
IAM600- Special Podcast Episode with Gresh on Covid-19

Podcast Episode with Gresh

Gresham “Gresh” W. Harkless Jr. is the founder of CBNation and Blue 16 Media. CBNation is a business-to-business (B2B) Brand focused on increasing the business success rate through content including blogs, podcasts, and videos. CBNation consists of blogs (CEOBlogNation.com), podcasts (CEOPodcasts.com), and videos (CBNation.tv).

The brand focuses on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Blue 16 Media is a digital marketing agency providing digital marketing services including web design & SEO to small to medium-sized businesses and organizations. Central to his marketing philosophy is that You Are a Media Company: Developing a Marketing Strategy to Connect with Your Target and Reach Your Goals. Gresham is a proud graduate of Howard University & Georgetown University.

Check out these Covid-19 resorces: https://cbnation.co/2020/03/covid-19-resources/

  • CEO Hack: Zoom for meetings, networking, and podcasts and CEOHack.co
  • CEO Nugget: Prepare for the worst times and expect the best. “Tough times don't last. Tough people do.” Get your name out there.
  • CEO Defined: A phenomenal leader

Website: http://iamgresh.com

Check out one of our favorite CEO Hack’s Audible. Get your free audiobook and check out more of our favorite CEO Hacks HERE


The full transcription is only available to CBNation Library Members. Sign up today!

Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview?

If so, you've come to the right place, Gresham, Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of.

This is the I AM CEO podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:26

Hello, hello, hello. This is Gesh from the I AM CEO podcast powered by Blue 16, Media, CB nation, and all the awesome things that we're trying to do for entrepreneurs and business owners to become more successful at their craft and their experiences and all the awesome things that they're bringing out to the world. And this is a very, very special episode. Usually which each of the episodes I tried to do kind of a solo podcast to give you kind of current state of where we are with some of the things that we're doing. Unfortunately, I'm recording this during the COVID-19 epidemic, if you can call it that is just putting loads and loads of shockwaves to the entire world, personal world, and also the business world as well, too.

So I just wanted to take this time just to kind of go through each of the things that we can, you know, think about as business owners, but also kind of hopefully, bring some light to some of the changes and evolutions we can make so that we can be better entrepreneurs and business owners. So with that being said, as I usually start everything out with the story, I just wanted to break down to you exactly why. And when I started my business, I actually graduated during the economic crisis. And that was one of those pivotal moments in history where I hear a lot of the most successful companies and successful as a relative term.

But one of the biggest things that I heard was that and I read from some Robert Kiyosaki books that anybody or a lot of businesses that were in the Fortune 500, at that time, were started during an economic crisis and downturn. So as I record this, and as I, you know, speak from what I don't think it necessarily is right now. But it's kind of going towards potentially being that economic downturn again, understand that there's a tremendous amount of opportunities. And for me, I personally just was interested in entrepreneurship and business. One of the reasons that I even know that that factor that information is just because I basically went full in on reading everything I could, and as much as I could about entrepreneurship and business and CEOs and entrepreneurs and business owners, what made them successful, what didn't make them successful, great successes that they have, but also mistakes that they had.

So that's why it kind of turned into what was the hero for Northside initially, blossomed into CEO blog nation, and now is CB nation at that time. So what I just wanted to bring the light is that for everybody indefinitely, for me, a lot of times, this is a very chaotic moment in history.

But I think that as a country, as a world, really, we'll be able to kind of look back and hopefully see that there are some opportunities that came from this, you know, really traumatic in a pivotable moment in history. So, with that being said, again, I started CB Nation, largely to help entrepreneurs and business owners be successful to hear those stories about things that people did to be successful and different hacks and nuggets and things that we can take on as entrepreneurs and business owners to be more successful. So that's kind of the beat of what CB Nation is about all about increasing the business success rate. And right in line with that is Blue 16 Media and Blue 16 Media is really focused on helping to build that foundation for entrepreneurs, and business owners.

