IAM141- Coach and Human Builder on a Mission to Bring Genuine Human Connections on Social Media

Podcast Interview with Mac Brazina

My mission is to connect, train, and evolve, with humans around the world by bringing humanity back to social media. After all, that’s all any of this is actually about — genuine human connection. To remind you that this life is yours, we’re all a little messed up and that’s okay, because you aren’t alone. Together we can truly make life happen for you.

  • CEO Hack: (1) My “human” is my business partner (2) Being grateful knowing everything you have now is enough
  • CEO Nugget: You don't have it all together and that's okay
  • CEO Defined: Being a leader not just a boss



Full Interview

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Intro 0:02

Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:27

Hello, hello. Hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have a Mac Brazina of Be Mac Fit. Mac, it is awesome.

Mac Brazina 0:36

Thank you so much for having us on. Like a cool experience. I'm just sitting here. I do have Kira with me. But anybody follows me. I do have my dog who's been grudgingly sitting with us today.

Gresham Harkless 0:46

Your dog's name is?

Mac Brazina 0:48


Gresham Harkless 0:49

So we have Kira and Mac on our podcast. So thank you, Kira you are the very first dog to be on the podcast. So, I appreciate you for being on what I wanted to do was read a little bit more about Mac so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. And Mac's mission is to connect, train and evolve with humans around the world by bringing humanity back to social media. After all, that's all any of this is actually about the genuine human connection to remind you that this life is yours. We're a little messed up and that's okay because you aren't alone. Together, we can truly make life happen for you. Mac, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO Community?

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Mac Brazina 0:49


Gresham Harkless 0:52

So the first question I had was just the drill down a little bit deeper and hear about your CEO story and what led you to start your business

Mac Brazina 1:12

CEOs are interesting terms because I am just a coach, that's just what I tell people. And, as a CEO said running my own business was always just kind of a non-negotiable to me I had a lineage of female entrepreneurs. So my grandma was an entrepreneur, she ran the number one plastic surgery recovery facility to the stars in Beverly Hills. My mom ran her own photography business, which would be international, and did celebrity weddings, which is pretty rad. And she is a writer as well.

So I just like grew up around a lot of really lensless women. And that is what instilled in me that relentlessness, but no matter what I was going to do was going to be on my terms. And fitness kind of fell into my lap. And that's a whole other story. But Be Mac then happened, I was coaching, and I was training people at LA Fitness. And people would sit down and I would be like, Okay, but why are you here? And they're like, Well, I don't like this about me, I want to change this. And I'm like, why are you here? I just told you, I don't like this. And I'm like, Shut up. Why are you here? Why did you call me more about this to make you light up? What about this is something that you need to do in opposition? Why are you sitting in front of me right now?

And then eventually they break and they start going, Oh, well, you know, this happened or I started my base or this that the other thing or this trauma like this, or whatever. And that's where I found the magic in coaching and personal training where it was so much more than just that one workout in everything. So really, that's what all led up to now where I was in the last eight weeks or so officially out of personal training into doing this full-time, which is pretty crazy.

And we were talking before about the lights and all this crap that's in my house now and getting to write and be there for the clients may have human beings and other 23 hours a day, rather than just that one personal training hours. So it's nice to practice what they preach that way and know that what I'm doing is making a difference in their lives, not just that one hour in the gym because your physique can only get you so far. That's it in a nutshell.

Gresham Harkless 3:41

That's awesome. And I know that we of course talked offline when we first connected and, talked a lot about, understanding what your why is and I love the fact that you've been able to kind of drill down as you said, somebody says, Oh, I want to lose my gut. And you ask why you want to do that. You drill down to get an idea of like, what a person's focus is, and what their mission is. And then that can be where you start to make impactful change, I think,

Mac Brazina 4:05

Well, I think that's where the relationships develop if that makes sense. So for me, that's everything. The relationship is everything but they become my daisies for a reason I've cultivated that name Allah mask, which like never in a million years, so being associated with my days, she's a little too many profanities to have a mama in front of my name, but it works and they become my kids across everywhere. I have like seven or eight different time zones or something crazy is connected to clients from Australia to Kansas, and it's like, No, we're just human beings. There's not a bit like anything's wrong with any of us. We're not too bad. We're not to gain we're not muscular enough or that this is the other thing and like my own thing is that you're enough as you are.

