IAM200 – Special Episode: 200 Episodes!!!

Special Episode with Gresham Harkless

This special episode is a recap of some of the highlights and current news from, Blue16 Media, CEO Chat and so much more. Join host Gresham Harkless as he celebrates 200 awesome guests and episodes.

  • CEO Hack: You Are a Media Compay philosophy and the resources at CBNation related to this
  • CEO Nugget: How can you make things simpler? “If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter.
  • CEO Defined: Know some that is a great “CEO” and is changing the way it is defined? Let us know:

More information:

Check out one of our favorite CEO Hack’s Audible. Get your free audiobook and check out more of our favorite CEO Hacks HERE.


The full transcription is only available to CBNation Library Members. Sign up today!

Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:27

Hello, hello, hello. This is Gresham from the I AM CEO Podcast, and this is episode number 200. And we're going to do something a little bit different. For this episode, we're going to kind of have somewhat of the same format that we usually have. But I wanted to really get the opportunity to kind of break down some of the things we've been working on, you know, at CBNation, some of the things you can expect some of the things that are happening with the podcast, jumping right into this year, you know, we started out by doing what eventually became a daily podcast, that was really the goal that I had in mind when I started the podcast back in July. And it ramped up very, very well as far as our process and being able to get the podcasts and to record them and to have really great content. And we were able to, and I was able to decide that starting in 2019. I wanted to make that into a daily podcast.

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So that's one of the biggest things you'll see as a difference with the see the CEO podcast which is made up of the I AM CEO Podcast in the CEO Chat Podcast. The other big thing that you're seeing as well. And if you've listened to the CEO Chat Podcast, you heard a little bit more about us that podcast has not necessarily sunset, but it's a little bit more of an experimental podcast. So you'll see some different forms of content, different types of content. That's over on that podcast. But I'm really excited you know about this opportunity because we're trying to provide a tremendous amount of value and to do it in a laser-focused way, but also providing the opportunity to get into listening to those longer form podcasts.

So this should have been probably the first step. But you know, you live and you learn and things evolve and things change. So what we're starting out is you're gonna see more of these I am CEO podcast, specifically, specifically about 365 of them, if not more, this year, one literally every single day, and a new podcast every single day, you're gonna see some of these interviews, some of these four interviews actually show up on different mediums. So that's going to be people that are going to show up and provide their insight on you know, some of our blogs, they're also going to be in show up on email newsletters or email, email, our blog posts, and you're also going to see our us create more video content.

So you see things on CBNation TV, and then, of course, the CEO Chat Podcast is a little bit more sunset. But it's still it's just not the weekly podcasts it was last year in 2018. But now, you're still going to see some of these really high-value podcast interviews that we have and really resonate with people and are really timely, we're going to have a deeper dive during the CEO Chat Podcast. So you might see some of the content repurposed, and you might see a completely different interview with somebody from the I AM CEO Podcasts, but it's super exciting because we're really doing some awesome and creative things with this podcast.

And I know this is definitely a special episode. But wanted to kind of tell you that our CEO story is just how we started out everything of what exactly is happening. With the CEO Chat Podcast, the CEO Podcast and CEO Chat Podcast, and CBNation TVs, the CEO Blog Nation on all of those things. Really what you will find out is that we have our immediate company course that is also life, which is super exciting because the whole reason for the CEO Chat Podcast being weekly last year was for us to create valuable content for people that were and weren't listening to that podcast and maybe potentially trying to figure out how to leverage their digital marketing and as with everything, it's powered by blue 60 media so me being the founder of blue 60 media had this kind of focus in this philosophy, aka the secret sauce that I wanted to really focus on and why we do web design and SEO we kind of focus on those foundational elements for entrepreneurs and business owners. The goal was really to kind of show you exactly the mentality and the mindset you should have with everything related to your digital marketing strategy.

So that's where you are a media company course came about so anytime you go to our site, you'll see listen, read watch Blue 16 Media, you are a media company. The reason why as you'll see that Blue 16 Media, we are a digital marketing company. Our philosophy is central and kind of showcased in your immediate company mindset. then that manifests itself into everything that you see with CBNation, that code so you literally can see all the different forms of content and the type of content there. So that's really how those three pillars are intertwined.