And right now we're going to also pivot as well so I usually say we do web design and SEO and SEO super broad. But I'm going to add the content piece to that as well too, because especially now, now, not just because of you know, this current state and the pandemic that we're experiencing right now, but also just as a whole content is something that's going to be very, very important is really great way to drive your SEO and your rankings as well, too. So you're gonna see a lot of changes across our site. Not really tremendous changes, but just adding that constant pace because of how important it is.

And because really, from a CB nation standpoint, that's really what we do very well is the ability to kind of create reproduce, and repurpose the content that we have on our site. So you know, the way we serve clients is basically focused primarily on visibility, and I say visibility plus resources equals success. The visibility piece from the CB nation angle is really focused on trying to create content for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners to be successful in hearing the stories and the profiles of the successful business owners so we know exactly what they do, how to get in contact with them what makes them unique, but at the same time. It can be bad or it can even even be visibility around resources.

So what resources are available to us that can help us be more successful? Is there a book that we should read, if we're in or experiencing an economic downturn, which we have, you know, featured on our bookshelf, or there, you know, certain organizations or groups that we should leverage that we should know about, as well, too. And just kind of having that understanding of the resources and the visibility of the products and services, the businesses that are around is really what we're trying to do and create that hub. And we do that from like a product standpoint, where we're creating the platform, or we're hoping to bring people as many people as possible to our platform, whereas with blue 16 Media is a lot more helping people build those same similar foundations for their target market.

The philosophy around that is that you are a media company, just understanding how to create that platform and the content and information for your target market. So that's basically what we help business owners do. And we focus on that tactically from a web design and SEO standpoint. And of course, as I mentioned before content standpoint, so our secret sauce, or my secret sauce. Typically during these, I'll talk about the URL Midi Company being our secret sauce, but my personal secret sauce, I think, is just doing a lot of inner work. I think that is the thing that kind of has set me apart where sometimes it's noisy, you can follow other people to see what other people are doing.

But I think the thing that has been to my advantage, I would say over the last maybe eight to 10 years, is really not trying to follow the pack. And I don't do that on purpose. I think it's something that's naturally within me to not necessarily go the way that everybody else goes, I think you still feel that pull, which is natural, I think for everybody. But I think that contrarian type of, I guess, mindset is what definitely does set me apart. And, and I think also, my really big philosophy is not to get caught in the middle. So when been building a business, if you have you know, whatever, you know, success is to you.

But if you build like, let's just say for example, a six-figure business, you don't want to get caught in building a quarter of a million dollar business, if that's not your goal, if your your your middle is that I think so many times we can get stuck in that middle, it kind of precludes us or blocks us from being able to create that multi-million dollars or billion dollar business. So I think the middle sometimes in the middle can be different, I just threw out some numbers that could be definitely different for everybody. But I think just thinking through those things, and having that awareness of myself, but having an awareness of also what I'm trying to achieve and trying to make sure that I'm making decisions in alignment with that, and not what everybody else might want me to do or say I should do, is really what kind of I think sets me apart.

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And I think any true entrepreneurial person probably has a lot of that. But I think that because of the state of being an entrepreneur of thinking in a different way, it is very lonely. Sometimes you have that insecurity, that doubt in yourself as to whether or not you're doing right. But one of the consistent things that I've heard during these episodes with 100 people is that they wish they had trusted their gut more. And I think that gut is that quiet voice when you are in that solid tuning Do you know exactly what you should do and how to make those decisions? I think so many times, we ignore that. But I think that is definitely something that is what I would like to call my secret sauce.

So as I normally do, I'm going to switch gears a little bit and I'm going to go right into the CEO hack. And that's basically if you haven't listened to the show is an app or book or habit that you have something that makes you more effective and efficient. So for me, especially during this time, I'm gonna end up putting out a lot more content and information around, you know, different ways that you can be more remote. As you may know, our team's fully remote team of eight at this moment We basically work from different parts of the world and different countries. And we leverage a lot of different technology to be able to do that. But one of the biggest tips and probably hacks that I can mention is using Zoom.

