IAM1278 – Founder Takes Care of the Foundational Elements – Our Health

Podcast Interview with Dr. Veronica Joseph

Dr. Veronica Joseph is the #1 International Best Selling Author of Unlocking Your Super Life. She is the founder of Awesome Healing Acupuncture. She is also a licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico and a licensed Acupuncturist in California. Her specialties include allergies, digestive issues, immune system dysfunction, and pain management. It is her goal to educate and empower her patients to achieve optimum health and live their best life.

  • CEO Story: After graduating in Medicine, she created the opportunity to practice her profession even with limited resources. Rented a room with minimal furniture, got her license, and boom! She was all set on her journey to success.
  • Business Service: Acupuncture, muscle testing, allergy elimination therapy, telemedicine doing nutritional consultation, remote treatment, and online courses.
  • Secret Sauce: Integrating Western and Eastern Medicine. Utilizing functional medicine. Allergy/blood test. Self-care tools for patients like showing the acupressure points and mentoring them to overcome their challenges.
  • CEO Hack: Spiritual Discipline. A moving meditation, exercising, acupuncture, and practicing gratitude. Balance life.
  • CEO Nugget: Positive mindset. Flexible and adaptable. Do not be afraid to fail, but take it as an opportunity to grow.
  • CEO Defined: “I can design my life, I can create my own schedule, and choose work projects that align with my purpose. Do what I love to do, do a balanced life. Maximize my potential and enjoy life.”


Facebook: Awesome-Healing-Acupuncture

Book: Unlocking Your Super Life Book

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00:18 – Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkness values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:45 – Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Dr. Veronica Joseph of Awesome Healing Acupuncture. Dr. Veronica, it's great to have you on the show.

00:55 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

Thank you for having me, Gresham.

00:58 – Gresham Harkless

Yes. Super excited to have you on and hear about all the awesome things that you're doing. But before we do that, I want to read a little bit more about Dr. Veronica so you can hear about some of those awesome things. Dr. Veronica is the number one international bestselling author of Unlocking Your Super Life. She is the founder of Awesome Healing Acupuncture. She is also a licensed doctor of oriental medicine in New Mexico and a licensed acupuncturist in California. Her specialties include allergies, digestive issues, immune system dysfunction, and pain management. It is her goal to educate and empower her patients to achieve optimal health and live their best lives. Dr. Veronica, super excited to have you on the show. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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01:39 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

I am so excited. Yeah, I'm ready.

01:42 – Gresham Harkless

Let's make it happen then. So to kind of kick everything off, I wanted to rewind the clock a little bit. Here is a little bit more on how you got started, what I call your CEO story.

01:50 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

When I actually graduated from school and obtained my license as a doctor of oriental medicine, at that time it was difficult to find a job. So I had no choice but to start my own business so I could practice my profession.

02:08 – Gresham Harkless

Nice, yeah. And a lot of times I always, what was coming to mind is a phrase of making a way out of no way, because sometimes there aren't those opportunities out there. So sometimes it sounds like you had to create that.

02:18 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

That's right, yes. And I was not afraid to start my business and it was so funny. When I started my business, I got the massage table, a little table. I don't have any much furniture. So I decided to rent a room as a start and then it just happened. I got the license to practice and also the license for the business and that's how it started.

02:48 – Gresham Harkless

Nice. I love that. And I think so many times when people are thinking about starting stuff, I love that you, you know you didn't have that fair, you just kind of got started and you jumped straight in because so many times people can be so consumed in everything being, I guess the word that's coming to mind is perfect. It has to be this way or that way that they don't get started. And I love how you were just getting started. You guys started with the room and it just kind of blossomed from there because sometimes people can't get past that and they'd never ever get started at the end of the day.

03:18 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

Right. I mean, I didn't overthink, I just did it. And you know, and it's just like a matter of trial and error. Whatever works, I stick with it. If it doesn't work, then I try something else.

03:30 – Gresham Harkless

Absolutely. And I think so many times that's the entrepreneurial way, but so many times we have to unlearn those things. But I love that you were able to kind of just kind of step in and do that. And so I wanted to drill down a little bit more, hear a little bit more on how you work with your clients and in your book and all the awesome things that you're doing. So can you take us through a little bit more on how you serve your clients and how you work with them?

