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Loren Howard
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Loren Howard is the founder and President of Prime Plus Mortgages, private money loans company. Loren, who is a serial entrepreneur, loving father and husband, boasts a portfolio of multiple successful companies, world records, and a decorated football career. He is the coveted world record holder for indoor rowing in the 500M, 100M and max distance in 1:00. Additionally, Loren proudly serves as the President of the Valley Guardians, a 501c-3 charity that runs on a $0 dollar operating budget, and that offers mentorship, leadership and educational opportunities to underprivileged children in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Loren Howard is the founder and President of Prime Plus Mortgages, private money loans company. Loren, who is a serial entrepreneur, loving father and husband, boasts a portfolio of multiple successful companies, world records, and a decorated football career. He is the coveted world record holder for indoor rowing in the 500M, 100M and max distance in 1:00. Additionally, Loren proudly serves as the President of the Valley Guardians, a 501c-3 charity that runs on a $0 dollar operating budget, and that offers mentorship, leadership and educational opportunities to underprivileged children in Phoenix, Arizona.
Lori Hamilton
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With more than 20 years experience across a broad range of industries, Lori Hamilton has worked as a marketing strategist, researcher and creative consultant to help more than 100 companies stand out from the competition with innovative solutions that really work. She specializes in positioning (brand and product differentiation for competitive advantage), facilitated work sessions and business innovation. A professor of Insights at Columbia University’s Masters’ Degree Program in Strategic Communications, she has worked on strategy, product development, creative direction and positioning for more than 50 Fortune 500 companies.

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With more than 20 years experience across a broad range of industries, Lori Hamilton has worked as a marketing strategist, researcher and creative consultant to help more than 100 companies stand out from the competition with innovative solutions that really work. She specializes in positioning (brand and product differentiation for competitive advantage), facilitated work sessions and business innovation. A professor of Insights at Columbia University’s Masters’ Degree Program in Strategic Communications, she has worked on strategy, product development, creative direction and positioning for more than 50 Fortune 500 companies.
Liz Illg
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Liz Illg is a multi-industry entrepreneur with brick-and-mortar businesses across Phoenix, Arizona, and several online businesses including her own consulting business. Liz Illg Consulting was founded when business owners continually asked Liz how she grew her brick-and-mortar storefront to multiple locations in a short amount of time. Liz attributes all of her success in business growth to systems, effective delegation, and strategic planning. Business owners consult with Liz when they're ready to systematize, delegate, and scale.

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Liz Illg is a multi-industry entrepreneur with brick-and-mortar businesses across Phoenix, Arizona, and several online businesses including her own consulting business. Liz Illg Consulting was founded when business owners continually asked Liz how she grew her brick-and-mortar storefront to multiple locations in a short amount of time. Liz attributes all of her success in business growth to systems, effective delegation, and strategic planning. Business owners consult with Liz when they're ready to systematize, delegate, and scale.
Lisa Arie
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When Fast Company interviewed her, they dubbed Lisa “the CEO whisperer”. Here’s the rest of the story: as she works with CEOs and other top performers, the herd becomes more totem than saddle: evidence of our primal instincts in action as Lisa pursues her mission to transform the people who are transforming the planet. Lisa leads you step by step to your own awakening. The upside is when you become a better, more advanced human being, you become a better leader.

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When Fast Company interviewed her, they dubbed Lisa “the CEO whisperer”. Here’s the rest of the story: as she works with CEOs and other top performers, the herd becomes more totem than saddle: evidence of our primal instincts in action as Lisa pursues her mission to transform the people who are transforming the planet. Lisa leads you step by step to your own awakening. The upside is when you become a better, more advanced human being, you become a better leader.
Lisa Levy
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Lisa Levy is the Founder and CEO of LCubed Consulting, a business that helps enterprise to medium level organizations elevate through strategic goal achievement. She and her team teach the practice of rapid adaptive transformation to notable global, multi-billion-dollar clients. A frequent guest expert on multiple media outlets and a speaker at business executive conferences.

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Lisa Levy is the Founder and CEO of LCubed Consulting, a business that helps enterprise to medium level organizations elevate through strategic goal achievement. She and her team teach the practice of rapid adaptive transformation to notable global, multi-billion-dollar clients. A frequent guest expert on multiple media outlets and a speaker at business executive conferences.
Larissa Uredi
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Larissa Uredi is a Digital Strategist currently living and working in Kansas City, MO. She loves mountain biking, running, exploring and has an insatiable love for all things digital. Her creativity and intense curiosity are what drive and motivate her to find and craft the perfect campaign for her clients and she is a master at helping growing businesses organize, mobilize, and maximize their teams to start telling compelling stories. She is the CEO of No-Where Consultants and finds deep satisfaction in helping businesses and communities find their voice through strategic digital marketing and tools.

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Larissa Uredi is a Digital Strategist currently living and working in Kansas City, MO. She loves mountain biking, running, exploring and has an insatiable love for all things digital. Her creativity and intense curiosity are what drive and motivate her to find and craft the perfect campaign for her clients and she is a master at helping growing businesses organize, mobilize, and maximize their teams to start telling compelling stories. She is the CEO of No-Where Consultants and finds deep satisfaction in helping businesses and communities find their voice through strategic digital marketing and tools.
Lauri Kinkar
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Lauri is a salesman at heart and currenty the CEO and founder of Messente - a global messaging platform used in millions of micro business transactions every day in Europe, Latin-America, and South-East Asia. Contrary to a typical tech startup, Lauri and his co-founders bootstrapped the company from day one and have taken it to close to 10mEUR annual revenue without ever raising any outside investments.

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Lauri is a salesman at heart and currenty the CEO and founder of Messente - a global messaging platform used in millions of micro business transactions every day in Europe, Latin-America, and South-East Asia. Contrary to a typical tech startup, Lauri and his co-founders bootstrapped the company from day one and have taken it to close to 10mEUR annual revenue without ever raising any outside investments.
Liz Roberta
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Liz Roberta is a Spiritual Transformation Coach whose mission is to connect everyone with their intuition. She works with clients 1:1 to help them find more fulfilment, as well as advising spiritual business owners on how to grow their brand online. She also does Intuitive Tarot readings for people, as well as teaching online courses about spiritual topics so that her students can attract the life that they've always wanted.

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Liz Roberta is a Spiritual Transformation Coach whose mission is to connect everyone with their intuition. She works with clients 1:1 to help them find more fulfilment, as well as advising spiritual business owners on how to grow their brand online. She also does Intuitive Tarot readings for people, as well as teaching online courses about spiritual topics so that her students can attract the life that they've always wanted.
Lenzy Ruffin
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Lenzy Ruffin is a video communications strategist and owner of Park Road Studios in Washington, DC. He specializes in teaching small business owners how to use video marketing to attract clients.

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Lenzy Ruffin is a video communications strategist and owner of Park Road Studios in Washington, DC. He specializes in teaching small business owners how to use video marketing to attract clients.
Leslie Tayne
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Leslie H. Tayne, Esq., is a consumer and business debt-related attorney. She founded Tayne Law Group, P.C., concentrating solely on debt resolution and alternatives to filing bankruptcy for consumers, small business owners and professionals. Leslie has over 20 years’ experience in debt relief.

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Leslie H. Tayne, Esq., is a consumer and business debt-related attorney. She founded Tayne Law Group, P.C., concentrating solely on debt resolution and alternatives to filing bankruptcy for consumers, small business owners and professionals. Leslie has over 20 years’ experience in debt relief.
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