IAM2410 – Event Planner Helps Create a Great Client Experience with a Touch of Hospitality
Special Throwback Episode with Dee McCoy

Dee McCoy is an event planner who worked with Akia on the design, décor, and aesthetic elements of the conference to make the environment engaging and visually pleasing, especially since it was a gloomy day outside.
Dee’s reasons for attending the event were threefold: to pour back into her business, to reconnect with her own work after focusing on clients' needs, and to introduce her daughter, a young entrepreneur, to the business world with a Christ-centered foundation.
She learns that clients often struggle to understand hotel jargon, and her goal became to bridge that gap, ensuring both the hotel’s needs and the client’s vision were aligned for successful events.
Dee helps clients execute their vision while ensuring the event meets both aesthetic and logistical requirements, such as negotiating contracts and managing budget expectations.
Her business is defined by the idea that “the difference is in the details,” and she takes pride in offering valuable advice and insights, even if it means stepping in to help when needed.
Dee highlights the importance of continuous learning and honing your craft. She also discusses that business owners should always learn something that replenishes them as well.
Instagram: mdmassociatesdc
Facebook: Events by MDM Associates
Previous Episode: iam240-event-planner-helps-create-a-great-client-experience-with-a-touch-of-hospitality
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Dee McCoy Teaser 00:00
To help my clients get their vision to kind of align or work in tandem with the hotel's vision so that everybody's on the same page to make the event a success, from the hotel hitting their numbers.
And getting all of their, I's dotted and T's crossed, and then the client's vision to having their event be as successful and as legendary as they'd like it to be.
Intro 00:23
Are you ready to hear business stories and learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and level up your business from awesome CEOs, entrepreneurs, and founders without listening to a long, long, long interview?
If so, you've come to the right place. Gresh values your time and is ready to share with you the valuable info you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.
Gresham Harkless 00:48
Hello, hello, hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast, and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Dee McCoy of MDM Associates. Dee, it's awesome to have you on the show.
Dee McCoy 00:59
Thanks so much for having me.
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Gresham Harkless 01:00
No problem. Super excited to have you on. And could you tell us a little bit more about what brought you to the conference, what you were hoping to get out?
Dee McCoy 01:06
So it's twofold. I worked with Akia on the design and decor and decoration and the pageantry for the event to make the event aesthetically pleasing to all of the participants.
So they have something nice to look at. It's kind of a gloomy day outside, so they have something to hold their attention, pops of color in the room.
Make a nice seating area outside of the ballroom space in case they needed to take a moment to make a phone call or just step out so they'd have something comfortable.
And I wanted to pour back into my business. My business is a lot of external, so it's a lot of me pouring out of myself into what my clients' visions are for their events.
So this is my time to pour back into myself so that I constantly have a full picture. I guess it's threefold because I also brought my daughter, who is a young entrepreneur, and I wanted her to learn the basics of the business. And that starts with Christ and having a Christ-centered foundation.
Gresham Harkless 02:03
Absolutely. Well, you're doing an absolutely phenomenal job, especially I've been to events and sometimes I know my gift is not an event planning.
So I don't take for granted any of this stuff I see because you assume that everything just happens.
You just walk in there and it happens, but there's definitely people behind the scenes of you creating the strategy and executing on that strategy.
That's what sounds like what you do. Absolutely. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. So could you tell me a little bit about how you got started? Could you tell me what I call it, like your CEO story?
Dee McCoy 02:28
So for me, I kind of started in hotels. So all of the tables and chairs and meetings with clients to get them to book into a hotel, I started as the hotel point of contact.
What I learned in that is that a lot of clients don't understand hotel speak. They don't understand the hotel's vision for your event, which is very different than the client's vision.
So what prompted me to kind of start my own business is to take the knowledge that I have as a hospitality professional and use that to help my clients get their vision to kind of align or work in tandem with the hotel's vision so that everybody's on the same page to make the event a success.