03:49 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

Since I'm in the healthcare business, I provide acupuncture, applied kinesiology, or muscle testing to check if certain vitamins and supplements or herbs are good and beneficial to them. I also utilize allergy elimination therapy and guess what, telemedicine which includes nutritional consultation and evaluation, providing remote treatment, and teaching online courses such as Tai Chi Cha, and moving meditation classes.

04:19 – Gresham Harkless

Nice. I love that. And especially because I think so many times, and I don't know if you would agree with this, that you lose how important, you know, your health is and how vital it is for you to do just about anything in life. And I love that you have different, for lack of a better term, it sounds like modalities that you can kind of help meet people where they are to make sure that they get the help that they're ultimately searching for.

04:38 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

Right, because not one size fits all. People are different. Their constitution is different. Sometimes people actually work with acupuncture and sometimes they want to combine both the nutritional aspect and acupuncture at the same time. And most of the patients that I have have allergies. So I also do basically reprogramming the brain and the nervous system to desensitize a particular allergen. So I pretty much diversify and customize it according to their needs.

05:15 – Gresham Harkless

Nice. So it kind of sounds like, and I don't want to put words in your mouth, that one of the big things that you try to do is to have those conversations and get that insight because you have, it sounds like different modalities and you kind of meet people where they are, depending on of course, where they want to be, what their goal is and what they're trying to achieve as far as their health, but also understanding, I guess, maybe the, the pros and cons of each of the different modalities you have.

05:38 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

Right. So what I usually do first is to get an evaluation. I asked so many questions, medical questionnaire, and also what deficiencies they have, and I did examinations, like checking their tongue, check their pulse, and I went from there. What do they need to basically expedite the healing progress?

06:00 – Gresham Harkless

Nice. So I wanted to ask you now for what I call your secret sauce. This could be for yourself personally, the business, or a combination of both. But what do you feel kind of sets you apart and makes you unique?

06:10 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

So I integrate both Western and Eastern medicine. I utilize functional medicine, which is actually the best part of the Western. So I can check also the testing allergy testing, the blood tests to help me find out what allergies I have. And also I empower my patients with self-care tools such as showing them how to massage or press the acupressure points that are indicated depending upon the diagnosis to help them feel better. In addition, I also mentor them to help them overcome their challenges. And as well as I, like you said, I do consultation remotely, and they also get remote treatment in the comfort of their homes. So I expanded that service.

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07:02 – Gresham Harkless

Nice. And I think that correct me if I'm wrong, a lot of people are either in one camp or the other, either Eastern or Western. So the fact that you combine both of those and you're able to, again, meet people where they are, serve them how they need to be served, ultimately to reach their goals, It seems like that's something that's a little bit more rare, maybe then I guess that no more.

07:22 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

Well, nowadays, I think a lot of practitioners utilize but rarely do they pretty much combine them together. For instance, with allergy elimination therapy, I have to find out what vitamins or allergens they have and I have to go through the nutrition like the foods that contain calcium, eggs, you know, protein, vitamin C. Also based on the blood tests that they get like the IgE and IgG that they're sensitive to, I have to combine them together. And the fact that I am reprogramming their brain and their nervous system. That's the aspect of the Western field, right? And the acupuncture together, so combining both together, I think that's the best methodology that I have experienced in the past. And they pretty much respond so quickly and it's amazing.

08:20 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. And I'm glad, thank you for giving that example because I think it really brings a delight where so many times it sounds like you're, of course, helping the, I don't wanna call it the problem, but whatever they might be coming to you with at that time. But it also sounds like it has a long-term effect as well, too, when you start talking about really like the mindset piece, all those different aspects where sometimes if you quote unquote, fix it or get it better or improve it, it can only do it for a short period of time, but it sounds like you really have that long term type of approach as well to that understanding of both.

08:54 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

Yeah, I do resolve the root cause of their symptoms and I actually approach it holistically, not only addressing the physical side, but also the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual. And at the same time, I coach them, because there are things that really, things that they can do on their end and we work as a team. I mean, I don't do all the job. They need to participate, do their share, and be open-minded and receptive. I can only do so much on my own, but they need to become part of the group, part of the team. Otherwise, it's not going to work.