So why are we just talking about that and building you from here out so you can appreciate the physique not seek the physique so that you receive that validation and return? That's not where the work is done. The work is done here and Hear. So that's the way it was for me and my journey for sure dealing with anxiety and depression my whole life. And I found that that was a lot of my baby's journeys. So I figured that it has to be affecting more people than just me and just my small group of clients, and then it had to be something bigger.

And my whole thing is, we're all fucked up. So why aren't we talking about it? And that's where the real transformation happened. That's where you can set goals and attain their real goals, and you can go big or go home. And that's where the real growth happens. That's, what I liked about coaching, that ever-present growth and being a part of it every step of the way.

Gresham Harkless 5:34

That makes perfect sense. Am I smart for this? And now wanted to hear a little bit more about your babies, as you call them your clients, and how you help support and serve the clients. What are some of the things that you do? I know you touched on it a little bit, but could you drill down a little bit deeper?

Mac Brazina 5:46

Yeah, absolutely. So basically, the way my coaching process works is you have fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset. So I tell all of my clients, all of my Tuesday nuggets and babies COVID don't want clients to weird words, why don't use them, I use clients, because they become family, their friends, and family and they become a part of this mafia for life, that's the way it works, then you get a band of brothers and sisters around you.

And that's really where we start you off is understanding that you're not alone, other people are going through it, you're going to be connected with people that are gonna be able to support you as myself included, and try to make me available to my clients as possible that you're not alone, there's a band of people out there that get it and that loves you no matter what.

So that's the foundation of it all is that mafia term that we go with, then we take those vials of fitness, nutrition, lifestyle mindset, and we measure them out based on the individual, right, so I'll get people that are really into fitness, like getting the workout in is not the problem and enjoy that. But it's how they feel about themselves, how they talk to themselves. Maybe they're dealing with relationship issues, trauma, and sexual abuse.

There are any number of things that are going on on the inside of a human being that no matter how fit, you might look, you still need work, and you can't have a complete human without any of those four entities. So that's why I made it my mission to build humans, not just physiques. physique comes after you found all of the other ones, nutrition is heavily monitored by me, and is a major foundational layer of the second layer, for sure is nutrition, I post nutrition for the gut-brain axis.

So I believe that you can I'm a walking testament of it that you can heal your mind and any ailments that anxiety or depression, read or nutrition. So not only are you viewing this beautiful machine that you've been given, but you're also benefiting other aspects of your anatomy that might be lacking. So we have nutrition, we have routine, and lifestyle which I manage every step of the way for you.

And then mindset. And that's just the daily battle. That's the goal setting that's going through your daily wins understanding that it is a process, but more than anything, that your workouts are all goal-oriented, and they're all about moving your body and connecting with your body from the brain to the rest of your anatomy.

Gresham Harkless 7:59

There you go. I love that mastermind, a mad scientist. So what I want to do is now ask you for what I call your secret sauce. And you might have already touched on it. But what do you feel kind of sets you apart and makes you a little bit unique?

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Mac Brazina 8:09

My biggest thing and this might sound shitty, I give a shit. There are so many coaches out there that just don't give a shit about their client's bottom line, they want to give a workout and them on their way and hope they don't talk to them throughout the rest of the day. That's not how it works. I've worked with those coaches, and I've seen those coaches and witnesses.

It's frustrating, and I do want to pull my hair out because these people are giving you their life literally. when people come in and you know this is life or death, be it suicidal tendencies, be it a history of depression, diabetes, heart disease, or anything like that. These people are coming in and giving you their lives and being vulnerable with you.

They're coming in, in baggy clothes that they're uncomfortable in, they're putting themselves in a very uncomfortable position. And they're giving you all of their insecurities on a platter. And for somebody to disrespect that and just oh no, just get in and get out. That's not the way I roll. Like once you're in you're my baby. And I'm going to get these weird little ESPE kind of things where I'll be like, what's wrong with you? Why have you reached out to me? And they'll be like, Oh my God, how did you know I haven't been doing this? And I need you. I know why I'm here.