From the hotel hitting their numbers and getting all of their, I's dotted and T's crossed. And then the client's vision to having their event be as successful and as legendary as they'd like it to be.
Gresham Harkless 03:21
That makes perfect sense. And it's funny. And again, I haven't been a lot of event marketing or event planning, but sometimes I forget.
I didn't even think about it until you just said it about the hotel or whatever, the venue having their own goals that they're trying to hit as well, too.
So to be able to kind of dial into that and make sure that that is understood and executed on every level is huge. It sounds like.
Absolutely. Did you just decide that you wanted to get started like one day or was it something that took a little bit of time?
Dee McCoy 03:46
So it was a kind of a marriage of two things. I had a lot of clients who would ask me, so what does this mean in a contract? How fluid is that? What can I do?
And then from the hotel side, there are times when you're like, I don't understand why they don't get it. Like, why don't they know what I mean when I say certain things?
And my clients would ask me kind of off the record, like, so what can I do? And what can I do? And how can I?
And why do they say this? And what does that mean? And I would talk to them outside of business.
Sometimes after hours, sometimes on the phone at home. And one day my husband was like, why don't you do that for yourself?
Like they clearly know that you're the expert. They call you. They don't call your boss. They don't call somebody else. You haven't worked with them in three years.
They're in another city, but they're asking you to help them. Like, why don't you do that on your own?
And then I was like, well, I'm not really sure. And then I kind of gave myself a goal, like by this date I want to do.
And then my husband was always like, so you ready to do it? Like, this isn't the time that I said, and like, I'm not ready. And then finally he was like, like, you're really ready.
Like either start as a consultant and get them to pay you for the knowledge that they know you have.
And then, so I started that way. And then it was like, okay, I had a lot of clients that were consulting that it was like, okay, now I need to do this for real because it is meant for me to take this to the next step.
So I started to pull back a little from my hospitality job and pour more into a different avenue of hospitality because it's still hospitality.
It's just kind of making the difference between one person saying one thing and one person saying the other thing when they're really saying the same thing. They're just using different terms.
Gresham Harkless 05:21
It's kind of like a translator or something.
Dee McCoy 05:23
Gresham Harkless 05:23
Interesting, interesting. Yeah, it's definitely huge because you don't know what the other being the other being the hotel venue actually wants.
And you kind of want to understand exactly what the client wants and be able to have that be a win-win situation. So it kind of sounds like that's exactly what you want.
Dee McCoy 05:38
Absolutely. And because I have the hospitality lingo, because I work in hotels, I am able to take the client's vision and kind of put that into, OK, hotelier, this is what they're asking.
This is what they want. I know this covers this business. And once I use their language, then they know that I know what I'm talking about.
And the conversation changes because they now see me as a partner because they know they can talk to me in their terms and I can relay that back to the client in their terms. And everybody's happy.
Gresham Harkless 06:06
Absolutely. Win, win, win situation. So I love that. And I know you touched on a little bit. Was there any more you can add to that?
Like how you work with clients and what you do to kind of get them started? Like how do they find you? What do they do?
Dee McCoy 06:16
So, I'm on social media. A lot of my marketing and imagery is geared towards more social events in terms of weddings and parties and things like that.
But I do corporate events, summits, workshops, such as the one we're attending. Clients can find me on online events by MDM associates, you'll find me.
And what I always start with, I have a questionnaire, it's about seven pages, but it's a lot of, if you don't need it, you don't have to fill this part out.
But what it does is it builds the foundation. From there, after I look through everything and compile everything that I need for the next step.
Then we schedule a discovery call, last about 15 minutes, have five key questions that I need to know in order to know first if we're the right fit to make sure that I am the planner for you and that you're the client for me.
Because we need that synergy. That has to be there first. So after we go there, then we start into building what the next steps look like.
To go from there, pricing comes into what contracting terms look like, what exactly it is. And then sometimes we hit a place and that's all we need.
And then there's sometimes where we started on a path of, I just need this. And then the direction changed because now you see additional areas that I can offer assistance.