09:37 – Gresham Harkless

Absolutely. I appreciate that. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit, and I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an ad book or a habit that you have. What's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

09:50 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

Having a spiritual discipline to practice healthy habits, such as sitting and moving meditation in the morning, like Tai Chi Cha, moving meditation, exercising, treating myself with acupuncture, and practicing gratitude at the end of the day. It helps me to calm my mind, feel centered, and allow me to be more effective in helping others make better decisions, and most important of all, it's to have a balanced life.

10:19 – Gresham Harkless

Nice. I think that's so important. I appreciate you giving those practical ways as well, too, because just as I was a session on whether you're a CEO, entrepreneur, business owner, employee, or whatever your position that you have, I think we can sometimes skip over how important and vital, you know, taking that step and taking those actions is to make sure that you have that holistically healthy lifestyle and healthy day and so on and so forth. We can skip over that and just jump into the day when we don't create that space and time and make sure to do that.

10:48 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

That's correct. And that's really vital as a CEO.

10:54 – Gresham Harkless

Absolutely. Absolutely. So I want to ask you now for what I call a CEO nugget. So this is a little bit more of a word of wisdom or piece of advice. It might be something you would tell a CEO, or if you hopped into a time machine, you might tell your younger business self.

11:07 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

So the number one is to have a positive mindset. So the first 5 years of business are very critical. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 20% of US small businesses failed within the first year, and roughly 50% faltered at the end of their fifth year. So it's important to be flexible and adaptable, and not to be afraid to fail and learn from your mistakes and see them as opportunities to grow and closer to achieving your goals. So like I said, if the product or service is not working, then you can either modify your strategies or totally change them. So for instance, when COVID-19 hit in 2020, most of the non-essential businesses were closed, including my clinic.

So I have to be resourceful and think outside the box. And not only focusing on the negative impact of the pandemic but also on the positive outcome. So in that regard, I was able to practice telemedicine, which was acceptable at that time. And that's the first time, right? And able to write my first book and the title is It is Done, 15 Secrets to Manifest Your Dream Life by Successful Entrepreneur. This year, I wrote another book, which is Unlocking Your Super Life, A Guide to a Healthier, and Happier You, which both were published this year and became Amazon's number one international best-selling.

So with a positive mindset and faith, my business did not only survive, but it also thrived. And I just expanded my remote services, not only available within New Mexico, but also in other states and in other countries, and added the Tai Chi Cha online course.

13:15 – Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. And so I want to now ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on the show. So Dr. Veronica, what does being a CEO mean to you?

13:28 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

So being a CEO means I can design my life, I can create my own schedule choose work projects that are aligned with my purpose, do what I love to do, have a balanced life work, maximize my potential, and most importantly of all enjoy my life.

13:48 – Gresham Harkless

I love that definition because I think it's holistic as the work that you do in terms of understanding how we make that impact that we can have within our lives.

13:55 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

Yeah, and I'm so blessed to be able to do it.

13:59 – Gresham Harkless

Absolutely, yes, every day is definitely that blessing and that opportunity. So Dr. Veronica truly appreciates that definition. And I of course appreciate your time even more. What I want to do now is pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know. And of course, how best people can get a hold of you and find out about all the awesome things that you're working on.

14:19 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

So another important thing is to believe in yourself and to have a support group with like-minded people so they could be able to help you manifest your goals and purpose in life. And the key factor is to take care of yourself. That's your number one priority is an investment and not an expense. Also, I offer a free 15-minute optimum wellness phone consultation and they can schedule it through my website, And both of my books, It is Done and Unlocking Your Super Life are also available on my websites and they can best contact me on my website, awesome And thank you so much for your time and your interview. I appreciate it. And I'm grateful to you.