We use Zoom and I use Zoom for my interviews on the podcast that actually splits the audio tracks to dues there are so many things that automatically go from the recording to the Dropbox Dropbox is put into our base camp the base camp goes in as it is accessed by the editor and editor and also accessed by Mercy who creates the content. So hard and mercy are the ones that are doing a lot of work behind the scenes. So I definitely want to shout them out. But I also want you to know how pivotal Zoom is because this past week actually went on my first Zoom networking meeting I've been on networking calls. But this was like actually structured from a face-to-face networking event because of the things that are going on in the world. Now we're not able to meet face to face in the traditional way.

So we had a Zoom eye networking meeting, it was really something that a lot of people were trying to take advantage of, and health and wellness, especially to, I have a client who is a yoga instructor, she's definitely working on that as well, too. So just really trying to leverage this technology as much as possible, but you can definitely use Zoom. As it stands. Now, I think they are tweaking some things from what I saw on the website. But as it stands now, it's basically free to use Zoom, if it's a one-to-one, it could be a recording or just a video chat with a person.

So it's really great for those one-on-one meetings. If you have a third or up to I believe 99 person learning that ninth person on the on the show on the on the recording or in the meeting, then you have to You're limited to about 40 minutes in when you're at that 40 minutes. So actually, if you want to upgrade to a pro account, basically you can do a lot of things within Zoom, you can do everything from whiteboards to being able to share your screen, to also showing both your screen and yourself, you can record it, you can do workouts, you can do podcasts, we can do so many things with Zoom. So I think it's something you should really take advantage of, if you haven't heard of it, definitely, you know, check it out. And then also go over to our SEO, hack hack.co site.

And that site is going to have a loads of hacks that people can do and take advantage of to be more efficient, effective also for to be just completely honest, to save money, hopefully as well, too. So we'll have some coupon codes and things on the site too, but really hoping to leverage those tools and those hacks so that we can be more effective and efficient, you can be more successful. So with that being said, as my CEO nugget is simply that prepare for the worst times. And it's something that I was kind of aware of, during the economic crisis that I always knew that there was those businesses, those entrepreneurs that were able to continue to market to continue to get their name out there to be even more aggressive, arguably, during those really dark moments.

So it's advice that I would have for myself back when I started my business, even though it wasn't during that economic time, it was a little bit after. But I think it's even more pressing now for people to remote remind themselves of that, and how important it is to market to brand to be on podcast to create a podcast to use as many, you know, free resources as possible to be used as many, you know, very inexpensive resources as possible to try to get their name out there and to get in connect with people as well too, and develop those relationships. Because at this time it's getting, it's gonna get really, really difficult to be able to develop those connections, develop those relationships with people, it is so important to be able to do that.

So if I didn't go back in that time machine and give myself that nugget, it would definitely be to hunker down and really just continue to push, continue to get your name out there continue to market. Understand that tough times don't last, but tough people do. So be a tough person. And that's advice I would give to myself. But definitely, I want to give it to anybody else as well, too. And with that being said, the final thing that I just wanted to say, you know, just for all the CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners, it's a really kind of difficult time for business. And some businesses are obviously flourishing and benefiting from I don't mean maliciously, but just because of the state of what's happening in the world, there are going to be businesses that are going to really be able to benefit from what's happening.

It's not that they necessarily want to it's just the fact that things are shifting and things are changing. So with that being said, I think that in this day and age, I would define this time or probably to find being a CEO, a great CEO as being a phenomenal leader in a leader that has you know, the strength that has the maybe even mental awareness to be able to understand that this is a difficult time I don't think that you can look blindly at what's going on and say ignore it in I think that you have to take it and understand it for what it is maybe even plan for it being so much worse than we expect it to be.

And that's when I think if you continue to do the things on a regular basis that can help you to maintain your sanity your mental health, whether that be you know working out inside or whether that be yoga mat dictation apps, whether that be you know, zooming with friends, I've seen people do zoom happy hours or Zoom coffee chats. So just so many different ways for us to stay connected to say, really, I guess as even killed as possible as we can be during this time. I think that's gonna make us you know, even better as CEO. So for me, definitely CEO is all about that leadership is about that ability to be able to understand exactly what you need to do for yourself.

