Abbie Richie is the host of Senior Living Foresight’s newest production, Tech Tuesdays on LinkedIn, FB, and YouTube, Senior Savvy With Abbie (premiering in 2022 on SaltboxTV), the founder of Senior Savvy, has been featured on The List TV, ABC, FOX, USA Today, and Yahoo News. You can reach out to her online at and on social media, where she shares more tech tips via Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
Adam J. Carswell is a real estate entrepreneur, LinkedIn Power-Networker, New Media Marketing Maverick, and known as the “Voice Of Liberty” for his work hosting the Liberland Show, Liberland 5th Anniversary, and the Chicago Blockchain Real Estate Collective. His expertise in social marketing and network management set him apart from the crowd. Adam is also a member of RaiseMasters, the #1 Mastermind for elite capital raisers, and is a Co-Founder of the Next Level Mastermind.
Medical Student and future Emergency Medicine Doctor by day, World Traveler, Photographer, and Fitness Addict by weekend and nights. When Adam is not seeing patients or studying, he’s planning his next adventure. Adam is the Co-Founder and one of the Creators at The Med Life. Inspired by the lack of teamwork in the medical social space, Adam set out to bring healthcare providers together from coast to coast through his team of content creators and their YouTube videos.