in sales within one year.

I AM CEO Podcast Episode

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Sandy and Albert are a married couple from Toronto, who are both authors and keynote speakers. In this podcast couples can learn how to support each other to help them achieve their dreams and goals. Sandy’s award-winning newly published book is called The Money Master: Inside Secrets On How To Make Your Money Grow and Stay Safe which focuses on helping female millennials create wealth through investing. Albert helps healthcare sales professionals generate $1 million in sales within one year.
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