And I think that will spill over and pour as our cup overflows into the others that are around us, whether that be teammates, whether that be partners or clients. When we are that stoic leader and that stoic CEO were able to help make the world around us so much better but it begins definitely with it with us. So with that being said, this is Gresh signing now. truly appreciate you you know, listen to the podcast please. You know, leave a review if you can as well to my Direct Website is iamgresh.com You can check me out there and see all the links and information and things that I'm working on as well too. But of course you can check us out at CB nation.co And of course blue 16 media backhoe thanks and stay safe and stay blessed as well to.

Outro 16:20

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Intro 0:02

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Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview, if so, you've come to the right place, Gresham, Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:26

Hello, hello, hello. This is Gesh from the I AM CEO podcast powered by Blue 16, Media, CB nation, and all the awesome things that we're trying to do for entrepreneurs and business owners to become more successful at their craft and their experiences and all the awesome things that they're bringing out to the world. And this is a very, very special episode. And usually which each of the episodes I tried to do kind of a solo podcast to give you kind of current state of where we are with some of the things that we're doing. Unfortunately, I'm recording this during the COVID 19 epidemic, if you can call it that are just putting loads and loads of shockwaves to the entire world, personal world and also the business world as well, too. So I just wanted to take this time just to kind of go through each of the things that we can, you know, think about as business owners, but also kind of hopefully, bring some light to some of the changes and evolutions we can make so that we can be better entrepreneurs and business owners. So with that being said, as I usually start everything out with the story, I just wanted to break down to you exactly why. And when I started my business, I actually graduated during the economic crisis. And that was one of those pivotal moments in history where I hear a lot of the most successful companies and successful as a relative term. But one of the biggest things that I heard was that and I read from some Robert Kiyosaki books was that anybody or a lot of businesses that were in the Fortune 500, at that time, were started during an economic crisis and downturn. So as I record this, and as I, you know, speak from what I don't think it necessarily is right now. But it's kind of going towards potentially being that economic downturn again, understand that there's a tremendous amount of opportunities. And for me, I personally just was interested in entrepreneurship and business. And one of the reasons that I even know that that factor that information is just because I, I basically went full in on reading everything I could, and as much as I could about entrepreneurship and business and CEOs and entrepreneurs and business owners, what made them successful, what didn't make them successful, great successes that they have, but also mistakes that they had. So that's why it kind of turned into what was the hero for Northside initially, blossom into CEO blog nation and now is CB nation at that time. So what I just wanted to bring the light is that for everybody indefinitely, for me, a lot of times, this is a very chaotic moment in history. But I think that as a as a country, as a world, really, we'll be able to kind of look back and hopefully see that there are some opportunities that that came from this, you know, really traumatic in in pivotable moment in history. So, with that being said, again, I started CB nation, largely to help out entrepreneurs and business owners being successful to hear those stories to hear about things that people did to be successful and different hacks and nuggets and things that we can take on as entrepreneurs and business owners to be more successful. So that's kind of the beat of what CB nation is about all about increasing the business success rate. And right in line with that is Blue 16 Media and blue 16 media is really focused on helping to build that foundation for entrepreneurs, and business owners. And right now we're going to also pivot as well to I usually say we do web design and SEO and SEO super broad. But I'm going to add the content piece to that as well too, because especially now, now, not just because of you know, this current state and the pandemic that we're experiencing right now, but also just as a whole content is something that's going to be very, very important is really great way to drive your SEO and your rankings as well, too. So you're gonna see a lot of changes across our site. Not really tremendous changes, but just adding that constant pace because of how important it is. And because really, from a CB nation standpoint, that's really what we do very well is the ability to kind of create and reproduce and repurpose the content that we have on our site. So you know, the way we serve clients is basically is focused primarily on visibility, and I say visibility plus resources equals success. The visibility piece from the CB nation piece from the CB nation angle is really focused on trying to create content for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners to be successful in hearing the stories and the profiles of the successful business owner so we know exactly what they do, how to get in contact with them what makes them unique, but at the same time. It can be bad or it can even even be visibility around resources. So what resources are available to us that can help us be