15:18 – Gresham Harkless

Yes, I'm definitely grateful to you as well for your time and all the awesome work that you're doing. We're obviously going to have the links and information, the show notes as well too, so that everybody can follow up with you, get a copy of your books, and find out about all the awesome things that you're doing. But I truly appreciate, you know, everything that you represent, I think so many times we can get lost in, you know, the work that we do and going from this thing to that thing to that thing to this thing that we forget about the foundational element that we have.

And a lot of times that is an extension of our health and what we're doing to ourselves, what we're putting into our mind, how we're treating ourselves, what we're eating, just how holistic health is. We can often forget about that aspect. So I appreciate you for reminding us of that today. And of course, the work that you do, because I think it puts it as a priority and something that's necessary. And that's the way that we start to take care of it. And of course, by extension, take care of ourselves. So thank you so much again.

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16:07 – Dr. Veronica Joseph

You're welcome. Thank you. Have a good one.

16:11 – Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

00:18 - Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkness values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

00:45 - Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast. I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Dr. Veronica Joseph of Awesome Healing Acupuncture. Dr. Veronica, it's great to have you on the show.

00:55 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

Thank you for having me, Gresham.

00:58 - Gresham Harkless

Yes. Super excited to have you on and hear about all the awesome things that you're doing. But before we do that, I want to read a little bit more about Dr. Veronica so you can hear about some of those awesome things. Dr. Veronica is the number one international bestselling author of Unlocking Your Super Life. She is the founder of Awesome Healing Acupuncture. She is also a licensed doctor of oriental medicine in New Mexico and a licensed acupuncturist in California. Her specialties include allergies, digestive issues, immune system dysfunction, and pain management. It is her goal to educate and empower her patients to achieve optimal health and live their best lives. Dr. Veronica, super excited to have you on the show. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

01:39 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

I am so excited. Yeah, I'm ready.

01:42 - Gresham Harkless

Let's make it happen then. So to kind of kick everything off, I wanted to rewind the clock a little bit. Here is a little bit more on how you got started, what I call your CEO story.

01:50 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

When I actually graduated from school and obtained my license as a doctor of oriental medicine, at that time it was difficult to find a job. So I had no choice but to start my own business so I could practice my profession.

02:08 - Gresham Harkless

Nice, yeah. And a lot of times I always, what was coming to mind is a phrase of making a way out of no way, because sometimes there aren't those opportunities out there. So sometimes it sounds like you had to create that.

02:18 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

That's right, yes. And I was not afraid to start my business and it was so funny. When I started my business, I got the massage table, a little table. I don't have any much furniture. So I decided to rent a room as a start and then it just happened. I got the license to practice and also the license for the business and that's how it started.

02:48 - Gresham Harkless

Nice. I love that. And I think so many times when people are thinking about starting stuff, I love that you, you know you didn't have that fair, you just kind of got started and you jumped straight in because so many times people can be so consumed in everything being, I guess the word that's coming to mind is perfect. It has to be this way or that way that they don't get started. And I love how you were just getting started. You guys started with the room and it just kind of blossomed from there because sometimes people can't get past that and they'd never ever get started at the end of the day.

03:18 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

Right. I mean, I didn't overthink, I just did it. And you know, and it's just like a matter of trial and error. Whatever works, I stick with it. If it doesn't work, then I try something else.

03:30 - Gresham Harkless

Absolutely. And I think so many times that's the entrepreneurial way, but so many times we have to unlearn those things. But I love that you were able to kind of just kind of step in and do that. And so I wanted to drill down a little bit more, hear a little bit more on how you work with your clients and in your book and all the awesome things that you're doing. So can you take us through a little bit more on how you serve your clients and how you work with them?

03:49 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

Since I'm in the healthcare business, I provide acupuncture, applied kinesiology, or muscle testing to check if certain vitamins and supplements or herbs are good and beneficial to them. I also utilize allergy elimination therapy and guess what, telemedicine which includes nutritional consultation and evaluation, providing remote treatment, and teaching online courses such as Tai Chi Cha, and moving meditation classes.

04:19 - Gresham Harkless

Nice. I love that. And especially because I think so many times, and I don't know if you would agree with this, that you lose how important, you know, your health is and how vital it is for you to do just about anything in life. And I love that you have different, for lack of a better term, it sounds like modalities that you can kind of help meet people where they are to make sure that they get the help that they're ultimately searching for.