So you're talking about the actual services, the philosophy, and then the manifestation of the philosophy in terms of the core resources that we provide. So that's why you will go to each of these sites. And you will see that it says, listen, read, and watch. And you'll see Blue 16 Media, you'll see you our immediate company. And of course, you'll probably be on CBNation or one of those platforms that manifests itself through there. And then the goal is really to provide valuable content to you know, entrepreneurs and business owners to celebrate entrepreneurship, and then also to make sure that we celebrate this idea of entrepreneurship and exactly what it means to quote-unquote, be a CEO.

And that's really kind of the core of what we're working on what we're always creating content for. And then you're starting to see a more streamlined approach to everything that we're doing a little bit more systematizing. But still, with some creativity, and some opportunities to kind of create different content, everything's kind of pushing each other all of them are kind of intertwined, which is super exciting for everybody to kind of see and for you to kind of take a look at, you know, across our site. So again, if you see the listen, read, and watch, listen refers to the podcast. So the CEO Chat Podcast and the I AM CEO Podcast or watch CBNation TV. So that's some of the long-form podcasts that some of the videos that we create the route CEO blog nation, and the reading aspect is all about CEO Blog Nation and kind of, that's our core.

And that's exactly what we started out with and what we're continuing to do. And of course, everything is powered by Blue 16 Media. So that gives you an idea of how everything's broken down. So a few things that you should check out, definitely, you know, make sure that you check out all that information, and go for it from there. And you know, as with any, you know, I AM CEO Podcast, the big thing that I wanted to do was really to switch gears and tell you a little bit more about, you know, our CEO hack. And our CEO hack is really like our resources. And I mentioned that, you know, we have the URL media company, course, but we're also launching an ebook version of it. So you're going to actually be able to get broken down each of these aspects of digital marketing.

So like I mentioned, basically, in about 30 minutes to an hour long, we cover 26 aspects of digital marketing. And that's going to be broken down into this ebook that you're going to have available to you. So you'll be able to actually see exactly what it means as far as our media company mindset is broken down for you in terms of an ebook. So you'll be able to download that. And that will be available in the second quarter of the year of 2019. So you'll be able to go to you, our media, that company, you'll see a link and you can preorder it if you're listening to this a little bit later, but later, after it goes live, then you'll actually be able to order it directly from our site and get it downloaded and sent to you directly.

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But that's going to be really, really powerful. But just because a lot of people, again, like I usually mentioned don't really know how to leverage their digital marketing and what way that they should do that. So that resource, that ebook should definitely be a great way to do that actually had a one-to-one. And this is the universe you know, speaking to you because I had a one-to-one. And I had been planning on doing it. But I actually had a one-to-one where the lady her name is Wanda actually spoke with me. She said you need to do X, Y & Z. And I was like funny, it's funny that you say that because I've been saying I want to do it, but I just haven't actually put the pen to paper and get those things created.

So that was a sign from the universe that I'm listening, I got the kick in the butt. So you're gonna see that going live in the second quarter of the year as an e-book and potentially some other opportunities going later on as we develop that out. So that's super exciting. And one of the other things that I wanted to kind of touch on was the CEO nugget. And the really big goal of the CEO nugget is really to look at things that you would basically tell your younger business self. And the idea about you know, telling your younger business self something is that and this CEO nugget, kind of speaks directly to the podcast.

And one of the things that we really have tried to do is try to do what is probably the biggest design principle that is the hardest to execute on. And that's this idea of simplicity, how you can literally take something complex and break it down to its core principles so that you can be and have a well designed, whether it be a website, process, or whatever it is. And I think that Steve Jobs even smoke to the idea of having to be able to be in work very, very hard to be simple and not to take on others.

It's not to have a complex, you know, Product Service widget, whatever it is, you really have to work at simplicity, you have to say no to all these ideas. And that's really what we were trying to do with this podcast in the lines of, you know, that simplicity, there's a quote that is by Blaise Pascal if I said that correctly, and I think that's who actually said it, even though, you know, as I searched, there's different people that say different things. But the quote is, essentially, if I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter. Now, the reason that that's important, and the reason that that kind of resonates with this podcast is because it's a really big challenge to cover these six questions.