Because while, yes, I do staging and table decor and things like that. If you need me to call the hotel and negotiate your entire contract, I can do that too.
If you have, I don't like the adage of champagne tastes and then kind of boxed wine budget.
But if you are a more budget conscious person, I'm going to make sure that it looks like a champagne budget because everyone deserves to have that special moment.
Whether it's a conference, whether it's your wedding, your event is your event. And I am the difference between an average event and an exceptional event.
Gresham Harkless 08:12
Absolutely. Absolutely. And I love that. And I love especially, making sure that you do a lot of the work.
It sounds like in the very beginning, like if I have that question, are you understanding if they're on the same page, if you're absolutely on the same page as far as like we are able to execute exactly what you want.
And I love that as far as like the execution as well, too. So now I want to ask you for what I call your secret sauce.
And this could be your unique selling proposition. What do you feel kind of distinguishes you or makes you unique?
Dee McCoy 08:34
So when I started my business, I knew what we were going to call it because it is me. I am the D in my business.
My name is Desiree, and that's what the D is. My husband, however, was the driving force behind me actually taking the step.
He is the first M in my business. The last M is our last name, McCoy, because together, this is what we do.
This is who we are. If I need a wall built, he is going to build it. If I need, oh, I don't know if I want to make that phone call today.
I have a really difficult client. He is the one that's like, take time away from everything else. Find your space. Find your time. Do it.
You know what it is you need to do. Go ahead and handle it. So that was easy. What was not as easy was defining my business.
I knew what it was we do. I knew why we do it. But it was kind of what sets us apart. And one of my girlfriends was like, it's you.
You're the difference. You are so detailed and so on top of, you have already thought of three more questions after you asked your first question.
And from there, that's where our tagline came. The difference is in the details. I am the difference, but the details, the attention to detail that I pay is what makes sure that every event that I am a part of whether I'm in charge of it.
Whether I'm behind the scenes, whether I'm an attendee, I am going to make sure that if I see something that isn't flowing right, I may overstep and say, hey, you guys know you should be doing this as opposed to this.
Why don't you do? And then I will go back and say, hell no, I'm not running your event, but let me explain to you what I saw and what I did and why I did it.
Because I want you to know, I'm not trying to step on your toes. But I want your event to be flawless because when you're running an event, you don't see all of the things that happen all the time. If I see it, I'm going to say it.
Gresham Harkless 10:22
Right. No, I absolutely love that. And I love that because it's the details, but it's also the experience with the details.
Because I think you can be very detail oriented, have never run an event in your life and you don't really see all those details.
So I really love that experience because I was just talking with somebody earlier and I was saying that I saw something on Instagram that said that I guess somebody paid a contractor to come and fix whatever it is that they need to get fixed that came.
It took literally 10 minutes for them to turn a screw and figure out exactly what the issue was.
But you didn't pay them for the 10 minutes. You paid them for the 10 years of experience that they had been learning how to turn that screw.
So kind of sounds like the same thing. Absolutely. Awesome, awesome, awesome. So what I wanted to do was switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack.
And this might be an Apple book or a habit that you have, but it's something that makes you more effective and efficient.
Dee McCoy 11:05
So for me, time is one of the most important factors in my personal life, my professional life, and to my clients as well.
In order to keep up with industry trends and things like that, you have to be on social media and have a social media presence.
Social media can take up a lot of your time. For a business person, it has to be strategic. It has to be well thought out.
But like I said, it takes up a lot of your time. That's your greatest commodity. So for me, it's an app that's called RecurPost.
And that's R-E-C-U-R, post. You can post to up to three social media platforms for free. You can schedule your posts out.
You can go as far out as the app will let you. I have it scheduled to post on various different days at various different times based on the different algorithms of what time and day get the most hits and things like that.
But the app will also prompt you on what it says are the best times. Sometimes these apps kind of talk to each other.
So what I'll do occasionally is if it's telling me that that's the best time to post, I'll pick that time to see what happens.
And if that doesn't work, then I go back to what has shown is beneficial to my business on the different platforms.
