IAM841- Life Coach Helps People Realize Their Full Potential

Podcast Interview with Julia Nguyen

Julia Nguyen is a Psychiatric Nurse, Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist, Life Coach, and founder of

Obsessed with self-improvement and fascinated by the power of the mind, her personal mission is to help people realize their full potential and reach higher levels of fulfillment and consciousness.

She overcame depression and now wants to share the tools she learned with you so that you can overcome your negative beliefs, connect with who you are, and tap into your full potential!

  • CEO Hack: Time management matrix by Steven Coby in the book – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • CEO Nugget: Be vulnerable and share your story
  • CEO Defined: A leader where you're able to inspire others to do the same


IG: @ih3artjulie@thedreamlifefoundation
Book: Awaken the Hero Within


Full Interview:

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00:02 – Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

00:30 – Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Julia Nguyen of the Dream Life Foundation. Julia, it's awesome to have you on the show.

00:39 – Julia Nguyen

Thank you so much for having me here. I'm excited to be here.

00:42 -Gresham Harkless

No problem. Super excited to have you on as well. And before we jump in, I want to read a little bit more about Julia so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. Julia is a psychiatric nurse, hypnotherapist, rapid transformational therapist, life coach, and founder of the Dream Life Obsessed with self-improvement and fascinated by the power of the mind, her personal mission is to help people realize their full potential and reach higher levels of fulfillment and consciousness. She overcame depression and now wants to share the tools she learned with you so that you can overcome your negative self-beliefs, connect with who you are, and tap into your full potential. Julia, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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01:21 – Julia Nguyen

Yeah, super excited. Thank you for the introduction.

01:23 – Gresham Harkless

No problem. Thank you for doing all the awesome things. And what I wanted to do was just to kick everything off to hear a little bit more about how you got started. Could you take us through your CEO story? We'll let you get started with your business.

01:33 – Julia Nguyen

Yeah, definitely. So basically my background is as a psychiatry nurse. While I was working as a nurse, what I began to recognize was that a lot of patients would come in and then they would be put on medications, which would help them manage their symptoms, but it didn't get to the root of the problem. So my thing was that I wanted to help people at a deeper level and that's why I transitioned out from nursing into becoming a coach and a hypnotherapist because I did see that gap where the medications were helping people, but they weren't dealing with the trauma that they've gone through or the negative belief systems that they've developed. So that really inspired me to continue my education and then transition over to becoming a coach and a hypnotherapist.

02:22 – Gresham Harkless

Nice, well, I definitely appreciate you in doing that. And I think, as you said, so many times we treat the kind of things that come out of the problems as the root of the problems. And sometimes we can even push ourselves, our minds away from those problems because we don't really wanna deal with them. But I love that you get to that root because I think that's the only way to fully be healed and cured when you kind of face what it is and treat that.

02:47 – Julia Nguyen

Yeah, absolutely, I totally agree.

02:49 – Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. So I know you touched on it a little bit. Could you take us through how you serve your clients and what exactly that process looks like?

02:57 – Julia Nguyen

Yeah, so basically my initial meeting with a client is just trying to get to know them, understanding where their problems are coming from, and then just kind of establishing a rapport between the 2 of us. And then I typically do a minimum of a 3-month program where I kind of focus on whatever it is that is coming up for them right now and then we focus on that for the 3 months and then after that, if they feel like they need additional work in other areas then we would go through that.

But I use a couple of different modalities so I'm trained in hypnotherapy as well as NLP, and then I also do coaching. So what I try to do is combine not only therapy but also coaching together so that you get the best of both worlds. So it's like working through the trauma, doing the deeper work, and then helping them with the motivation, helping them set goals, and then just really combining and putting it all together.

03:56 – Gresham Harkless

Nice, I appreciate that. It kind of sounds like definitely correct me if I'm wrong, but you get an opportunity to get to know the person. As you mentioned, those modalities, it kind of sounds like based off of, I guess what would work or maybe has the desired effect or would connect best with that person. Sounds like you have those different kinds of tools in your arsenal to be able to achieve that result.