And really, eight questions. If you remember the combo question, during the podcast, and during the show, it's really a challenge to kind of cover that much ground in a short period of time. So that really forces you to be very, very effective and efficient with everything that you're saying, as a guest, and I myself, you know, as the host, because I often want to continue to have a deeper conversation. And that's why, you know, we have the opportunity to have a deeper dive a deeper conversation.

But in the same vein, we're also kind of editing down and calling down the actual interview into that short laser-focus podcast. And I think that's really powerful. And it gives people enough information where they want to maybe follow up, or maybe we have a deeper dive in the future. But that's really the goal of the podcast. So if I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter, meaning that we would edit it down even more if we had more time to do that. So really, when you truly work on something, you could continue to call it down, you will see that it becomes a lot shorter and more refined, and more direct.

And that's exactly the idea of the podcast. And as I mentioned earlier, that's the same thing that's happening with the CBNation in the listen, read, and watch. And understanding that we have our three pillars, we have our services, we have our philosophy, we have the manifestation of our philosophy, which is in the product, which is CBNation, and all the content that we provide there. But we're working on a lot of different things, you'll see that there's a tremendous amount of content all across the site, a tremendous amount of ways to interact with entrepreneurs and business owners.

And if you were in my head, you would see even more, as far as ideas that I have, and things that I see, you know, manifesting itself through this. So super exciting time reaching, you know, 1000s 1000s business owners with 40,000 views in about 10,000 or so downloads on the podcast so far. So we're continuing to try to ramp that up as well, too. But super exciting time. I'm very, you know, excited about everything that's going on. And why a really big charge the last question I usually ask is just kind of finding what it means to be a CEO. And the goal, really, of this show is to have different types of CEOs on the show. So if you're listening to this, and you know, somebody that is a phenomenal, quote-unquote, CEO that might be out of the box.

And when I say out of the box, I want you to really think about, you know, how business is changing, and how and what in what ways that is changing, because I want you to think about business in a different way. It might be somebody that's created a podcast, as we have with our pod CEOs, which are featured in our second season, and might be these healthy CEOs, which people that have like a health and wellness business, they don't actually have a traditional business in the traditional sense, but maybe they're doing mid-level marketing, maybe they are just sharing out affiliate links and partnering representing brands, maybe they're doing something like that, maybe their Instagram, you know, Instagram model, Instagram celebrity, maybe their YouTube, famous, you know, can't be vine famous anymore, but you get the idea.

These are people that are different types of quote, unquote CEOs, people that may not even see themselves as CEOs in the charge of this podcast is really to look at business, look at entrepreneurship, look at what it means to be a CEO, and kind of blow that out of the water and completely have a different perspective on that. So whether you are or know somebody that is absolutely killing it, because they're driving for Uber, or maybe they have 100 Airbnbs, and they're actually they're absolutely racking in a tremendous amount of income.

These are the type of people that we want to have on the show not only but definitely we want to shine a light on those people that are grinding and a more out-of-the-box way because we're hoping to shine a light on a different way to do business, a different way to be an entrepreneur, a different way to look at what it means to be a CEO and I'm super excited that I get to you know, play a small part in terms of doing that, you know, as the host of this podcast, but if you know somebody like that, you know, feel free to reach out to us You also can go to forward slash nominate and that is to nominate people for our podcast and nominate people for one of our blogs that nominate people for video interview whatever it is you can basically fill out a form you can also self nominate so if you listen to this and thank you fit into that role and would love to tell your story, I would also love to see your form there as well.

So, definitely super excited about all the things you know that are happening. As always, you can check out And you can find you know, all the latest podcasts, everything you know, awesome that we're doing. Also, check out CBNation is a hub of literally everything that we're doing from,, I mentioned as well too. So loads of information, way more than you probably asked for. But again, we're calling this down. We're doing this in a laser focus time and because I do have a longer period of time, I'm able to call this down so that you can listen to this in bite-size form. So this is Gresham signing out. Thank you so much for you know your listening ear thank you so much for the podcast. Thank you so much for being you know a part of this what I hope to see as a movement and something to be inspired and grateful for I'm truly grateful, you know, for the opportunity for you to listen, I'm truly grateful for all the guests that have been on the show you know as of today and I'm truly you know, even more grateful for the people that will be on the show going into the future. So this is Gresham signing out. You can always reach out to me and find us everywhere you can type in CEO Blog Nation.