What that also does is it allows me to say I'm posting to Instagram and then the other two platforms that I use are Twitter and Google.
It allows me to take that content. It reminds me to do it. So I know that it's that it's happening at that time.
So it'll remind me to go to Instagram. It'll make sure that I'm not on my personal Instagram. I'm on my professional Instagram because I like to mix them when I want to.
I don't want them to order. I don't want all of my posts about my business to come from my personal page. I like to talk about my personal stuff on my personal page.
Gresham Harkless 12:47
That makes perfect sense. It's kind of like your business can be open 24/7 even though you don't have to be up 24-7.
Now I want to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO.
We're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on the show, so I wanted to ask you, what does being a CEO mean to you?
Dee McCoy 13:01
So for me, my business is events. That is my area of expertise. So the traditional definition of CEO is different for me because it kind of mirrors all of my passions.
The C is for creative because, when you think of an event, a workshop, the room that we're in, the flowers make it different. that brought in the creative.
You're still here for a workshop, but it kind of brightens the room. It puts something different in it.
This isn't just your average summit, so it shouldn't look like your average meeting room. You don't necessarily feel like you're in a meeting.
When we were setting up yesterday, the banquet staff saw all the florals and all the vases and were like, I thought this was like a workshop. It looks like a party.
So that let me know that what my vision was spot on. The E is for experience and events. I create epic experiences. My passion is events.
So regardless of whether it's a workshop, a summit, a training, it is still an experience and it is an event.
You came here for something transformative to happen. So I bring that in. And then the O is organizer.
That is what I do. You came in for a creative event that was organized. Everything went according to a plan.
We deviated a little bit, things changed around a little, but you still got everything that you came for.
And that is where my definition of CEO differs from the traditional definition, but it is still in alignment with what a CEO is.
Gresham Harkless 14:28
Absolutely, absolutely. Because you need all those skills in order to execute and do everything that you need to do to be successful. So I absolutely love that definition.
And I appreciate your time. I wanted to pass you the mic just to see if there was anything additional to let our readers and our listeners know and then how best they can find you.
Dee McCoy 14:42
The first thing that I'll say is to constantly be learning, learn your craft, hone your craft, become the expert.
The person that people know when they think of whatever it is that you do, they think of you. They don't think of what you do, they think of you and know that you're gonna take that to the next level for them.
And then always with that learning, learn something that pours back into you. This summit is not necessarily speaking to my event planning, my event management, but it's speaking to me.
What I do with my events is I give everything I have to my events. It is a representation of me.
But after I have poured all of that into that event, I need something to come back into me. This event and events like it pour back into me.
They fill me back up so that my cup is now running over so the next event isn't taking everything out of me because I have poured back into myself.
You have to constantly fill both of your houses. You have to fill the house that pours out, but then you have to constantly pour back into yourself because you can't give to somebody which you don't have yourself.
Gresham Harkless 15:52
Absolutely. I absolutely love that. That's a great reminder. Keep your cup full and keep your oxygen mask on. So people that want to get a hold of you, what's the best way for them to do that?
Dee McCoy 15:59
The best way to find me on social media platforms, whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, I'm on Snapchat, it's Events by MDMAssociate. You can also reach me via telephone at 240-390-6361.
Gresham Harkless 16:14
Awesome, awesome, awesome. And we'll have those links and information in the show notes as well so that anybody can just scroll down and find you and hear about all the awesome things that you're doing and hopefully book you as well too. So have a great rest of the day.
Dee McCoy 16:23
Thanks to you too.
Intro 16:24
Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by CB Nation and Blue16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co. I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community.
Want to level up your business even more? Read blogs, listen to podcasts, and watch videos at CBNation.co. Also, check out our I AM CEO Facebook group. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless Jr. Thank you for listening.
Dee McCoy
00:00 - 00:22
to help my clients get their vision to kind of align or work in tandem with the hotel's vision so that everybody's on the same page to make the event a success, from the hotel hitting their numbers and getting all of their, you know, I's dotted and T's crossed, and then the client's vision to having their event be as successful and as legendary as they'd like it to be.