So I manage all of that present check-ins. And when I told my team that that's what I wanted to do. They were like, That's fucking crazy. That's gonna be a lot of work. I care about your life. And the other 23 hours of the day. Like that's one hour in the gym is awesome. And I'm glad you're doing it. But what about the rest of you? Like, I guess, in short, I just want to be that person that I wish I had throughout this process and cultivate other human beings that can be there for other generations with these mafia members.

So I always connect with clients when they're similar and give them their support system. That's not just me, because that's what this is all about, that's the human experience and about shell learning, growing, evolving, and then sharing it so I can be a part of that. But I think I'm doing something right

Gresham Harkless 9:54

Now. I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack. And this might be an app book are a habit that you have. But it's something that makes you more effective and efficient as a business owner,

Mac Brazina 10:03

I was in a good one. Okay, that's one of my all aspects of life. And I think that's like probably where my superpower would be like lifestyle and mindset and all that. But this has made the biggest impact on my relationship, actually, and my human Makonnen is my business partner. So I can't say anything for business I can't deal with also affects my personal life. Expressing gratitude is a huge thing that I've integrated into my life.

And it seems so simple, it seems so Kathy, or you should be grateful, like, no shit, I know that. But being able to express that and feel grounded in your heart and knowing that everything that you have right now is enough. I think that the biggest issue with the CEO mindset or the entrepreneur mindset is more.

Not being grounded in what is now. And so Trevor and I will talk to each other a little. Oh, baby, what are you grateful for? And it could be something really simple. And generally, it's when we're winding down at the end of the night, both of us are costed. He works 10-plus hours a day, and I do as well, you might as well just start taking appreciation for what is in your life, the smaller moments and just watching everything grow from there. Take love in the process.

Gresham Harkless 11:15

No, I love that CEO hack and that's a great reminder. And now I want to ask another good one, I wanted to ask you for a CEO nugget. And this is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice. Or if you can happen to a time machine. What would you tell your younger business self?

Mac Brazina 11:28

You don't have it all figured out? So shut up and listen.

Gresham Harkless 11:33

Hey, can you tell my younger business self that too?

Mac Brazina 11:39

Yeah, that is like, take the magnesium out. It's gonna be fine. No, I mean, in all seriousness, I think one of my larger why's for starting all of this and wanting to talk with you, dude, because that younger self, that younger me is so fucked up, or what's so fucked up that it just is self-worth and everything else in relationships, that not knowing where my place was in this world. And I think that everybody can just take away that your place in this world is right where you are.

And it's exactly where you need to be. And you don't need to be a minute behind or a minute forward, like, right where you are, is right where you need to be. Because there's a lesson for you to be learning. There's a person that's trying to teach you something. And if you can live your life, right, then you're going to be able to serve that past self and that future self by just being open right now.

So that's kind of how I try to live my life. But yeah, anybody who is a young entrepreneur that is starting, which is exactly what I am, it's fucking weird to say. But if you're just starting, or you want to start a business, or if you are a coach, and you're doing work, and hustling, and grinding, you're doing the thing, just know that you don't have it figured out the focus. Like, let that rain just be an open basket for information and goodies and going through life. And just grab all that shit.

Gresham Harkless 12:49

There you go. I love it. I love it. And now I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. And I know you touched on it a little bit, but I want to ask you, Mac, what being a CEO means to you.

Mac Brazina 12:59

You being a leader, means not just having a title, not just being a thought, because people think being a boss and being bossy or telling people what to do, is because you can't leader, I can explain it the same way I explain coaching, like some coaches was that there was a whistle sitting on the bench going, why are you doing it wrong, whereas I'm in it with you going no, this is how you This is how we're going to do it. I'm in the trenches with you, not just yelling from the back.

And that, to me is what makes a good leader and CEO, and coach. I don't think that CEOs and coaches are that different. I think that you have a group of people that are looking up to you, and you have people that are trusting you to lead the way to write the feedback plan that will be the most successful. And he was you have a responsibility to be the example like I don't get to just go out and go drinking, you know what I mean? Like I don't get to just indulge, I will on occasion because I'm human. But my responsibility is to set an example to be a leader. And to take the steps that I'm suggesting to my team that make sense. Like I can't tell people to do one thing and then have me do something completely different that wouldn't work out. I need to be in it with them I need to be walking the walk and talking the talk to the best of my ability and with as much humility as possible as a CEO. So as the thing grows and the Empire I've always wanted it to be I always wanted to do it for the right reason.