Outro 16:28

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at

I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Intro 0:02

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Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:27

Hello, hello, hello. This is Gresham from the I AM CEO Podcast, and this is episode number 200. And we're going to do something a little bit different. For this episode, we're going to kind of have somewhat of the same format that we usually have. But I wanted to really get the opportunity to kind of break down some of the things we've been working on, you know, at CBNation, some of the things you can expect some of the things that are happening with the podcast, jumping right into this year, you know, we started out by doing what eventually became a daily podcast, that was really the goal that I had in mind when I started the podcast back in July. And it ramped up very, very well as far as our process and being able to get the podcasts and to record them and to have really great content. And we were able to, and I was able to decide that starting into 2019. I wanted to make that into a daily podcast. So that's one of the biggest things you'll see as a difference with the see the CEO podcast which is made up of the I AM CEO Podcast in the CEO Chat Podcast. The other big thing that you're seeing as well. And if you've listened to the CEO Chat Podcast, you heard a little bit more about us that that podcast has not necessarily sunset, but it's a little bit more of an experimental podcast. So you'll see some different forms of content, different types of content. That's over on that podcast. But I'm really excited you know about this opportunity, because we're trying to provide a tremendous amount of value and to do it in a laser focus way, but also providing the opportunity to get into listen to those longer form podcasts. So this should have been probably the first step. But you know, you live and you learn and things evolve and things change. So what we're starting out is you're gonna see more of these I am CEO podcast, specifically, specifically about 365 of them, if not more, this year, one literally every single day, and a new podcast every single day, you're gonna see some of these interviews, some of these four interviews actually show up on different mediums. So that's going to be people that are going to show up and provide their insight on you know, some of our blogs, they're also going to be in show up on email newsletters or email, email, our blog posts, and you're also going to see our us create more video content. So you see things on CBNation TV, and then of course, the CEO Chat Podcast is a little bit more sunset. But it's still it's just not the weekly podcasts it was last year in 2018. But now, you're still going to see some of these really high value podcast interviews that we have and really resonate with people and are really timely, we're going to have a deeper dive during the CEO Chat Podcast. So you might see some of the content repurpose, you might see a completely different interview with somebody from the I AM CEO Podcasts, but it's super exciting because we're really doing some awesome and creative things with this podcast. And I know this is definitely a special episode. But wanted to kind of tell you that our CEO story just how we started out everything of what exactly is happening. With the CEO Chat Podcast, the CEO Podcast and the CEO Chat Podcast and CB nation TVs, CEO blog nation on all of those things. Really what you will find out is that we have our you our immediate company course that is also live, which is super exciting, because the whole reason for the CEO Chat Podcast being weekly last year was for us to create valuable content for people that were and weren't listening to that podcast and maybe potentially trying to figure out how to leverage their digital marketing and as with everything, it's powered by blue 60 media so me being the founder of blue 60 media had this kind of focus in this philosophy, aka the secret sauce that I wanted to really focus on and why we do web design and SEO we kind of focus on those foundational elements for entrepreneurs and business owners. The goal was really to kind of show you exactly the mentality and the mindset you should have with everything related to your digital marketing strategy. So that's where the you are media company course came about so anytime you go to our site, you'll see listen, read watch Blue 16 Media, you are a media company. The reason why as you'll see that Blue 16 Media, we are a digital marketing company. Our philosophy is central and kind of showcase in the you our immediate company mindset. then that manifests itself into everything that you see with CB nation, that code so you literally can see all the different forms of content and the type of content there. So that's really how those three pillars are intertwined. So you're talking about the actual services, the philosophy, and then the manifestation of the philosophy and in terms of the core resources that we provide. So that's why you will go to each of these sites. And you will see that it says, listen, read and watch. And you'll see Blue 16 Media, you'll see you our immediate company. And of course, you'll probably be on CBNation or one of those platforms that manifests itself through there. And then the goal is really to provide valuable content to you know, entrepreneurs and business owners to celebrate entrepreneurship, and then also to make sure that we celebrate this idea of entrepreneurship and exactly what it means to quote unquote, be a CEO. And that's really kind of the core of what we're working on what we're always creating content for. And then you're starting to see a more streamlined approach to everything that we're doing a little bit more systematize. But still, with some creativity, and some opportunities