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James Nowlin
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James R. Nowlin is the Chief Executive Officer of a corporate consulting firm, Excel Global Partners (EGP), which he founded in 2007. He is also the Fund Managing Principal of EGP Ventures which serves as the umbrella entity for EGP; environmental and water reduction technology company EGP Eco; entertainment and media company Excelerated Media; and others. Through James' experience as a successful CEO and business strategist, as well as the obstacles that he has overcome in life, including being the survivor of a near-death drowning accident, his best-selling book, The Purposeful Millionaire: 52 Rules for Creating a Life of Wealth and Happiness Now, helps him to live out his mission of sharing the lessons that he has learned in both professional and personal life. As such, he empowers others to transform their lives to levels of high achievement, filled with abundance and purposefulness

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James R. Nowlin is the Chief Executive Officer of a corporate consulting firm, Excel Global Partners (EGP), which he founded in 2007. He is also the Fund Managing Principal of EGP Ventures which serves as the umbrella entity for EGP; environmental and water reduction technology company EGP Eco; entertainment and media company Excelerated Media; and others. Through James' experience as a successful CEO and business strategist, as well as the obstacles that he has overcome in life, including being the survivor of a near-death drowning accident, his best-selling book, The Purposeful Millionaire: 52 Rules for Creating a Life of Wealth and Happiness Now, helps him to live out his mission of sharing the lessons that he has learned in both professional and personal life. As such, he empowers others to transform their lives to levels of high achievement, filled with abundance and purposefulness
Justin Breen
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Justin Breen is Founder/CEO of BrEpic, a PR firm that writes compelling, newsworthy stories for its clients and pitches those stories to media across the country (to help amplify messaging). BrEpic has worked with clients including Allstate, University of Illinois, Salvation Army, national IT firms, national hotel chains, financial planners, physicians, non profits and many more.

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Justin Breen is Founder/CEO of BrEpic, a PR firm that writes compelling, newsworthy stories for its clients and pitches those stories to media across the country (to help amplify messaging). BrEpic has worked with clients including Allstate, University of Illinois, Salvation Army, national IT firms, national hotel chains, financial planners, physicians, non profits and many more.
Jaime Di Dio
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Jaime is a brand strategist, creative director and educator for wellness & socially conscious businesses. She's been in the wellness industry for 13 years and in design for 20. Jaime has lived, worked, and studied in the US, Italy, and Japan.

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Jaime is a brand strategist, creative director and educator for wellness & socially conscious businesses. She's been in the wellness industry for 13 years and in design for 20. Jaime has lived, worked, and studied in the US, Italy, and Japan.
Jeremy Pollack
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Jeremy Pollack is a leader in the field of workplace conflict resolution and peacebuilding. He is the Founder of Pollack Peacebuilding Systems, an international conflict resolution consulting firm. Jeremy is a master coach, master trainer, mediator, and author. He coaches and trains executives and employees at a variety of levels and industries, from Fortune 500 companies to major non-profits. Jeremy is a regular contributor on the topics of leadership and organizational conflict management to publications such as, Fast Company, Industry Week, and many more. He is also the author of the recently released book The Conflict Resolution Playbook: Practical Communication Skills for Preventing, Managing, and Resolving, Conflict

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Jeremy Pollack is a leader in the field of workplace conflict resolution and peacebuilding. He is the Founder of Pollack Peacebuilding Systems, an international conflict resolution consulting firm. Jeremy is a master coach, master trainer, mediator, and author. He coaches and trains executives and employees at a variety of levels and industries, from Fortune 500 companies to major non-profits. Jeremy is a regular contributor on the topics of leadership and organizational conflict management to publications such as, Fast Company, Industry Week, and many more. He is also the author of the recently released book The Conflict Resolution Playbook: Practical Communication Skills for Preventing, Managing, and Resolving, Conflict
James Pollard
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James is the founder of and he is dedicated to helping financial advisors get more clients. He's best known for his email marketing program, "Appointments On Autopilot", which shows financial advisors how to leverage email marketing to set appointments with prospects. James is also the host of the "Financial Advisor Marketing" podcast, which releases new episodes every Monday morning.

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James is the founder of and he is dedicated to helping financial advisors get more clients. He's best known for his email marketing program, "Appointments On Autopilot", which shows financial advisors how to leverage email marketing to set appointments with prospects. James is also the host of the "Financial Advisor Marketing" podcast, which releases new episodes every Monday morning.
Jodi Daniels
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Jodi Daniels is a Certified Informational Privacy Professional (CIPP/US) with more than 22 years of experience helping a range of businesses from solopreneurs to multi-national companies in privacy, marketing, strategy, and finance roles. You only have one chance to make a first impression, and when it comes to your customer’s personal information, you don’t want to leave a bad taste in their mouth. In this informative talk, Jodi Daniels will educate the audience on how to protect their customers' data and stay compliant in an ever changing marketplace. With her ability to explain the craziness of technology, the laws that are in place, and how to use privacy as an advantage to build relationships with your customer base, Jodi is able to implement privacy programs and data strategies to maximize customer trust and achieve GDPR, CCPA, and US privacy law compliance.