00:23 - 00:48
Are you ready to hear business stories and learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and level up your business from awesome CEOs, entrepreneurs, and founders without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Grush values your time and is ready to share with you the valuable info you're in search of. This is the
Gresham Harkless
00:48 - 00:59
IMCEO Podcast. Hello, hello, hello. This is Gresh from the IMCEO Podcast, and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Dee McCoy of MDM Associates. Dee, it's awesome to have you on the show.
Dee McCoy
00:59 - 01:00
Thanks so much for having me.
Gresham Harkless
01:00 - 01:05
No problem. Super excited to have you on. And could you tell us a little bit more about what brought you to the conference, what you were hoping to get out?
Dee McCoy
01:06 - 01:31
So it's twofold. I worked with Akia on the design and decor and decoration and the pageantry for the event to make the event aesthetically pleasing to all of the participants. So they have something nice to look at. It's kind of a gloomy day outside, so they have something to hold their attention, pops of color in the room. make a nice seating area outside of the ballroom space in case they needed to take a moment to make a phone call
01:31 - 01:32
or just
Dee McCoy
01:32 - 01:43
step out so they'd have something comfortable. And I wanted to pour back into my business. My business is a lot of external, you know, so it's a lot of me pouring out of myself into what my clients' visions are
Speaker 3
01:44 - 01:44
Dee McCoy
01:44 - 02:02
their events. So this is my time to pour back into myself so that I constantly have a full picture. I guess it's threefold because I also brought my daughter, who is a young entrepreneur, and I wanted her to learn the basics of the business. And that starts with Christ and having a Christ-centered foundation.
Gresham Harkless
02:03 - 02:27
Absolutely. Well, you're doing an absolutely phenomenal job, especially I've been to events and sometimes I know my gift is not an event planning. So I don't take for granted any of this stuff I see because you assume that everything just happens. You just walk in there and it happens, but there's definitely people behind the scenes of you creating the strategy and executing on that strategy. That's what sounds like what you do. Absolutely. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. So could you tell me a little bit about how you got started? Could you tell me what I call it, like your CEO story?
Dee McCoy
02:28 - 03:09
So for me, I kind of started in hotels. So all of the tables and chairs and meetings with clients to get them to book into a hotel, I started as the hotel point of contact. What I learned in that is that a lot of clients don't understand hotel speak. They don't understand the hotel's vision for your event, which is very different than the client's vision. So what prompted me to kind of start my own business is to take the knowledge that I have as a hospitality professional and use that to help my clients get their vision to kind of align or work in tandem with the hotel's vision so that everybody's on the same page to make the event a success.
Dee McCoy
03:09 - 03:21
From the hotel hitting their numbers and getting all of their, you know, I's dotted and T's crossed. And then the client's vision to having their event be as successful and as legendary as they'd like it to be.
Gresham Harkless
03:21 - 03:45
That makes perfect sense. And it's funny. And, you know, again, I haven't been a lot of, you know, event marketing or event planning, but sometimes I forget. I didn't even think about it until you just said it about the hotel or whatever, the venue having their own goals that they're trying to hit as well, too. So to be able to kind of dial into that and make sure that that is understood and executed on every level is huge. It sounds like. Absolutely. Did you just decide that you wanted to get started like one day or was it something that took a little bit of time?
Dee McCoy
03:46 - 04:01
So it was a kind of a marriage of two things. I had a lot of clients who would ask me, so what does this mean in a contract? How fluid is that? What can I do? And then from the hotel side, there are times when you're like, I don't understand why they don't get it. Like, why don't they know
04:02 - 04:02
what I
Dee McCoy
04:02 - 04:29
mean when I say certain things? And my clients would ask me kind of off the record, like, so what can I do? And what can I do? And how can I? And why do they say this? And what does that mean? And I would talk to them outside of business. Sometimes after hours, sometimes on the phone at home. And one day my husband was like, why don't you do that for yourself? Like they clearly know that you're the expert. They call you. They don't call your boss. They don't call somebody else. You haven't worked with them in three years.