more successful? Is there a book that we should read, if we're in or experiencing an economic downturn, which we have, you know, featured on our bookshelf, or there, you know, certain organizations or groups that we should leverage that we should know about, as well, too. And just kind of having that understanding of the resources and the visibility of the products and services, the businesses that are around is really what we're trying to do and create that hub. And we do that from like a product standpoint, where we're creating the platform, or we're hoping to bring people as many people as possible to our platform, whereas with blue 16 Media is a lot more helping people build those same similar foundations for their target market. And the philosophy around that is that you are a media company, just understanding how to create that, that that platform and the content and information for your target market. So that's basically what we help business owners do. And we focus on that tactically from a web design and SEO standpoint. And of course, as I mentioned before content standpoint, so our secret sauce, or my secret sauce. Typically during these I'll talk about the URL Midi Company being our secret sauce, but my personal secret sauce, I think, is just doing a lot of inner work. I think that is the thing that kind of has set me apart where sometimes it's noisy, you can follow other people do see what other people are doing. But I think the thing that has been to my advantage, I would say over the last maybe eight to 10 years, is really not trying to follow the pack. And I don't do that on purpose. I think it's something that's naturally within me to not necessarily go the way that everybody else is goes, I think you still feel that pull, which is natural, I think for everybody. But I think that contrarian type of, I guess, mindset is what definitely does set me apart. And, and I think also, I my really big philosophy is not to get caught in the middle. So when been building a business, if you have a you know, whatever, you know, success is to you. But if you build like, let's just say for example, a six figure business, you don't want to get caught in building a quarter of a million dollar business, if that's not your goal, if your your your middle is that I think so many times we can get really stuck in that middle, it kind of precludes us or blocks us from being able to create that multi million dollar or billion dollar business. So I think the middle sometimes in the middle can be different, I just threw out some numbers could be definitely different for everybody. But I think just thinking through those things, and having that awareness of myself, but having an awareness of also what I'm trying to achieve and trying to make sure that I'm making decisions in alignment with that, and not what everybody else might want me to do or say I should do, is really what kind of I think sets me apart. And I think any true entrepreneurial person probably has a lot of that. But I think that because of the state of being an entrepreneur of thinking in a different way, it is very lonely. Sometimes you have that insecurity, that doubt in yourself as to whether or not you're doing right. But one of the consistent things that I've heard during these episodes with 100 people say is that they wish they had they trusted their gut more. And I think that gut is that quiet voice when you are in that solid tuning Do you know exactly what you should do how to make those decisions? I think so many times, we ignore that. But I think that is definitely something that is what I would like to call my secret sauce. So as I normally do, I'm going to switch gears a little bit and I'm going to go right into the CEO hack. And that's basically if you haven't listened to the show is an app or book or habit that you have something that makes you more effective and efficient. So for me, especially during this time, I'm gonna end up putting out a lot more content and information around, you know, different ways that you can be more remote. As you may know, our team's fully remote team of eight at this moment in We basically work from different parts of the world, different countries. And we leverage a lot of different technology to be able to do that. But one of the biggest tips and probably hacks that I can mention and is is using Zoom. We use Zoom and I use Zoom for my interviews on the podcast that actually splits the audio tracks to dues there's so many things that automatically goes from the recording to the Dropbox Dropbox is put into our base camp the base camp goes in as it is accessed by the editor and editor and also accessed by by Mercy who creates the content. So hard and mercy are the ones that are really doing a lot of work behind the scenes. So I definitely want to shout them out. But I also want you to know how pivotal Zoom is because this past week actually went on my first zoom networking meeting I've been on networking calls. But this was like actually structured from a face to face networking event because of the things that are going on in the world. Now we're not be being able to meet face to face in the traditional way. So we had a zoom eye networking meeting, it was really something that a lot of people were trying to take advantage of, and health and wellness, especially to, I have a client who is a yoga instructor, she's definitely working on that as well, too. So just really trying to leverage this technology as much as possible, but you can definitely use Zoom. As it stands. Now, I think they are tweaking some things from when I saw on the website. But as it stands now, it's basically free to use Zoom, if it's a one to one, it could be a recording or just a video chat with a person. So it's really great for those one on one meetings. If you have a third or up to I believe 99 person learning