04:16 – Julia Nguyen

Yeah, I think in general with coaching and therapy, there are so many different modalities that you can use and everyone is different. So I don't have like a set plan for each person that I work with. It's generally whatever comes up. I do have the 3 main modalities that I use that I mentioned earlier. But in general, you know, a multitude of things can come up for everyone. So it just really depends on what they need and how I can best serve them.

04:40 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. And I think so many times we, you know, we have these things that we've dealt with in our lives or dealing with or maybe have blocks. But so many times if you try to take a kind of blanket approach is, oh, I did this with X, Y, and Z person, sometimes it doesn't have that desired effect. So it's great to have you have that kind of unique approach to that individual and who exactly they are.

05:01 – Julia Nguyen

Yeah, exactly.

05:03 – Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. So I wanted to ask you now for what I call your secret sauce. This could be for you personally or your business or a combination of both, but what do you feel kind of sets you apart and makes you unique?

05:11 – Julia Nguyen 

So again, I think the biggest value that I add that's different than other competitors is basically how I combine the therapeutic skills as well as the coaching skills. So doing the therapeutic work means you know working on a deeper level of healing like old traumas like childhood wounds as well as eliminating any negative belief systems. And then also combining that with the coaching part, which is more motivational and inspirational and goal setting and things like that. So it's a very integrative approach. And I don't have anything against using medicine, but my goal is to help people, you know, find their truth within themselves by, you know, healing themselves instead of relying on external sources to, you know, help them feel better. Because at the end of the day, like if you still have internal conflict, that's going to affect all areas of your life, whether it's your business, relationships, money, whatever it is.

06:13 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, and it's so interesting that you said that because I was gonna ask you, does it sometimes happen where you quote unquote think that you heal, but it maybe manifests itself in other ways? Maybe it's your relationships, maybe it's your business or something like that, where you don't see an issue there, but because you haven't really cured, or even maybe dealt with the true root of the issue, as you mentioned before, that it can manifest itself in so many different ways.

06:37 – Julia Nguyen

Yeah, absolutely. I see that a lot in my clients. A client will come to me for anxiety about maybe her son or something like that. And then when we do the work, we realize that the anxiety is actually around her business and she is transferring that onto her son because she's not really aware of what's happening and she's not looking within herself deep enough to realize that it's the anxiety isn't about her son, it's about her business and the stress that comes with it. But it's just easier to attach to someone who's right there in front of you, right? So yeah, that happens. And it's all about, you know, cultivating awareness around why you feel the way that you feel. And then from that, you can kind of explore it further and work with it.

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07:24 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, that's so powerful. So many times, like you said, we're looking externally for the solutions to problems. But a lot of times, we have to really delve within ourselves, and have that knowledge itself. And I love that you kind of help your clients figure that out. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit and I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app, a book, or a habit that you have, but what's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

07:49 – Julia Nguyen

So I would say one of my favorite tools that I use is a tool like the Time Management Matrix by Stephen Covey from the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It's a great tool where you just prioritize what you need to do every single day. And then basically when you're done prioritizing, you pick the top 3 things that are most important that will get you the most out of doing those tasks. So instead of, you know, usually we have a to-do list of like 10 items. It's really about honing in and focusing on the 3 most important things so that you can get the most out of those things.

08:29 – Gresham Harkless:

Nice. I absolutely love that hack. I swear by that book and it's looking at me in my face right now as I have it on my bookshelf, but I have to go back and look at that because you're so right where you can really get caught in the endless list of to do things that you have to do, but really to do that practice and figure out exactly what's gonna move the needle for, what those 3 things are, helps you to, I think, be a lot more effective than you would be otherwise.

08:52 – Julia Nguyen

Yeah, definitely I think people get so focused on getting everything done they don't realize that you only need to do the 3 most important things and that will definitely help you move forward as much as you need to.

09:05 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely kind of goes a lot with the Pareto principle the 80-20 rule where a lot of times you're trying to do everything but really it's that 20 percent that that moves it moves things more.

09:14 – Julia Nguyen:

Yeah, And there's always resistance around that too sometimes, right? We all kind of like know what we should do, but we're like, nah, we'll do that last.

09:22 – Gresham Harkless

Exactly. That is not as fun as the other 80% thing. So let me do that first. So I love that hack. And so that would ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And this could be a word of wisdom or a piece of advice. It might be something you would tell a client, or if you hopped into a time machine, you might tell your younger business self.