Dee McCoy
04:29 - 04:52
They're in another city, but they're asking you to help them. Like, why don't you do that on your own? And then I was like, well, I'm not really sure. And then I kind of gave myself a goal, like by this date I want to do. And then my husband was always like, so you ready to do it? Like, this isn't the time that I said, and like, I'm not ready. And then finally he was like, like, you're really ready. Like either start as a consultant and get them to pay you for the knowledge that they know you have.
Dee McCoy
04:52 - 05:19
And then, so I started that way. And then it was like, okay, I had a lot of clients that were consulting that it was like, okay, now I need to do this for real because it is meant for me to take this to the next step. So I started to pull back a little from my hospitality job and pour more into a different avenue of hospitality because it's still hospitality. It's just kind of making the difference between one person saying one thing and one person saying the other thing when they're really saying the same thing.
Dee McCoy
05:19 - 05:21
They're just using different terms.
Gresham Harkless
05:21 - 05:23
It's kind of like a translator or something.
Dee McCoy
05:23 - 05:23
Gresham Harkless
05:23 - 05:38
Interesting, interesting. Yeah, it's definitely huge because you don't know, you know, what the other being the other being the hotel venue actually wants. And you kind of want to understand exactly what the client wants and be able to have that be a win-win situation. So it kind of sounds like that's exactly what you want.
Dee McCoy
05:38 - 06:06
Absolutely. And because I have the hospitality lingo, because I work in hotels, I am able to take the client's vision and kind of put that into, OK, hotelier, this is what they're asking. This is what they want. I know this covers this business. And once I use their language, then they know that I know what I'm talking about. And the conversation changes because they now see me as a partner because they know they can talk to me in their terms and I can relay that back to the client in their terms. And everybody's happy.
Gresham Harkless
06:06 - 06:16
Absolutely. Win, win, win situation. So I love that. And I know you touched on a little bit. Was there any more you can add to that? Like how you work with clients and what you do to kind of get them started? Like how do they find you? What do they do?
Dee McCoy
06:16 - 06:47
So, you know, I'm on social media. A lot of my marketing and imagery is geared towards more social events in terms of weddings and parties and things like that. But I do corporate events, you know, um, summits, workshops, such as the one we're attending. Um, clients can find me on, you know, online events by MDM associates, you'll find me. Um, and what I always start with, I have a questionnaire, it's about seven pages, but it's a lot of, if you don't need it, you don't have to, you know, fill this part out. But
Speaker 3
06:47 - 06:47
what it
Dee McCoy
06:47 - 07:23
does is it builds the foundation. From there, after I look through everything and compile everything that I need for the next step, then we schedule a discovery call, last about 15 minutes, have five key questions that I need to know in order to know first if we're the right fit to make sure that I am the planner for you and that you're the client for me, because we need that synergy. That has to be there first. So after we go there, then we start into building what the next steps look like. To go from there, pricing comes into what contracting terms look like, what exactly it is.
Dee McCoy
07:23 - 08:07
And then sometimes we hit a place and that's all we need. And then there's sometimes where we started on a path of, I just need this. And then the direction changed because now you see additional areas that I can offer assistance. Because while, yes, I do staging and table decor and things like that. If you need me to call the hotel and negotiate your entire contract, I can do that too. If you have, you know, I don't like the adage of champagne tastes and then, you know, kind of boxed wine budget. But if you are a more budget conscious person, I'm going to make sure that it looks like a champagne budget because everyone deserves to have that special moment, whether it's a conference, whether it's your wedding, your event is your event.
Dee McCoy
08:07 - 08:12
And I am the difference between an average event and an exceptional event.