04:38 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

Right, because not one size fits all. People are different. Their constitution is different. Sometimes people actually work with acupuncture and sometimes they want to combine both the nutritional aspect and acupuncture at the same time. And most of the patients that I have have allergies. So I also do basically reprogramming the brain and the nervous system to desensitize a particular allergen. So I pretty much diversify and customize it according to their needs.

05:15 - Gresham Harkless

Nice. So it kind of sounds like, and I don't want to put words in your mouth, that one of the big things that you try to do is to have those conversations and get that insight because you have, it sounds like different modalities and you kind of meet people where they are, depending on of course, where they want to be, what their goal is and what they're trying to achieve as far as their health, but also understanding, I guess, maybe the, the pros and cons of each of the different modalities you have.

05:38 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

Right. So what I usually do first is to get an evaluation. I asked so many questions, medical questionnaire, and also what deficiencies they have, and I did examinations, like checking their tongue, check their pulse, and I went from there. What do they need to basically expedite the healing progress?

06:00 - Gresham Harkless

Nice. So I wanted to ask you now for what I call your secret sauce. This could be for yourself personally, the business, or a combination of both. But what do you feel kind of sets you apart and makes you unique?

06:10 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

So I integrate both Western and Eastern medicine. I utilize functional medicine, which is actually the best part of the Western. So I can check also the testing allergy testing, the blood tests to help me find out what allergies I have. And also I empower my patients with self-care tools such as showing them how to massage or press the acupressure points that are indicated depending upon the diagnosis to help them feel better. In addition, I also mentor them to help them overcome their challenges. And as well as I, like you said, I do consultation remotely, and they also get remote treatment in the comfort of their homes. So I expanded that service.

07:02 - Gresham Harkless

Nice. And I think that correct me if I'm wrong, a lot of people are either in one camp or the other, either Eastern or Western. So the fact that you combine both of those and you're able to, again, meet people where they are, serve them how they need to be served, ultimately to reach their goals, It seems like that's something that's a little bit more rare, maybe then I guess that no more.

07:22 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

Well, nowadays, I think a lot of practitioners utilize but rarely do they pretty much combine them together. For instance, with allergy elimination therapy, I have to find out what vitamins or allergens they have and I have to go through the nutrition like the foods that contain calcium, eggs, you know, protein, vitamin C. Also based on the blood tests that they get like the IgE and IgG that they're sensitive to, I have to combine them together. And the fact that I am reprogramming their brain and their nervous system. That's the aspect of the Western field, right? And the acupuncture together, so combining both together, I think that's the best methodology that I have experienced in the past. And they pretty much respond so quickly and it's amazing.

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08:20 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. And I'm glad, thank you for giving that example because I think it really brings a delight where so many times it sounds like you're, of course, helping the, I don't wanna call it the problem, but whatever they might be coming to you with at that time. But it also sounds like it has a long-term effect as well, too, when you start talking about really like the mindset piece, all those different aspects where sometimes if you quote unquote, fix it or get it better or improve it, it can only do it for a short period of time, but it sounds like you really have that long term type of approach as well to that understanding of both.

08:54 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

Yeah, I do resolve the root cause of their symptoms and I actually approach it holistically, not only addressing the physical side, but also the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual. And at the same time, I coach them, because there are things that really, things that they can do on their end and we work as a team. I mean, I don't do all the job. They have to be part, they have to do their part and they have to be receptive and open-minded because I can only do certain things, but they have to become like part of the, you know, part of the group, part of the team. Otherwise, it's not going to work.

09:37 - Gresham Harkless

Absolutely. I appreciate that. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit, and I want to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an ad book or a habit that you have. What's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

09:50 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

Having a spiritual discipline to practice healthy habits, such as sitting and moving meditation in the morning, like Tai Chi Cha, moving meditation, exercising, treating myself with acupuncture, and practicing gratitude at the end of the day. It helps me to calm my mind, feel centered, and allow me to be more effective in helping others make better decisions, and most important of all, it's to have a balanced life.