to kind of create different content, but everything's kind of pushing each other all of them are kind of intertwine, which is super exciting for everybody to kind of see and for you to kind of take a look at, you know, across our site. So again, if you see the listen, read and watch, listen refers to the podcast. So the CEO Chat Podcast and the I AM CEO Podcast or watch a CBNation TV. So that's some of the long form podcasts that some of the videos that we create the route CEO blog nation, and the read aspect is all about CEO Blog Nation and kind of, that's our core. And that's exactly what we started out with and what we're continuing to do. And of course, everything is powered by Blue 16 Media. So that gives you an idea of how everything's broken down. So a few things that you should check out, definitely, you know, make sure that you check out all that information, and go for it from there. And you know, as with any, you know, I AM CEO Podcast, the big thing that I wanted to do was really to switch gears and tell you a little bit more about, you know, our CEO hack. And our CEO hack is really like our resources. And I mentioned that, you know, we have the URL media company, course, but we're also launching an ebook version of it. So you're going to actually be able to get broken down each of these aspects of digital marketing. So like I mentioned, basically, in about 30 minutes to an hour long, we cover 26 aspects of digital marketing. And that's going to be broken down into this ebook that you're going to have available to you. So you'll be able to actually see exactly what it means as far as the you our media company mindset is broken down for you in terms of an ebook. So you'll be able to download that. And that will be available in the second quarter of the year of 2019. So you'll be able to go to you, our media, that company, you'll see a link and you can preorder it, if you're listening to this a little bit later, but later, after it goes live, then you'll actually be able to order it directly from our site and get it downloaded and sent to you directly. But that's going to be really, really powerful. But just because a lot of people, again, like I usually mentioned don't really know how to leverage their digital marketing and what way that they should do that. So that resource, that ebook should definitely be a great way to do that actually had a one to one. And this is the universe you know, speaking to you because I had a one to one. And I had been planning on doing it. But I actually had a one to one where the lady her name is Wanda actually spoke with me. She said you need to do X, Y & Z. And I was like a funny, it's funny that you say that, because I've been saying I want to do it, but I just haven't actually put the pen to paper and gotten those things created. So that was a sign from the universe that I'm listening, I got the kick in the butt. So you're gonna see that going live in the second quarter of the year as an e book and potentially some other opportunities going later on as we develop that out. So that's super exciting. And one of the other things that I wanted to kind of touch on was the CEO nugget. And the really big goal of the CEO nugget is really to look at things that you would basically tell your younger business self. And the idea about you know, telling your younger business self something is that and this CEO nugget, kind of speaks directly to the podcast. And one of the things that we really have tried to do is try to do what is probably the biggest design principle that is the hardest to execute on. And that's this idea of simplicity, how you can literally take something complex and break it down to its core principles so that you can be and have a well designed, whether it be a website, process, whatever it is. And I think that Steve Jobs even smoke to the idea of having to be able to be be in a work very, very hard to be simple and not to take on others. It's not to have a complex, you know, Product Service widget, whatever it is, you really have to work at simplicity, you have to say no to all these ideas. And that's really what we were trying to do with this podcast in the lines of, you know, that simplicity, there's a quote that is by Blaise Pascal, if I said that correctly, and I think that's who actually said it, even though, you know, as I searched, there's different people that say different things. But the quote is, essentially, if I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter. Now, the reason that that's important, and the reason that that kind of resonates with this podcast is because it's a really big challenge to cover these six questions. And really, eight questions. If you remember the combo question, during the podcast, and during the show, it's really a challenge to kind of cover that much ground in a short period of time. So that really forces you to be very, very effective and efficient with everything that you're saying, as a guest, and I myself, you know, as the host, because I often want to continue to have a deeper conversation. And that's why, you know, we have the opportunity to have a deeper dive a deeper conversation. But in the same vein, we're also kind of editing down and calling down the actual interview into that short laser focus podcast. And I think that's really powerful. And it gives people enough information where they want to maybe follow up, or maybe we have a deeper dive in the future. But that's really the goal of the podcast. So if I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter, meaning that we would edit it down even more if we had more time to do that. So really, when you truly work on something, you could continue to call it down, you will see that it becomes a lot shorter and more refined and more direct. And that's exactly the idea of the podcast. And as I mentioned earlier, that's the same thing that's