Gresham Harkless
08:12 - 08:34
Absolutely. Absolutely. And I love that. And I love especially, you know, making sure that you do a lot of the work. It sounds like in the very beginning, like if I have that question, are you understanding if they're on the same page, if you're absolutely on the same page as far as like we are able to execute exactly what you want. And I love that as far as like the execution as well, too. So now I want to ask you for what I call your secret sauce. And this could be your unique selling proposition. What do you feel kind of distinguishes you or makes you unique?
Dee McCoy
08:34 - 09:05
So when I started my business, I knew what we were going to call it because it is me. I am the D in my business. My name is Desiree, and that's what the D is. My husband, however, was the driving force behind me actually taking the step. He is the first M in my business. The last M is our last name, McCoy, because together, this is what we do. This is who we are. If I need a wall built, he is going to build it. If I need, oh, I don't know if I want to make that phone call today.
Dee McCoy
09:05 - 09:37
I have a really difficult client. He is the one that's like, take time away from everything else. Find your space. Find your time. Do it. You know what it is you need to do. Go ahead and handle it. So that was easy. What was not as easy was defining my business. I knew what it was we do. I knew why we do it. But it was kind of what sets us apart. And one of my girlfriends was like, it's you. You're the difference. You are so detailed and so on top of, you have already thought of three more questions after you asked your first question.
Dee McCoy
09:37 - 10:11
And from there, that's where our tagline came. The difference is in the details. I am the difference, but the details, the attention to detail that I pay is what makes sure that every event that I am a part of whether I'm in charge of it, whether I'm behind the scenes, whether I'm an attendee, I am going to make sure that if I see something that isn't flowing right, I may overstep and say, hey, you guys know you should be doing this as opposed to this. Why don't you do? And then I will go back and say, hell no, I'm not running your event, but let me explain to you what I saw and what I did and why I did it.
Dee McCoy
10:11 - 10:22
Because I want you to know, I'm not trying to step on your toes. But I want your event to be flawless because when you're running an event, you don't see all of the things that happen all the time. If I see it, I'm going to say it.
Gresham Harkless
10:22 - 10:47
Right. No, I absolutely love that. And I love that because it's the details, but it's also the experience with the details, because I think you can be very detail oriented, have never run an event in your life and you don't really see all those details. So I really love that experience because I was just talking with somebody earlier and I was saying that I saw something on Instagram that said that I guess somebody paid a contractor to come and fix whatever it is that they need to get fixed that came. It took literally 10 minutes for them to turn a screw and figure out exactly what the issue was.
Gresham Harkless
10:47 - 11:05
But you didn't pay them for the 10 minutes. You paid them for the 10 years of experience that they had been learning how to turn that screw. So kind of sounds like the same thing. Absolutely. Awesome, awesome, awesome. So what I wanted to do was switch gears a little bit and ask you for what I call a CEO hack. And this might be an Apple book or a habit that you have, but it's something that makes you more effective and efficient.
Dee McCoy
11:05 - 11:35
So for me, time is one of the most important factors in my personal life, my professional life, and to my clients as well. In order to keep up with industry trends and things like that, you have to be on social media and have a social media presence. Social media can take up a lot of your time. For a business person, it has to be strategic. It has to be well thought out. But like I said, it takes up a lot of your time. That's your greatest commodity. So for me, it's an app that's called RecurPost.
Dee McCoy
11:36 - 12:11
And that's R-E-C-U-R, post. You can post to up to three social media platforms for free. You can schedule your posts out. You can go as far out as the app will let you. I have it scheduled to post on various different days at various different times based on, you know, the different algorithms of what time and day get the most hits and things like that. But the app will also prompt you on what it says are the best times. Sometimes these apps kind of talk to each other. So what I'll do occasionally is if it's telling me that that's the best time to post, I'll pick that time to see what happens.
Dee McCoy
12:11 - 12:18
And if that doesn't work, then I go back to what has shown is beneficial to my business on the different platforms. What that also does is it allows me
12:18 - 12:19
Dee McCoy
12:19 - 12:45
say I'm posting to Instagram and then the other two platforms that I use are Twitter and Google. It allows me to take that content. It reminds me to do it. So I know that it's that it's happening at that time. So it'll remind me to go to Instagram. It'll make sure that I'm not on my personal Instagram. I'm on my professional Instagram because I like to mix them when I want to. I don't want them to order. I don't want all of my posts about my business to come from my personal page. I like to talk about my personal stuff.