And I don't ever want to get caught up in the bullshit reasons of materialism and all that jazz, that's all gravy to me. But I try to savor each evolution and each team member that I have right now for who they are and what they bring into this project because I know that it's not just me so if you can keep that mentality that it's not about you. It's about your bigger why or bigger message then you're gonna be incredibly successful. But if you make it about you and everything that you have or you are doing or how you can make a quick buck, he just quit now,

Gresham Harkless 14:47

That makes perfect sense and I think that's an incredible definition. So Mac, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out. Is there anything additional, you want to let our readers know and then also how they can get a hold of you

Mac Brazina 15:00

I want to say thank you, this was very new to me doing this podcasting thing, but I'm very grateful for it. If you're watching this, I'm very, grateful to you. And I would love to get to know you more, maybe one day I'll learn how to talk. But I love my job to bits and pieces. And I would love to be a part of your evolution in any way possible.

So go ahead and just reach out to me on Instagram @bemacfit, it's just me and my partner, my assistant. So please just reach out because all you have to do all of us are willing to watch and I can make that happen. But reach out to me through Instagram. If you're on there @bemacfit. So on the website, you'll see the coaching application and members area online. Do you have any questions? I'm just one message away just to see if it is just me. And I don't know you yet. It's gonna be fun. I'm excited about this adventure.

Gresham Harkless 15:01

Awesome. I think we know you a little bit better. Mac, I appreciate you. And we'll make sure to have all those links in the show notes. And I'm gracious that you were able to take some time out and give us all this incredible insight and I love what you're doing-especially helping people to remind themselves that they're not perfect, but at the same time, we do have enough to do whatever we want to do. So I truly appreciate you and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Mac Brazina 16:07

I appreciate you. Thank you so much. I'm grateful. Thank you.

Outro 16:12

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at

I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Intro 0:02

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Do you want to learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales and grow your business from successful entrepreneurs, startups, and CEOs without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresham Harkless values your time and is ready to share with you precisely the information you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 0:27

Hello, hello. Hello, this is Gresh from the I AM CEO podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Mac Brazina of Be Mac Fit. Mac, it is awesome.

Mac Brazina 0:36

Thank you so much for having us on. Like a really cool experience. I'm just sitting here. I do have Kira with me. But anybody follows me. I do have my dog who's been grudgingly sitting with us today.

Gresham Harkless 0:46

Your dog's name is?

Mac Brazina 0:48


Gresham Harkless 0:49

So we have Kira and Mac on our podcast. So thank you, Kira you are the very first dog to be on the podcast that's supposed to be on our dog hops on every now and then she's not supposed to be on. So appreciate you for being on what I wanted to do was read a little bit more about Mac so you can hear about all the awesome things that she's doing. And Mac mission is to connect, train and evolve with humans around the world by bringing humanity back to social media. After all, that's all any of this is actually about genuine human connection to remind you that this life is yours. We're a little messed up and that's okay, because you aren't alone. Together, we can truly make life happen for you. Mac, are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO Community?

Mac Brazina 0:49


Gresham Harkless 0:52

So the first question I had was just the drill down a little bit deeper and hear about your CEO story and what led you to start your business