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Jodi Daniels is a Certified Informational Privacy Professional (CIPP/US) with more than 22 years of experience helping a range of businesses from solopreneurs to multi-national companies in privacy, marketing, strategy, and finance roles. You only have one chance to make a first impression, and when it comes to your customer’s personal information, you don’t want to leave a bad taste in their mouth. In this informative talk, Jodi Daniels will educate the audience on how to protect their customers' data and stay compliant in an ever changing marketplace. With her ability to explain the craziness of technology, the laws that are in place, and how to use privacy as an advantage to build relationships with your customer base, Jodi is able to implement privacy programs and data strategies to maximize customer trust and achieve GDPR, CCPA, and US privacy law compliance.
Juliana Cardona
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Juliana Cardona is the founder and CEO of Street Entrepreneurs. She is an inquisitive, passionate creator and organizer constantly working to drive action and local impact. She graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Political Science and a minor in Communications and Latin American Studies from Florida Southern College. While in college, she spent time volunteering with 20 grassroots organizations in Florida, Colorado, Massachusetts, Washington D.C., Philippines, Taiwan, and Mexico. The service projects she undertook included installing solar bulbs in Manila with Liter of Light, and mentoring children in Lakeland FL with Big Brother Big Sister. Juliana has received multiple awards for her service, including a United States Congressional Bronze Certificate. As well, Juliana has also been honored by being named a Diana Davis Global Good Fund Fellow, Ford Motor Company Global Scholar, Aspen Latino Institute Fellow, and a Cologne Scholar. Prior to starting Street Entrepreneurs, Juliana collaborated with the World Bank Group’s Information Communications Technology Community of Practice for Agriculture to design and support the first Agri-Hackathon program in Uganda.

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Juliana Cardona is the founder and CEO of Street Entrepreneurs. She is an inquisitive, passionate creator and organizer constantly working to drive action and local impact. She graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Political Science and a minor in Communications and Latin American Studies from Florida Southern College. While in college, she spent time volunteering with 20 grassroots organizations in Florida, Colorado, Massachusetts, Washington D.C., Philippines, Taiwan, and Mexico. The service projects she undertook included installing solar bulbs in Manila with Liter of Light, and mentoring children in Lakeland FL with Big Brother Big Sister. Juliana has received multiple awards for her service, including a United States Congressional Bronze Certificate. As well, Juliana has also been honored by being named a Diana Davis Global Good Fund Fellow, Ford Motor Company Global Scholar, Aspen Latino Institute Fellow, and a Cologne Scholar. Prior to starting Street Entrepreneurs, Juliana collaborated with the World Bank Group’s Information Communications Technology Community of Practice for Agriculture to design and support the first Agri-Hackathon program in Uganda.
Juily Wagle
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Juily Wagle, a fitness and wellness coach is founder of MetaboliX a diet and fitness consulting firm. A Finance graduate who had a successful corporate career had to quit her job after she became mother to twins. Gaining immense weight lead her to depression which made her take up fitness and holistic wellness seriously. Today through MetaboliX she is teaching people to live a healthy life.

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Juily Wagle, a fitness and wellness coach is founder of MetaboliX a diet and fitness consulting firm. A Finance graduate who had a successful corporate career had to quit her job after she became mother to twins. Gaining immense weight lead her to depression which made her take up fitness and holistic wellness seriously. Today through MetaboliX she is teaching people to live a healthy life.
Joe Britto
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Founder of Innate Leaders, psychological coach, mindset consultant, writer, and thinker, Joe Britto has worked with a wide range of entrepreneurs and leadership teams across the non-profit, public and private sectors. His grounding in experiential learning, along with his studies in literary theory and psychological coaching, has allowed him to create a unique methodology that has successfully facilitated sustainable results for a range of organizations including Lockheed Martin, NASA, Coca-Cola, and intel. Joe’s passion for his work comes from a personal belief that when mindsets shift everything shifts.

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Founder of Innate Leaders, psychological coach, mindset consultant, writer, and thinker, Joe Britto has worked with a wide range of entrepreneurs and leadership teams across the non-profit, public and private sectors. His grounding in experiential learning, along with his studies in literary theory and psychological coaching, has allowed him to create a unique methodology that has successfully facilitated sustainable results for a range of organizations including Lockheed Martin, NASA, Coca-Cola, and intel. Joe’s passion for his work comes from a personal belief that when mindsets shift everything shifts.
Jason Wrobel
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Jason Wrobel is the co-founder of Wellevatr and the co-host of the podcast This Might Get Uncomfortable. He’s the Amazon and Globe & Mail bestselling author of the Hay House cookbook and lifestyle guide, Eaternity. As the first ever plant-based chef in history with a primetime television series, his groundbreaking show “How to Live to 100” on Cooking Channel and Food Network Canada taught millions of people worldwide how to prepare delicious, organic, healthy meals at home. Described as the love child of Jim Carrey and Alton Brown, he infuses his live speaking events, videos and digital teachings with a relentless drive to grow and a lighthearted, joyful approach to health and wellness. 

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Jason Wrobel is the co-founder of Wellevatr and the co-host of the podcast This Might Get Uncomfortable. He’s the Amazon and Globe & Mail bestselling author of the Hay House cookbook and lifestyle guide, Eaternity. As the first ever plant-based chef in history with a primetime television series, his groundbreaking show “How to Live to 100” on Cooking Channel and Food Network Canada taught millions of people worldwide how to prepare delicious, organic, healthy meals at home. Described as the love child of Jim Carrey and Alton Brown, he infuses his live speaking events, videos and digital teachings with a relentless drive to grow and a lighthearted, joyful approach to health and wellness. 
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