09:41 – Julia Nguyen

I think the biggest revelation I found for myself is the more open and vulnerable you are with the world, the more you're able to inspire others, especially through your story. So being vulnerable and sharing your story is a huge thing. I think for me when I came out of my depression I finally shared it with the world. It was healing for me. So I think whatever story people have, they should definitely share it with the world because everybody is waiting to be inspired by, you know, your story. And we connect through storytelling.

So it's such a huge and important aspect of, you know, helping others as well as inspiring them and letting them know that they're not alone in this world. And I feel like that's such a huge thing when you're an entrepreneur, like you just feel lonely sometimes and you forget that other people out there may be struggling sometimes as well as you are, you know, so it's removing your mask and taking off that persona and then just showing up as you like really authentically you and then embracing that too. I think it's a huge part.

10:53 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. The same is true for being yourself because everybody else has already taken it. And I think so many times we forget about that we forget about telling our stories, our struggles, the things that we're going through, realizing, feeling like it will kind of alienate us, but in reality, I think it brings us closer. As you said, you get that story, and you get to understand that you're not the only one struggling, this person's also struggling, and you're not by yourself. To me, it sounds kind of intuitive, but it seems to bring us a lot closer together.

11:21 – Julia Nguyen:

Yeah, I feel like the most intuitive things are usually the things that we don't realize when we're like in it, you know.

11:29 – Gresham Harkless:

Yeah, Absolutely, absolutely. So now I want to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on this show. So Julia, what does being a CEO mean to you?

11:43 – Julia Nguyen:

To me, it means being a leader while you're able to inspire others to do the same. So my biggest mission is to inspire other people to connect within themselves. And I do that with my work. So it's, you know, being a CEO is being a leader but also like creating an impact too. I think that's such a huge and important aspect of you know being a business owner and being in a world where like you know there's so much chaos so being a leader and showing up in the world in a way where you can inspire others to do the same. So like, you know, my thing is like, I am the creator of my life and I can create anything that I want to, and I wanna do that for others too. So it's really about giving back to the community and helping people realize that as well.

12:32 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah. It's just so powerful. I think that sometimes we forget that by, you know, chasing our dreams or starting a business or doing whatever sometimes we might even be afraid of doing. Not only does it help us out, but it also helps remind us of what's possible. It also reminds the people that we don't even realize are around us and watching us that they can do it too and it creates that impact that you kind of touched on that I think so often we forget by the actions that we take we can we can create that forward momentum.

13:00 – Julia Nguyen:

Yeah, definitely It's all about the ripple effect. I always like to tell this to myself when like I know I want to reach a lot more people, but even if I can just help one person like and improve their life in some way, that's going to multiply and like tenfold because then they're going to show up in the world differently and then they'll impact someone else in a certain way and you know that way we can all help each other grow and you know flourish at the same time.

13:27 – Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. It always starts with one and sometimes we don't always see the ripple effect that we have, but often it's there and we start to sometimes feel it as it starts to ripple across the world and have an impact everywhere. So Julia, truly appreciate that definition and I appreciate your time even more. What I wanted to do is pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional you can let our readers and listeners know and of course how best they can get a hold of you and find out about all the awesome things you are working on.

13:55 – Julia Nguyen

Yeah, so the last thing I want to say is to just figure out what your mission and your life purpose is and then chase after it with all you can and never give up on that. But also surrender to the journey that the universe has for us because I feel like sometimes it can be difficult on the journey but just remember that things will work out in the end anyway.

14:22 – Gresham Harkless:

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. People that want to get a hold of you what's the best way for them to do that

14:27 – Julia Nguyen

Yeah, so you can visit me on my website at the dream life You can also follow me on Instagram it's @ih3artjulie.

14:39 – Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. We will have those links and information in the show notes. And I truly appreciate that reminder. I think so many times we can get frustrated by the journey and the path that we have. But once we figure it out, as you said, kind of looking and working internally to figure out where we want to go and what we want to accomplish, it's so important that we kind of not fight the journey, not fight the process, not fight what's happening, but go along with it and understand that it's all in alignment with where we're trying to go and what we're trying to be and who we are ultimately. So I appreciate that reminder. I appreciate your work and helping people to figure that out as well. And I hope you have a great rest of the day.