Mac Brazina 1:12

CEOs are really interesting term because I just a coach, that's just what I tell people. I'm a coach first and what acumen first coach second, as a CEO saying like running my own business was always just kind of a non negotiable to me I had from a lineage of female entrepreneurs. So my grandma was a entrepreneur, she ran the number one plastic surgery recovery facility to the stars in Beverly Hills. My mom ran her own photography business, which would be international, and doing celebrity weddings, which is pretty rad. And she is a writer as well. So I'm just like grew up around a lot of really from lensless women. And that is what instilled in me that relentlessness, but no matter what I was going to do was going to be on my terms. And fitness kind of fell into my lap. And that's a whole other story. But Be Max then happened, I was coaching, and I was training people at LA Fitness. And people would sit down and I would be like, Okay, but why are you here? And they're like, Well, I don't like this about me,I want to change this. And I'm like, why are you here? Like I just told you, I don't like this. And I'm like, Shut up. Why are you here? Why did you call me more about this makes you light up? What about this is something that you absolutely need to do in opposition? Why are you sitting in front of me right now. And then eventually they break and they start going, Oh, well, you know, this happened or I started my base or this that the other thing or this trauma like this, or whatever. And that's where I found the magic in coaching and personal training where it was so much more than just that one workout in everything.So really, that's what all led up to now where I was in the last eight weeks or so really officially segwayed out of personal training into doing this full time, which is pretty crazy. And we were talking before about the lights and all this crap that's in my house now and getting to write and actually be there for the clients may have human beings and other 23 hours a day, rather than just that one personal training hours. So it's nice, actually practice what they preach that way, and know that what I'm doing is actually making a difference in their lives, not just that one hour in the gym, because your physique can only get you so far. That's it in a nutshell.

Gresham Harkless 3:41

That's awesome. And I know that we of course talked offline when we first connected and, talked a lot about, understanding what your why is and I love the fact that you've been able to kind of drill down like you said, somebody says, Oh, I want to lose my gut. And you ask why do you want to do that? You really drill down to get an idea of like, what a person's focus is, what their mission is. And then that can really be where you start to make impactful change, I think,

Mac Brazina 4:05

Well, I think that's where the relationships develop, if that makes sense. So for me, that's everything. The relationship is everything but they become my daisies for a reason I've cultivated that name Allah mask, which like never in a million years, So being associated with my days, she's a little too many profanities to have a mama in front of my name, but it works and they become my kids across everywhere. I have like seven eight different time zones or something crazy is connected to clients from Australia to Kansas, and it's like, No, we're just human beings. There's not a bit like anything's wrong with any of us. We're not too bad. We're not to gain we're not muscular enough or that this is the other thing and like my own thing is that you're enough as you are. So why are we just talking about that and building you from here out so you can appreciate the physique not seek the physique so that you receive that validation and return. That's not where the work is done. The work is done here and Hear. So that's the way it was for me and my journey for sure dealing with anxiety and depression my whole life. And I found that that was a lot of my my baby's journeys. So I figured that it has to be affecting more people than just me and just my small group of clients, and then it had to be something bigger. And my whole thing is, we're all fucked up. So why aren't we talking about it? And that's where the real transformation happened. That's where you can really set goals and attain them real goals, and you can go big or go home. And that's where the real growth happens. That's,what I find really liked me about coaching, is that ever present growth and being a part of it every step of the way?

Gresham Harkless 5:34

That makes perfect sense. Am I smart for this? And now wanted to hear a little bit more about your babies, as you call them as your clients and how you help support and serve the clients. What are some of the things that you do? I know you touched on a little bit, but could you drill down a little bit deeper?

Mac Brazina 5:46

Yeah, absolutely. So basically, the way my coaching process works is you have fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset. So I tell all of my clients, all of my Tuesday nuggets and babies COVID don't want clients to weird word, why don't use it, I use clients, because they become family, their friends and family and they become a part of this mafia for life, that's really the way it works, then you get a band of brothers and sisters around you. And that's really where we start you off is understanding that you're not alone, there are other people that are going through it, you're going to be connected with people that are gonna be able to support you as myself included, and try to make myself available to my clients as possible that you're not alone, there's a band of people out there that get it and that loves you no matter what. So that's the foundation of it all is that mafia term that we go with, then we take those vials of fitness, nutrition, lifestyle mindset, and we measure them out based on the individual, right, so I'll get people that are really into fitness, like getting the workout in is not the problem and really enjoy that. But it's how they feel about themselves, how they talk to themselves. Maybe they're dealing with relationship issues, trauma, sexual abuse, there are any number of things that are going on on the inside of a human being that no matter how fit, you might look at spec, we still need work, and you can't have a complete human without any of those four entities. So that's why I made it my mission to build humans, not just physique. physique come after you found all of the other one, nutrition is heavily monitored by me, and is a major foundational layer of second layer, for sure is nutrition, I post nutrition for the gut brain axis. So I believe that you can I'm a walking testament of it that you can actually heal your mind and any ailments that anxiety or depression, read or nutrition. So not only are you viewing this beautiful machine that you've been given, but you're also benefiting other aspects of your anatomy that might be lacking. So we have nutrition, we have routine and lifestyle which I manage every step of the way for you. And then mindset. And that's just the daily battle. That's the goal setting that's going through your daily wins understanding that it is a process, but more than anything, that your workouts are all goal oriented, and they're all about moving your body and connecting with your body from brain to the rest of your anatomy.