10:19 - Gresham Harkless

Nice. I think that's so important. I appreciate you giving those practical ways as well, too, because just as I was a session on whether you're a CEO, entrepreneur, business owner, employee, or whatever your position that you have, I think we can sometimes skip over how important and vital, you know, taking that step and taking those actions is to make sure that you have that holistically healthy lifestyle and healthy day and so on and so forth. We can skip over that and just jump into the day when we don't create that space and time and make sure to do that.

10:48 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

That's correct. And that's really vital as a CEO.

10:54 - Gresham Harkless

Absolutely. Absolutely. So I want to ask you now for what I call a CEO nugget. So this is a little bit more of a word of wisdom or piece of advice. It might be something you would tell a CEO, or if you hopped into a time machine, you might tell your younger business self.

11:07 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

So the number one is to have a positive mindset. So the first 5 years of business are very critical. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 20% of US small businesses failed within the first year, and roughly 50% faltered at the end of their fifth year. So it's important to be flexible and adaptable, and not to be afraid to fail and learn from your mistakes and see them as opportunities to grow and closer to achieving your goals. So like I said, if the product or service is not working, then you can either modify your strategies or totally change them. So for instance, when COVID-19 hit in 2020, most of the non-essential businesses were closed, including my clinic.

So I have to be resourceful and think outside the box. And not only focusing on the negative impact of the pandemic but also on the positive outcome. So in that regard, I was able to practice telemedicine, which was acceptable at that time. And that's the first time, right? And able to write my first book and the title is It is Done, 15 Secrets to Manifest Your Dream Life by Successful Entrepreneur. This year, I wrote another book, which is Unlocking Your Super Life, A Guide to a Healthier, and Happier You, which both were published this year and became Amazon's number one international best-selling. So with a positive mindset and faith, my business did not only survive, but it also thrived. And I just expanded my remote services, not only available within New Mexico, but also in other states and in other countries, and added the Tai Chi Cha online course.

13:15 - Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. And so I want to now ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on the show. So Dr. Veronica, what does being a CEO mean to you?

13:28 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

So being a CEO means I can design my life, I can create my own schedule choose work projects that are aligned with my purpose, do what I love to do, have a balanced life work, maximize my potential, and most importantly of all enjoy my life.

13:48 - Gresham Harkless

I love that definition because I think it's holistic as the work that you do in terms of understanding how we make that impact that we can have within our lives.

13:55 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

Yeah, and I'm so blessed to be able to do it.

13:59 - Gresham Harkless

Absolutely, yes, every day is definitely that blessing and that opportunity. So Dr. Veronica truly appreciates that definition. And I of course appreciate your time even more. What I want to do now is pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know. And of course, how best people can get a hold of you and find out about all the awesome things that you're working on.

14:19 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

So another important thing is to believe in yourself and to have a support group with like-minded people so they could be able to help you manifest your goals and purpose in life. And the key factor is to take care of yourself. That's your number one priority is an investment and not an expense. Also, I offer a free 15-minute optimum wellness phone consultation and they can schedule it through my website, And both of my books, It is Done and Unlocking Your Super Life are also available on my websites and they can best contact me on my website, awesome And thank you so much for your time and your interview. I appreciate it. And I'm grateful to you.

15:18 - Gresham Harkless

Yes, I'm definitely grateful to you as well for your time and all the awesome work that you're doing. We're obviously going to have the links and information, the show notes as well too, so that everybody can follow up with you, get a copy of your books, and find out about all the awesome things that you're doing. But I truly appreciate, you know, everything that you represent, I think so many times we can get lost in, you know, the work that we do and going from this thing to that thing to that thing to this thing that we forget about the foundational element that we have.

And a lot of times that is an extension of our health and what we're doing to ourselves, what we're putting into our mind, how we're treating ourselves, what we're eating, just how holistic health is. We can often forget about that aspect. So I appreciate you for reminding us of that today. And of course, the work that you do, because I think it puts it as a priority and something that's necessary. And that's the way that we start to take care of it. And of course, by extension, take care of ourselves. So thank you so much again.

16:07 - Dr. Veronica Joseph

You're welcome. Thank you. Have a good one.

16:11 - Outro

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Dave Bonachita - CBNation Writer

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