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15:13 – Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

00:02 - Intro

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

00:30 - Gresham Harkless

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Julia Nguyen of the Dream Life Foundation. Julia, it's awesome to have you on the show.

00:39 - Julia Nguyen

Thank you so much for having me here. I'm excited to be here.

00:42 -Gresham Harkless

No problem. Super excited to have you on as well. And before we jump in, I want to read a little bit more about Julia so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. Julia is a psychiatric nurse, hypnotherapist, rapid transformational therapist, life coach, and founder of the Dream Life Obsessed with self-improvement and fascinated by the power of the mind, her personal mission is to help people realize their full potential and reach higher levels of fulfillment and consciousness. She overcame depression and now wants to share the tools she learned with you so that you can overcome your negative self-beliefs, connect with who you are, and tap into your full potential. Julia, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

01:21 - Julia Nguyen

Yeah, super excited. Thank you for the introduction.

01:23 - Gresham Harkless

No problem. Thank you for doing all the awesome things. And what I wanted to do was just to kick everything off to hear a little bit more about how you got started. Could you take us through your CEO story? We'll let you get started with your business.

01:33 - Julia Nguyen

Yeah, definitely. So basically my background is as a psychiatry nurse. While I was working as a nurse, what I began to recognize was that a lot of patients would come in and then they would be put on medications, which would help them manage their symptoms, but it didn't get to the root of the problem. So my thing was that I wanted to help people at a deeper level and that's why I transitioned out from nursing into becoming a coach and a hypnotherapist because I did see that gap where the medications were helping people, but they weren't dealing with the trauma that they've gone through or the negative belief systems that they've developed. So that really inspired me to continue my education and then transition over to becoming a coach and a hypnotherapist.

02:22 - Gresham Harkless

Nice, well, I definitely appreciate you in doing that. And I think, as you said, so many times we treat the kind of things that come out of the problems as the root of the problems. And sometimes we can even push ourselves, our minds away from those problems because we don't really wanna deal with them. But I love that you get to that root because I think that's the only way to fully be healed and cured when you kind of face what it is and treat that.

02:47 - Julia Nguyen

Yeah, absolutely, I totally agree.

02:49 - Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. So I know you touched on it a little bit. Could you take us through how you serve your clients and what exactly that process looks like?

02:57 - Julia Nguyen

Yeah, so basically my initial meeting with a client is just trying to get to know them, understanding where their problems are coming from, and then just kind of establishing a rapport between the 2 of us. And then I typically do a minimum of a 3-month program where I kind of focus on whatever it is that is coming up for them right now and then we focus on that for the 3 months and then after that, if they feel like they need additional work in other areas then we would go through that.

But I use a couple of different modalities so I'm trained in hypnotherapy as well as NLP, and then I also do coaching. So what I try to do is combine not only therapy but also coaching together so that you get the best of both worlds. So it's like working through the trauma, doing the deeper work, and then helping them with the motivation, helping them set goals, and then just really combining and putting it all together.

03:56 - Gresham Harkless

Nice, I appreciate that. It kind of sounds like definitely correct me if I'm wrong, but you get an opportunity to get to know the person. As you mentioned, those modalities, it kind of sounds like based off of, I guess what would work or maybe has the desired effect or would connect best with that person. Sounds like you have those different kinds of tools in your arsenal to be able to achieve that result.

04:16 - Julia Nguyen

Yeah, I think in general with coaching and therapy, there are so many different modalities that you can use and everyone is different. So I don't have like a set plan for each person that I work with. It's generally whatever comes up. I do have the 3 main modalities that I use that I mentioned earlier. But in general, you know, a multitude of things can come up for everyone. So it just really depends on what they need and how I can best serve them.

04:40 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. And I think so many times we, you know, we have these things that we've dealt with in our lives or dealing with or maybe have blocks. But so many times if you try to take a kind of blanket approach is, oh, I did this with X, Y, and Z person, sometimes it doesn't have that desired effect. So it's great to have you have that kind of unique approach to that individual and who exactly they are.

05:01 - Julia Nguyen

Yeah, exactly.