happening with the CBNation in the listen, read and watch. And understanding that we have our three pillars, we have our services, we have our philosophy, we have the manifestation of our philosophy, which is in the product, which is CBNation, and all the content that we provide there. But we're working on a lot of different things, you'll see that there's a tremendous amount of content all across the site, a tremendous amount of way to interact with entrepreneurs and business owners. And if you were in my head, you would see even more, as far as ideas that I have, and things that I see, you know, manifesting itself through this. So super exciting time reaching, you know, 1000s 1000s business owner 40,000 views in about 10,000 or so downloads on the podcast so far. So we're continuing to try to ramp that up as well, too. But super exciting time. I'm very, you know, excited about everything that's going on. And why really big charge in the last question I usually ask is just kind of finding like what it means to be a CEO. And the goal, really, of this show is to have different types of CEOs on the show. So if you're listening to this, and you know, somebody that is a phenomenal, quote unquote, CEO that might be out of the box. And when I say out of the box, I want you to really think about, you know, how business is changing, and how and what in what ways that is changing, because I want you to think about business in a different way. It might be somebody that's created a podcast, as we have with our pod CEOs, which are features in our second season, and might be these healthy CEOs, which people that have like a health and wellness business, they don't actually have a traditional business in the traditional sense, but maybe they're doing mid level marketing, maybe they are just sharing out affiliate links and partnering representing brands, maybe they're doing something like that, maybe their Instagram, you know, Instagram model, Instagram celebrity, maybe their YouTube, famous, you know, can't be can't be vine famous anymore, but you get the idea. These are people that are different types of quote, unquote CEOs, people that may not even see themselves as CEOs in the charge of this podcast is really to look at business, look at entrepreneurship, look at what it means to be a CEO and kind of blow that out of the water and completely have a different perspective on that. So whether you are or know somebody that is absolutely killing it, because they're driving for Uber, or maybe they have 100 Airbnbs, and they're actually they're absolutely racking in tremendous amount of income. These are the type of people that we want to have on the show not only but definitely we want to shine light on those people that are grinding and a more out of the box way because we're hoping to shine light on a different way to do business, a different way to be an entrepreneur, a different way to look at what it means to be a CEO and I'm super excited that I get to you know, play a small part in terms of doing that, you know, as the host of this podcast, but if you know somebody like that, you know, feel free to reach out to us You also can go to forward slash nominate and that is to nominate people for our podcast and nominate people for one of our blogs that nominate people for video interview whatever it is you can basically fill out a form you can also self nominate so if you listen to this and thank you fit into that role and would love to tell your story, I would also love to see your form there as well. So, definitely super excited about all the things you know that are happening. As always, you can check out And you can find you know, all the latest podcasts, everything you know, awesome that we're doing. Also check out CB Nation is a hub of literally everything that we're doing from ,, I mentioned as well too. So loads of information, way more than you probably asked for. But again, we're calling this down. We're doing this in a laser focus time and because I do have a longer period of time, I'm able to call this down so that you can listen to this in bite size form. So this is Gresham signing out. Thank you so much for you know your listening ear thank you so much for the podcast. Thank you so much for being you know a part of this what I hope to see as a movement and something to be inspired and grateful for I'm truly grateful, you know, for the opportunity for you to listen, I'm truly grateful for all the guests that have been on the show you know as of today and I'm truly you know, even more grateful for the people that will be on the show going into the future. So this is Gresham signing out. You can always reach out to me and find us everywhere you can type in CEO Blog Nation.

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Outro 16:28

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Transcribed by



CBNation helps entrepreneurs and business owners succeed with visibility, resources and connections. CEO Blog Nation is a community of blogs for entrepreneurs and business owners. Started in much the same way as most small businesses, CEO Blog Nation captures the essence of entrepreneurship by allowing entrepreneurs and business owners to have a voice. CEO Blog Nation provides news, information, events and even startup business tips for entrepreneurs, startups and business owners to succeed.

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CEO Podcasts Hosted by Gresham Harkless

IAM2419 - Founder Helps Businesses Transform Their Client Engagement with Innovative Gifts

CEO Podcasts Hosted by Gresham Harkless         CEO Podcasts Hosted by Gresham Harkless        
IAM2419 - Founder Helps Businesses Transform Their Client Engagement with Innovative Gifts           IAM2419 - Founder Helps Businesses Transform Their Client Engagement with Innovative Gifts          
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