Gresham Harkless 7:59

There you go. I love that mastermind, a mad scientist. So what I want to do is now ask you for what I call your secret sauce. And you might have already touched on it. But what do you feel kind of sets you apart and makes you a little bit unique?

Mac Brazina 8:09

My biggest thing and this might sound really shitty, I give a shit. There are so many coaches out there that just don't give a shit about their clients bottom line, they want to give a workout and them on their way and hoping they don't talk to them throughout the rest of the day. That's not how it works. I've worked with those coaches, I've seen those coaches and witnesses. It's like frustrating, and they do want to pull my hair out because I'm like these people are giving you their life literally. when people come in and go no, this is actually life or death, be it suicidal tendencies, be it a history of depression, be a diabetes, heart disease, anything like that these people are actually coming in and giving you their lives and being vulnerable with you. They're coming in, in baggy clothes that they're uncomfortable in, they're putting themselves in a very uncomfortable position. And they're giving you all of their insecurities on a platter. And for somebody to disrespect that and just oh no, just get in and get out. That's not the way I roll. Like once you're in you're my baby. And I'm going to get these weird little ESPE kind of things where I'll be like, what's wrong with you? Why have you reached out to me? And they'll be like, Oh my God, how did you know I haven't been doing this. And I need you. I know why I'm here. So I manage all of that presents check ins. And when I told my team that that's what I wanted to do. They were like, That's fucking crazy. That's gonna be a lot of work. I care about your life. And the other 23 hours of the day. Like that's one hour in the gym is awesome. And I'm glad you're doing it. But what about the rest of you? Like, I guess, in short, I just want to be that person that I wish I had throughout this process and cultivate other human beings that can be there for other generations with these mafia members. So I always connect clients when they're similar and give them their own support system. That's not just me, because that's what this is all about, that's the human experience and about shell learning, growing, evolving, and then sharing it so I can be a part of that. But I think I'm doing something right

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Gresham Harkless 9:54

Now. I wanted to switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack. And this might be an app book are a habit that you have. But it's something that makes you more effective and efficient as a business owner,

Mac Brazina 10:03

I was in a really good one. Okay, that's one of my all aspects of life. And I think that's like probably where my superpower would be like lifestyle and mindset and all that. But this has made the biggest impact on my relationship, actually, and my human Makonnen is my business partner. So I can't say anything for business I can't deal with also affects my personal life. Expressing gratitude is a huge thing that I've integrated into my life. And it seems so simple, it seems so kathy, or you should be grateful, like, no shit, I know that. But really being able to express that and feel grounded in your heart and knowing that everything that you have right now is enough. I think that the biggest issue with the CEO mindset or the entrepreneur mindset is more. Not being grounded in what is now. And so Trevor and I will talk to each other a little. Oh baby, what are you grateful for? And it could be something really simple. And generally, it's when we're winding down at the end of the night, both of us are costed. He works 10 plus hours a day, I do as well, you might as well just start taking appreciation for what is in your life, the smaller moments and just watching everything grow from there. Take love in the process.

Gresham Harkless 11:15

No, I love that CEO hack, and that's a great reminder. And and now I want to ask another good one, I wanted to ask you for a CEO nugget. And this is a word of wisdom or a piece of advice. Or if you can happen to a time machine. What would you tell your younger business self?

Mac Brazina 11:28

You don't have it all figured out? So shut the fuck up and listen.

Gresham Harkless 11:33

Hey, can you tell my younger business self that too?