05:03 - Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. So I wanted to ask you now for what I call your secret sauce. This could be for you personally or your business or a combination of both, but what do you feel kind of sets you apart and makes you unique? 

05:11 - Julia Nguyen 

So again, I think the biggest value that I add that's different than other competitors is basically how I combine the therapeutic skills as well as the coaching skills. So doing the therapeutic work means you know working on a deeper level of healing like old traumas like childhood wounds as well as eliminating any negative belief systems. And then also combining that with the coaching part, which is more motivational and inspirational and goal setting and things like that. So it's a very integrative approach. And I don't have anything against using medicine, but my goal is to help people, you know, find their truth within themselves by, you know, healing themselves instead of relying on external sources to, you know, help them feel better. Because at the end of the day, like if you still have internal conflict, that's going to affect all areas of your life, whether it's your business, relationships, money, whatever it is.

06:13 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, and it's so interesting that you said that because I was gonna ask you, does it sometimes happen where you quote unquote think that you heal, but it maybe manifests itself in other ways? Maybe it's your relationships, maybe it's your business or something like that, where you don't see an issue there, but because you haven't really cured, or even maybe dealt with the true root of the issue, as you mentioned before, that it can manifest itself in so many different ways.

06:37 - Julia Nguyen

Yeah, absolutely. I see that a lot in my clients. A client will come to me for anxiety about maybe her son or something like that. And then when we do the work, we realize that the anxiety is actually around her business and she is transferring that onto her son because she's not really aware of what's happening and she's not looking within herself deep enough to realize that it's the anxiety isn't about her son, it's about her business and the stress that comes with it. But it's just easier to attach to someone who's right there in front of you, right? So yeah, that happens. And it's all about, you know, cultivating awareness around why you feel the way that you feel. And then from that, you can kind of explore it further and work with it.

07:24 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, that's so powerful. So many times, like you said, we're looking externally for the solutions to problems. But a lot of times, we have to really delve within ourselves, and have that knowledge itself. And I love that you kind of help your clients figure that out. So I wanted to switch gears a little bit and I wanted to ask you for what I call a CEO hack. So this could be like an app, a book, or a habit that you have, but what's something that makes you more effective and efficient?

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07:49 - Julia Nguyen

So I would say 1 of my favorite tools that I use is a tool like the Time Management Matrix by Stephen Covey from the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It's a great tool where you just prioritize what you need to do every single day. And then basically when you're done prioritizing, you pick the top 3 things that are most important that will get you the most out of doing those tasks. So instead of, you know, usually we have a to-do list of like 10 items. It's really about honing in and focusing on the 3 most important things so that you can get the most out of those things.

08:29 - Gresham Harkless: Nice. I absolutely love that hack. I swear by that book and it's looking at me in my face right now as I have it on my bookshelf, but I have to go back and look at that because you're so right where you can really get caught in the endless list of to do things that you have to do, but really to do that practice and figure out exactly what's gonna move the needle for, what those 3 things are, helps you to, I think, be a lot more effective than you would be otherwise.

08:52 - Julia Nguyen

Yeah, definitely I think people get so focused on getting everything done they don't realize that you only need to do the 3 most important things and that will definitely help you move forward as much as you need to.

09:05 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely kind of goes a lot with the Pareto principle the 80-20 rule where a lot of times you're trying to do everything but really it's that 20 percent that that moves it moves things more.

09:14 - Julia Nguyen: Yeah, And there's always resistance around that too sometimes, right? We all kind of like know what we should do, but we're like, nah, we'll do that last.

09:22 - Gresham Harkless

Exactly. That is not as fun as the other 80% thing. So let me do that first. So I love that hack. And so that would ask you for what I call a CEO nugget. And this could be a word of wisdom or piece of advice. It might be something you would tell a client, or if you hopped into a time machine, you might tell your younger business self.

09:41 - Julia Nguyen

I think the biggest revelation I found for myself is the more open and vulnerable you are with the world, the more you're able to inspire others, especially through your story. So being vulnerable and sharing your story is a huge thing. I think for me when I came out of my depression I finally shared it with the world. It was healing for me. So I think whatever story people have, they should definitely share it with the world because everybody is waiting to be inspired by, you know, your story. And we connect through storytelling.