Dee McCoy
12:45 - 12:46
on my personal page.
Gresham Harkless
12:47 - 13:01
That makes perfect sense. It's kind of like your business can be open 24-7 even though you don't have to be up 24-7. Correct. Now I want to ask you my absolute favorite question, which is the definition of what it means to be a CEO. We're hoping to have different quote-unquote CEOs on the show, so I wanted to ask you, what does being a CEO mean to you?
Dee McCoy
13:01 - 13:34
So for me, you know, my business is events. That is my area of expertise. So the traditional definition of CEO is different for me because it kind of mirrors all of my passions. The C is for creative because, you know, when you think of an event, a workshop, the room that we're in, the flowers make it different. that brought in the creative. You're still here for a workshop, but it kind of brightens the room. It puts something different in it. This isn't just your average summit, so it shouldn't look like your average meeting room. You don't necessarily feel like you're in a meeting.
Dee McCoy
13:34 - 13:45
When we were setting up yesterday, the banquet staff saw all the florals and all the vases and were like, I thought this was like a workshop. It looks like a party. So that let me know that what my vision was
13:45 - 13:45
Dee McCoy
13:45 - 14:28
spot on. The E is for experience and events. I create epic experiences. My passion is events. So regardless of whether it's a workshop, a summit, a training, it is still an experience and it is an event. You came here for something transformative to happen. So I bring that in. And then the O is organizer. That is what I do. You came in for a creative event that was organized. Everything went according to a plan. We deviated a little bit, things changed around a little, but you still got everything that you came for. And that is where my definition of CEO differs from the traditional definition, but it is still in alignment with what a CEO is.
Gresham Harkless
14:28 - 14:42
Absolutely, absolutely. Because you need all those skills in order to execute and do everything that you need to do to be successful. So I absolutely love that definition. And I appreciate your time. I wanted to pass you the mic just to see if there was anything additional to let our readers and our listeners know and then how best they can find you.
Dee McCoy
14:42 - 15:19
The first thing that I'll say is to constantly be learning, learn your craft, hone your craft, become the expert. the person that people know when they think of whatever it is that you do, they think of you. They don't think of what you do, they think of you and know that you're gonna take that to the next level for them. And then always with that learning, learn something that pours back into you. This summit is not necessarily speaking to my event planning, my event management, but it's speaking to me. What I do with my events is I give everything I have.
Dee McCoy
15:20 - 15:51
to my events. It is a representation of me. But after I have poured all of that into that event, I need something to come back into me. This event and events like it pour back into me. They fill me back up so that my cup is now running over so the next event isn't taking everything out of me because I have poured back into myself. You have to constantly fill both of your houses. You have to fill the house that pours out, but then you have to constantly pour back into yourself because you can't give to somebody which you don't have yourself.
Gresham Harkless
15:52 - 15:59
Absolutely. I absolutely love that. That's a great reminder. Keep your cup full and keep your oxygen mask on. So people that want to get ahold of you, what's the best way for them to do that?
Dee McCoy
15:59 - 16:13
The best way to find me on social media platforms, whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, I'm on Snapchat, it's Events by MDMAssociate. You can also reach me via telephone at 240-390-6361. Awesome, awesome,
Gresham Harkless
16:14 - 16:24
awesome. And we'll have those links and information in the show notes as well so that anybody can just scroll down and find you and hear about all the awesome things that you're doing and hopefully book you as well too. So have a great rest of the day.
16:24 - 16:59
Thanks to you too. Want to level up your business even more? Read blogs, listen to podcasts, and watch videos at CBNation.co. Also, check out our I Am CEO Facebook group. This has been the I Am CEO podcast with Gresham Harkless Jr. Thank you for listening.
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