Mac Brazina 11:39

Yeah, that is like, take the magnesium out. It's gonna be fine. No, I mean, in all seriousness, I think one of my larger why's for starting all of this and wanting to talk with you, dude, because that younger self, that younger me is so fucked up, or what's so fucked up that it just is self worth and everything else in relationships, that not really knowing where my place was in this world. And I think that if everybody can just take away that your place in this world is right where you are. And it's exactly where you need to be. And you don't need to be a minute behind or a minute forward, like, right where you are, is right where you need to be. Because there's a lesson for you to be learning. There's a person that's trying to teach you something. And if you can live your life, right, then you're going to be able to serve that past self and that future self by just being open right now. So that's kind of how I try to live my life. But yeah, anybody who is a young entrepreneur that is starting out, which is exactly what I am, it's fucking weird to say. But if you're just starting out, or you want to start a business, or if you are a coach, and you're doing work, and hustling, and grinding, you're doing the thing, just know that you don't have it figured out the focus. Like let that rain just be an open basket for information and goodies and going through life. And just grab all that shit.

Gresham Harkless 12:49

There you go. I love it. I love it. And now I wanted to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition for what it means to be a CEO. And I know you touched on it a little bit, but I want to ask you, Mac, what is being a CEO means to you,

Mac Brazina 12:59

you being a leader, that means not just having a title, not just being a thought, because people think being a boss and being bossy or telling people what to do, because you can't leader, I can explain it the same way I explain coaching, like some coaches was that there was a whistle sitting on the bench going, why are you doing it wrong, whereas I'm in it with you going no, this is how you This is how we're going to do it. I'm in the trenches with you, not just yelling from the back. And that, to me is what makes a good leader and CEO and a coach. I don't think that CEOs and coaches are that different. I think that you have a group of people that are looking up to you, you have people that are trusting you to lead the way to write the feedback plan that will be the most successful. And he was you have a responsibility to be the example like I don't get to just go out and go drinking, you know what I mean? Like I don't get to just indulge, I will on occasion because I'm human. But my responsibility is to set the example to be the leader. And to take the steps that I'm suggesting to my team that makes sense. Like I can't tell people to do one thing and then have me do something completely different that wouldn't work out. I need to be in it with them I need to be walking the walk and talking the talk to the best of my ability and with as much humility as possible as a CEO. So as the thing grows and the Empire I've always wanted it to be I always wanted to do it for the right reason. And I don't ever want to get caught up in the bullshit reasons of materialism all that jazz, that's all gravy to me. But I try to savor each individual evolution and each individual team member that I have right now for who they are and what they bring into this project because I know that it's not just me so if you can keep that mentality that it's not about you. It's about your bigger why or bigger message then you're gonna be incredibly successful. But if you make it about you and everything that you have or you are doing or how you can make a quick buck, he just quit now,

Gresham Harkless 14:47

That makes perfect sense and I think that's incredible definition. So Mac, I truly appreciate you for taking some time out. Is there anything additional, you want to let our readers know and then also how they can get a hold of you

Mac Brazina 15:00

I want to say thank you, this was very new to me doing this like podcasting thing, but I'm very grateful for it. If you're watching this, I'm very, grateful for you. And I would love to get to know you more, maybe one day I'll learn how to talk. But I love my job to bits and pieces. And I would love to be a part of your evolution in any way possible. So go ahead and just reach out to me on Instagram @bemacfit, it's just me and my partner, my assistant. So please just reach out because all you have to do all of us are willing to watch and I can make that happen. But reach out to me through Instagram. If you're on there @bemacfit. So on the website, you'll see the coaching application and members area online. You have any questions? I'm just one message away just to see if it really is just me. And I don't know yet. It's gonna be fun. I'm excited for this adventure.

Gresham Harkless 15:01

Awesome. I think we know you a little bit better. Mac, I appreciate you. And we'll make sure to have all those links in the show notes. And I'm definitely gracious that you were able to take some time out and give us all this incredible insight and I love what you're doing especially helping people to remind themselves that they're not perfect, but at the same time, we do have enough to do whatever we want to do. So I truly appreciate you and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Mac Brazina 16:07

I appreciate you. Thank you so much. I'm really grateful. Thank you.

Outro 16:12

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by Blue 16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes Google Play and everywhere you listen to podcasts, SUBSCRIBE, and leave us a five-star rating grab CEO gear at This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless. Thank you for listening.

Transcribed by


Mercy - CBNation Team

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