So it's such a huge and important aspect of, you know, helping others as well as inspiring them and letting them know that they're not alone in this world. And I feel like that's such a huge thing when you're an entrepreneur, like you just feel lonely sometimes and you forget that other people out there may be struggling sometimes as well as you are, you know, so it's removing your mask and taking off that persona and then just showing up as you like really authentically you and then embracing that too. I think it's a huge part.

10:53 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. And the same is be yourself because everybody else has already taken. And I think so many times we forget about that we forget about telling our stories, our struggles, the things that we're going through, realizing, feeling like it will kind of alienate us, but in reality, I think it brings us closer. As you said, you get that story, and you get to understand that you're not the only one struggling, this person's also struggling, and you're not by yourself. To me, it sounds kind of intuitive, but it seems to bring us a lot closer together.

11:21 - Julia Nguyen: Yeah, I feel like the most intuitive things are usually the things that we don't realize when we're like in it, you know.

11:29 - Gresham Harkless: Yeah, Absolutely, absolutely. So now I want to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And we're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on this show. So Julia, what does being a CEO mean to you?

11:43 - Julia Nguyen: To me, it means being a leader while you're able to inspire others to do the same. So my biggest mission is to inspire other people to connect within themselves. And I do that with my work. So it's, you know, being a CEO is being a leader but also like creating an impact too. I think that's such a huge and important aspect of you know being a business owner and being in a world where like you know there's so much chaos so being a leader and showing up in the world in a way where you can inspire others to do the same. So like, you know, my thing is like, I am the creator of my life and I can create anything that I want to, and I wanna do that for others too. So it's really about giving back to the community and helping people realize that as well.

12:32 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah. It's just so powerful. I think that sometimes we forget that by, you know, chasing our dreams or starting a business or doing whatever sometimes we might even sometimes be afraid of doing. Not only does it help us out, it helps remind us of what's possible. It also reminds the people that we don't even realize are around us and watching us that they can do it too and it creates that impact that you kind of touched on that I think so often we forget by the actions that we take we can we can create that forward momentum.

13:00 - Julia Nguyen: Yeah, definitely It's all about the ripple effect. I always like to tell this to myself when like I know I want to reach a lot more people, but even if I can just help 1 person like and improve their life in some way, that's going to multiply and like tenfold because then they're going to show up in the world differently and then they'll impact someone else in a certain way and you know that way we can all help each other grow and you know flourish at the same time.

13:27 - Gresham Harkless

Yeah, absolutely. It always starts with 1 and sometimes we don't always see the ripple effect that we have, but often it's there and we start to sometimes feel it as it starts to ripple across the world and have an impact everywhere. So Julia, truly appreciate that definition and I appreciate your time even more. What I wanted to do is pass you the mic, so to speak, just to see if there's anything additional you can let our readers and listeners know and of course how best they can get a hold of you and find out about all the awesome things you are working on.

13:55 - Julia Nguyen

Yeah, so the last thing I want to say is to just figure out what your mission and your life purpose is and then chase after it with all you can and never give up on that. But also surrender to the journey that the universe has for us because I feel like sometimes it can be difficult on the journey but just remember that things will work out in the end anyway.

14:22 - Gresham Harkless: Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. People that want to get a hold of you what's the best way for them to do that

14:27 - Julia Nguyen

Yeah, so you can visit me on my website at the dream life You can also follow me on Instagram it's @ih3artjulie.

14:39 - Gresham Harkless

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. We will have those links and information in the show notes. And I truly appreciate that reminder. I think so many times we can get frustrated by the journey and the path that we have. But once we figure it out, as you said, kind of looking and working internally to figure out where we want to go and what we want to accomplish, it's so important that we kind of not fight the journey, not fight the process, not fight what's happening, but go along with it and understand that it's all in alignment with where we're trying to go and what we're trying to be and who we are ultimately. So I appreciate that reminder. I appreciate your work and helping people to figure that out as well. And I hope you have a great rest of the day.

15:13 - Outro

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.


Mercy - CBNation Team

This is a post from a CBNation team member. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand. We are focused on increasing the success rate. We create content and information focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs(, podcasts, ( and videos ( CBNation is proudly powered by Blue16 Media.

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