that ninth person on the on the show on the on the recording or in the meeting, then you have to You're you're limited to about 40 minutes in when you're at that 40 minutes. So actually, if you want to upgrade into a pro account, but basically you can do a lot of things within zoom, you can do everything from whiteboards to being able to share your screen, to also showing both your screen and yourself, you can record it, you can do workouts, you can do podcasts, we can do so many things with Zoom. So I think it's something you should really take advantage of, if you haven't heard of it, definitely, you know, check it out. And then also go over to our SEO, hack hack.co site. And that site is going to have a loads of hacks that people can do and take advantage of to be more efficient, effective also for to be just completely honest, to save money, hopefully as well, too. So we'll have some coupon codes and things on the site too, but really hoping to leverage those tools and those hacks so that we can be more effective and efficient, you can be more successful. So with that being said, as my CEO nugget is simply that prepare for the worst times. And it's something that I was kind of aware of, during the economic crisis that I always knew that there was those businesses, those entrepreneurs that were able to continue to market to continue to get their name out there to be even more aggressive, arguably, during those really dark moments. So it's advice that I would have for myself back when I started my business, even though it wasn't during that economic time, it was a little bit after. But I think it's even more pressing now for people to remote remind themselves of that, and how important it is to market to brand to be on podcast to create a podcast to use as many, you know, free resources as possible to be used as many, you know, very inexpensive resources as possible to try to get their name out there and to get in connect with people as well too, and develop those relationships. Because at this time it's getting, it's gonna get really, really difficult to be able to develop those connections, develop those relationships with people, it is so important to be able to do that. So if I didn't go back in that time machine and give myself that nugget, it would definitely be to hunker down and really just continue to push, continue to get your name out there continue to market. Understand that no tough times don't last, but tough people do. So be a tough person. And that's advice I would give to myself. But definitely I want to give it to anybody else as well, too. And with that being said, the final thing that I just wanted to say, you know, just for all the CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners, it's a really kind of difficult time for business. And some businesses are obviously flourishing and benefiting from I don't mean in a malicious way, but just because of the state of what's happening in the world, there are going to be businesses that are going to really be able to benefit from what's happening. It's not that they necessarily want to it's just the fact that things are shifting and things are changing. So with that being said, I think that in this day and age, I would define this time or probably to find being a CEO, a great CEO as being a phenomenal leader in a leader that has you know, the strength that has the maybe even mental awareness to be able to understand that this is a difficult time I don't think that you can look blindly at what's going on and say ignore it in I think that you have to take it and understand it for what it is maybe even plan for it being so much worse than we expect it to be. And that's when I think if you continue to do the things on a regular basis that can help you to maintain your sanity your mental health, whether that be you know working out inside or whether that be yoga mat dictation apps, whether that be you know, zooming with friends, I've seen people do zoom happy hours or Zoom coffee chats. So just so many different ways for us to stay connected to say, really, I guess as even killed as possible as we can be during this time. I think that's gonna make us you know, even better as CEO. So for me, definitely CEO is all about that leadership is about that ability to be able to understand exactly what you need to do for yourself. And I think that will spill over and pour as our cup overflows into the others that are around us, whether that be teammates, whether that be partners or clients. When we are that stoic leader and that stoic CEO were able to help make the world around us so much better but it begins definitely with it with us. So with that being said, this is Gresh signing now. truly appreciate you you know, listen to the podcast please. You know, leave a review if you can as well to my Direct Website is iamgresh.com You can check me out there and see all the links and information and things that I'm working on as well too. But of course you can check us out at CB nation.co And of course blue 16 media backhoe thanks and stay safe and stay blessed as well to.

See also  IAM800- Special Podcast Episode with Gresh: Announcing CEO Hacks

Outro 16:20

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at www.ceogear.co. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai



CBNation helps entrepreneurs and business owners succeed with visibility, resources and connections. CEO Blog Nation is a community of blogs for entrepreneurs and business owners. Started in much the same way as most small businesses, CEO Blog Nation captures the essence of entrepreneurship by allowing entrepreneurs and business owners to have a voice. CEO Blog Nation provides news, information, events and even startup business tips for entrepreneurs, startups and business owners to succeed.

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